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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-05-2006, 07:47 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Hi morning guys,take care and have a nice day... gerhunter... Is the one in ur avatar u?? Long time no see liao hor... See ya all soon~~ Bubye~~
Old 18-05-2006, 08:23 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Got meh?? Wats mine???

From wat i remember hor, u have the most lor!!! hahahaha tittles like Lick-king lah, Lick god lah, Scholar lah, etc etc....... Too many to remember all liao!!! kekekekekekeke
Really mei ??

Heard you are called GOD.

example: Cheryl moaning - "Oh my GOD !!! I'm....... *censored*"

Or your other nick will be Dearest or sumthing equally mushy...

example : Cheryl commanding - "Dearest/Darling/Honey go and buy ciggy for me !!"

So now who has the most nicks ?? hee hee....
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 18-05-2006, 08:33 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by gerhunter
why i never get jio-ed de??
Dun talk rot la... from my sources... u kenna jio-ed the most by gals among the young League Bros.... (see below)

As for HC... now I onli waiting for my twinkle twinkle....
Originally Posted by natsuki
Hi morning ...take care... gerhunter... Long time no see liao... See ya soon~~ Bubye~~

Our Playful Princess logged in jus to say "HI" to u onli... completely bo hiu wo men...

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
Thank You AlmonD BAO BEI~~~~~ .....yes i only listens to her command... could i not turn into jell-o when she can make me moan loudly " Oh~~ My god~~ yeah~~~Uh~~~"
Is it me or did the temperature just dropped several degrees all of a sudden

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
So, my title shall be Cunninglingus King A.K.A Almond's Chao Chao... ???
And so it shall be written in the League Record Books....

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
So, commissioning of the title got Lion and Dragon Dance?
Nope but I did authorise Bro cuteboy to order 2 dozens baff bags... in case things get too.... heheheh
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 18-05-2006, 08:35 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

OP dont bully my didi lah... he so poor thing liao wanna cheong also cannot cause my mei mei is monitoring his movement...
OFFICIALLY RETIRED ...... but still lurking around....

To return:

Please do not up me till I clear my list. Thanks
Old 18-05-2006, 08:36 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
Yeah bro... Almond addiction... Ma Hai addiction ... harmless in small doses... but if you spend a long stretch of time exposed to them... then u have to go to Antartica to kai kong tao...
Are u in GZ or are u back ??
Both me and bro sexyrabbit oso confused...

Like got lots of time to log in one.... hor... 12 am should be time for overnite liaoz mah....

PS: posted something in the Realm for yours and TD's eyes...
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 18-05-2006, 09:19 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Got meh?? Wats mine???
Hmmmm. Sour Pulm Fairy, Mr Heeheehaha, skinny balding monkey, laughing hyena, small eyes...

You need me to continue bo?


Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen Codename: Gold Member
Old 18-05-2006, 10:05 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
Thank You AlmonD BAO BEI~~~~~ Or u want call me the hokkien version - Poh Jeem (Poh liao gia lai Jeem...kekeke) cos hor, later bro HCC may suan me say i Cao Cao (the bad Premier) hahahaha
I think another League Couple is in the making and this one I shall named them the Tree-Top Couple (for their idea of having the wedding on the tree-top)...hee So u2 shld be changing your siggy real soon rite

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 18-05-2006, 10:07 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Are u in GZ or are u back ??
Both me and bro sexyrabbit oso confused...

Like got lots of time to log in one.... hor... 12 am should be time for overnite liaoz mah....

PS: posted something in the Realm for yours and TD's eyes...
Back Liao... on Sunday nite... First thing I did was go to local HC to 'kai' kong tao... but kena KC Trap liao by a certain Viet Vixen... Sexy Rabbit will know... lol ... jialat... out of pan into fire...

U also disappear a lot horr.. reappear with new avatar some more... some mei mei upgrade software for you izzit.... me will be SG next week... either Wed/Thus... working day... dun think Cib or SK can come cos they will be working...

BTW... GZ dun do overnite... ST only... overnite ... can lead to KC Trap... or stolen stuff ... hahaha
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
Brother of Realm, Tiko#41

U. N. R. E. T. I. R. E. D.
Old 18-05-2006, 10:33 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
Back Liao... on Sunday nite... First thing I did was go to local HC to 'kai' kong tao... but kena KC Trap liao by a certain Viet Vixen... Sexy Rabbit will know... lol ... jialat... out of pan into fire...

U also disappear a lot horr.. reappear with new avatar some more... some mei mei upgrade software for you izzit.... me will be SG next week... either Wed/Thus... working day... dun think Cib or SK can come cos they will be working...
Heard that League Bros..... pls fall in for KTV sessions.

League sis oso fall in for kopi cum TCSS sessions.

I dun hv so much time so must properly plan... here's wat I think...

Bro Shadow..bring them to BS TN for some warm-up...

Then I and u will link up at BS KTV across the road.

After that link up w BS Prince & the Naughty Queen & Mai Hai Gal for dinner and kopi

Raid Mt Small Stones later in the nite w other bros

Grab late supper (dim sum) and meet up w the Queens again

Yak until the Sun rise and go to work... yawning....

How does it sound to u ??

Weekend think maybe can get chalet and BBQ... but bro CL is banned !! hor case he makes us all vomit out all our meals.. w his mushiness.... ha ha ha !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 18-05-2006, 11:03 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Was cleaning up this morning... and ..voila... guess what I found ??

An old foto of myself when I was a just a little runt... well I've upload the image here... realli sometimes wish for those happier times of eons past... sighhzz...

I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 18-05-2006, 11:07 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
....An old foto of myself when I was a just a little runt...
Um, wanna bet people are gonna be asking 'who's that girl in the pic??'

Anyway, her hairstyle seriously does not look like it's from eons ago leh...
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Old 18-05-2006, 11:08 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Was cleaning up this morning... and ..voila... guess what I found ??

An old foto of myself when I was a just a little runt... well I've upload the image here... realli sometimes wish for those happier times of eons past... sighhzz...
wah the boy boy so ti ko kekekekeke
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Old 18-05-2006, 11:09 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by imom
Um, wanna bet people are gonna be asking 'who's that girl in the pic??'

Anyway, her hair seriously does not look like it's from eons ago leh...
Well.... based on my calculations she should still be a HOT MILF of late 40s by now...
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 18-05-2006, 11:47 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Was cleaning up this morning... and ..voila... guess what I found ??...An old foto of myself when I was a just a little runt... well I've upload the image here... realli sometimes wish for those happier times of eons past... sighhzz...
WAH-LAU-AY!!!!! This small urchin-tiko-OP-junior was already leaning forward to peep at the jie-jie's bra inside her loose-top!!! I've to kow-tow to you, bro-OP!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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Old 18-05-2006, 11:51 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
Back Liao... on Sunday nite... First thing I did was go to local HC to 'kai' kong tao... but kena KC Trap liao by a certain Viet Vixen... Sexy Rabbit will know... lol ... jialat... out of pan into fire...
erm.....Yes.... that sexy gal at imp HC rite.
But hor, be careful lor dun get burn playing wif fire...kekeke
oso, planning schedule for Wed/Thurs for your loyal visits. cya then
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