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Old 11-05-2013, 09:22 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Keeping us in suspense as usual! Keep it up!
Old 11-05-2013, 11:40 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Late camper reporting to my fav writer! Huat ah!
Old 12-05-2013, 01:42 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

im seeing evil plots soon!
I judge myself
Old 12-05-2013, 02:37 AM
Guitarhero Guitarhero is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

camping for more , thanks
Old 13-05-2013, 09:59 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

March 2010

That was the first high tea in my life. After living for 28 years, I still could not get wrap my mind around the idea of paying $40 for pastries and tea in a hotel lounge. I’ve already accepted that I don’t belong to the ‘atas’ group of people but since Joe asked us along, I felt obliged to give face to my brother in law to be.

I hardly ate anything, just trying a couple of more interesting sweet treat and testing various brews of tea as we chatted in Fullerton that Saturday afternoon.

More attention was given to the hem of Sylvia’s dress as it kept sliding up her thighs whenever she sat back, and the angle in which I approached from the food spread gave me a good view of her legs.


Joe suggested we check out the newly opened IR in sentosa as we’re still early for our dinner with the girls’ parents.

We filed into his car and before we knew it, we got to this vast underground craven of a carpark.

Gillian’s phone was already out and both of us were busy taking pictures, doing silly poses with anything interesting of note, including the dustbin.

I noticed Joe’s attention was drawn to something else as he slowly edged us towards the destination he had in mind.

I could see the colourful lights and the grand entrance of the casino from a distance away. I felt a sudden dreadful thought as it suddenly dawned on me that Joe’s main aim was to go check out the casino.

I definitely did not want to pay for the $100 levy.

30 Steps from the entrance, Joe announced that we should all check out the casino. The girls immediately protested, unwilling to pay for the levy, but Joe had it all figured out.

Joe : I just got my PB, no excuses, entrance is on me.

He shooed us along to get us in line to get our IDs scanned and barely 5 mins later, Joe parted with $400 to get us into the casino.

It’s been a while since I could smell cigarette smoke in an air conditioned environment, I still remembered people use to light up on the dance floor back in the days when the ban hasn’t come into effect.

Gillian and I as usual, took pictures, checking out the place.

Joe and Sylvia disappeared from our sides and we just explored the place on our own.


Gillian and I got a little bored as we don’t really fancy the idea of squeezing with the crowd just to place a bet, we just wandered around till we saw Joe and Sylvia at the roulette table.

We watched them play for a good 20 minutes as Joe explained some of the rules and tactics he had researched online.


After a 30 minute losing streak, I saw the croupier put a token on Joe’s coloured chip. A stack was pushed across and he distributed them out onto the numbers again, explaining his strategy to me.

As far as I could see, it seemed like random placement.

Then as fate would have it, Joe won again.

And Again.

6.55 pm
And again.

Sylvia had stopped playing and we were just looking at Joe’s winning streak.

I sort of heard somewhere it’s rude to stop someone when he’s on a winning streak but we’re going to be late for our dinner at 7.30pm if we don’t leave soon. Even though Vivo is just 5 minutes away, there’s still the carparking to be navigated.

I turned to Gillian

James : Ermm what time are we meeting your parents ar ? 7.30pm right ?

She nodded and turned towards her Sister who in turned whispered in Joe’s ear.

Joe : Ok. One more round.


We left the casino and Joe announced that dinner is on him that evening.


Seafood with the girl’s parents. No one made any attempt to mention the casino, gambling did not sit well with the in laws.


I went to the washroom and I did not realize Joe was right behind. He asked if i’m interested to head back later and I politely declined.

Joe : Aiyah, I one person go back very sian.

James : Eh, Mai la, I don’t really like the place. You go with Sylvia la.

Joe : Don’t want la, gambling bring wife along, wait she nag affect my luck.

I just laughed and we went back to dinner.

The $500 bill hardly made an impact on Joe’s $7000 winnings that evening.


We parted ways with the girls’ parents and headed over to Joe and Sylvia’s place in Simei.


We hardly started chatting when Joe motioned for me to join him in the kitchen.
Joe : Oei. I’m heading back to sentosa.

James : What ? Now ?

Joe : 24 hour pass for 100. If not lugi. Help me cover can ?

James : How ? You think they won’t realize you suddenly disappear meh ?

Joe smiled and said he has got everything figured out.


We left his place, heading to the cinema for a late night show.


I dialed Joe’s number with my phone in my pocket and watched as he started his act. He pretended to look concerned and a bit irritated as he rattled out some solutions for whoever’s suppose to be on the other line.

Turning to us a min later, he said that he was needed back in office for a while as ask us to go ahead, he’ll join us once he’s done.

I could tell Sylvia was a little unhappy but she did not make a fuss.


Joe gave me a wink before driving off.

I felt a sudden surge of excitement as this is one of the few times that I have the company of 2 sisters. Sylvia collected the tickets and I told her to pass me Joe’s tic in case I needed to go fetch him in halfway through.

I got the drinks and popcorn and I let the 2 sisters walk in front, my eyes drifting to Sylvia’s dress again.

Sylvia’s clad in a seductive red that Saturday evening, and it was not hard to spot some straying eyes in public drifting towards her. In fact there were multiple attempts by me to peep at her the entire day.

There were so many near misses, almost there but not yet there kind of situation.

The red velvet tube dress is rather short, showing off much of her white thighs, yet again giving me several scenarios that I would like to be in with my sister in law.

Joe got 2 sets of couple seats so I let the girls have one together, I did not want Sylvia to feel left out.

Sylvia : Thanks James, so sweet of you.

It was a sweet statement and it brought about butterflies in my stomach.

The girls shared a rather large shawl throughout the show, but I still manage to catch glimpses of Sylvia’s legs whenever the screen brightens up, the light caressing her exposed thighs. I always wonder why girls seemed to only cover the top half of their body with the shawl.

The phone call I was expecting from Joe did not arrive and I had to send the girls back in a cab.

The thing is Joe was not answering his phone, only replying with a sms to Sylvia that he’ll be late, sorting some issues out at work with the US office.

The cab ride from downtown east to Simei took barely 15 mins in the wee hours of the morning.

Gillian decided that it was a little late and there’s no point taking a cab back to Jurong, she’s going to spend the night in her sister’s guest room.

Sylvia : You want to stay over James ? I’m sure you can fit in Joe’s clothes.

I tried my best to hide my smile and agreed.

I dropped Joe an sms, updating him on the situation, telling him we’re staying over.

He replied 5 minutes later say he’s up 14k , will only be back in the morning.
I sat on the bed and took a deep breath.


Gillian came out of the shower in her sister’s Pyjamas, nothing fancy, just cotton pants and a singlet.

I took my turn in the shower and as I felt the warm water on my face, I began to think of what I can do that morning.


I saw Sylvia in the Yard, throwing her clothes and towel into the laundry basket. She came out into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water and asked me to make myself at home.

Sylvia : Water’s over here, anything in the fridge you want just help yourself ok ? No need to be shy ar..

James : Ok. Thanks. How is it like living on your own ar ?

Her head was tilted to the side as she tried to dry her hair with the towel.
Sylvia : Ermm.. need to do everything yourself lor, haha. Lucky we got a weekend helper, I cannot do housework for nuts. Haha

James : Wah, then poor Joe got to bao everything ar ?

Sylvia : What to do … he’s the man of the house what. Haha.

We parted ways in the kitchen and she headed back to her room.

I made sure the coast was clear before checking out the yard.

The dress she wore for that evening was hung up behind the laundry basket.
And I saw a basket of lingerie as well.

Perhaps it’s my mind fucking with me again but I reached in and felt one particular piece still radiating with warmth, still a little damp.

I hear the opening of a door and I quickly went to the fridge , pretending to check out what’s inside.

Gillian : Dear ar, come and sleep. You hungry ar ?

My heart was thumping as I closed the fridge door and turned around.

James : No la, just that tummy not feeling well. Might need the toilet again.


I got up to use the bathroom, heading straight in first in case Gillian came out after me.

As I sat on the wc, I scrolled through my phone, looking at the pictures I’ve taken of the girls last evening.

Most of it had already been uploaded and shared on my facebook and their faces tag with exception of one.

One that they will make me delete should they ever see it.

She will say it's unglam, but i think it looked great
Old 13-05-2013, 10:00 AM
Ilovetosex Ilovetosex is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Camping bro...
Old 13-05-2013, 11:15 AM
BMW69 BMW69 is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

A great update to kick start a brand new day
Old 13-05-2013, 03:17 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Thank you for the kind words and support.

This is going to be a long one.

Old 13-05-2013, 03:47 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Can't wait for next part.
Old 13-05-2013, 04:07 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

very measured and deliberate.

like your writing style.
Old 13-05-2013, 04:15 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Good story there! Awaiting for the next update
Old 13-05-2013, 05:01 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

3.15 am

I stood in the empty hallway as I kept my ears open for any signs of life in the quiet house.

The girls’s slept with the A/C so both doors are closed.

I made my way to the yard, and reached into the basket for Sylvia’s undies. I made the best guess as to which one she wore last evening and I brought it up , trying to see with what little light that was spilling in from the window.

It was a simple black cotton panty, with a cute print of a sheep at the corner. I did not know why but it still felt a little damp and cold to the touch. Being the pervert, of course I indulged in the scent of my sister in law, feeling my dick rise in the attempt.

I helped myself to her dress too, getting down on my hands and knees as I crawled towards it. The hanger did it’s job of lifting the dress up, and I pretended to be peeping and sniffing near the hem, but the novelty of my perverted act soon wore off and I left in search of something new to do.

I went to the shoe cabinet , tiptoeing quietly, stopping every few steps to listen for signs of the girls’ waking up. The panel of the cabinet creaked when I opened it and I saw a good collection of heels, flats and even boots belonging to Sylvia.

Perhaps the mood didn’t feel right or perhaps I did not want to be caught in the living room with heels in hand, I closed the cabinet and moved on.

I took my time, looking at the pictures of Joe and Sylvia in the living room, looking at her smile, at her body , at her legs. Joe must have accumulated a good deal of good karma in his previous life to get Sylvia, not that I did too badly with Gillian but somehow i just lust after Sylvia.

I looked through some of their letters, browsed through their written notes to each other and wondered when will I be able to own a place like this.


I was tired but I couldn’t sleep.
Looking at Sylvia’s room door, I felt an uncontrollable urge to open it.

Does she sleep in the nude ? Is she still awake ?

Questions poured through my head as I looked down the hallway.

I did not know what came over me but I decided to make an attempt to open the door to her room.

I could feel the cold air brushing against my feet at I stood at the entrance, I was tempted to just peep through the slit under the door but I knew I wouldn’t be able to see anything.

I paced up and down, forward and back, I had that butterflies in my stomach again, it’s as if I wanted to do something yet I didn’t dare to do it. What made it worst was my mind kept pushing me to try.

I suddenly remembered Joe telling me that Sylvia was a heavy sleeper, once she knocked out, perhaps only a lion dance in the room would wake her up. I considered that piece of information and thought about my next course of action.

Should I just bet everything on that piece of information ?

Then an idea crept into my head.

I went to the living room and dialed my mobile with the house phone. I took a while to figure out how to erase the call log of my number but eventually I got it.

My heart was thumping as I went into the bathroom again, locking the door behind me.

I dialed Joe and Sylvia’s home number and waited.

Barely a few seconds later, I could hear the phone ring.

The caller ID did not bother me as my number is private. The ringing went on for a while, a good 40 seconds or so I would say before I hung up.

Now I did not know if they had a phone in their master bedroom but if there is, I would expect Sylvia to answer it if it woke her up.

I left the bathroom again, standing in the hallway, listening for any sound at all.

I quickly went to the living room and hit dial again. This time round, I adjusted the ringer of the phone to it’s minimum before quickly skipping towards Sylvia’s bedroom. I held my breath as I slowly pressed my ear against the room door, fearful that the door might just suddenly open and I would have a hard time explaining my actions.

I could hear a faint melody coming from the room, one that I’m sure is not coming from the living room.

I could feel my heartbeat increase as I hung up, unsure if I should do it.

Several perverse thoughts raced through me, including one which I felt was plain crazy. I was wondering if Sylvia would knew it was not Joe who opened the door and laid down beside her.

Would she turn around to check if it’s her husband, or would she just continue her sleep.

I decided to just risk it and open the door slightly.

Whether I could take it further depended on a few factors, the most important one would be whether is she facing the door.

If she slept facing the entrance, I would not risk it, yet if her back is turned, perhaps I could take my chances.

As I turned the handle down, I peeked into the room for that small bit before I closed it immediately. I could tell Sylvia’s body was orientated towards the door and I felt a little disappointed.

It was as if a huge stone was removed from my heart as the reality of me not being able to do anything stupid and perverse slowly sank in.

I was still feeling a little frisky so I went to the yard, wrapping one of Sylvia’s underwear around my manhood and started to jerk myself off.

When I was ready to unload, my mind recalled something I saw in the fridge and I opened it. I brought out the yogurt container and opened it.

There was still a little left and I unloaded myself into the container.

I need not worry about Joe as he’s lactose intolerant and he avoided all dairy products.


I went to bed , cuddling up to my gf.

I woke up to see Gillian towering over me, sliding down my pants. I was feeling a little groggy and spent from the lack of sleep but knowing that she loved morning sex, I found it hard to reject her.

I hardly did any work as I let Gillian have her way with me, she came first, collapsing onto me before giving me a questioning look asking if I’m ok.

Gillian : You ok darling ?

James : Yup, just that not use to sleeping here.

I ended my turn in Gillian’s mouth and she cleaned me up , her hand cupping down on my mouth to stop me from moaning from the sensitive exposed dickhead.

We left the room to wash up, Sylvia prepared towels and new toothbrush for us both, I felt a little paiseh but little did I know that was just the beginning of many more nights at her place.

As we gathered at the table, Sylvia said that Joe was still not back yet and he’s not answering his call.

I was a little surprised and I dropped Joe an sms as I watched the 2 girls share what’s left of the yogurt from the fridge.

It felt really weird to watch that scene as I draft the sms to Joe.

James sms : Bro, you ok ?

I drained my coffee and as the girls were licking the spoon , chatting about where to go that Sunday , Joe replied my message.

Joe sms : On my way back. Can’t seem to break the 20k barrier. Huat ar !

I did not see a need for a reply so I continued my chat with Gillian and Sylvia.

Sylvia and I hardly had any lengthy conversations before, there seemed to be this invisible barrier between us, other than polite exchange and some teasing once in a while, we did not talk much.

Joe dropped me a message, asking me to call him somewhere private.

I excused myself from the girls in the living room and called Joe.

He said he needed my help to bring the girls out of the house .

James : Eh ? Why ?

Joe : Bro, I spent the night in the casino, and I smell like one. Sylvia sure will kaopei one.

James : Eh, then what you want me to do ? a bit funny leh if I suddenly say I want to bring them out.

Joe : Don’t worry. I got it all figured out.

He gave me his instructions and hung up.

I gave a sigh and went out to look for the girls.

James : Ermm girls. Joe has a flat tire. He’s just round the corner.

Sylvia : What ? Is he ok ?

James : Yup, says he’s fine, just needed to change the wheel and he’s coming right up.

Sylvia : Where is he ?

James : He says just around the bend.

I changed back into my old clothes and told the girls I’m going down to help.

I waited for a second and asked Sylvia which direction to get to Simei street 4.

Sylvia thought about it for a moment and said she’s coming down with me.

Gillian did not want to be left alone and she said she’s tagging along.

The girls took a while to get change as Gillian took her time selecting which of her sis’s clothes she wanted to borrow.

As we filed into the lift, I sent Joe an sms telling him we’re on our way.


The moment we left the estate, taking a slow walk towards the street, Sylvia’s phone rang.

A few seconds later, she said Joe’s already back in the house.

Sylvia : He said he’s already back. Wants us to buy breakfast for him.


We entered the house again and Joe gave me wink as he dried his hair with the towel.

Sylvia’s obviously not very happy and she went straight into her room. Joe followed behind and the door closed.


It was not hard to see they had a quarrel, Gillian and I excused ourselves and made our way to my place in Bedok.

April 2010

We did not meet up again until 2 weeks later when we had dinner with the in laws.

Joe gave me a sly smile in private and jio me to the casino again.

James : Bro you ok or not ?

Joe : I broke the 20k barrier liao. I’m up about 38k

James : Wah, eh better stop liao la, that’s like my annual salary including cpf contribution.

Joe : Aiyah, when money want to find you, better don’t hide . haha.

May 2010

It was my birthday and Joe gave me a $2000 hongbao. I refused to accept it but he insisted.

June 2010
Joe broke the 50k mark.
Old 13-05-2013, 05:02 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

July 2010
Joe broke the 55k Mark. He lost weight visibly and he seemed rather tired.

According to him, he visited the casino about 3-4 times a week. I cautioned him about the addiction and he waved me off, saying he’s in control

He offered to share with me a system he derived that is sure to beat the house , he insisted to bring me along to prove it works and I had a hard time trying to reject him.

Only when I said my exams for my degree is coming did he relented.

August 2010

Joe sms : Bro. Can lend me $2k ?

When I saw the message popped up in my screen, I knew he was in trouble.
Old 13-05-2013, 05:58 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

wow very nice story so far!! cant wait for more pictures
Always PM to chat more!
Old 13-05-2013, 06:20 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Interesting story.
Camping for more.

TS, please continue.
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