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Old 16-08-2006, 12:58 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi all,

I'm wondering any fun place near to Jakarta Marriott. I'm currently staying in here.

Please help as I'm not familiar with Jakarta.

Old 16-08-2006, 02:13 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by thaivisitor

Here's a pic of their last visit to Hatyai. Guess you must be able to know who from that smile.

Tee Vee

Hahahaha... SMS to come and take a look leh...

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Old 16-08-2006, 03:28 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
Anybody going to Afterhours for the Pool competiton tonite?

I should be there by 3 pm.... See u there ya..

Go and watch you lose??? hahaha....
But I heard that all our kakis lost on Mon's game ya?
Next time got tournament again tell me earlier mah, so I can prepare time and make a trip over for the game...
Happy Bataming
Old 16-08-2006, 03:30 PM
juggernutt juggernutt is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info


Just came back from Jakarta...just love this place.

So much to do/see and so little time.
My friends had plans for trying different classes. From the low end till the hi end.
But again due to time constraints...only did the cheap route. But actually that's no problem, because I always prefer local talent. After china....i am not so 'desperate' for chinese. And funny thing was.. guys I was with agree that the indo chicks had better tighter bodies than the local chinese gals!!

We started the day playing a lil pool. Man I suck at it.
Than off we went to lokasari area. Like always started off at TC. I really met a beautifull gal there. A real barbie lookalike from indramayu. She was just perfectly proportioned. I give her a 8/9. In TC due to it's darkness tuff to really judge a gal to find any imperfections.
She had long hair, with a pretty elfinlike face with thick luscious lips and huge eyes. But her body was a wonder to behold..IMO just perfect. Rare for an asian big tits and a tight round bouncy ass.
She said she was 19...but IMHO if she said she was younger i'd believe.

But what surprised me was her service level. She was not a real pro like u get in dongguan..far from it. But her sweet disposition and plain enthusiasm to please was incredible. She gave me a great a blowjob and fucked her in a few positions. SHe was so tiny and tight i was able to fuck her helicopterstyle.

Had a nice chat afterward...told me she was just in 1 month working to payoff a 15 juta debt(that cheap!!) Has 2 younger sisters.
You know if I was living in JKT I'd use her for help in house and as a fucktoy.

Anyway damage:

entry 20k
room + service 210K
Tip 50K(Heard this was quite much)
Longtime..whole day or 3 hours tapau is also possible. IMO like 280/400k. Forgot it.

After joining my friends they wanted to show me a new place for budget fucks(we were still thinking that we are just ecploring the cheap fucks in jkt and next day trying the higher class ones)
The place was at BANDUNGAN near jembatan Tiga/Pluit. Near a ruko area are like 4 KO/Massage places. The price here is even cheaper than in mabes area.
All in incl decent room 175k pro or 195k for FL. its definitely the cheapest place i have ever been in....and there are surely some gems to be found.Most of them were already busy with customers. IMO if the mamie know you...I think you get the best choices here.
Becoz i just had my fuck...was kinda chilling out when another local caught my eye. Looked so fresh and sweet.
Called her over and started to check her out. Her sweet innoncence was what caught my eye. SHe was a less than the TC gal. 7/8...8 if you like the syt.

We went upstairs and on the way up the mamie told me in confidence that she was just in for 2 weeks. VERY VERY inexperienced if you get my drift.
To me the other gal looked younger... The gal was so sweet and innoncent. Trying to talk tuff and adult....but you know....all just superficial.She was just copying her much older 21 yo sister who was also working here.

Her body and certainly her pussy can't lie. Never seen anything something so innocent and sweet.
The gal kept blabbing and refused to give a BJ and only did missionary. She even refused DATY. LOL.But no matter I was so hot right now I fucked her hard. No need for foreplay. Jeez..she was so tiny. My poor lil didi.

Man you gotta love it. All my friends enjoyed there time here.
Maybe some bros can give more info than me on this place...I think budgetwise this place is impossible to beat.
Not so cheap I guess as the kampung spots...but it's cleaner than TC and cheaper.

Anyway I love the batak gals..anyone know where to find them? I love those white skinned locals.

Sadly due to time constrained weren't able to try other spots out...certainly the higher ranged establishments.
Old 16-08-2006, 04:46 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Batam Man
Go and watch you lose??? hahaha....
But I heard that all our kakis lost on Mon's game ya?
Next time got tournament again tell me earlier mah, so I can prepare time and make a trip over for the game...

I reserve and did not play.

We lost all 5 games.. Sigh... The competition is till Sept 16 on every Wed and Monday. U can still make it... Since we have the same name.... Your name is on the board leh.... Minus the surname of course....

Our best player.... P*** lost 2 - 0 in 9 ball u know?? Sigh.......

Anyway... It's 5 players per team plus a lady.. The game is

1) Lady single 9 balls
2) Man Single 9 balls
3) Man Single 8 balls
4) Mix double 8 balls
5) Man double 8 balls.

There are 8 teams and I hope we make it to the semi-final at least....

So u have some times.... if u interested.

Anyway..... they are playing tonite and I would not be playing on Wed since I am representing the expat of one of the bar for the Jakartapool league also played every Wed in 16 different pubs every week all over Jakarta.... It's 6 months to complete Since there would be 500 over players involved.

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Old 16-08-2006, 05:25 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
I reserve and did not play.

We lost all 5 games.. Sigh... The competition is till Sept 16 on every Wed and Monday. U can still make it... Since we have the same name.... Your name is on the board leh.... Minus the surname of course....

Our best player.... P*** lost 2 - 0 in 9 ball u know?? Sigh.......

Anyway... It's 5 players per team plus a lady.. The game is

1) Lady single 9 balls
2) Man Single 9 balls
3) Man Single 8 balls
4) Mix double 8 balls
5) Man double 8 balls.

There are 8 teams and I hope we make it to the semi-final at least....

So u have some times.... if u interested.

Anyway..... they are playing tonite and I would not be playing on Wed since I am representing the expat of one of the bar for the Jakartapool league also played every Wed in 16 different pubs every week all over Jakarta.... It's 6 months to complete Since there would be 500 over players involved.


Who's the lady in the team?
P***'s wife??
So P*** = best player of the team???
Ok, let the best of the best player help the team, I will try to come for 2 games Mon and Wed, so must stay for 3 nites ya.
Let me think of some story to tella my CO 1st deh......
Happy Bataming
Old 16-08-2006, 05:49 PM
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Question Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Bro_di_di
Bro your hotel spa usually the facilities is free one if you stay in the hotel. My recommandation take a cab to this place call 'Travel' it use to be a casino now become massage spa, but say only its sex only. but the girls cheap and good. 280,000 all in. fucking cheap the price. n dun worry not low class one, is open by one of the indo weathest man, thats y so cheap. To them 'travel' is pronous as - Tra Fur , dun say in english travel they blur....

Anyone knows where is this place located ???? Not too sure all the cabs knows this place.
Old 16-08-2006, 06:09 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Batam Man
Who's the lady in the team?
P***'s wife??
So P*** = best player of the team???
Ok, let the best of the best player help the team, I will try to come for 2 games Mon and Wed, so must stay for 3 nites ya.
Let me think of some story to tella my CO 1st deh......

No lah... It's one of the PR there... Name Ko***... She is the 3rd best lady player there.......

KNN..... Not much time left u know.... Each team play 7 games only and u have 2 weeks left before the semi starts...

They have a website but I forgot the name... it's related to the black beer,, guiness...they sponsor...

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Old 16-08-2006, 06:19 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by juggernutt

Just came back from Jakarta...just love this place.

After joining my friends they wanted to show me a new place for budget fucks(we were still thinking that we are just ecploring the cheap fucks in jkt and next day trying the higher class ones)

The place was at BANDUNGAN near jembatan Tiga/Pluit. Near a ruko area are like 4 KO/Massage places. The price here is even cheaper than in mabes area.
All in incl decent room 175k pro or 195k for FL.

Maybe some bros can give more info than me on this place...I think budgetwise this place is impossible to beat.

Never call me?????????????????????????

There are about 6 or 8 such places in that complex .. Not many people actually know about it.....hehehehehe.....

The best there, I forgot the name got a nice lounge and dance floor....

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Old 17-08-2006, 01:51 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi all,

Quick stay at Sheraton Bandara but arriving about 10.30pm. I know it's far from anything but I'm kinda keen on taking a cab to wherever that the action is. Question is how safe it is! Chinese bloke wit a bit of local lingo knowledge so I guess that's some extra measure?

Anyway, any info for LT would be great seeing as it's so far! Was told to try hitting BATS at da Shang?

Thanks ahead of any helpful posts! Cheers!
Old 17-08-2006, 01:56 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by muncher
Hi all,

Quick stay at Sheraton Bandara but arriving about 10.30pm. I know it's far from anything but I'm kinda keen on taking a cab to wherever that the action is. Question is how safe it is! Chinese bloke wit a bit of local lingo knowledge so I guess that's some extra measure?

Anyway, any info for LT would be great seeing as it's so far! Was told to try hitting BATS at da Shang?

Thanks ahead of any helpful posts! Cheers!
Huh... Are bringing a plane in???

Nearest is Dadat but guess u might not find it.....

Otherwise.... Go to Mongomas at Kelapa Garding... Very near and cheap..

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Old 17-08-2006, 12:13 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info


Haha! good one! no, just a short layover so staying near airport.

thanks for your recommendations. much appreciated. btw, they all massage places or can i tp from there? will try anyway.

Old 17-08-2006, 03:50 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by kingkong959
Anyone knows where is this place located ???? Not too sure all the cabs knows this place.
The address is at Mangga Besar 8
Tropical SPA (021) 6327435/36
Emporivm SPA (021) 3521133 KTV (021) 3521122
Old 17-08-2006, 03:59 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
Huh... Are bringing a plane in???

Nearest is Dadat but guess u might not find it.....

Otherwise.... Go to Mongomas at Kelapa Garding... Very near and cheap..

By the time he got there the place would be closed already, and Kelapa Gading is very far away from the airport at least 40KM, its better to go to Mangga Besar 8, Travel Hotel or Bintang Mawar or Madonna Club at Mangga Besar 9. They closed a bit late and also closer than Kelapa Gading, probably about 32 KM. taxi fare would be around 100K one way.
Tropical SPA (021) 6327435/36
Emporivm SPA (021) 3521133 KTV (021) 3521122
Old 17-08-2006, 04:13 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

I'm going to be in Jakarta from Aug. 24-31, so if anyone wants to meet up to party and meet some ladies, drop me a message!
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