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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Open meh? I was there about 12 pm. Not open yet. Changed next door. 9380 for $250.
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
![]() If its my usual money changer shop,i would have expect a 9470/SGD to 9480/SGD,hehehe... ![]()
Basic Batam Info in One Link Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread 信言不美,美言不信。 善者不辩,辩者不善。 知者不博,博者不知。 圣人不积,既以为人己愈有,既以与人己愈多。 天之道,利而不害。 圣人之道,为而不争。 My December 2019 Batam Trip Info |
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
https://samleong.shop/showpos...ostcount=34339 I think the hinted location on the above link was pretty much clear if you are around Formosa area and knows where is City Central Hotel. I have not however been to this dental clinic before. Anyway,hope that helps. Cheers! ![]()
Basic Batam Info in One Link Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread 信言不美,美言不信。 善者不辩,辩者不善。 知者不博,博者不知。 圣人不积,既以为人己愈有,既以与人己愈多。 天之道,利而不害。 圣人之道,为而不争。 My December 2019 Batam Trip Info |
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Keyword: usual
This shop not my usual shop. Also, just change $250 only, can't expect too much. |
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
The 2 Fat girls shop started somewhere on the 2nd half of 2014. During their 1st CNY in 2015,they were opened for business thru out the entire CNY from eve till the 15th day (no off days). They worked hard,business manage to catch up and in CNY 2016 eve and 1st day,they were off but opened only during 2nd day for only half a day and then all the way thru the other days. Exchange rate were just as bad as this year CNY 1st few days tho. (Bro S changed a better rate in Sillypore (Arcade) than me,thats where i learned not to change all my S$ in Batam this CNY 2017) Their business were now stabilized,and one of their indo staff recently gave birth and went on maternity leaves. So this year ,also being short-handed they all went on long leaves,hehehe...my thoughts are, will they do the same for CNY 2018? This, i will have to wait and see. ![]() Linda Massage lady boss shop? Ever since CNY 2014,she has always been opened for business (she's in business before i even been in Batam). And she offered better rate than Hai Hai every CNY year over the last 4,as far as i have known (that woman is really a workaholic). Unless really Urgently Necessary,Hai Hai money changer is much often the last money changer shop i would want to do business with,even if it means only S$250...hehehe... This year CNY 2017,i learned something new. On the 4th or 5th CNY day onward,ferry terminals appear to be offering a little better rate than in the Batam city area. I travel,i test,i try,i dug in,i learned and then i record. Above were just my observation. ![]()
Basic Batam Info in One Link Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread 信言不美,美言不信。 善者不辩,辩者不善。 知者不博,博者不知。 圣人不积,既以为人己愈有,既以与人己愈多。 天之道,利而不害。 圣人之道,为而不争。 My December 2019 Batam Trip Info |
I think can include CNY EVE
![]() Maybe there are practicing what we call 开工 just open a while for the lion dance and let staff collect Angpao. I remember when I was working in a small factory. On CNY 5th day (初五) return to workshop just turn on the machines for a while, collect Angpao, enjoy lion dance, makan and OpenTable ![]() |
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
I did see the shuttles half opened. The money changer side closed, the table side (right side) opened. And no staff around. And at that time, only the shop on the right is open, so I just change there. Anyway, I'm not changing big amount. Difference just 25k. Just here to chill out before difficult next week.
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
![]() Last yr when we were there,they open for less than 4 hrs on first 2 days,not even 1/2 a day. |
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Ya. That's what I saw. Maybe they haven't open yet at that time about 12pm.
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
![]() Korean mongers was kwn for their stingyness in Sinkapore nite clubs. Not i say 1 hor,it's some of those butterfly hostesses frm several nite clubs in sg tells me so...lol...but they were also knwn 2 be market spoiler all ovr third world asia. Quote:
![]() ![]() ..if can find the below,will let her hold & take pic 2. ![]() ...sure 2 impress the world...lol. Quote:
Plz dn't quote photos posted by another person inside Balai tread Click here 2 learn hw 2 quote-lock photograph so others cannot quote em The different types of kkj massage cuntpilation My Massage List near Nagoya Hill Mall |
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
![]() Quote:
![]() u enjoy yrself ya... Quote:
![]() ![]() feel free 2 email me @ https://samleong.shop/showpos...postcount=5605 my veri 'thrust'-worthy btm supir can always lend a helpin hand...lol *kidding post*
Plz dn't quote photos posted by another person inside Balai tread Click here 2 learn hw 2 quote-lock photograph so others cannot quote em The different types of kkj massage cuntpilation My Massage List near Nagoya Hill Mall |
Batam Trip Summary 2014 to 2016
Batam Trip Summary 2014 to 2016 I have been reading my 2014,2015 and 2016 trip summaries and now re-sorting them up for easier referencing. This is suppose to be up on the 1st day of CNY 2017,but well,i think this forum suffers some Ddos attack,so I push it a backward a little till today,hehehe... ![]() For 2014 and 2015 summaries - All My Batam Trip Summaries for year 2014 and 2015 Time truly flies and 2016 is gone in a blink of an eye and it is now 2017. Another time of the year where I start to re-pack my 2016 summaries and put them all inside one single post for better later referencing. And I am also reading back what I have done over my year 2016 in Batam. If you guys have been with me,be it joining me ,linking up with me or simply just reading up my summaries, you are in one way or another growing with me, in Batam. Believe it or not,in my summaries,there are good and bad times but when I read back,i begin to realize that I mainly remembers the good and the bad remains little in my thoughts. For the good,i will just wish to made it better and for the bad ones,i will try my best to learn from it,and not to repeat. The year 2016 Summaries were all collected in here with some short reviews and thoughts : 1. My Batam trip summary for Jan 2016 The key to prepare for CNY 2016 on Feb. Everything needs to be prepared in advance,from booking of hotel room to ferry tickets from Horizon Ferry. My 1st time to Botak Cun eating the well-known best noodles i have ate in Batam. Not an easy place to reach and i need to be brought there by bro Micmac. It is also the 1st time i get to bonk an Indo Chinese,hehehe...or should i say it is my 1st bonk with a pure breed Indo Chinese from Kalimatan (hp and perfume shop indo Chinese no count,hehehe...becos it is not everyone could get type of situation). I go Batam preparing for their ,busiest ,crowdest and most expensive time of the year. ____________________________ 2. My Batam trip summary for Feb 2016 Its CNY 2016. My 2nd CNY trip to Batam. The crowd that are in Batam like the last year,was the biggest i have ever seen (yes, more pack than X'mas & new year day). I took a night ferry there,my friend pick me up from the harbour. i learned something from a movie which I watched there : ![]() There are many variation of this lesson. a) Keep an open mind b) Do not look at things from appearance, as some time it wont turn out the way I expect it to be. c) 换个立场 想 - stand in another person viewpoint to look at a situation d) As an individual, looking at things with my heart or with my eyes. Both ways of looking at things by a single person can be quite different.. CNY 2016 was not as pack as 2015,hehehe...quite a surprise for me. Maybe becos I learned my lessons during 2015? Hehehe...each CNY in Batam just got better and better over the years. ____________________________ 3. My Batam trip summary for Mar 2016 New Massage places open for business near to Goodway hotel. And learned that the food from restaurant Hai Ou was pretty good (not forgetting affordable in local term too). ____________________________ 4. My Batam trip summary for April 2016 I kind of planned this April trip during March and have put many things into test. Very rarely,i stayed in 2 different hotels in one single trip,hehehe...I have also put a girl into test too. I also have Kaha pricing for Da Vienna hotel and Biz Hotel in it too. ____________________________ 5. My Batam trip summary for May 2016 This is the May trip,where i knew about the Formosa free membership for the 1st time. Previously one will need to fork out 400k rupiah to be a member and get a 450k rupiah in return. Tulip was still Tulip until they turned Kupu the following time i visit it. And its also the beginning part of Formosa hotel's renovation of their appearance. ![]() Reference : http://www.realreviews.com/forum/sho...=11953&page=21 ____________________________ 6. My Batam trip summary for June 2016 Its the Ramadan month,there are things to watch out for during Ramadan,Batam almost come to a stand still,girls were gradually becoming lesser starting from the beginning of Ramadan to the end of it. Some girls fast,some girls dont. So there is different timing to see different batch girls and via the backdoor of each booking joint. Fasting girls were more likely to return back to joint at the wee hour of the morning,booking an start as late as 7pm or as early as 1pm. This was surprisingly quite a good trip Its the month most would skip Batam,or Indonesia. ____________________________ 7. My Batam trip summary for July 2016 My July trip,not exactly a good trip but then it still works out. Visited one of Batam most expensive food court at Windsor (they called it Windsor Food Court). Everything in this trip for me just didnt go smoothly. Hmm...glad to have made the best out of a bad situation. ____________________________ 8. My Batam trip summary for August 2016 July's trip wasnt good,but Aug one was almost fantastic,hehehe...and i have my best girl for 2016 this month. Too bad some of the photo went dead on this summary. I will try to fix them when i have the time,the one before this month too. ![]() I have one of my MOST craziest sex in this month too,hehehe... ____________________________ 9. My Batam trip summary for September 2016 September month was the month the Zika thingy broke out,and that taking ferry requite some health declaration. Quite a surprise that this is also another good trip with the same girl i had the previous time. Aug summary was somehow linked to this one. Again,quite a few photo went dead. Gonna try to fix the problem. This is also the summary where i took quite a long time to write becos of the booking joints walkthrough. ____________________________ 10. My Batam trip summary for October 2016 The 1st time i visited Link KTV,a new KTV booking joint and its a sister joint of Happy 8. Over the last few months,new booking joint start stepping in,KupuKupu,Link,Sri Kandy...all were sister shops of Bunga and Happy 8. Both me and my friend paid 800k and 900k rupiah respectively for SYT level type of girls which could easily be price above 1.3 million rupiah in places like Bunga,Happy 8,Kupukupu,Link and Sri Kandy. ![]() ____________________________ 11. My Batam trip summary for November 2016 November,my 34th Batam trip is mainly to prepare myself for CNY 2017 as well as sourcing for my girls who would keep me company then. They were both priced between 700k and 850k rupiah respectively. They were my 2nd and 3rd choice. But the likelihood of cost increase was calculated into their booking price during CNY 2017. ____________________________ 12. My Batam trip summary for December 2016 My last summary for 2016. This has got to be my 2nd worse trip of the year,hehehe...well,its still quite alright on average,just that in this trip,i have put more time and effort for CNY 2017 preparation than ever. And i am all good to enjoy...my CNY 2017 in Batam. 2017,its a new year and a new beginning. Hoping to leave behind more foot prints in Batam in this coming year 2017 and double hopefully with more good memories too. And when 2018 arrives,i can look back and have a good laugh at myself or maybe frown on it,hehehe... Lastly, the Utama Area walkthrough after amendment. http://tryimg.com/8/2017/01/06/lmpnt.jpg Happy 3rd Year
Batam Travelling Anniversary (...to myself)
Basic Batam Info in One Link Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread 信言不美,美言不信。 善者不辩,辩者不善。 知者不博,博者不知。 圣人不积,既以为人己愈有,既以与人己愈多。 天之道,利而不害。 圣人之道,为而不争。 My December 2019 Batam Trip Info Last edited by nono1973; 17-02-2017 at 01:42 PM. |
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Batam Info Thread | dreammare | International Field Reports | 34524 | 25-01-2016 06:37 AM |
Batam info pls.. | bigcactus | International Field Reports | 182 | 06-05-2004 11:55 AM |