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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 07-01-2005, 11:27 AM
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Re: FR on Angel

Originally Posted by corner9
...wonder how our bros who drive large cars will negotiate the turns :P
I already managed to graze a tyre driving a mid-sized saloon... I suspect we'll get more mis-adventure stories when bros who drive S-Classes, 7-Series, etc go have a romp at this new location...

Or maybe I was just complacently careless!
Old 07-01-2005, 11:31 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by machoman
imom, u hit the nail on the head spot-on. Coco is like the Mercedes advertisement...." Incomparable" in terms of service.
Yeah, another Bro has been telling me to try her... but I never seem to get round to it as I'm always distracted!
Old 07-01-2005, 02:22 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Like bro. Imom said, the rumps in the car parks are narrow and the turns are quite sharp. I already witnessed one badly dented car there. So do be extra careful if you are parking at the hotel's basement car park. Alternatively, there is one covered public car park directly opposite Allson hotel along Queen street which provide better access and cheaper too!
Woh, looks like Fann's services and attitude has improve tremendously since her ANA, may give her a try next time.
Bro. Bobby8881, it's your call but I would caution you about licking WL's pussies. You may loose more than your tongue! it's an'it worth the risk my friend. Please think thrice.
Old 07-01-2005, 02:27 PM
Bobby8881 Bobby8881 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. Bobby8881, it's your call but I would caution you about licking WL's pussies. You may loose more than your tongue! it's an'it worth the risk my friend. Please think thrice.
Hi Zack

Thanks for the advise - I totally agree. Will try (very hard) to avoid licking WL's pussies.

So any recommendations between Coco & Angel? Can afford to try only 1?

Old 07-01-2005, 02:49 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Bro. Booby8881,
Hope you take my advice seriously. As they say," 5 minutes of pleasure but a life time of ruin."
Both Coco and Angel have different quality and looks. It depends on your preference and mood. Angel has got good heights and model like figure. Long straight hair and very feminine. She is not chatty and can come across as a tad cold unless you know how to warm her up. Services above avg. for HC standard. Coco is not stunner but more than make up for it with her top services, great attitude, and high energy level. She has a pixie like face that some may term attractive and good womanly curves. Be warn though, this gal is adventurous and not for feint-hearted. There you go...enjoy but remember to treat the gals nicely. They are both good choices.
Old 07-01-2005, 03:00 PM
Bobby8881 Bobby8881 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. Booby8881,
Hope you take my advice seriously. As they say," 5 minutes of pleasure but a life time of ruin."
Both Coco and Angel have different quality and looks. It depends on your preference and mood. Angel has got good heights and model like figure. Long straight hair and very feminine. She is not chatty and can come across as a tad cold unless you know how to warm her up. Services above avg. for HC standard. Coco is not stunner but more than make up for it with her top services, great attitude, and high energy level. She has a pixie like face that some may term attractive and good womanly curves. Be warn though, this gal is adventurous and not for feint-hearted. There you go...enjoy but remember to treat the gals nicely. They are both good choices.
Hi Zack

OK - convinced liao. I'd rather live .....

I read that Coco speaks English well.......any idea about Angel?

I think it would help if the FRs could also state if she spoke English ..... would help those of us like me who don't speak the language.

Old 07-01-2005, 03:08 PM
sashimi13 sashimi13 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Bro I have a suggestion for fellow samsters. i.e. to solve the car parking problems.....Park at the HDB block of flats which is underground and walk to the hotel.however take note that the wardens are very on around this area so do display appropriate coupons unless of course the Hc is willing to reimburse parking charges for htl guest than different story.
Old 07-01-2005, 04:01 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Hi Bobby8881,
Wah you asked a lot of questions leh! one more, you need to buy kopi liao...ok,just for you, Angel is M'sian Chinese so she is more conversant in Mandarin. Coco is local and speaks reasonably good english.
Old 07-01-2005, 05:51 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Just came back from a heavenly session with Coco. She is the finest of the bunch, at legends or elsewhere!

Zack - So much for that New Years Resolution. Couldn't help myself. Called this morning and got Cocos 3:00 slot. Couldn't turn down being her first session of the day. It's been a few months since I had a session with her...lets just say we made up for lost time!
Old 07-01-2005, 07:25 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Hey Guzzler,
This only the 7th day of the New Year and already you cannot tahan eh....well a man has his need and he got to do what he got to do...what can I said ? will have to buy kopi next time ok. You surprised me! Coco is great fun always, and as I often said, "she belongs to the die,die must try category." Guzzler, you "rascal", trying to test my reslove with another enticing fr. on her...ha,ha,ha...I'm not having any of any case the queue for her will only get longer. Believed me I'm trying real hard to keep to mine but I'm also feeling weak in my knees now.
Old 07-01-2005, 09:37 PM
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Red face Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Hey Guzzler,
This only the 7th day of the New Year and already you cannot tahan eh....well a man has his need and he got to do what he got to do...what can I said ? will have to buy kopi next time ok. You surprised me! Coco is great fun always, and as I often said, "she belongs to the die,die must try category." Guzzler, you "rascal", trying to test my reslove with another enticing fr. on her...ha,ha,ha...I'm not having any of any case the queue for her will only get longer. Believed me I'm trying real hard to keep to mine but I'm also feeling weak in my knees now.
Commando style all the way!!! We both laid there short of breath for a good five minutes. She never fails to impress.

To all the samsters reading this. You treat coco well and she'll treat you well. She's a wonderful girl that deserves respect. Trust me, you'll only benefit from treating her like a lady! Be good to her and she'll be good to you. Treat her poorly and god help you if her regulars track you down!!!!!
Old 08-01-2005, 11:42 AM
corner9 corner9 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Bro, did I bump into you? I had angel at 3:15pm... :P

Originally Posted by guzzler
Just came back from a heavenly session with Coco. She is the finest of the bunch, at legends or elsewhere!

Zack - So much for that New Years Resolution. Couldn't help myself. Called this morning and got Cocos 3:00 slot. Couldn't turn down being her first session of the day. It's been a few months since I had a session with her...lets just say we made up for lost time!
Old 08-01-2005, 11:52 AM
corner9 corner9 is offline
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FR: Angel

I couldn't resist... And so at 11am yesterday, I called and booked Angel :P

What can I say, I have had Fiona, Fann, Joyce and Rachel... BUT Angel takes the cake. Maybe I caught her on a good day. She was very chatty and responsive (compared too all the above except Fiona-that one is out of this world)

Don't need to give a description of her, model like figure but if you want more boobs, this is not the one for you.

She speaks reasonably well in English but is of course more conversant in Mandarin.

I agree with some bros about her massage...only so so but who's there for that right!

In all i had a wonderful session with her, much better than the times with Fann and Joyce... though Fiona will always take the cake.

BJ: 7/10 (sensual and seductive...knows how to control the rhythmn with her mouth and eyes)
FJ: 8/10 (Was one of the best I have had in a HC)

Her service level is fabulous and she is really obliging and accomodating.

Again I agree with the bros here, if you treat them nicely, they will recipocate well.

RTF: Definitely! but I have 2 more targets... Cindy and CoCo.
Old 08-01-2005, 12:20 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Hi bro. corner9,
Hey, no need to go to work eh?,ke,ke. Morning and afternoon also can go for afternoon delights. Ist Fiona, then Joyce, then Fann, then Angel, then you want to target my darling Cindy and Coco...wah chek buay liao leh! Like that I think you better buy me and bro. Guzzler kopi leh, otherwise no more lobangs for,ke,ke. Anyway glad you enjoyed your session with Angel. If you like her look and can connect with her, she is no bad. Remember to treat Coco and Cindy nicely, otherwise bro. guzzler and me will sit on your back! Also have your heart checked before you try Coco, don't want to see your name in the paper ok...enjoy but cheong with care oh!
Old 08-01-2005, 04:11 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Hi Bros,

Went to the new legends. Have to admit that it has got a posh look. Quite glad that it has maintained its price. The rooms, cosy, but no mirrors . Anyway, had a recommendation from counter. Think her name was Daisy. She came in, a ok looker. Not model looker like Fiona, but definately not a bad looker either. Her service attitude was a A star...treats you like a king. But her main assets are well...her assets. Bros who are eyeing for big boobs should not miss her. She encourages you to finger her pussy and squeeze her boobs. During the massage, she was innocent, but come to the special, like a porn star...moaning etc.


Face: 6.5/10
Figure: 6/10
Boobs: 8.5/10
HJ: 8/10
BM: 7.5/10
Service: 9/10
RTF: Highly likely, but Vitamin M has to grow again

Damages: $38 + standard BM + HJ charges
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