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Old 21-08-2012, 02:59 PM
itiswhatitis itiswhatitis is offline
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Re: my affair with my sis in law


it must ve been a bad one year for u. now tat u both r on talking terms again, i advised u not to start being intimate w her again. jus take it as yr normal sis in law, n go mil house for dinner ll do.

i must say again, if u wanna ve e urge to jerk it out, in tis forum there r plentiful of affordable FLs, or u may find a FB if yr luck permits. otherwise, dun touch her.

lastly, i m still looking forward to yr story, n do continue if u ve e time.

Old 21-08-2012, 03:47 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Ts u r a wonderful writer...
Old 21-08-2012, 10:34 PM
seowlang seowlang is offline
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Yes, this relationship will never get anywhere and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me to still secretly yearn for her.. look out for her. Fml
Old 21-08-2012, 10:35 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Yes, this relationship will never get anywhere and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me to still secretly yearn for her.. look out for her. Just when I thought everything is going back to normal, it isn't. Fml
Old 22-08-2012, 12:46 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by seowlang View Post
thanks for all your concerns about J and me.

been quite busy at work and sorry for the late reply. heres what happened after that...

************************************************** *******

As I was waiting for her to come over, I tried again to recall what happened last night. Thought long and hard but could very vaguely remember myself slumped at the back of a car and someone helping me up to my house. I suppose J must have helped me to the door and chose to walk away before my wife came to open the door. it would surely be weird for my wife to see her bringing me back when i was out with the boys on a bachelor's night.

As i was awaiting J's arrival, I realised that it was gonna be the first time we are alone together after our breakup almost 1 1/2 years ago. Though the emotional pain had somewhat subsided, my feelings for her hasn't. All along I was using time to forget the past and channeling all my energy and focus on work instead. But when faced with her again in mind, I felt I was transported by a time machine back to where I was the very day we broke up. Memories of our yesterdays came flooding back.. our confession of love towards each other, the first time we kissed and made love, our constant bickering and me poking fun at her, the many trysts we had, her birthday celebration.. I could see her face even with my eyes closed, could still hear her melodious voice and her laughter, smell her breath, see her smile, feel her touch.. it all seems so surreal.

I tried not to think too much and quickly took a cold shower even though my head was still spinning quick a bit. Once done, decided to put on a shirt instead of the usual toplessness at home. About 30mins later, I heard the doorbell. I quickly got up and open the door for J. I attempted to hide my happiness and attempted a weak smile when I saw her. She smile slightly too.

I: hey.
J: You better now? heres your lunch. got you fish soup and rice. (She was still at the gate and handled me the packed food.)
I: thanks. erm.. you want to come in and sit for awhile? (I knew deep down I was gonna be rejected but nonetheless, decided to ask.)

J looked at her watch and grimaced. After what seemed like eternity, she nodded. I was over the moon.

Without a word, she took over the packed lunch and transfered it over to a bowl in the kitchen. I was like a little sick boy, trailing after mummy and waiting for my meal. nonetheless, it was still a rather nice and warm feeling. by then I was seated at the table while she sat opposite me. I finally had a chance to see J up close after such a long time. She wasnt that little fresh out of college girl anymore but a rather attractive young woman now. The banking industry has certainly changed her. Her eyebrows were shaped and she applied makeup even on a saturday which was fairly unsual in the past. I could still smell that distinctive Chanel No. 5 perfume on her, and for the first time felt that she could carry the maturity of the scent well. She was slightly skinnier than last time but much fairer probably from her work indoors as compared to her school days. J was wearing a simple one piece dress that was flaunting her curvy figure. I must admit she looked better and more attractive than before.

I was careful not to make her feel I was scrutinising her and turned to look straight into my food and ate quietly. She just sat at the table, hands on her lap and stared blankly.
I decided to break the silence.

I: really sorry again for bothering you last night and then now again. Seems like I am forever bringing problems to you. ( I cursed myself right after I said it.. why must I say things related to the past?!)
J: why did you drink so much?
I: its my buddy's bachelor's night. otherwise I wouldn't have drank so much and furthermore be in a ktv if not entertaining clients. by the way, who sent me back last night?
J: your friend xxxx and me.
I: hmm.. does you sis know you sent me back? (still trying to figure out)
J: no, I helped you to your doorstep and was hoping you could at least be sober enough to open the door yourself.
I: then how did I get in here without your sis knowing?
J: I tried for a long time to wake you up but failed. in the end, I gave up and pressed the bell and left before my sis opened the door.
I: oh.. so how long were we sitting outside?
J: more than an hour.

I felt a little touch that she still bothered to do that. I diverted the topic and went on to ask her about her job but was also careful not to thread into the past or be drawn into any conversations that would do so. I was simply contented just looking at her, having her beside me and talking general stuff. J started talking more freely and was bitching about her boss and job. The lunch was actually making my stomach churn a little but I was still trying my best to eat really slowly and drag my time spent with J. Eventually, still had to finish the last drop of soup and rice albeit in the slowest possible time. J hinted she needed to go already.

I: what are you doing after this?
J: just going taka to get some books and magazines.
I: with boyfriend?
J: no.
I: not meeting him today?
J: no.

somehow, I still couldnt get over that jackass since the one and only time I met him last year. I wanting very much to stop asking, but my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to ask.

I: wah, he is so busy until he cant even meet you on a saturday night?
J kept quiet.
I: you want me to drive you down?
J: oh pulleassee! you cant even walk really straight lor..

By now, my stomach was churning rather badly. I suspect it was the milk added to the fish soup. J saw my eyes twitched a little as my hand went over to rub on my tummy.

J: you ok?
I: not really. I think the milk added to the soup is making my stomach churn.
J: oh ya hor! i shouldnt have added milk! aiya! sorry..

J grabbed my arms and assisted me to the sofa. I glanced at her from the corner of my eyes and felt so much like planting a peck on her cheek or to give her a hug again. Being so physically close to her once more aroused me in a sexual way, but I was fighting against all the evil thoughts in my mind. For once, good triumphed over evil. I didnt do anything to J.

J: U better sit at the sofa and rest.
I: i think i need to vomit.

I ran to the toilet and was lucky that I was quick enough as I must have threw up at least 1/2 of what I ate. J quickly followed behind and patted my back. After I was done, we made our way back on the sofa and J was sitting next to me. I hurried her off and insisted I was fine.

J: u really ok?
I: yes. Much better after vommiting out. (I regretted saying yes the moment I said it.)
J: ok then. call me if anything.

she stood up and left.

My stomach was still churning but somewhat still very happy about how the day went. At least J was finally talking to me rather normally now.
Hey bro,mi believe things are not over yet. She still cares about you, but she dares not openly express it to you. Maybe she is subduing her feelings. I have a feeling more is coming up. Keep us posted k!!!
Old 22-08-2012, 01:11 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by seowlang View Post
Yes, this relationship will never get anywhere and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me to still secretly yearn for her.. look out for her. Just when I thought everything is going back to normal, it isn't. Fml
I know how are you feeling right now.
Old 22-08-2012, 03:48 AM
TieGuanYinCha TieGuanYinCha is offline
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Sometimes the best things are the wrong things. Sadly but true, but in the end, we still got to move on. Take care bro
Old 22-12-2012, 11:27 AM
EL Capulet EL Capulet is offline
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Great one bro ..Full of flava .Hope you have recovered by now...and life goes on bro ...cheers!!
Old 22-12-2012, 04:40 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Bro seowlang, thanks for posting your story. I can feel your pain and relate to many things you wrote. I didn't have a relationship with SIL, but fell in love with a co-worker who was also married. The relationship we shared was the love that neither of us had with our spouses. It lasted for several years. We talked about leaving our spouses so we could be together. At first, she wanted it but I wasn't sure, then as I became more sure I wanted it, she became less sure. Like ships that pass but don't come together. She wanted to continue the affair, but I couldn't stand sharing her with her husband. Finally, I told her to decide him or me. She wouldn't leave him so I left her. It broke my heart and the relationship destroyed my marriage. We live in the same house, but there is nothing between us. I turned to other women to block out the memory of what happened. It's been that way ever since. The memory is fading, but I can't imagine experiencing the happiness we had. For me, the saying it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved isn't true. I wish I had never experienced that kind of relationship because I have no hope I will ever feel it again. Unless you have gone through something like this, to be torn apart inside, you can't imagine it.

Last edited by divedeeper; 22-12-2012 at 05:00 PM.
Old 22-12-2012, 04:45 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Bro Jia you..!!
Old 22-12-2012, 08:28 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

a well written story. Spent quite some time reading from page 1 to 39 at a go.

Good job. I can feel the all the emotions when reading the whole story.

Would be keen to know more update. Thanks bro seowlang

I also agree that J still has feeling for you.
Old 23-12-2012, 02:39 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Bro seowlang, there was a post about whether J was trying to get back at you for what happened. I don't think she was doing that. Based on what you wrote, I believe J loves you and she was heartbroken to end the relationship. I think she ended the relationship because she knew that you and she could never be together as a couple. She came the point of accepting that and realizing she had to move on, which is not unreasonable. If you thought she was pushing you away or ignoring you, it was only her way of coping with the heartbreak. Different people deal with this kind of pain differently. I really feel for you both and I completely relate to your story. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have these feelings for each other when you have family ties. For me, I was at least able to break it off and avoid further contact.
Old 26-12-2012, 01:35 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Wow I just read like page 1 to the page which you last post. I am really speechless...

Oh a serious post, Although what you have gone through with ur SIL is virtual, at least you guys did not have to have this "secret" affair forever. Although I not sure if you are seeing with J but then again, what is done is done although somehow as times goes by, feeling may haunt back.... oh well at least this something worth to learn about for people out there whom may be on the same boat as yours which I doubt it would happen.

Lasly I wish you guys a happy life, whatever happen just take it as a temporary mistake & never continued to make it permanent.

Last edited by bus72; 26-12-2012 at 01:47 AM.
Old 26-12-2012, 12:44 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Hey bro,

Read your story at one go and could relate to you completely. Although it was not wif my SIL. It was with a diving student back in 2006. Your story brought back memories and i be honest wif u, i do still think abt her some time.

I was just married back then and things wasn't really going well. I was teaching diving part time and she was one of my student during one of the dive trips. We din hit off immediately but on a later part. Funny thing is, what really struck a chord wif me is that my scandal name also starts wif 'J'.

When reading your story, i was starting to think if i had a split personality n wrote this story myself but luckily to keep myself sane, i ald posted my story in this section as well. Truth is, it's not easy to let go and when it's something u felt deeply about, u most probably will not forget about it. I was a wreck as well after the break-up, she proposed and admitted that she has met someone. I went into depression and had a total shutdown and was not talking to anyone for more than 3 months. Admitted my mistake to my wife as i couldnt hide my emotion from her, things was never the same between us and eventually we divorced. I went to see a doc about my condition and barely walked out of that dark side after 6 months.

This may sound cheesy, focus all your love u have for J on your wife. Dun make the same mistake as i did bro. Heard this line from this movie, Eat Pray Love, although i cannot rmb the exact words....something like....say a prayer for the person whenever u think abt e person....shed a tear whenever u rmb something abt her....den when u r done....move on.

Dun mind-fuck yourself and give yourself chance to indulge to think that how is she or whether whatever she does has any r/s to u. I wish you all the best and hope that one day u will find the strength to let go!

Old 26-12-2012, 02:46 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Thanks for sharing your life experience.
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