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Keong Saik/Desker /X-Dresser central It's like Geylang on a budget!

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Old 16-10-2003, 08:00 AM
dkong dkong is offline
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KS seems to be like dead town. No FR here at all...
Old 17-10-2003, 10:42 AM
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Originally posted by dkong
KS seems to be like dead town. No FR here at all...
Not many Samsters patronise KS nowdays so no few FRs loh.
Those uncles or Ah pek u see hanging around there where got come into this forum .

From craving springs grief,
From craving springs fear,
One's who is wholly free from craving,
There is no grief, much less fear
Old 19-10-2003, 10:23 AM
xklusivly4u xklusivly4u is offline
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Hi Sr guys,

the otherday i went to KS, walk from road start to end, I don't see any houses or ladies, please guide me where I can find them in KS if it is still alive.
Old 22-10-2003, 03:52 PM
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Originally posted by xklusivly4u
Hi Sr guys,

the otherday i went to KS, walk from road start to end, I don't see any houses or ladies, please guide me where I can find them in KS if it is still alive.
Did U see those with BIG RED house numbers, just go in and you see if they have girls or not. Open your eyes leh!
Old 23-10-2003, 09:53 PM
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Originally posted by xklusivly4u
Hi Sr guys,

the otherday i went to KS, walk from road start to end, I don't see any houses or ladies, please guide me where I can find them in KS if it is still alive.
They are some in house lady.

Like Hse 28,09.19,02

some are by call.....
Old 24-10-2003, 02:12 AM
xklusivly4u xklusivly4u is offline
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Originally posted by tiger2
Did U see those with BIG RED house numbers, just go in and you see if they have girls or not. Open your eyes leh!
yeah i saw those BIG house numbers, what is the best time to go there?

thanks guys.
Old 24-10-2003, 05:29 PM
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Originally posted by xklusivly4u
yeah i saw those BIG house numbers, what is the best time to go there?

thanks guys.
12noon to 5pm, well later than that you might not get the good one
Old 02-11-2003, 07:06 PM's Avatar is offline
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Originally posted by tiger2
12noon to 5pm, well later than that you might not get the good one
He's rite got to beat the office crowd.
Old 14-11-2003, 11:29 AM
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Re: Connie

Hi bro Ah Des

How are u rmemebr me? Does Connie moan very loud
when she gets fuck? Is she very tall? I saw one girl
damn sexy not sure is it her,there is a house with striking
blue colour door sam row as the coffee shop selling laksa
and hor fun.I wait for your respond,thank you


Originally posted by Ah Des
she is one hell of a screamer!!! POWER!!!
Old 29-12-2003, 06:58 PM
witan788 witan788 is offline
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Thumbs down GrandmotherF**ker

After seeing the rave reviews on Lily by our bros here, I decided to head down to KS to seeing if she's really as good as her reputation states. Went over to house 6, and to my delight the OKT told me that she's available and was told to wait in the room for her. After waiting for 5 mins, was told that she was book by another client, so I requested but for Zhen Zhen but to my disappointment was told that she went back to her hometown for a month. In the end, she gave me Ah Zhu whom she claimed that had got big tits. Feeling sian liao and with an urge building within me, I just agreed. And that was the beginning of my nightmare...

My balls dropped wif a loud thud onto the floor as I was greeted by Ah Zhu. I gotta admit that I some sorta MILF, but she is definately one milf that u rather not screw. Her boobs are big but saggy. After undressing both of us and having capped my didi, she proceeded to do the unthinkable, she removed her bloody dentures right before my eyes. Anyway, I proceeded to screw her as not to waste my $30 dollars and here's my FR...

Name : Ah Zhu
Cat 30
Face : 3/10 (The big thick tattooed eyebrows are definately a huge turn of for me)
Body : 4/10 (Height below 1.6m, with stretchmarks all over her tummy and thigh)
Boobs : 4/10 Big and saggy(shd be ard 38D)
Cat Bath : 3/10
BJ : 4/10
FJ : 2/10 (My dick went limp halfway as her 'ums and hums'(sounds like throat clearing) turns me off big time and I ended up getting her to finish it up with a HJ)
RTF: Not in a million years!
Hmm....but on the brighter side, I'm now a grandmother f**ker, a title not many bros here can claim...

Last edited by witan788; 29-12-2003 at 07:10 PM.
Old 30-12-2003, 08:52 AM
LEE76 LEE76 is offline
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Re: GrandmotherF**ker

Originally posted by witan788
After seeing the rave reviews on Lily by our bros here, I decided to head down to KS to seeing if she's really as good as her reputation states. Went over to house 6, and to my delight the OKT told me that she's available and was told to wait in the room for her. After waiting for 5 mins, was told that she was book by another client, so I requested but for Zhen Zhen but to my disappointment was told that she went back to her hometown for a month. In the end, she gave me Ah Zhu whom she claimed that had got big tits. Feeling sian liao and with an urge building within me, I just agreed. And that was the beginning of my nightmare...

My balls dropped wif a loud thud onto the floor as I was greeted by Ah Zhu. I gotta admit that I some sorta MILF, but she is definately one milf that u rather not screw. Her boobs are big but saggy. After undressing both of us and having capped my didi, she proceeded to do the unthinkable, she removed her bloody dentures right before my eyes. Anyway, I proceeded to screw her as not to waste my $30 dollars and here's my FR...

Name : Ah Zhu
Cat 30
Face : 3/10 (The big thick tattooed eyebrows are definately a huge turn of for me)
Body : 4/10 (Height below 1.6m, with stretchmarks all over her tummy and thigh)
Boobs : 4/10 Big and saggy(shd be ard 38D)
Cat Bath : 3/10
BJ : 4/10
FJ : 2/10 (My dick went limp halfway as her 'ums and hums'(sounds like throat clearing) turns me off big time and I ended up getting her to finish it up with a HJ)
RTF: Not in a million years!
Hmm....but on the brighter side, I'm now a grandmother f**ker, a title not many bros here can claim...
Can't help myself to laugh

The interesting part is when u said she removed her dentures..hahahahaaa
Old 09-01-2004, 05:29 PM
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Re: GrandmotherF**ker

Originally posted by witan788
After seeing the rave reviews on Lily by our bros here, I decided to head down to KS to seeing if she's really as good as her reputation states. Went over to house 6, and to my delight the OKT told me that she's available and was told to wait in the room for her. After waiting for 5 mins, was told that she was book by another client, so I requested but for Zhen Zhen but to my disappointment was told that she went back to her hometown for a month. In the end, she gave me Ah Zhu whom she claimed that had got big tits. Feeling sian liao and with an urge building within me, I just agreed. And that was the beginning of my nightmare...

My balls dropped wif a loud thud onto the floor as I was greeted by Ah Zhu. I gotta admit that I some sorta MILF, but she is definately one milf that u rather not screw. Her boobs are big but saggy. After undressing both of us and having capped my didi, she proceeded to do the unthinkable, she removed her bloody dentures right before my eyes. Anyway, I proceeded to screw her as not to waste my $30 dollars and here's my FR...

Name : Ah Zhu
Cat 30
Face : 3/10 (The big thick tattooed eyebrows are definately a huge turn of for me)
Body : 4/10 (Height below 1.6m, with stretchmarks all over her tummy and thigh)
Boobs : 4/10 Big and saggy(shd be ard 38D)
Cat Bath : 3/10
BJ : 4/10
FJ : 2/10 (My dick went limp halfway as her 'ums and hums'(sounds like throat clearing) turns me off big time and I ended up getting her to finish it up with a HJ)
RTF: Not in a million years!
Hmm....but on the brighter side, I'm now a grandmother f**ker, a title not many bros here can claim...

Excues Me, Did U said it as $30 OnLy ??
sO whAt do U expect ?

EvEn HJ in HC oso asked for $50 Man !!
What is $30.........expecting a 20+ to early 30s ????

Old 10-01-2004, 03:43 AM
Sawadee Sawadee is offline
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in Petian u still can get good stuff for $20-30

dentures ..... wah thats like only happens in the movies ......
Old 12-01-2004, 11:31 AM
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local gals

Hi bros,

I am a newbie here, so bare with me.

Is there anywhere in singapore that I can get a local girl (20-25 years old)?

I know they charge more and are harder to find - but there must be a few?

Old 13-01-2004, 01:58 AM
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petian has a few @ $50
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