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Old 12-06-2004, 07:02 PM
Regassam Regassam is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Oboo’s Review Friday 11/06/04

Already tried a Cat80 and Cat150 girl and found that price doesn’t necessarily mean better service. I agree the Cat150 girls are generally prettier but at the end of the day, it’s how the girl makes you feel that’s important and what looks beautiful to you may look ugly to someone else.

I tried a Cat40 girl today. I was expecting the girls to be either much older or really ugly but I was wrong. I visited L6H66 and saw No.5 Oboo. She was quite pretty but what I like about her is her sweet beautiful smile. She’s in her early to mid 20s and about 5feet 2inches. I like short young looking girls so she was perfect for me. I usually go for slim girls but I found her very sex even though she had abit of baby fat but not fat. Her boobs are small with large brown nipples. She’s quite dark and her skin’s not as smooth as Queens but she’s the perfect size for me to hug so I don’t mind.

Started off with a shower where she washed my bits. Then on to the bed for a light cat-bath and nipple sucking which was great and got me really hard. Slipped on the rubber jacket for a BJ and then started with her on top. She lets me touch her all over with no complains. I asked for a kiss and she said she had a saw tongue due to having hot chilli for lunch earlier so I’m going to try next time. I then had her missionary style and finished off doggie. It was so good to hold her shoulders and ban hard her from behind. At one point I thought maybe I was too rough and that she was hurting so I stopped and asked her if she was all right. She’s so small I didn’t really want to cause her any harm. I didn’t manage to cum before my time was up (25 minutes) but I didn’t want to get her into trouble so I said it was ok and said I cum next time. I got to do more positions with Oboo then the other two more expensive girls. Next time I’ll book her for longer to have more fun. I think her service with me will improve with time so I’m willing to invest in her.

When I was walking around afterwards I notice a few girls hanging around Hotel lifts. I saw a really good-looking one. I guess these are FL girls. Can anyone tell me how much they charge and for how long. Are they safe and what can I expect for my money.

As you can probably tell, I’m trying out all the different types of girls (Cat40/80/150, Fl etc.) on offer in geylang first to see what I prefer. My reviews are honest so maybe abit boring to some because I don’t glorify any aspects of my encounters. I don’t make up anything just to make myself look cool because I don’t see the point. Girls treat each client differently so she may act naughty with one client and something else with the other. My advice is to always have one girl who you visit often so that she gets to know your likes and dislikes. Just make sure you don’t get too involved because it’s neither good for you or the girl.

Old 12-06-2004, 08:40 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by Regassam
Oboo’s Review Friday 11/06/04

Already tried a Cat80 and Cat150 girl and found that price doesn’t necessarily mean better service. I agree the Cat150 girls are generally prettier but at the end of the day, it’s how the girl makes you feel that’s important and what looks beautiful to you may look ugly to someone else.

I tried a Cat40 girl today. I was expecting the girls to be either much older or really ugly but I was wrong. I visited L6H66 and saw No.5 Oboo. She was quite pretty but what I like about her is her sweet beautiful smile. She’s in her early to mid 20s and about 5feet 2inches. I like short young looking girls so she was perfect for me. I usually go for slim girls but I found her very sex even though she had abit of baby fat but not fat. Her boobs are small with large brown nipples. She’s quite dark and her skin’s not as smooth as Queens but she’s the perfect size for me to hug so I don’t mind.

Started off with a shower where she washed my bits. Then on to the bed for a light cat-bath and nipple sucking which was great and got me really hard. Slipped on the rubber jacket for a BJ and then started with her on top. She lets me touch her all over with no complains. I asked for a kiss and she said she had a saw tongue due to having hot chilli for lunch earlier so I’m going to try next time. I then had her missionary style and finished off doggie. It was so good to hold her shoulders and ban hard her from behind. At one point I thought maybe I was too rough and that she was hurting so I stopped and asked her if she was all right. She’s so small I didn’t really want to cause her any harm. I didn’t manage to cum before my time was up (25 minutes) but I didn’t want to get her into trouble so I said it was ok and said I cum next time. I got to do more positions with Oboo then the other two more expensive girls. Next time I’ll book her for longer to have more fun. I think her service with me will improve with time so I’m willing to invest in her.

When I was walking around afterwards I notice a few girls hanging around Hotel lifts. I saw a really good-looking one. I guess these are FL girls. Can anyone tell me how much they charge and for how long. Are they safe and what can I expect for my money.

As you can probably tell, I’m trying out all the different types of girls (Cat40/80/150, Fl etc.) on offer in geylang first to see what I prefer. My reviews are honest so maybe abit boring to some because I don’t glorify any aspects of my encounters. I don’t make up anything just to make myself look cool because I don’t see the point. Girls treat each client differently so she may act naughty with one client and something else with the other. My advice is to always have one girl who you visit often so that she gets to know your likes and dislikes. Just make sure you don’t get too involved because it’s neither good for you or the girl.

Basically the main different between the Cat150 and cat40 is the duration, the nationality and the general services
The cat40 gal normally have higher bonk frequency compare to the cat150
Every cat has a gem. It good that u find your gem bro
-- Phom poot thai mai dai --
Old 13-06-2004, 01:40 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

My first one..

no. 10
she came 3 weeks loh...WOw...long hair...nice figure..but skill so so...or i no mood...just need release after going spa massage without part 2.

She's runner up in business today.
...SOP i strip, she bath me, she bath her self.
I try to open curtains then she dun like.
I dry up and rest on the bed.

She dry up and come to warm me up.
Then the SOP slip the rubber on.
She have problem opening the package.
I look at her and simle.
She ask me why?

I saw she beautiful mah
Then action a while...tried, not much action.
I ceasefire fast.

Then we shower together again.
Then i help her clean her back after shower and watch her dress back.

After that...i go down to wait for my friend who had a better FR and longer action then me.

OMG...i bei gan?
Sian...My first FR....can make it?
Old 13-06-2004, 02:25 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by ghost
My first one..
Missed out these ba.
Looks : 7/10, fair, long hair chio bu. I think is the most chio girl inhouse/tank.
Body : 7/10, medium size..good to hug when bathing.
Boobs : 7/10, light brown nipples. can tune radio and can suck on them.
Frenching: Forget to do it. think can cos she washed mouth..OMG
69: No
Rimming: ?
BJ : 6/10, OMG....forget to concentrate on scoring.
FJ : 6/10, she's lazy...want me to missionary her. Sian.
Overall : 6/10, average service and average service.
RTF : Probably not. Service is friendly enough but seemed a little fake to me too. Well...din let her know its my first visit to cheong Geylang.
Old 14-06-2004, 01:04 AM
zunbo zunbo is offline
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Anymore reviews for L8H66GG20

HI Bro.....

read some reviews from some bro here...... Just wish to see more FR if possible.... I have not seen her in the waiting room... cos the last time i visited the place, she is always rather BZ cos got alot of bro request for her service.....

I have search the the forum, and have gotten mixed review... Some full of Praise... Others...SWEAR at it...
Old 14-06-2004, 02:38 AM
romanspa romanspa is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

It has been a long time since I've visit gl...

last week... pass by and with the bloody hot weather... decided to go and recce..

lor6 seems to be neglected by alot of brudders here... why?

everytime i went is to lor6 and hahaha... seems like everytime i walk around and always settled for the first house... i think is hse70...

pop in and found that the previous one that is my fav 12 is no longer there..

after several in and out of houses... decided to try on one tanned girl...
normally i'm very bad at checking out heights... this time round... i got a tall one... (finally!)

very pleasing to look... look like a bikini babe who goes sun tan very often.. haha.. but she can't speak english etc so basically chicken and duck talk..

bath is sop.. but the action starts on bed is ... wow...
cat bath me with my hands roaming around... and finger her... she allows manz... lick me bbbj for a while before starting the bj with cd...
her mischeivious look makes me feel .... wah.... tak boleh tahan..
proceed with her on top and boy.. she's tight... before i have reach the peak.. halt the action... and with me on top.. ehhehe.. allows me to kiss all over but not frenching... finally... b4 reaching climaz.. i throw away my cd and release my load on her body... :P

FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE FOR $40.. hehehe.. after she clean up.. hug around me for a while and chit chat... er... sign language and give me a hug before i leave..

good experience...

Looks : 8/10
body : 8/10
bj : 7/10
fj : 8/10
rtf : yeap...
Old 14-06-2004, 09:45 AM
songxxx1965 songxxx1965 is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

you mean U did it raw when u come ....then I must say "Good Luck To U ".
Go 4 for blood test
Old 14-06-2004, 09:49 AM
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Re: Anymore reviews for L8H66GG20

Originally Posted by zunbo
HI Bro.....

read some reviews from some bro here...... Just wish to see more FR if possible.... I have not seen her in the waiting room... cos the last time i visited the place, she is always rather BZ cos got alot of bro request for her service.....

I have search the the forum, and have gotten mixed review... Some full of Praise... Others...SWEAR at it...
there is a whole myriad of factors to consider on whether a girl will provide each individual with good or bad service. if you never try for yourself then you will never know. FRs are imho, personal and simply to share one's experience. end of the day, whether you want to go ahead is up to yourself.
Old 14-06-2004, 09:52 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by songxxx1965
you mean U did it raw when u come ....then I must say "Good Luck To U ".
Go 4 for blood test
it says ON the body, not inside
Old 14-06-2004, 10:48 PM
blue_swatch blue_swatch is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Was about to walk to Lor 6, when im ambushed by a man asking me to follow him go hotel see 'peh peh' thai tom yam! Damn, say dun want also, cannot. keep asking me to go and tug me along. In the end i followed him there.

Followed him up, saw 5 tom yam in a room, choose the best looking one and paid the man $50. Was lead to another room there. So rather sop. I bath, then she bath. After she come out, she dimmed the lights. Everything also cannot see. Had a pretty long cat bath, then capped me and blow. had to stop her and and then its my turn for action. Good moaning stereo effect. Totally wet and shes holding me so tight with her legs wrapped around me so tight too. Finally unloaded and the rest is sop too.

Name : Min
Place : Cheng Mai
Age : 23
Tits : A to B, but very nice to hold.
Face 7.5 pretty and cfm look
BJ : 7
FJ : 8
Attitude : 8
RTF : Why yes, if i can find that man that is. Already know where they are staying too. Haha
Old 14-06-2004, 11:46 PM
romanspa romanspa is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by romanspa
It has been a long time since I've visit gl...

last week... pass by and with the bloody hot weather... decided to go and recce..

lor6 seems to be neglected by alot of brudders here... why?

everytime i went is to lor6 and hahaha... seems like everytime i walk around and always settled for the first house... i think is hse70...

pop in and found that the previous one that is my fav 12 is no longer there..

after several in and out of houses... decided to try on one tanned girl...
normally i'm very bad at checking out heights... this time round... i got a tall one... (finally!)

very pleasing to look... look like a bikini babe who goes sun tan very often.. haha.. but she can't speak english etc so basically chicken and duck talk..

bath is sop.. but the action starts on bed is ... wow...
cat bath me with my hands roaming around... and finger her... she allows manz... lick me bbbj for a while before starting the bj with cd...
her mischeivious look makes me feel .... wah.... tak boleh tahan..
proceed with her on top and boy.. she's tight... before i have reach the peak.. halt the action... and with me on top.. ehhehe.. allows me to kiss all over but not frenching... finally... b4 reaching climaz.. i throw away my cd and release my load on her body... :P

FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE FOR $40.. hehehe.. after she clean up.. hug around me for a while and chit chat... er... sign language and give me a hug before i leave..

good experience...

Looks : 8/10
body : 8/10
bj : 7/10
fj : 8/10
rtf : yeap...

sorry.. its hse 72....
Old 14-06-2004, 11:53 PM
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Talking Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Monday is always a day that you find it hard to get work going...
was on the way back to office and happen to passby gl again...

this time... i went around lor 6 and saw hse 55 i think.. with a babe number1... shortlist her and went around the rest and decided to go back but alias... luck is not on my side and decided to venture further...

this time went over to lor16 and turn right into the middle lane of 16 and 18..
the fourth hse from the right.... went in a wat i saw is a ger chao geng... number 28! wow... very ah lian (buai song) look.... shiok.... immediately call upon her....

when she went into the rm... wow.. BIG BREAST man...

cup c to cup d! not sure if that is fake but with that killer pink nipple... canot take it manz..... as time is now not on my side... i will give a brief report.. basically very horny gal and has the attitude look..

LOoks : 8/10
Body : 5/10 abit plump
boobs : 9/10 VERY BIG AND PINK!
rather sop but very nice to chat with her and she really climax manz...
ear is her key.. ahhahaha..

RTF: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 15-06-2004, 12:42 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by romanspa
Monday is always a day that you find it hard to get work going...
was on the way back to office and happen to passby gl again...

this time... i went around lor 6 and saw hse 55 i think.. with a babe number1... shortlist her and went around the rest and decided to go back but alias... luck is not on my side and decided to venture further...

this time went over to lor16 and turn right into the middle lane of 16 and 18..
the fourth hse from the right.... went in a wat i saw is a ger chao geng... number 28! wow... very ah lian (buai song) look.... shiok.... immediately call upon her....

when she went into the rm... wow.. BIG BREAST man...

cup c to cup d! not sure if that is fake but with that killer pink nipple... canot take it manz..... as time is now not on my side... i will give a brief report.. basically very horny gal and has the attitude look..

LOoks : 8/10
Body : 5/10 abit plump
boobs : 9/10 VERY BIG AND PINK!
rather sop but very nice to chat with her and she really climax manz...
ear is her key.. ahhahaha..

RTF: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo bro...u rmbr the house number?
Old 16-06-2004, 02:55 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by CptCum
yo bro...u rmbr the house number?
oh no... cannot remember... but i know there is a rav4 parked outside the hse on the right... ahahaha... like that can?
i dun dare to loiter there for too long.. its a commonly seen streets... hehehe
Old 16-06-2004, 03:38 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports


Sorry, don't remember whether G26 or G28, only remember 20+. Went into the house and anyhow choose, wanted big boobs but was deceived by the clothing. Thought another SOP bonk but I was wrong. Shower, cathbath and BJ SOP, FJ SOP with doggie. When I still unable to cum, she proceeded to take off the condom and bbbj me in 69 position. FJ in many positions including doggie. Feel so shiok as it was the first time tried 69 but still unable to cum, dont know why. Even can touch her pussy during cathbath with my fingers but I never really put my finger inside her cause maybe thought she dont like. In the end, Still couldn't cum, she took off the rubber and bbbj me. She then put another condom and be on top but still cant cum. I then suggested HJ by myself and cum on her body. In the end, I pretend to cum on her face even when she wanted me to cum on her breasts. I just put my didi near her face but she show no resistance and open her mouth. I dont know about it and shoot my load on her face, eyes, mouth and nose as I failed to control.. Say sorry to her but she say nevermind. I tried raw, bbbj, 69 and whatever that I wanted to try and in the end, I felt nothing. Its time I stop going to GL as I dont have the urge anymore.

Name: SAI ( pronouced towards high tone)
Age: 26
From: Thailand ( dont know from which part)
Looks: 5.5 (Slutty look with CFM face but not my type)
Boobs: 5.5 ( A bit sagging but B cup with brown nipples)
body: 6.5 (nice to do doggie, like her butt)
atittude: 8
RTF: No way, I quit commercial sex (due to personal problem)

Just want to gif my truest FR

P.S: Me not OKT, I swear
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