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Old 27-11-2024, 10:35 PM
zip4671 zip4671 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by tankawen View Post
Upped for exchange
Senior bro tankawen, thank you for this post where I could tag onto to up yr points for exchange.

Do up me back when u can ... cheers & thank you.
Old 27-11-2024, 11:05 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

26 Apple to gv away, Will return once recover.

Wish to hit 25000K before CNY 2025!

Pls Msg Me if u up me. Will return and delete msg once return. Thanks

คนใม่มีแฟน 21261/27

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Old 27-11-2024, 11:08 PM
Eumiru Eumiru is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by Limping View Post
Returned 6 to U Today.

Min 2 points to trade
Old 27-11-2024, 11:08 PM
zip4671 zip4671 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by BigLongHard View Post
Points for exchange!
Hi, senior bro BigLongHard, glad u hv come to this part of the sbf as a RETURNEE seeking from us "Points for exchange!?"

Well senior bro u need to do the hardwork described below like so many of us posting daily to beg others to up us & we promptly returning to do so.

No one individual alone can help u BUT it's a whole of sbf effort (mostly all within the 15 threads POINTS EXCHANGE GROUP) & is a collective effort.

Welcome then to the Beggars' Sect (丐帮, Gǎi Bāng) of sbf - like the Beggars' Sect we watch in the Chinese martial art movies & in ancient Chinese society.

U had not achieved the 1st REQUIREMENT of having at least 10 posts (actual only 4). This is easily done within 30mins by posting in all 15 threads & viola ... !!, u will hv achieve 19posts fulfilling the 1st REQUIREMENT.

As for the 2nd REQUIREMENT u had already achieved tt - u are really an exception already got 1125 points & can straightaway get 16 or 17 rep power since u had joined sbf in Nov 2018.

Seeing u as a RETURNEE, many hungry samsters will flock to u ike bees to the honey to up u & clamouring u to up them back asap.

Appreciate tt u shoulder on to help us buildup a large pyramid base of samsters tt we may up daily like in a MLM (multi-level marketing) scheme where in order to rise, we need to get more members to join in so tt we can rise together'. So, in order to exchange points DO NOT PUT ANY MINIMUM points restrictions except minimum of ONE point so tt yr points can grow together as many can approach to up u.

The 15 threads were posted & complied by senior bro toshiba sometime back & are listed below c/w the hyperlinks for u to post daily.
[01] - Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos = Thread For Exchange Of Points =[/U][/B][/COLOR]

[02] - Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos = ZAP FREE PT EXCHANGE! =

[03] - Adult Discussions about SEX = premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion = = [zap free forum]

[04] - Adult Discussions about SEX = Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone! = =================== [zap free forum]

[05) - Adult Discussions about SEX = someone buying sammyboyforum userid = =============== [zap free forum]

[06] - Adult Discussions about SEX = Exposed Donor Clones Zapper = ====================== [zap free forum]

[07] - Adult Discussions about SEX = All Newbies & those wanna to get their 1st power fall in here = === [zap free forum]

[08] - The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene = Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs =

[09] - Petain Romps = Thread for Exchange Points / Complaints / Reputation System Questions =

[10] - Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies? It's all here! = Thread for UpZ exchange for bros and sis =

[11] - Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies? It's all here! = Old birds please report in =

[12] - The Sammyboy link/Picture exchange Plaza = Bros who registered in 2002 or b4 - without Power to up - PM me! =

[13] - International Field Reports = Genuine points exchange thread =

[14] - JB Delights - Great Action just across the Causeway [NEW] = JB Point Exchange/TCSS/Discussion =

[15] - Matters of the Heart = Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points =

Finally don't start upping people when you still have zero power. Wait until you have at least 1. Otherwise the receiving party gets nothing.
Old 27-11-2024, 11:35 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

13 points for exchange. Minimum 2 points.

Waiting for Return List
FitPartner, giantlittle10, AndyCock

Return List
No New Post - Timely Rain
2nd Round - Havanna Slicks, CLouboutin
At least Power 1 to exchange points.

Waiting for Return List
FitPartner, giantlittle10, AndyCock

Return List
No New Post - Timely Rain
2nd Round - Havanna Slicks, CLouboutin, ejectjoy, Swagelock

Updated on 04-03-2025
Old 27-11-2024, 11:50 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by Sacaiboy View Post
upp 6 points
returned points! no queue at the moment!
exchange of points welcome with 3 and above only. points will be returned gtd

Beatty - exchange! - bro, can't find your ID, cant return your pts ar!

posting needed - fatladysings, Greenfrog
2nd round up list - NZKiwi, WankJanice, Koizumi, WPNS, slicker69
Old 28-11-2024, 12:34 AM
alvin79 alvin79 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Thanks Bros Upz! Will returns once power up🙏

Please PM Me if you up me. Thanks!

preferably 6pts above to exchange🙏
Old 28-11-2024, 01:34 AM
zip4671 zip4671 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by iloveojz View Post
Thanks for the help bro, return +10 for you!

Current queue, please do not up me unless you are comfortable with waiting for the time being!:
the old nite
Havanna Slicks
Renewing my latest posting so tt it's less than 48-hours old [20th 28-11-24].

19th 25-11-24;18th 22-11-24;17th 19-11-24;16th 15-11-24;15th 11-11-24;14th 06-11-24;13th 03-11-24;12th 31-X-24;11th 29-X-24;10th 26-X-24;9th 24-X-24;8th 22-X-24;7th 20-X-24; 6th 18-X-24;5th 15-X-24;4th 13-X-24;3rd 03-X-2024;2nd 01-X-2024;1st 29-09-2024
Old 28-11-2024, 01:37 AM
beginat63 beginat63 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by iloveojz View Post
Thanks for the help bro, return +10 for you!

Current queue, please do not up me unless you are comfortable with waiting for the time being!:
the old nite
Havanna Slicks
Renewing my latest posting so tt it's less than 48-hours old [20th 28-11-24].

19th 25-11-24;18th 22-11-24;17th 19-11-24;16th 15-11-24;15th 11-11-24;14th 06-11-24;13th 03-11-24;12th 31-X-24;11th 29-X-24;10th 26-X-24;9th 24-X-24;8th 22-X-24;7th 20-X-24; 6th 18-X-24;5th 15-X-24;4th 13-X-24;3rd 03-X-2024;2nd 01-X-2024;1st 29-09-2024
Old 28-11-2024, 01:57 AM
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Thumbs up Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by DonaldJones1 View Post
Hello, I just up'd you both a point for exchange. Please return the favor when you get a chance to. TY!
Thanks bro. Returned 1 point.
Old 28-11-2024, 02:58 AM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

24 for exchange

No queue
Min power 5 for exchange
Old 28-11-2024, 07:03 AM
bpafree39 bpafree39 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

For returns
Old 28-11-2024, 08:05 AM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

up for the day 😁
min points for exchange: 5
please PM me. 😇
Old 28-11-2024, 08:20 AM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by freepeterr View Post
Returned 20. Thanks bro
Upz u for exchange. Thanks.

Min 3 power
Old 28-11-2024, 08:25 AM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Exchange points (min 2 power)
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