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Old 28-03-2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by rob_onny View Post
Wow Bro, didn't know u also post on weekends...
anyway, pls continue 2 post fast fast...
BTW, how come ur power is "0" leh?? did u really up me??
Nevertheless, thks 4 ur ups ... will try 2 up u after i get my power back...
I did try to up you this morning. I also don't why it is "0". Din realised that. Paiseh paiseh.
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Old 28-03-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


The food court was very crowded as usual. So we packeted our food and sat at along the steps along the plaza.

May: "So what do you do usual after work?"
Me: "Urrr....nothing much. Sometimes go to my club for a swim or gym. Sometimes go night cycling lor. Basically that's simple. Nothing colourful or eventful lah."

May: " so guai (obedient) mei?"
Me: "Yah lah....then what do you think?"

May: "I thought you might be spending time with your gf. Everytime like see you rushing off after work."
Me: "No lah....I have been like that. Don't want to reach my club late mah. That's all. Then what about you?"

May: "Hmmm...sometimes just shop around alone or with some of the colleagues lor. Sometimes will go for a few drinks at the pub. You know one lah....girls like to go such places and chill out. Do you drink?"
Me: "Urrr...I actually don't like to drink. Also I am not a good drinker. Scared drank already committ mistake lah!"

May: "What mistake?"
Me: "You know want lah....that one know?"

May: "What?"
Me: "That one lor."

May: "Say lah!"
Me: "Don't want lah...paiseh lah..."

May: "Oooohhh...I know lah....Scared that you going to end up on bed make another girl pregnant is it?"
Me: "You say one hor...I never say ok....What I mean is that I scared I will phew and dirty the taxi...Then got to pay the taxi driver for cleaning up my mess. Never know you got such an evil idea!"

May: "You bluff!"
Me: "Urrrr....don't tell me you also like that one huh."

May: "No lah....but I don't deny that I do get drank at times."
Me: "Anything happened so far?"

May: "Hmmm...nothing lah except a few times some guys want to take advantage of me. Trying to jio me to the hotel or their place for ONS!" They think I alone some more. Lucky my friends were with me and managed to threaten them away."
Me: "Ao I guess you better be careful next time. Don't want you to get hurt or get harm."

May: "I will. But who knows....sometimes I just want to down my sorrow so over-drank lor."
Me: "Aiyah....just be mindful lah. Girls always in a disadvantage at all this kind of spot."

May: "Wah...never know you are so decent so caring."
Me: "Aiyah...just a piece of advice to you mah. Maybe I am also a wolf well-hidden under sheep skin.hahah."

May: "ah lor...maybe hor. Better "siam" you far far."
Me: " better go far far....I am going to eat you huh!"

May: "You hungry huh? Not enough of food is it? want to eat me also huh?"
Me: "Yah look so delicious...yum yum!"

May: "You siao liao. Hey wanna go clubbing with me?"
Me: "Huh?! You mean now?"

May: "No lah...I mean next time. I jio you when I am going."
Me: "Urrrr.....can I say no?"

May: "Come on lah. Is it nice to reject a girl's invitation?"
Me: "Urrr.....ok lah. for you."

We chat and chat and finally home the way home at about 10 plus. Drove her to her place, bidded farwell. Then off I go. Then I realised that I have forgotten to give June a call regarding the Genting Highland trip. Sucks! So sped up and reach home soon. Pick up the phone dialled June's number.....

....To be Continued.....
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Old 28-03-2010, 06:52 PM
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Arrow Re: Road Accident Encounter

Don't paiseh Bro Urger, i did receive ur +6pts eventually...
i just wanted 2 confirm whether it was u that award them 2 me,
& also was just wondering why it shows "0" on ur side only...
But the strange thing is, it shows "6" now.. ha ha ha ...
BTW, i also wonder the reason 4 u 2 up me (may b i shouldn't ask)... ha ha ha ...
Originally Posted by urger View Post
I did try to up you this morning. I also don't why it is "0". Din realised that. Paiseh paiseh.
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 28-03-2010, 07:02 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

great, finally June is coming back into picture soon ...
Originally Posted by urger View Post
Then I realised that I have forgotten to give June a call regarding the Genting Highland trip. Sucks! So sped up and reach home soon. Pick up the phone dialled June's number.....
....To be Continued.....
Old 29-03-2010, 12:26 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Waiting patiently, Bro urger.

P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me.

Appreciate the PM, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5, Bro Thongchai, Bro curiouslooker, Bro PS3SG, Bro Red-Card, Bro jerrystockton, Bro Cytan7, Bro =WK=, Bro dbhh, Bro awesome04, Bro skyhawk958 and Bro dingding75!


Bro/Sis Who Left Their Nicks Requesting To Be Awarded In Return, I'm More Than Delighted; Contributing My Points Of Praises To U.

List Of UPPEES: Lokmachaudog, whitebull, 7ofHearts..... Who's Next?

Pm Me Ur Latest Posting: Philip888

Old 29-03-2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Dialled June's number. Call was through....

Me: "Hellooooo."
June: " late then call."

Me: "Sorry to keep you waiting for my call. someone is expecting someone to call lah?"
June: "Who says that I am waiting for your call?"

Me: "Oh....then in that case I guess I have dialled the wrong number. So sorry to disturb you."
June: "Ok lor...then I hanged up."

Me: "Oei! you seriously want to hanged up?"
June: "Gotcha! Hahaha...."

Me: "You win!"
June: "Hahaha...surrender?"

Me: "Surrender lah. You are good!"
June: "That's of course!"

June: "So why so late today? Taken your dinner?"
Me: "Yape...taken with colleague. Went shopping for awhile at orchard. Gotten myself a few shirts."

June: " someone is enjoying himself at orchard lah. Leaving a poor soul at home."
Me: "No lah....colleague last minute jio mah. So go lor."

June: "Must be a female colleague right."
Me: "How do you know?"

June: "The possibilities of 2 men going to orchard shopping is rather slim. So I guess should be a female."
Me: "You are right. So are so damn good. That's what I liike about you June!"

June: "Of course. I am a pretty, gorgeous and smart lady.....hahaha."
Me: "Good lah you."

June: "So enjoy your shopping?"
Me: "Ok lor. Just normal walk here and there. Moving around the whole taka Nothing special."

June: "Wah...haven't been shopping for quite sometime liao. Shall we go this weekend?"
Me: "Hmmmm...ok..Maybe we can get some stuff for our trip next week."

June: "Yah....sounds good. Should get a windbreaker for Isabelle. She doesn't have one."
Me: "Ok...then we shall go get one."

June: "Sure."
Me: "Oh yah...I gotten a big room at Resort World."

June: "Great."
Me: "Yah...great for me....We can share a room hor!?"

June: "Hmp no...remember Isabelle is around."
Me: "Orh. Yes Ma'am!"

June: "That's better!"
Me: "Sigh....."

June: "Good boy!"
Me: "I miss you."

June: "You sure?"
Me: "Of cse. haven't seen you for 2 days liao."

June: "Not convenient these few days. He will be back tomorrow morning."
Me: "Yape...I know. That's why I foresee that we won't be meeting for a long time. Can I see you now?"

June: "Huh?....I don't want you to make such a long way to see me. You must be tired."
Me: "I am ok so long I can see you."

June: "Ok...but promise me you don't speed hor. Drive carefully k?"
Me: "Sure. Will do Ma'am! So I shall see you in half an hour time. Call you when I reached."

June: "Ok....see you later."
Me: "Muak!"

So I hanged up the phone and off I dashed to my car and her place.

To be Continued.....
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Old 29-03-2010, 02:02 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

wow, potential actions coming leow ..
please please don't stop ..
Originally Posted by urger View Post
June: "Ok....see you later."
Me: "Muak!"

So I hanged up the phone and off I dashed to my car and her place.
Old 29-03-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Wah! good story........eager to read more!
Old 29-03-2010, 04:52 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

wow now i am hook on ur story bro everyday back from home looking forward to ur new story. I AM HOOK
Old 30-03-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Reached June's apartment in no time. SMS her that I have reached.

Me SMS: "Hi dear, I am at the visitor carpark at the basement nearest to the lift. See you."
June SMS: "Ok see you. Coming down."

About 2 minutes, June knocked on the passenger door and opened it and sat down. My hand held onto her's. Stroking between fingers.

June: "You shouldn't come at this hour. You must be tired and I don't want anything to happen to you. I will feel gulity."
Me: "That's ok. I know my body well. I am still fresh babe. Why, are you afraid that if something happen to me you will be lonely?"

June: "Rubbish you! Who say I will miss you? It just that I want you to be safe mah."
Me: " Thanks for your concern. I really appreciate it. I can't bear not seeing you for a long time. Miss you so much."

June: "I am a nobody. Just ordinary girl mah. Nothing to let you fancy."
Me: "At least you are to me. Someone whom I fancy. Someone whom I like about her charm, her pretty, her smartness and elegance."

June: ".......thank you."

Soon, we were locked into passionate kiss. She smells as usual. Wonder if she bath with perfumes. So captivating! June mumbling.....

June: " very bad....."
Me: "Hmmp hmmp." ( I acknowledge to her)

June: "This is a carpark. Wait my neighbour see it."
Me: "Then go lor. At least they can recognise you and me as an item."

June: "You crazy....crazy."
Me: "hehehe..."

Our lips separate.

June: "Bad man"
Me: "You bad girl...hahaha."

June: "Thought you are here just to see me?"
Me: "It was. But someone started other thing, so I might as well join in. Furthermore this type of thing must be done by 2 person hor."

June: "You started first!" I just join in."
Me: "Ok lor, next time you do it yourself k?"

June: "How to?"
Me: "Kiss on the mirror lor...hahaha."

June: "Sickening you!"
Me: "Hahaha."

Me: "I am so happy now because I got to kiss you tonight. Can sleep well later."
June: "So next time if you can't see, do come to me. I will coax you to sleep!"

Me: "You say that ok. So next time I will see you at this hour!"
June: "You so free huh! Travel so long way."

Me: "Then I shift in with you. Don't need to travel."
June: "Cannot! No way! You want me to get into trouble huh?"

Me: "Joking lah."
June: "That's better."

June: "Hey, I got to go now. Isabelle is alone and my maid is at my mum's place. No one at home."
Me: "Ok...better go."

June: "Thanks for coming to see me. You have a safe journey home. Leave an sms when you reach home later k."
Me: "Sure. See you....huh......whenever we can."

June: "I will sms you."

June gave her me a "flying kiss" before heading to the lift lobby. Reluctantly, I drove back to my house.' be continued......
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Old 30-03-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
June gave her me a "flying kiss" before heading to the lift lobby. Reluctantly, I drove back to my house.'
bro, you didn't drive her straight to H81 immediately?? what a pity..
nonetheless, please continue.. can't tahan leow.. hahahahaha ..
Old 30-03-2010, 10:15 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

me too! faster continue lei!
Old 30-03-2010, 10:58 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Good story. Keep it coming.
Old 30-03-2010, 06:28 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Road Accident Encounter

Lol been reading this story up from the first page to the last pages of 40 man. This is a wonderful love story for TS and am truly admired by your encounter. The whole story seems dramatic but yet, it’s the truth for TS to be able to find his other half and all I can only say 1 word, fate.

This is a story of not just FXXX and let go or a triumph of finding a FB, but in bid for brewing a future with June and Isabelle, to complete the whole life of all men’s dream for having a nice dinner and beautiful wife waiting for your return after a long day war. All the best to TS and thanks for the effort of sharing your wonderful love life story with all bro’s here.

I think May is no where near in comparison to June in the hearts of TS liao as represented by the conversation posted. Maybe TS can consider May as FB. LOL
Old 30-03-2010, 11:41 PM
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Keep it rolling.. Camping here!!
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