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Old 19-05-2017, 08:25 PM
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Re: Jakarta Massage/Spa

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
I checked with my Indo buddy.
No news report on raids yesterday.

Ayo false alarm lah!
Raids and checks by polisi have difference you know?
If real raid the local news will report on the operasi liao.

Anyway Ramadan is coming so staying a bit low profile doesn't hurt.
I will check with the manager, as it was the drug agency[BNN].
Why would classic manager warn their regulars customers, if it is a false alarm??
I was not there, so cannot speak very loudly about it.

Old 19-05-2017, 10:57 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Thanks for the review. I went to 1001 Pool twice last year, and felt that the quantity and quality of girls at Alexis far superior, so did not return. Perhaps they have increased the stocks? About how many girls did you see working?

When i went to 1001 before, i see maybe 15-20 local gals, and 10 imports (25-30 girls total). At Alexis, there are 30-40 locals, 20 Viet, 10 Chinese, 5 Thai, and 5 Euros (70-80 girls total); i have found the number of gals at Alexis to be consistently higher, and since the price is the same, if you don't care about the Pool facilities at 1001 i believe its better to goto Alexis as better chance to find a suitable girl to your tastes.
Sorry Just saw this. I didn't really count, but it's like 30+-, about 20 locals, and 10-15 imports from Vietnam, Uzbekistan, China. You're right, I don't remember seeing any Koreans/Japanese, but I'm not sure if they were not available for picking then or simply not existent. I felt the selection of local girls were quite good, and some (I guess Vietnamese) were quite a stunner.

I guess it just depends on our luck, i.e. timing?
Old 20-05-2017, 04:15 AM
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Re: Jakarta

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
Another boliao PM.

Can the Lokasari Plaza information counter desk part-timer Mas lost99 answer this?
Shit, the same spoon feeder also Bolaio PM me also for free hand holding advise

Originally Posted by BigBigDog

would like to ask if you have any recommendations for JKT?
I'm staying at Grand Tjokro, west JKT, but we don't mind finding personal transport.

Me and a friend are also looking around and may drop by Honey Massage and B'fashion

We will definitely post FRs after our visits, and would really appreciate any advice that you may have.

Thanks so much.
As threadstarter i get these bolaio PM all the time. If this 2013 member with 4 post never ever post a FR before in 4 years, what makes me think he will contribute if i help him? Think not.

For reputable member/contributor i usually help, but long-time members who never contribute only leach i usually ignore. Still waiting for any of these Charlies to pony up to $1000USD hand hold serwit But they only like my advices when it is free and they don't have to do anything at all. Welcome to 2017
Old 20-05-2017, 12:31 PM
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Jakarta Trip 2, for friendly information exchange

Hi bro,
For those that are very green to Jakarta, and looking for information without being criticism and juridical....
For those who have been there, knows the feeling of being lost, and is looking for some help.
So please do ask; no questions are too stupid nor too lazy....It will try to be answer as best as possible.

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 20-05-2017, 02:17 PM
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Arrow Jakarta

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Shit, the same spoon feeder also Bolaio PM me also for free hand holding advise

As threadstarter i get these bolaio PM all the time. If this 2013 member with 4 post never ever post a FR before in 4 years, what makes me think he will contribute if i help him? Think not.

For reputable member/contributor i usually help, but long-time members who never contribute only leach i usually ignore. Still waiting for any of these Charlies to pony up to $1000USD hand hold serwit But they only like my advices when it is free and they don't have to do anything at all. Welcome to 2017
Luckily I post out here so everyone can cross reference.

This joker is PM spamming the regular posters on this thread!
Old 20-05-2017, 10:44 PM
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Re: Jakarta Trip 2, for friendly information exchange

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
very generous lets see how long your patience lasts
Why would you say that???
We are here to share right??
Old 21-05-2017, 02:40 AM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Haven't posted anything for a while (very sorry) but I just have to share something since I had a good day today (I feel).

Reached jkt in the afternoon, and went to Travel first. Place was extremely dark (very poor lighting) and my plan was to have a quick one. Not many girls around at 2pm+ and was immediately intro-ed one cute looking cewek from Tangerang, Jkt. Talked for about 15 minutes and she intro-ed her friend.

1 girl damage 350, 2 girls 450.

But friend was not as cute as her so decided just whack her and head out do my other stuff later in the day.

Service was SOP so when ended i actually didn't want to tip her but she asked nicely and gave this innocent school girl look and I replied with a "you didn't do much look anyways". Nonetheless I just gave her 50 and left quite satisfied (wasn't expecting much for my first one anyways).

About 8pm+ headed out to Classic. For those who haven't been there it's usually quite packed on a Saturday. The front row tables in front of the sofas and stage are mostly reserved. Looked around for a table and got one behind (near the pool tables and a pole dancing platform) which was quite far from where most of the girls are.

Sat down ordered a large bintang and was enjoying the loud music and ambience. The dancers had started and were in thongs and topless. Few mamis came by to intro but I wanted to be myself first. About to order another bintang and one of the old mamis (look a bit like grandma but smokes - cool) intro-ed me a cutie and she immediately sat on my lap, a bit surprised cos I wasn't ready to pick yet nonetheless she said why don't u just have a chat with her (oh well can also la). Chit chat for a while and I reminded her almost 3 times if she had other guests she wants to find she can go ahead I'm still enjoying my drink - but she declined each time. Raba raba a bit den mami came again asked wanna have 2 girls (can also la just chit chat first). It was almost 9+ by now den mami asked me sit at sofa.. (what a nice gesture). Looking around I noticed those on sofas open bottle and I only had one large bintang (a bit paiseh) but what the hell. Chit chat raba raba both girls were friends one is from Jakarta and another Medan. Was a bit tipsy after 3 bottles and seeing that the crowd getting more and more at 10+pm decided to head to room.

Damage 550k for two girl, paid to mami.

Ok I've had not tt many threesomes before but this threesome was amazing (to me la). The best I can say.

Went inside room and suddenly realised how short both girls were. Like 1.55m or shorter. They washed me up good and I was expecting rather sop threesome. But no this was all out.

Both allowed me to French each other. Nothing much to describe but I could pump them however positions I wish (of cos no anal), finger them and French both which is quite satisfying to me (knowing ceweks usually cannot this cannot that). Maybe good thing both were friends. Came twice within two hours and it was almost midnight. Couldn't stop smiling and seeing how hardworking they were and nice i gave each 100k without them asking. They thanked me and I left a happy man.

Went to cashier to pay for drinks 3 bintang, 1 pocari sweat, 1 sampoerna red and 2 additional CDs about 300k.

Total damage for the day: about 1.5 juta. I
*always remember, no glove, no love*
Old 21-05-2017, 02:59 AM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

So sad.. I just kanna bad experience at Classic T2.. it's probably just the wrong girl.. Only takeaway was making a new Indo guy friend.. Haiz
Old 21-05-2017, 04:41 AM
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Re: Jakarta Trip 2, for friendly information exchange

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
So please do ask; no questions are too stupid nor too lazy....It will try to be answer as best as possible.
I will ask why i've seen so many warning about you as below before from original thread? whats your agenda?

Originally Posted by klguylate30s View Post

Again I'm repeating this for the sake of safety & to avoid being conned by this con artist@ aakumu/teteku & God knows what other clone nicks;

I'm so glad you pointed out to me & all forumers that you're were previously on Moderation! Guys you decide whom you wish to believe ??? Con Man with previously negative (xxx) points or Seniors with many years on the forum, well respected & above all +++ points! It shows who you should trust & whom you shouldn't!!! The Mods are doing thier job to protect the forum from such con man & let's keep it safe! I agree that the choice is yours to partake or to avoid but do think twice becoz your action may result in not only lost of hard earned $ from being conned to not only pay above market prices based on past FRs but more importantly would you trust your safety to a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum??? I definatly WONT!

Originally Posted by klguylate30s View Post
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LOL now he admits after being caught~!

A word of caution if you noticed by now this is a thread started by aakumu to promote an agent which i believe it's him personally based on the manner of his/agent/clone's posting & several mistakes including postings @ whereby he forgotten he's using aakumu nick and made a mistake & posted this & since he's under moderation for his many errors he tried to do some whitewashing by coming back with the following post @ . He is a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum!!!

Be very cautious when reading postings or recommendations from this thread as it could be him/his clones (proven @ ) only to promote his fake services & be WARNED guys just imagine if you take his tour & he doesn't like your face = you may end up in BIG TROUBLE instead of being assisted! I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN SERVICES! Please read the links to judge what kind of a pretender he is! Please feel free to contact seniors with reputable points for verification instead of those with immense negative points!

The constant postings by me is because he has issued physical threats to the other tour agent even though he wasn't involved in this as a few seniors started questioning him as to why he posted a FR which was copied & edited & posted as his own! Reference of a senior who caught his mistake @ Please visit the other Jakarta thread for a non commercial@ & you may save yourself from being cheated & abused physically by this conman if he doesn't like you! I will continue to protect innocent fellow SBF members from this dangerous person!
Old 21-05-2017, 02:05 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Hi anyone wanna link up?Staying at Pullman Thamrin!
Old 21-05-2017, 07:16 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by mahlerkay View Post

On your question about 20 lady drinks.... It is officially for naked BJ, but I have got FJ on multiple occasions, it is solely the girl's discretion. Do bring your own condom in case, because it won't be provided, if the dancer wants to fuck, she will fuck you raw...
I signed up for this board after lurking on and off for many years just to respond to this post.

Thanks for this tip. I have visited Malio many times over the past year or so. I have taken many dancers to the hotel room, but I always avoided the BJ rooms upstairs because I usually prefer sex. Not just a BJ.

Anyway, I decided to try it out on a recent weekend. I actually negotiated it before hand with the dancer (I speak a little Indonesian) and made it clear I wanted sex in the room. She agreed so we went up.

It was certainly cheaper than going to the hotel. But the sessions in the hotel are a lot better. Less rushed and more sensual. I have always found the sessions at Malio with the dancers, despite the high price, to be of very good quality with full on deep french kissing, BBBJ, and pretty good sex with hot ladies.

The BJ room session on the second floor behind the curtains was rushed a little. And the lady was constantly stopping the session because she was scared we might be caught by a waiter or papi.

Regardless, I was able to do my business. The session wasn't as soon as the hotel sessions I have had. It was more like a naughty quicky, all for the price of 20 ladies drinks at 65K each.

I like the quality of the dancers and sessions at Malio. And that is why I keep going back. But one thing that annoys me to no end is the constant begging from the staff for tips.

Tip the waiter/waitress who writes 20 lady drinks on a ticket? Why? They didn't do anything for me? They charged me money. Why would I tip someone for writing 20 drinks on a ticket and handing it to the dancer?

Tip the papi, mami? Why. They are not fucking me?

Tip the security guys as I leave? Why? They are there to make sure I don't skip out on the bill. Not to protect me.

Tip the guys that stand outside the hotel room for supposedly cleaning the room. I can kind of see this. But its their job.

I will tip a lady for servicing me and also a waiter/waitress who takes good care of me in the bar.

But the incessant tip requests really annoys me. They are essentially just begging for money, which I find off putting. If my sessions with the ladies weren't mind blowingly good, I would probably avoid Malio because of all this begging. And I never get this treatment at King Cross, which is supposedly run by the same ownership group. I like King Cross a lot. And actually prefer it to Malio. But the Malio sessions and hot ladies keep my going back.

Wondering how any other board members treat this? Do you tip all these guys? I mostly just ignore them. But it still annoys me having to run the tip gauntlet every time I am there.
Old 22-05-2017, 12:01 AM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Have not post for long time.
Was at Classic T2 yesterday night with kaki.
Two of mine kaki order same drinks but were bill differently. One pay more than other. We were not given receipt. Only a boarding pass. Think next time should ask for receipt.
Old 22-05-2017, 08:13 AM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by AngMohinSing View Post
Wondering how any other board members treat this? Do you tip all these guys? I mostly just ignore them. But it still annoys me having to run the tip gauntlet every time I am there.
Since I live in the US I have a different perspective of tipping, as it is normal here and the service industry relies on tipping as part of their salary to survive. The staff at Malio dont make much money there, less than 50k/day. So If you can afford to open bottles and fuck girls at Malio, you shouldn't be so stingy to complain about small tips totalling only $10-15. If that small amount of money honestly bothers you, you should go to Classic instead where you won't be harassed.

Generally, I keep track of my main sofa waiters and give each abt 50k at end of night for serving/pouring drinks and prevent boliao gers invade my space looking for LDs (some times more if they are very good). For other random waiters who just do small things, I keep small 10k/20k notes for them if I like them. Doormen, and pushy/greedy waiters who ask for tips for doing nothing I ignore.

Difficult to avoid staff looking for tips at Malio, especially if you sit sofa, but that's the price you have to pay to have fun there in a classy environment. But if your mentality is that paying a small $ of tips is going to ruin your evening, you shouldn't go there at all. There are many other budget options you could goto instead.
Old 22-05-2017, 11:02 AM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Originally Posted by AngMohinSing View Post
I like the quality of the dancers and sessions at Malio. And that is why I keep going back. But one thing that annoys me to no end is the constant begging from the staff for tips.

Wondering how any other board members treat this? Do you tip all these guys? I mostly just ignore them. But it still annoys me having to run the tip gauntlet every time I am there.
Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Difficult to avoid staff looking for tips at Malio, especially if you sit sofa, but that's the price you have to pay to have fun there in a classy environment. But if your mentality is that paying a small $ of tips is going to ruin your evening, you shouldn't go there at all. There are many other budget options you could goto instead.
The problem with them is, once you start tipping one of them, they will bring their whole kampung over. Supervisor/captain/manager etc etc

Eventually the whole tipping can go out of control and it's not really a small amount if you sit from 11pm to 2am (There were times I paid about 1mil in tips when I was drunk and couldn't really remember who took and what not)

Sometimes it's not really about the $$, I can be feeling generous but it's just plain irritating when they keep coming over, opening the curtain and try to find opportunities to get tips from you. Very much like flies to a pile of dung.. (i'm the dung in this case )

During my last trip there, I got so fed up that I literally went off at them because I want to spend some quality time with my dancer. Told them to only come back when I call for bill, and not tip anyone prior to that.

That works to a certain extent, but if you wanna avoid tipping altogether, skip the sofa. Or just ask the dancer to come over to your hotel either before or after work.
Old 22-05-2017, 01:22 PM
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

Just touched Down jakarta and staying at kemamg~ Any bro mind to bring me.for some adventure tomorrow ?
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