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Old 05-09-2017, 02:47 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Here are 10 powerful tips to get you started.

Number 10

Uncover the source of Sexual Confidence

Sexual Confidence comes as a result of knowing how to give a woman mind-blowing pleasure. It’s the confidence that the woman you’re with will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with you. It’s knowing all the steps -- from the first eye contact all the way to the “end game” -- and knowing how to build ANTICIPATION at every step along the way. Start by practicing my “two steps forward, one step back” technique by escalating things, then backing off, then escalating further, then backing off again. The anticipation and arousal this creates will drive her INSANE. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Number 1

Get in touch with the animal inside

A woman wants a man who’s in touch with his inner ANIMAL. If he’s overly logical, overly analytical, overly controlled, overly educated, it shows a woman that he cannot let the animal out. At an instinctive level, a woman knows that this means she won’t be able to FEEL anything strong toward him, and she knows he won’t be able to arouse any sexual feelings inside of her. Study, get to know, make friends with, and DEVELOP the animal inside you. Educating yourself in this area is one of the most important things you can do to take your Sexual Confidence to the next level.


Bro WB

I was so keen to read the above post that I read it 3 times. Howver only wish to comment on 2 points above.

Sexual confidence is all about how you can position your own image to the target gal who you are trying to have sex. Sex is always not in the mind until the gal was aroused upon seeing you and felt wetness in her Peach Blossom Hole.

Very true that once the gal was interested, she also love the animal instinct which you showed your prowess and made her look like a little kitten. Give her hard and best sex if possible and she will always remember and urge for you.

This thread had been gaining from strength to strength and the comments posted was priceless. Some experiences share here were truly amazing.

Please continue this thread as long as possible so that benefits more guys.

Have a great week.
Old 05-09-2017, 03:23 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Is regular PVO enough to get her sexually addicted to u and only u? No, by itself it's not enough. You must anchor her intense pleasure during PVO specifically to you and only u hahaha. Hint: Start by giving her a nick that no one else knows, not even her mom haha.

A word of warning. If u are successfully in getting ur type of girls emotionally n sexually addicted to u and u don't hv any KC for them, very soon u will be bored w/ them. They will become clingy n desperate n it could be very difficult to get rid of them. That is when ur nightmare begins. Some of them might become homicidal and/or suicidal...don't do it on the wrong girls! Try to make it a win-win situation.

Bro deathnitez brought up the subject of not giving any money to women. It should work well for for non-WLs. But you usually must spend some money to get WLs in bed, at least initially.

IMHO, a man should not give any extra money or buy gifts for their women unless they hv earned it. Say no to them whenever it's appropriate to do so. Do not care abt what they think or how they will react. They can take it or leave it. Actually saying no and ignoring them increase their attraction for him.


Bro WB
Bro WB

Reading your thread had became my latest habit recently. I was finding time here and there to give myself excuse to read.

This will be my first time comment here.

Gal loves PVOs and lots of the PVOs. Nothing can replace it.

When gal gets clingy and desperate then very dangerous game. Any break up may result in suicide and can be headline news in the local dailies. So need to really careful and not worth it to go thru them.

I hope bro continue to post more and I shall continue to read more.

Wish you all the best and young always.

Old 05-09-2017, 07:20 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by muccel View Post
Bro WB

Reading your thread had became my latest habit recently. I was finding time here and there to give myself excuse to read.

This will be my first time comment here.

Gal loves PVOs and lots of the PVOs. Nothing can replace it.

When gal gets clingy and desperate then very dangerous game. Any break up may result in suicide and can be headline news in the local dailies. So need to really careful and not worth it to go thru them.

I hope bro continue to post more and I shall continue to read more.

Wish you all the best and young always.

Great thread here.

Bro WB please continue to share and we continue to learn.

Have a good week ahead.
Old 06-09-2017, 12:11 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Good afternoon,

I know a guru from Gotham City who recently told me about 3 mindset switches that will have you getting laid like a rockstar.

Switch #1: Have an abundance mindset

Switch #2: Women are easy

Switch #3: Women love sex.

I couldn't agree w/ him more.


Bro WB
Good afternoon Bro WB

Your guru very powerful to teach all these excellent pointers.

I love points 2 and 3. Cannot agreed more.

Hope you guide us more here.

Will be checking your thread daily.

Old 07-09-2017, 11:39 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

In addition to awesome self confidence/mastery, a man needs a super positive mindset plus the right strategies n techniques to become very good w/ women. Of course he must be physically n emotionally very fit and he also has to practice diligently...

The challenge is to get a young, pretty SYT of ur type sexually n emotionally addicted to you. But make sure she has good self esteem n is physically/emotionally healthy. She must be someone who doesn't hv a deprived/neglected childhood n who is not the addictive type. Otherwise you could get into a lot of troubles.

Bro WB
Bro WB

Fully agreed with your teachings above.

Many of my friends failed badly because they lack of confidence and postive thinking with gals.

The 2nd point above also very true. Came across quite a few gals who was abused in their early childhoods. These gals had nightmares when they sleep and will sometimes behave irrational. These gals are suicidal and may hurt themselves by cutting their wrists.

Please continue to share more for us.

Have a great day.

Old 07-09-2017, 08:54 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Excellent thread by bro WB, support!!
Old 07-09-2017, 10:39 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Just came across this wonderful thread by bro WB.

Please continue sharing your experiences with us.

Have a great weekend.

Old 08-09-2017, 10:08 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Could it possibly be true that the women you see

as "beautiful" or even "sexy" really AREN'T?


The simple fact that they've got makeup and more ways to
"accessorize" than we do should make that pretty obvious, actually.

Nevertheless, my challenge to you is this: The next time you find
a woman particularly sexy, go ahead and try to look BENEATH her
stylish threads, her hairstyle, her makeup and even her personality

Would this woman still be as HOT and SEXY to you if she didn't have
all of that going for her?

Seriously, a number of women you may perceive as "hot" aren't
really all that physically beautiful. But yes...they do the best
with what they've got.

Go ahead and put what I'm saying to the test with a few women in
your social circle. And when you've seen the light, go ahead and
readily apply the logic you've verified to YOUR OWN situation.

Likewise, do the best with what you've got and prepare to be
SHOCKED by the real, tangible difference it all makes.

Bro warbird, the above post from ang moh guru was fantastic. I was reading and raving as well. I couldn't agree more.

In my past, I had the opportunity to sleep with some of the hottest women only to find that some of them was such ugly pigs in the morning after I became sober. Wonder who this witch sleeping next to me on the first morning light.

True that cosmetics makeup and alcohol does wonder to guys, The alcohol can make any ordinary gal looked hot.

I also want to highlight some of these gals were stunk bad smell in the morning and we always get the hell out quickly.

Please share more here so that more brothers will benefit from you.

Have a good weekend coming up.
Old 08-09-2017, 10:31 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Actually, the tactics work. KTV gals or otherwise. Here’s why:

Women are very very smart creatures. They can sense what you want. They have a sixth sense. They know you want to get into their… er… good books. And they know all the guys are doing the same. (I’m talking about the highly desirable women). Ever wonder why they play hard to get? Why they also say “treat them mean and keep them keen”? They have seen it all – you are just another one of those guys. Guys who flock to them and become their slaves. They are bored. Yawn. So how do you beat the competition? How do you one-up the rest of the guys? By trying even harder? Be even nicer?

Why not try doing things differently? Stand out. Just like everything else in life. There’s a saying that goes: “if you do what most people do, you’ll end up like most people” or something to that effect. Warren Buffett is rich because he does exactly the opposite of what others do. He said the secret to becoming rich is to “be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful”. You see? Do the opposite. Be a contrarian.

Disagree with her. Every guy who wants to leave a good impression will never dare think of disagreeing with her. So she becomes uninspired and very very bored. It becomes a habit and she EXPECTS every guy to agree with her. Do the opposite and she immediately sits up and listens. Women want someone who can sweep them off their feet – not someone who agrees with every single thing they say. She wants someone with character, not a yes-man. But don’t be an idiot and disagree with her on everything lah.

Flirting with other women. Too many nice guys around her. Just like us men, women don’t like men to be too clingy. But women want to conquer men. Best if you could get other women to flirt with you. Then she will immediately be on her toes. But don’t overdo the flirting.

Get sexual early on. As above – differentiate yourself from the competition. That is the key, the gist of it.
Bro WB,

I agreed with bro FA and said his method will work.

I hope you dun mind me posting some very old post and comment. I just started reading and hope to contribute my thoughts too.

Gal are funny animal and will do the reverse. Never tell a gal what she doing is wrong. The gal will still proceed to do.

Will continue reading and only page 100+ and still long long way.

Have a great Friday hugging.

Old 08-09-2017, 11:32 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Just started reading and very impressed with this thread.

Bro WB, please continue to share.

Have an enjoyable weekend.

Old 08-09-2017, 04:11 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support excellent thread by bro WB
Old 09-09-2017, 09:01 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

This is an opportunity to BUMP Up this most impressive thread and to fulfil my promise to Bro Warbird to contribute my two cents here.

As I have been on a hiatus I had to do some catch up reading here to get a sense of the current trajectory of this thread. For now, let me just say a couple of things that I have observed in my cursory catch up read:

1) As in any social media, there will invariably be that "negative", caustic or sarcastic remarks, the "imaginative" (fiction) narratives etc .... Bro Warbird has always demonstrated his composure in the face of such remarks. It did NOT unfaze him. This is one aspect of emotional self mastery. An aspect very important to cultivate not only in the field of "romance and its various manifestations" but also in life.

2) For those who are fortunate enough to have engaged or interacted with him beyond this forum, (Like I have) you would know that Bro Warbird has "walk the talk". Even if you have the seductive prowess of Casanova or Neil Strauss, there is always some little learning points that you learn from him to "up" your game.

For me personally, it Bro Warbird meticulous gathering of beautiful, young lasses (very specific criteria) data of viable options. And the concomitant follow up on this. As a result, there is no sense of scarcity and desperation. There is no need to kowtow or pander to a girl's whims because of fear of losing her. You can play the long game (time wise) and can have fun with the romantic intrigues if you choose.

Trust me, Bro Warbird has a great set of viable choice on whom he chose to romance. So much so that his castaways and scraps would leave a lot of brothers here drooling.

How and the specific steps Warbird goes about in getting THAT data I will leave him up to share.

3) I will talk about the "monetary" aspect in "wooing" at a later time. A lot of gurus and seduction experts tend to downplay this. They present a white washed version of these are not needed at all as if certain exhibited traits and behaviour would be enough. This MAY be true for a one off, but Evolution does suggest that some promise (either potential or presently demonstrated) of material security is always in a ladies' mental computation of her mate selection.

Got to go for now. And Bro Warbird, sorry for this long overdue deliverance of the promise to write something here. I was suddenly caught up in a whirlwind of several business fire fighting that I must do. And I hope to catch up with you again real soon ...
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 09-09-2017, 09:17 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I like to always talk about specific details in the art of seduction and not in the abstract. In this regard, let me share a most useful video below. Take a listen here. You may not agree but you should be able to pick up some important distinctions and seduction nuances to up your game.

Always adopt and adapt the advice proffered (in the video) so that it will be in congruence with your behavioural and personality core..

For me, being strong in the kinesthetics communication (I like to use dance as seduction as Bro Warbird can testify), this video does help me to up my game as does talk a fair bit about the specific action steps to take.

Kinesthetics is a behavioural modality that uses movement and touch on how you make sense of the world and communicate. Other aspects are visual and auditory. Find out what you are at and good at and gain mastery in this area first .... later you can add other aspects to up your repertoire and skill set.

For those whose modus operandi use a lot of kinesthetics, enjoy this video.

Cheers ....

"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 09-09-2017, 10:27 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by justime View Post

1) As in any social media, there will invariably be that "negative", caustic or sarcastic remarks, the "imaginative" (fiction) narratives etc .... Bro Warbird has always demonstrated his composure in the face of such remarks. It did NOT unfaze him. This is one aspect of emotional self mastery. An aspect very important to cultivate not only in the field of "romance and its various manifestations" but also in life.

2) For those who are fortunate enough to have engaged or interacted with him beyond this forum, (Like I have) you would know that Bro Warbird has "walk the talk". Even if you have the seductive prowess of Casanova or Neil Strauss, there is always some little learning points that you learn from him to "up" your game.

For me personally, it Bro Warbird meticulous gathering of beautiful, young lasses (very specific criteria) data of viable options. And the concomitant follow up on this. As a result, there is no sense of scarcity and desperation. There is no need to kowtow or pander to a girl's whims because of fear of losing her. You can play the long game (time wise) and can have fun with the romantic intrigues if you choose.

Trust me, Bro Warbird has a great set of viable choice on whom he chose to romance. So much so that his castaways and scraps would leave a lot of brothers here drooling.

How and the specific steps Warbird goes about in getting THAT data I will leave him up to share.
Welcome back bro justime.

I had not met Bro WB but I believe he had a heart of "Diamond". Exactly what you had described him to be.

I had read half of this thread and knew he had tasted plenty of fresh abalones of his type.

Have a great weekend and do come back to share more with us.

Wish you all the best.
Old 09-09-2017, 10:34 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro justtime

Thank you for sharing and I just learned this new word "kinesthetics".

How kind of you to post here and share with us.

Bro WB was a legend in this thread and so are you.

Wish all brothers a great weekend.

BTW, I promised to read this thread.


Originally Posted by justime View Post
I like to always talk about specific details in the art of seduction and not in the abstract. In this regard, let me share a most useful video below. Take a listen here. You may not agree but you should be able to pick up some important distinctions and seduction nuances to up your game.

Always adopt and adapt the advice proffered (in the video) so that it will be in congruence with your behavioural and personality core..

For me, being strong in the kinesthetics communication (I like to use dance as seduction as Bro Warbird can testify), this video does help me to up my game as does talk a fair bit about the specific action steps to take.

Kinesthetics is a behavioural modality that uses movement and touch on how you make sense of the world and communicate. Other aspects are visual and auditory. Find out what you are at and good at and gain mastery in this area first .... later you can add other aspects to up your repertoire and skill set.

For those whose modus operandi use a lot of kinesthetics, enjoy this video.

Cheers ....

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