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Old 11-12-2011, 02:14 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by TamKorSang View Post
Was just thinking of you n your thread man... Hope things fall into place for you soon.
I'm crashing at a friends place now. Drinking session. Perhaps I'll borrow his laptop to post an update... Probably later...

Life's been relatively shitty recently.
Old 11-12-2011, 02:21 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Been damn shitty for me too...but the frigging sun will rise every morning n we gotta face another day whether we like it or not.

Hang in there, it can't rain shit everyday.

Good to see u here again.
Old 12-12-2011, 02:52 PM
SharkAttack SharkAttack is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...


This is my 1st post and i've been a great fan of yours.

i'm not sure what is your view on wife material and what is your view on growing old with a companion.

But regardless of your J or S, do consider what you can give to a r/s instead of what you can receive.

Personally i've been there and missed several chances of good wife material chances as i thought i wasnt good enough for them.

Lets assume S. From your style of writing, i think S saw sth special in you since young. Perhaps letting you stay was her way to make up for breaking the promise. Perhaps keeping quiet about your adventures and social activities was her way of punishing herself.

Regardless, you were there to support her at her lowest point in life. Kind of like a pillar. Whether she stay true or she stray, your actions for not accepting her advances from page 1 to 3 of the thread was significant enough for her to come to a conclusion you're a husband material regardless of your past.

As for your work life, i think she used an indirect approach to hint you about it. Using herself as an example. I believe she still see you as a honest strong will and principled man. Her other encounters in Australia has shaped her life in more ways anyone of us could ever imagine or put into words.

Perhaps part of you, didnt want yourself to turn out as your dad. Perhaps part of her want you to be that great dad and husband which she was robbed of and knew you didnt receive.

Perhaps both of you were afraid and felt both of you deserve sth worst due to the past.

Regardless of what you think or plan to do T/S, NEVER forget what you did on page 1 and 2 of the thread. You waited and i still believe that man is still there and has never wavered despite what took place from page 3 onwards.
Old 13-12-2011, 10:45 PM
Feilong Feilong is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Miss your stories bro. I think you should just focus on one that you like and stop
fooling around, it would not do you good. Good luck
Old 14-12-2011, 08:46 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Sharkattack : interesting analysis ... are you Shirley ??? hehe

Anyway ... hope T/S finds a way to turn things around ... COME ON BRO !!!!! BUCK UP !!!!!
Old 14-12-2011, 06:58 PM
siaolang17 siaolang17 is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

when i come to page 38 ... i think u have the decision oledi
S or J
but ,somehow u miss the S bus stop oledi and J is ur next bus stop
so grab the J if u dun wan to disturb S any more

let me shared what happened to me past 10 yrs (2000)

that is my 1st love actually
i have dump by this so call S ,me and her was last bout a yr ...
it took me more then 5 yr to cure my heart pain

now i still alone and with my loneliness

dun flame me or zap me if i say something wrong

Old 15-12-2011, 02:56 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Well, although 9 months has not passed yet, I am pretty sure I am not a father yet. Damn that crazy Jenny. One baby scare in my lifetime is more than enough.

Nothing much has happened since the last update, I have been in camp every day, leaving only on Saturday evenings to spend the night at a budget hotel with Jenny. Sure, her brother Jason already knew we were sleeping together, but her parents did not, and I am not the type to tempt fate and make her parents force us to be together officially.

I still yearn for Shirley. I guess it is inevitable. But the circumstances do not permit a reconciliation. Not in the near future anyway. In the mean time, my urges were satisfied by my weekly shenanigans with Jenny. But somehow, thoughts of Shirley still crept into my mind time and time again.

I tried to stop meeting Jenny so frequently, but failed each time she called me over. I guess she had her needs too. And yet, we still were not officially together.

Sometimes, on weekdays, she would suddenly feel the urge to have a hard cock stuck into her, and I would book out of camp, and either drive to her place for a quickie at the multi-story car park staircase, or head down to the deserted heavy vehicle car parks around the island just for some fun.

Over one steamy Saturday night at a budget hotel in Serangoon, she suddenly popped the question.

J: Hey. Are we a couple? Or still fuck-buddies?

Me: I don't know. What do you prefer?

J: I met someone recently.

Me: That's good. I guess.

J: Well, I haven't fucked him yet.

Me: And?

J: I still like having sex with you.

Me: That's not a good idea. Seriously.

J: You don't tell I don't tell who will know?

Me: Be fair to the guy.

J: We're only dating. It's not like he's my boyfriend.

Me: Still. I lost her because I was still fucking around.

J: You sure that's the real reason?

Me: Not really.

J: Then? Can you give me up?

Me: Probably?

J: Sure or not?

Me: I think so.

J: Then when you wanna have sex you gotta pay for it...

Me: I've got two hands.

J: Wanking's not the same. Trust me. I know. A dildo can't compare to your cock inside me.

Me: Right. I'm about done. Where do you want it?

J: So fast? Shoot inside lor. Or on my boobs.

Me: How about in your mouth to shut you up since you like to talk so much?

J: Ok lor. But I'll suck you dry. It's like programmed into my brain. And I still want a few more rounds.

Me: I can do it la. You just need to make me hard.

J: You see why I like having sex with you? You don't roll over and play dead after cumming...

Me: Ya la. Sex is about pleasure for you too what...

(Yes, this entire conversation happened while Jenny was on her back, legs spread apart, with my hard cock thrusting in and out of her.)

I withdrew and released my load onto her chest. She immediately got up and took my still ejaculating penis into her mouth. I shot another load inside and she continued sucking. Maybe it was the practice, or perhaps I was numb, but I managed to control any further release, and maintained a reasonable erection for her.

I lay down on the bed.

Me: Ready?

J: Oh yeah. I'm gonna make it three in a row this time.

Me: Sure or not? You only multiple orgasmed twice in a row before.

J: Try lor.

She got onto me and started riding, then slowly progressed to grinding and rubbing her clitoris on me.

Sure enough, the first wave came, followed by the second, and I obediently maintained my erection in anticipation of her third and subsequent waves.

Man, I really love my Saturday nights.
Old 15-12-2011, 03:08 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by siaolang17 View Post
when i come to page 38 ... i think u have the decision oledi
S or J
but ,somehow u miss the S bus stop oledi and J is ur next bus stop
so grab the J if u dun wan to disturb S any more

let me shared what happened to me past 10 yrs (2000)

that is my 1st love actually
i have dump by this so call S ,me and her was last bout a yr ...
it took me more then 5 yr to cure my heart pain

now i still alone and with my loneliness

dun flame me or zap me if i say something wrong

Nope, I'm still as fucked up as I was. No decision yet. But read on as something interesting did happen...
Old 15-12-2011, 10:08 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

After another two rounds, I collapsed spent onto the bed. Jenny lay down beside me.

J: So you don't mind right?

Me: Mind what?

J: We continue to be fuck buddies but I see someone else?

Me: We don't have to be fuck buddies anymore if you meet the right guy.

J: But I want to leh.

Me: What if he's hung like a pornstar? And fucks like one?

J: Hmmm. Never thought of that.

Me: See, you won't need me anymore...

J: Ok. Up to you. But don't get your hopes up. He's a good Christian boy...

Me: Haha! I never knew you were into those types...

J: Actually, I started going for cell group again...

Me: Seriously?

J: With my friends. I think I'm over my self-destructive phase.

Me: You mean the horny goth chick phase?

J: Yeah.

Me: I thought you were over that ages ago. Now you're just horny.

J: Women have a right to be horny ok? I crave nice cocks.

Me: Am I your only fuck buddy?

J: Now? Yes.

Me: Shit. Just how many guys were you having unprotected sex with?

J: A few?

Me: So that's you self-destructive phase?

J: I think so.

Me: Damn. I better get tested.

J: I'm clean la. Now I only have sex with you.

Me: I'll still get tested anyway.

J: Yeah. It would be a good idea.

Me: So no more sex between us? Let's just be friends from now on?

J: Erm. I'll let you know in the future. I don't know much about this guy. We might not be sexually compatible. And besides you can't resist me...

Me: Sure I can.

J: Oh yeah?

And with that, she slid down and took my flaccid member into her mouth again.

This time, I pulled her up.

Me: No. You deserve a chance at having a normal relationship. Don't jeopardize what I stupidly gave up.

Jenny looked at me strangely.

J: Well, I guess you're definitely a keeper. And I do like you.

Me: But?

J: Your heart isn't with me. Even though your cock is. And until you can give me your heart, I'll not want to be emotionally involved with you.

Her words struck a raw nerve. I still liked Shirley. Maybe it was love. I cannot explain it. Every now and then I still find myself reminiscing about Shirley, even going back to the days when I was her instructor in the uniformed group, to our one-on-one tuition sessions before her 'O' levels, to our first intimate encounters.

I never believed in fate. And I still do not. But there was something decidely weird about my feelings for Shirley. They were definitely more than a passing crush, or even a primal urge to mate. But was it really love?

She still was not replying to my messages, emails and calls, and she had not changed her number. (I used my office phone to call her a couple of times just to hear her voice, but she soon realised it was me and now merely cancels the call.)

A separation from Jenny would definitely help me clear my thoughts and help me find direction in life again.

And then she ruined my train of thought by going down on me again. I sighed and gave up. I would just let her use me till she got tired of me or found someone else.

Besides, what did I have to lose?
Old 15-12-2011, 11:30 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

WooooHoooo!!!! Welcome back!!!
Old 15-12-2011, 11:39 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

The strange or rather interesting thing that happened took place at a wedding of a mutual friend of Jason and I.

During the screening of the daily highlight videos I found one of the bridesmaids awfully familiar. No, it was not Shirley, but I was pretty sure that I knew that girl from somewhere before.

During the wait for one of the courses, Jason and I snuck outside for a quick puff.

Coincidentally, a couple of the bridesmaids were outside smoking as well. The familiar girl was there as well, but I decided to play it cool and not approach her in case I was mistaken.

Jason suddenly excused himself to go to the washroom and I was left there smoking by myself. The familiar girl walked towards me, amidst giggles from the other bridesmaids.

Girl: Hi.

Me: Er hi?

Girl: You don't seem to recognize me?

I looked at her. She was not very tall, nor was she very short. She was not lean, and had nice curves in the right places. She had cute pixie-like features and her hair was in a short bob. Perhaps the most alluring thing about her was that her tube dress was held up by the most nicely-shaped, at least C-cup breasts I had ever seen. I tried to put a name to the face.

Girl: Well?

Me: Hang on. I'm thinking?

Girl: I'm Diane.

Diane. Diane. Where had I ever encountered that name before?

Me: Erm.

D: From XXX Secondary School.

Me: Oh.

She was Shirley's close friend. Who was in the same uniformed group. Who I did not pay much attention to. Until now.

D: So how's things been?

Me: I'm good. I think. You?

D: I'm good too. Finished my degree last year. Working in a bank now.

Me: Customer relations?

D: How did you guess?

Me: Well, you're pretty easy on the eye...

What the fuck. Was I actually flirting with her?

She lit another stick and I followed suit.

D: Actually I deal with corporate clients.

Me: I see. You still hang out with Shirley?

D: Your xiao mei? Not really. She didn't really contact me after she left for Australia again. Only heard she's back recently.

Me: More than a year actually.

D: Really? How's she doing?

Me: I'm not very sure.

D: Really? But she's your xiao mei. I still remember her talking non-stop about you last time.

Me: Really?

D: Yeah. Super irritating right? I mean to a young teenage girl who's surrounded by guys their age and way less mature, an older guy must seem like a novelty.

Me: Oh you mean you girls weren't obsessing over me or the other male instructors?

D: Oh please. Don't be so BHB. I know the guys were fantasing over the female instructors...

Me: Haha. Ok.

D: But ok, you and Mike were sorta like eye candy for us.

Mike was a fellow instructor back then.

D: So anyway, I'm assuming you're on the grooms side?

Me: Yeah. I know him through a mutual friend. You?

D: The bride is my uni classmate.

Me: I see.

D: I've got to go back in. Catch you later after the dinner or something?

Me: Sure.

Diane turned around to rejoin her fellow bridesmaids, offering me a perfect view of her perky ass as she sashayed back into the hotel. I never remembered her being this hot but I guess they all grew up and blossomed into pretty young things.

Maybe it was time to start making new friends and date others. I finished up my stick and rejoined Jason at the table.

J: What took you so long?

Me: Was chatting with one of the bridesmaids.

J: Wow, you think this is Wedding Crashers or something?

Me: No man, I know her from XXX.

J: Your uniformed group again? Basket. Which one is she?

I pointed her out.

J: Woah. She's definitely bangable.

Me: Right.

J: Damn. I was in a uniformed group too. How come the girls don't look like this...

Me: Dude. NCC doesn't count. Have you actually seen the NCC girls?

J: Yeah. But damn. She's really, erm, hot.

Me: Maybe it's the dress.

J: The other bridesmaids don't look as alluring as her.

Me: Ok dude, I now realize that you're a boobs man.

J: You're not?

Me: I'll take the package in it's entirety.

J: Right dude.

The rest of the dinner passed without incident, but I found myself sneaking glances at Diane. She caught me staring a couple of times and smiled in return. I wondered if she was flirting back.

After dinner, Jason and I headed for a smoke and Diane and the other bridesmaids were there as well. She called out to me.

D: Hey! We're going clubbing after this. Wanna join us?

Me: Hmm. Why not?

D: Your friend wanna come too?

Jason whispered into my ear.

J: I wanna cum in her. Haha.

Me: Dude, we only had eight glasses or so of beer and you're drunk already? Besides, you're attached.

J: Yeah. I know. Go have fun. Are you still sleeping with my sister?

Me: Er, sort of.

J: Well, you know what to do.

Me: Yeah.

Jason replied to them.

J: Thanks for the invite, but I've got an early appointment tomorrow. My friend here will keep you girls company! He's single and available!

I nudged him.

Me: Funny, really funny.

The bridesmaids giggled among themselves. Diane came up to me.

D: You drive or ride?

Me: I don't when I drink.

D: Oh. Ok. We'll have to cab there then. There's 6 of us. So two cabs.

Me: No one else is coming? Their boyfriends?

D: Sadly, we're all single.

She called out to the girls.

D: I'll share a cab with him. See you there!

She hooked her arm around mine and lay her head on my shoulder as we walked towards the taxi stand.

D: Don't mind me. I drank quite a lot.

Me: And we're still going clubbing?

D: Yeah. Why not? By the time we reach there, the alcohol would have worn off.

I was used to being used by girls anyway, so I let her use my arm and shoulder for support.

The other girls got onto the first cab and we got onto the second.

D: Uncle, Powerhouse.

Diane resumed lying on my shoulder. I put my right arm around her so she could lie on my chest instead, and found that the only two places to rest my hand was on the seat of the cab, or on her thigh. She had crossed her legs, and the hemline of the tube dress had hike pretty high up, exposing the lower half of her thigh.

In the darkness of the cab, I admired her heaving chest and what appeared to be creamy white thighs. I contemplated stroking her thigh.

But we had only just met. And I was not that drunk yet.
Old 15-12-2011, 11:42 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by TamKorSang View Post
WooooHoooo!!!! Welcome back!!!
I'm back. But intermittently. Posting from an ipod, leeching on my bunkmates data plan for his blackberry. So updates may not be very frequent...

And life is still shit. Technically. Now it's just the random happenings that keep me going...
Old 24-12-2011, 12:19 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

So have you manage to get to S so far with all the contact from her friends?
Old 24-12-2011, 01:15 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by Underthetable View Post
So have you manage to get to S so far with all the contact from her friends?
Nope still no reply from Shirley... This is probably gonna be the worst Xmas of my life...
Old 25-12-2011, 11:45 AM
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Talking Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

TS ur initial pages of stories were okay got flows then later part of pages u jump like wild rabbits from one pit hole to another without linkages and no continuation ??? Jus IMHO although I probably can't write so creative like you .... Good story !!!
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