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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-01-2012, 08:54 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ratinacage View Post
if AV had the IQ of a 3 year old chihuahua, these 2 pubs will be gone before long. thanks dude, great job!
bro my IQ is less than a 3 year old chihuahua and i figured both pubs out.
i think any pinay pubber will know...but those first timer may not know.
Old 18-01-2012, 12:58 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

bro mike...haha stop taking a dig at me for my noobie mistake :P i feel bad making it so obvious and had been exchanging pms with bro limbo...think my posts might rattle ppl so i think i will cut down on the postings from here on unless i got really something good to share...anyway i had contacted one of the moderator to remove the posting so hopefully men in black is looking at other threads or had been sleeping this few days...

just to help on the queries from bro rebel...i aint qualified to dispense advice in front of all the experienced brothers here so i just share my own experiences, anyone feel free to correct me if i am wrong...(in chinese sayings, i dont want to weld the guan dao in front of all the guan yu here)

You don't pay any extra charge for VIP room...the 300 is the only thing you will need to buy additional drinks too...having said that, it depends on how accomodating the girl fact i fare worse than you on my first trip...

i spent 3 LDs and $20 tips on the girl and all i got in the end was a HJ (and a lousy one with a few tugs), maybe they can tell i am newcomer so i wont say its guranteed BJ after three could be zero like what bro mike says...unless you regular but most of the time can get something i i head to another place outside nearby, where after 2 rounds, the girl ask me to bring her to VIP room straight away with an offer of 250...i took it up and she gave me a really good time where really anything or position goes so much that i extend for another hour where she charge me 200 this time...inclusive of 2 LDS i bought for her since she was so satisfying...

at another joint the second night, i was so taken up by this girl who look like a belle from secondary school that i bought her 5 rounds the first night...sensing i am a "robert" to be milked, she start sexting me everyday! the next night i went to look for her saying i want someplace her mummy introduce herself to me and gave me a private place...however my girl didnt ask for barfine so just i bought around 3 rounds for her...close to closing time, she asked me to barfine her...initally quoting 300...i refused as i knew it was too much and she started to lower down all the way to 200...and she said next time she can give me 150...but in the end i didnt take it up as i didnt feel like doing it with her that night...and she also said she didnt want to do in the VIP room, she want me to bring her to my apartment or transit places so that hj and bj from her that night costs me 4 rounds...which was here's my conclusion:

1. the joints in that area all operate around the same range... abt 300 for ST (2-3 hours?) abt 500 for overnight's standard, all the girls say the same thing...and you can also date them out during the afternoon before they start work...again around 300 for 3-4 hours...and what you do with her during that time will be your own mutual agreement...but i do believe that amount can be lowered so 200 not bad already but not the best...or some of the really high lvl brothers here say: FREE haha i not that good yet.

2. At some places, the mummy says she rather not have me fact she refused my tip for her as she says she is not my customer and then she start telling me about her life and the system and now i think she considers me her regular haha she says look for her first whenever i go down next time...that's why i like pinays, they dont just see it as a business transaction unlike some of the other joints i go tips or no tips up to you, i tip the girl or buy them stuff like top-ups, milk, candy because i want to, and the girl just ask once. even if you refuse, they won't get angry (most of the time), sometimes i say no.

3. You mention about looks, something happen on a recent sunday when i went down to smoky joint...i sat down and say i want company, the waitress just assign me a girl straight off...who was ok but the look didnt appeal to me...but she said this is her first 3 days so ok lah, i give her something to break her 0 of 30 shots...but i didnt enjoy myself and left after first drink and LD and tips...she was a little unhappy but still gave me a smile...and also because it was getting strangely crowded for a sunday (two chinese brothers who came in and sat at the back and eventually everyone left to give them the whole place, they could be samsters :P) so always ask to see the line up if you dont like the girl's looks...they are fine with it...cos they understand the customers will end up leaving anyway if not satisfied...

All this was from two weeks of going down to almost every joint in that area and hitting the place at least fact i even once wandered into a gay pub by mistake just to see if it is another joint...almost got into trouble haha :P the gay pub is at another shopping center at 6th floor...i hope thats not a obvious clue, but who cares about the gay pub anyway -_-

just to share humbly...please feel free to correct me brothers...

hope this helps
Old 18-01-2012, 03:17 PM
Mike2009 Mike2009 is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by fijiperri View Post
bro mike...haha stop taking a dig at me for my noobie mistake :P i feel bad making it so obvious and had been exchanging pms with bro limbo...think my posts might rattle ppl so i think i will cut down on the postings from here on unless i got really something good to share...anyway i had contacted one of the moderator to remove the posting so hopefully men in black is looking at other threads or had been sleeping this few days...

just to help on the queries from bro rebel...i aint qualified to dispense advice in front of all the experienced brothers here so i just share my own experiences, anyone feel free to correct me if i am wrong...(in chinese sayings, i dont want to weld the guan dao in front of all the guan yu here)

You don't pay any extra charge for VIP room...the 300 is the only thing you will need to buy additional drinks too...having said that, it depends on how accomodating the girl fact i fare worse than you on my first trip...

i spent 3 LDs and $20 tips on the girl and all i got in the end was a HJ (and a lousy one with a few tugs), maybe they can tell i am newcomer so i wont say its guranteed BJ after three could be zero like what bro mike says...unless you regular but most of the time can get something i i head to another place outside nearby, where after 2 rounds, the girl ask me to bring her to VIP room straight away with an offer of 250...i took it up and she gave me a really good time where really anything or position goes so much that i extend for another hour where she charge me 200 this time...inclusive of 2 LDS i bought for her since she was so satisfying...

at another joint the second night, i was so taken up by this girl who look like a belle from secondary school that i bought her 5 rounds the first night...sensing i am a "robert" to be milked, she start sexting me everyday! the next night i went to look for her saying i want someplace her mummy introduce herself to me and gave me a private place...however my girl didnt ask for barfine so just i bought around 3 rounds for her...close to closing time, she asked me to barfine her...initally quoting 300...i refused as i knew it was too much and she started to lower down all the way to 200...and she said next time she can give me 150...but in the end i didnt take it up as i didnt feel like doing it with her that night...and she also said she didnt want to do in the VIP room, she want me to bring her to my apartment or transit places so that hj and bj from her that night costs me 4 rounds...which was here's my conclusion:

1. the joints in that area all operate around the same range... abt 300 for ST (2-3 hours?) abt 500 for overnight's standard, all the girls say the same thing...and you can also date them out during the afternoon before they start work...again around 300 for 3-4 hours...and what you do with her during that time will be your own mutual agreement...but i do believe that amount can be lowered so 200 not bad already but not the best...or some of the really high lvl brothers here say: FREE haha i not that good yet.

2. At some places, the mummy says she rather not have me fact she refused my tip for her as she says she is not my customer and then she start telling me about her life and the system and now i think she considers me her regular haha she says look for her first whenever i go down next time...that's why i like pinays, they dont just see it as a business transaction unlike some of the other joints i go tips or no tips up to you, i tip the girl or buy them stuff like top-ups, milk, candy because i want to, and the girl just ask once. even if you refuse, they won't get angry (most of the time), sometimes i say no.

3. You mention about looks, something happen on a recent sunday when i went down to smoky joint...i sat down and say i want company, the waitress just assign me a girl straight off...who was ok but the look didnt appeal to me...but she said this is her first 3 days so ok lah, i give her something to break her 0 of 30 shots...but i didnt enjoy myself and left after first drink and LD and tips...she was a little unhappy but still gave me a smile...and also because it was getting strangely crowded for a sunday (two chinese brothers who came in and sat at the back and eventually everyone left to give them the whole place, they could be samsters :P) so always ask to see the line up if you dont like the girl's looks...they are fine with it...cos they understand the customers will end up leaving anyway if not satisfied...

All this was from two weeks of going down to almost every joint in that area and hitting the place at least fact i even once wandered into a gay pub by mistake just to see if it is another joint...almost got into trouble haha :P the gay pub is at another shopping center at 6th floor...i hope thats not a obvious clue, but who cares about the gay pub anyway -_-

just to share humbly...please feel free to correct me brothers...

hope this helps

Hi bro,

Very sorry bro not taking a dig at all fact i really enjoyed your FR and the way you compared both venues. So its ok as your first time FR and you made an honest mistake you i also continue to learn...and from your previous FR and this FR, I have learnt so much bro. Thanks for FR bro and dont have to be apologetic here bro....we learn together and share our limited knowledge together so that all can learn. That is the spirit of this thread here bro.

My comment was merely a tongue in cheek one to make fun of myself and my blurness ...bro..sorry no offence meant to u. Honestly, i know both places as i go to the said area often (not to the said pubs though but the restaurant). And everyone already knows what is going on in that area...our ST carried a one page story some months back with photos showing pinays and even the pubs.
Here is the report for your reference:

Carry on with your FR bro!!! (Maybe the clue could be a little tougher as the wind here very strong.. hehe but like that I would have to PM you, cos me not so smart..hehe)

Keep banging the pinay bro!

Old 18-01-2012, 04:06 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by rebeldevil View Post
It was @ tis point she said she liked me blah blah blah n said she want to go vip rm with me. asked her how much n she said usually its 300 for 2 hrs but since i've bought her 2 rds, 200 can liao.

1 question for bros who've gone to d vip rms. on top of d rm charge do u still have to buy lds for d gal? coz bro fijipriii's (pardon spelling) fr seems to suggest that. coz it seems pretty steep if u add dat in. dats all for now, cheers bros!

She Bola Bola...without buying any drinks, you can pay n bring the girls to the VIP room and screw the hell out of her liao..200 - 250 will do..for 2hrs..Can talk to the guy manager..Sxxxy..

After deed is up to you to buy the LDs or not..if u wan the same girl to carry on raba you ..
By the way.. She did a CIM in the room for you..??

Old 18-01-2012, 04:28 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by xiaohongmao View Post
yeah man! bck yest.. if AC is a 45mins ferry ride, then probably i would not bother abt the pinay pubs here anymore.. but since its a 3.5 hrs flight away, then the local pinay scene is still a GO.
FR copied from limborock dtd 05-12-2011 Post #70 found here.

xiaohongmao is gaytiger/redbullman/police/cunty and is out to sabo joints. Please do not exchange contacts with him or up him.
Old 18-01-2012, 05:10 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

intresting bros can anyone let me know wheres the smokey room, im very intrested to go
Old 18-01-2012, 07:04 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Agreed bro....

What a loser?

Why make a BG ur GF i dun get it...

FB Is ok
He he, my FB told her frens I am her BF. *grin*
Old 18-01-2012, 07:11 PM
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drekman has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

It is way too expensive. You guys have been cheated, rip off, con by the phil girls of your money.
Old 18-01-2012, 07:16 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
He he, my FB told her frens I am her BF. *grin*
same here too.. my FB told her friends i am her asawa.

when i go look for her, they like screaming for her saying : ASAWA DITO
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Old 18-01-2012, 07:54 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post
Bro the FR is based on 31st December
So took a short drive to a place where sure to get action. But i had ass luck that the girl i took was first day on the the end it was all smoke and no action (this place u can choose girl from mirror but i just took my chance and took a girl) wat a waste of 30 now the time was 300 am...ccb i was super sian...drove back all the way home still horny and get nothing...
if this place also cannot get anything, its like missing an open goal!
Allo Bro, I got my latest FB when I visited her pub at 3+am. Some pubs operate till 6am, if u are still awake enuff with tonnes of soldiers to be released.
Old 18-01-2012, 08:47 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

all is good bro mike...was just joking with you...all is good....i reply your pm with the details you want had been deleted...thanks to moderator...i think someone upz me...bro rebel...thanks...sorry i not good with this power thingy...dont know whether i can up you or not...

got place open till 6am? will be interested to girl tell me usually 4-5am close liao...most places...feel like cheonging tonight since i already drove to town hahahaha
Old 18-01-2012, 10:11 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
Allo Bro, I got my latest FB when I visited her pub at 3+am. Some pubs operate till 6am, if u are still awake enuff with tonnes of soldiers to be released.

Wow bro dats why i respect and salute u! one day i shall try hehe
Old 18-01-2012, 10:12 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by fijiperri View Post
all is good bro mike...was just joking with you...all is good....i reply your pm with the details you want had been deleted...thanks to moderator...i think someone upz me...bro rebel...thanks...sorry i not good with this power thingy...dont know whether i can up you or not...

got place open till 6am? will be interested to girl tell me usually 4-5am close liao...most places...feel like cheonging tonight since i already drove to town hahahaha

Bro check PM....
Old 18-01-2012, 10:35 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Orchardtower View Post
intresting bros can anyone let me know wheres the smokey room, im very intrested to go
All night spot disco have mah...

Old 18-01-2012, 11:11 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by draven78eric View Post
All night spot disco have mah...
hehehe good answer

Last night visited my new found glory pub, my previous girl was engaged to some customer at their sister pub sad... anyway, picked a girl, she was not that aggressive, she just stand there talked to me some crap about her life which as a gentleman as i am, pretend to listen and care hehehe she kept asking me to buy her LD, i gave 1 round and she do her thing on me, not that wild as my previous girl. And wow, she drink like a horse hahaha she drink her LD like in less than 15 mins...she asked another rnd w/c i declined. It's not my night but my friends was having a good time hehehe oh well...

I will be back and try their sis pub and the vip room
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