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Old 18-06-2011, 01:32 AM
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Re: Tommy Tommy Tommy

Errr, ANYBODY can do better than the PAP in terms of new/social media now

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
not to worry i always say: "cream always rises to the top" if this mm u tried is truly worth a bonk...then i am pretty sure she has already been outed r shall eventually becum outed to those in the know...

as for Tommy...this perm haired dude sld know better by now...puhleaze lah Tommy...even PAP now hving great difficulty dealing n manipulating new/social media for its own u think a pimp n his buddies can do better?!
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
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Old 18-06-2011, 02:58 PM
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Exclamation The Difference between Doomas n Cuntking

think u r under a misconception here bro...

it is obvious that chaps like u n Norigo(before) n Kaixin(before) r seasoned chiongsters who were n r comfortable wif Tommy's svcs n call it like u c it...i doubt anybody wld hv any problems wif this...

furthermore i also doubt anybody wld hv any problems wif OKTs marketing their hses n mms(now whether AV wld be happy is another thing altogether eh?!)...this is already acceptable practice even in the local WL/FL thread...although i still note quite afew 'helpful friends' of local WLs/FLs in that thread...

what i found n still continue to find troubling n irritating is when an OKT tries to market n promote on the a dubious n so called subtle fashion to try n lure in clientele...especially newbie clientele...

in this regard it is quite obvious that Cuntking has apparently played some role in marketing n promoting Tommy's hse n mms in SBF...while all along merely trying to act as the goody two shoes 'helpful' n knowledgeable seasoned GL150 chiongster...why the need to put on this silly lame masquerade?...

Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
If you don't like it, then don't patronise 1612 then. Ain't nothing wrong in marketing for 1612 unless the FRs for there are fake, which they ain't coz I also tried them. Other joints also have their die hard supporters. Go and tekan them also lar.

I have followed Tommy from 1637 to 1612 (some even from 3033). So far his hit rate for recommendations are in the 90s. No harm in marketing such a fella who knows and has the right tools for our tools.

I suppose now I'll be accused of getting FOC fucks or a cut from earnings. Whatever, I don't care as long as I cum happily.

Old 19-06-2011, 01:47 AM
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Re: The Difference between Doomas n Cuntking

Honestly speaking, heart on my sleeve, I don't see anything wrong with such marketing which is already so prevalent in the world we live in. Every company tries to position (read: masquerade) itself as the premier vendor of choice and lure clientele into their parlour i.e. it's not only a fundamental marketing instrument but also a core philosophy behind every aspect of human activity since the dawn of mankind. Eg in courtship every man markets his ability to provide and satisfy to his woman to keep her tied to him; in international economics every country markets to keep the balance of trade in their favour (within reasonable limits tho); in ancient courts (and in modern cabinets around the world) courtiers market (and scheme)to keep imperial favour shining on them.

Economically speaking, it makes no difference where you call the WL from, since the objective is to cum, and cum mightily. In any case the gal, her homebase, the driver and the outbase all get their cut.

Strangely enough, I was in another cathouse in Lorong 18 a while back; they know about this forum and also told me that if I were to ever write about the WL I called, to not reveal her homebase.

I have my own opinion of the marketing tactics employed here but at the end of the day, if AV doesn't object (too violently) then it's a valid marketing tool in the industry, and if the other OKTs are not adept enough to employ it then it's their loss.

To me, let the marketeers market. We just need to fuck, no need to think so much


Originally Posted by omnia View Post
think u r under a misconception here bro...

it is obvious that chaps like u n Norigo(before) n Kaixin(before) r seasoned chiongsters who were n r comfortable wif Tommy's svcs n call it like u c it...i doubt anybody wld hv any problems wif this...

furthermore i also doubt anybody wld hv any problems wif OKTs marketing their hses n mms(now whether AV wld be happy is another thing altogether eh?!)...this is already acceptable practice even in the local WL/FL thread...although i still note quite afew 'helpful friends' of local WLs/FLs in that thread...

what i found n still continue to find troubling n irritating is when an OKT tries to market n promote on the a dubious n so called subtle fashion to try n lure in clientele...especially newbie clientele...

in this regard it is quite obvious that Cuntking has apparently played some role in marketing n promoting Tommy's hse n mms in SBF...while all along merely trying to act as the goody two shoes 'helpful' n knowledgeable seasoned GL150 chiongster...why the need to put on this silly lame masquerade?...
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
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I do not care for points + I do not log in much now. But if you have upped me and I have not upped you back, pls PM me. Thks
Old 19-06-2011, 02:30 AM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

you guys very chim...

simple thing...don't like, then don't can refer to the avilable FRs here on the gals and get them elsewhere...likely to be accurate also...and if it's so..then we have to also give tommy credit...or you can just choose to ignore all these FRs and 1612.

on a side note....a brother here read my comments on sisi and went to her 7 early 8 early today to try her today..who ah? how's the hot hot ( literally ) Sisi today?

Old 19-06-2011, 03:15 PM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by vtbs View Post
Hi bro may i know sisi home base...thx
Lor 16 house 12, beside lor 16 Hotel 81
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Old 19-06-2011, 03:21 PM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by BTech View Post
How is this house compared to 1654A - girls and also environment?
Both house gals visits each other house quite a bit, both OKTs are on good terms.

Environment wise 54A is a brighter & simple concept while 12 is a cozy place to hang out & diff rooms have diff concepts. 54A is cleaner but the rooms are too near the hall while 12 offers more private rooms to bonk.

So to each his own
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

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Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 19-06-2011, 03:26 PM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by kwh79 View Post
wow... then i better go and take a look. a little high class vibe with black hair... if i take her and xiu xiu together, will i die cock standing?
Originally Posted by faithevans View Post
you guys very chim...

simple thing...don't like, then don't can refer to the avilable FRs here on the gals and get them elsewhere...likely to be accurate also...and if it's so..then we have to also give tommy credit...or you can just choose to ignore all these FRs and 1612.

on a side note....a brother here read my comments on sisi and went to her 7 early 8 early today to try her today..who ah? how's the hot hot ( literally ) Sisi today?

Hmmm I wonder is it bro kwh .... anyway she already has her regular pool of customers and a super regular fan, so no big deal .... anway she is on RED leave, so the rest have to wait ...errr bro faithevans, wait how long?
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

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Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 19-06-2011, 03:28 PM
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Re: Long Q for BoBo

Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
Haha, Bobo changed hairstyle yesterday. Saw her today and I immediately hormat senjata
So did you enjoy your live firing? hahaha

I always see her braless after work .... wow those bouncing milk balls .. steam!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

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Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 19-06-2011, 03:35 PM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by cuntking View Post
Hmmm I wonder is it bro kwh .... anyway she already has her regular pool of customers and a super regular fan, so no big deal .... anway she is on RED leave, so the rest have to wait ...errr bro faithevans, wait how long?
knn...I 7 early 8 early come here trying to get her before the tides come...but she on her way out shopping....
Old 19-06-2011, 03:37 PM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by faithevans View Post
knn...I 7 early 8 early come here trying to get her before the tides come...but she on her way out shopping....

I think she should be back in action about the 25th...need to tie rubberband liao
Old 19-06-2011, 03:40 PM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by faithevans View Post
knn...I 7 early 8 early come here trying to get her before the tides come...but she on her way out shopping....
Originally Posted by faithevans View Post
I think she should be back in action about the 25th...need to tie rubberband liao
LOL ... you KC King meh .. follow me to other place to "steal eat" lor
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

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Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 19-06-2011, 04:03 PM
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Re: Long Q for BoBo

I saw her bra-less yesterday evening...that plus Ting Ting purposely wriggling her ass in my face as she walked past me on the sofa...I had to retreat from 1612 before being compelled to spend $$$

Originally Posted by cuntking View Post
So did you enjoy your live firing? hahaha

I always see her braless after work .... wow those bouncing milk balls .. steam!
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
My FRs are based on my experiences paid for by my hard earned salary. I do not get paid a single cent for them.
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Old 19-06-2011, 04:31 PM
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Re: Long Q for BoBo

Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
I saw her bra-less yesterday evening...that plus Ting Ting purposely wriggling her ass in my face as she walked past me on the sofa...I had to retreat from 1612 before being compelled to spend $$$
You weak lah ... LOL
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 20-06-2011, 12:02 AM
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Re: GL Newest Party Joint!

Originally Posted by cuntking View Post
Hmmm I wonder is it bro kwh .... anyway she already has her regular pool of customers and a super regular fan, so no big deal .... anway she is on RED leave, so the rest have to wait ...errr bro faithevans, wait how long?
nope, not me. haven't stepped foot there for a few weeks already.
Old 20-06-2011, 12:18 PM
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Re: The Difference between Doomas n Cuntking

k bro...understand where u r cumming fm...n appreciate yr replies...

however...when it cums to Tommy/1612 n Cuntking in SBF...let's just say that we agree to disagree eh

happy hunting, bonking, cumming n be safe...!

peace be wif u
Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
Honestly speaking, heart on my sleeve, I don't see anything wrong with such marketing which is already so prevalent in the world we live in. Every company tries to position (read: masquerade) itself as the premier vendor of choice and lure clientele into their parlour i.e. it's not only a fundamental marketing instrument but also a core philosophy behind every aspect of human activity since the dawn of mankind. Eg in courtship every man markets his ability to provide and satisfy to his woman to keep her tied to him; in international economics every country markets to keep the balance of trade in their favour (within reasonable limits tho); in ancient courts (and in modern cabinets around the world) courtiers market (and scheme)to keep imperial favour shining on them.

Economically speaking, it makes no difference where you call the WL from, since the objective is to cum, and cum mightily. In any case the gal, her homebase, the driver and the outbase all get their cut.

Strangely enough, I was in another cathouse in Lorong 18 a while back; they know about this forum and also told me that if I were to ever write about the WL I called, to not reveal her homebase.

I have my own opinion of the marketing tactics employed here but at the end of the day, if AV doesn't object (too violently) then it's a valid marketing tool in the industry, and if the other OKTs are not adept enough to employ it then it's their loss.

To me, let the marketeers market. We just need to fuck, no need to think so much

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