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Old 19-06-2005, 06:54 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by elmoboy
Where can i get a normal good thai amulet here in singapore (can bless health, money and luck). Which temple do i go and which are recomend? How much to pay the monk?? Recently at this pasar malam in the north side there is this SHI FU giving out thai amulet make of brown material and have to pay $20 to "house" the amulet in a pendant. Is this trustable?? pls advice..
Like that definitely a cheat. An amulet case will cost only around $10 odd dollars to do in Singapore...

On to Exorcism, I remembered Singapore FHM also got one article, about this Sifu who owns 2 shops in Katong Shopping Centre; it's called "Ghost Buster". Maybe can check him out...
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Old 19-06-2005, 10:12 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Thai Amulets...

think after saying this will kanna zap but who care man. i dont go to singapore to get amulet cause i went to a thai tample in singapore once and the monk try to sell mi a fake or a 100 baht amulet for sin 50 dollars keep telling mi that it was a rare and antique one .sorry whenever i want to get any amulet i would find out and read up abt the amulet so in this case....thats y i wouldnt do it and another friend of mi keep telling mi that he knows someone in singapore who was well verse in that decast black magic stuff and also sell/give his dad and him some powerstuff and when i take a look at it i almost bust out laughting in the end i also never go see the guy in white for amulate can block black magic i havent see it but i got a few amulets that has keep mi from harm many many times liao so i think it will do the same for black magic too onces was in the old changi hospitalwhere one of my favour broke in to two .my idea was if u want good amulet go to the temple and get it yourself at the same time do some studies also .
Old 19-06-2005, 11:00 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by danls79
...someone in singapore who was well verse in that decast black magic stuff and also sell/give his dad and him some powerstuff and when i take a look at it i almost bust out laughting in the end i also never go see the guy in white too.
Woah...smelt fish...and now I's some mangali fish seller!

Anyway, I understand that some amulets (mostly ones made of metal) have a little free-falling ball-bearing sealed inside the amulet. When you enter a "dirty place", the ball-bearing was purported to shake vigorously in the amulet causing a "ding-ding" sign to warn you of impending danger.

However, it's not understood if the amulet after warning you would provide you with any kind of protection, if any....
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Old 19-06-2005, 11:42 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by elmoboy
Where can i get a normal good thai amulet here in singapore (can bless health, money and luck).
I visit choa chu kang temple near keat hong camp.. I ask for amulet for safety.. The monk gave me 2 pieces of Lp thuat amulet.. I went to shop to ask expert where to find the date of BE 25XX.. Hmmm they told me that the amulet is around 35yrs old.. woooo
Old 19-06-2005, 11:47 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by samfan
However, it's not understood if the amulet after warning you would provide you with any kind of protection, if any....
Normally if the amulet helps u to siamz a big accident or wad, it would crack into half or wad..Well fate play a big part as well doesnt mean u wear a very powerful amulet, it can turned u into superman..Have to be careful in everything u do...
Old 19-06-2005, 11:52 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dizzy_88
Normally if the amulet helps u to siamz a big accident or wad, it would crack into half or wad..Well fate play a big part as well doesnt mean u wear a very powerful amulet, it can turned u into superman..Have to be careful in everything u do...
Karma plays a very imp part too! Dun think that you wear 9 Somdet Wat Rakang then you can be a superman. Do all bad things and you still have to pay for it!!! Buddhism talks about Karma!
Old 19-06-2005, 11:55 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Vigin Lover
Karma plays a very imp part too! Dun think that you wear 9 Somdet Wat Rakang then you can be a superman. Do all bad things and you still have to pay for it!!! Buddhism talks about Karma!
so u dun visit WLs ??
Old 19-06-2005, 12:17 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia
so u dun visit WLs ??

I used to have a kaki, he was in Reservist and one night in the toilet his amulet "rang"...he felt a presence, but what to do, in camp mah. He fell sick for the following 3 days... Does this mean that the amulet cana forewarn you, but can't actually protect you...against dirty things, except danger where the amulets will buffer the impact...
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Old 19-06-2005, 01:38 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia
so u dun visit WLs ??
Bro i dun think visiting WLS is bad karma ba.. As long we didnt hurt anyone i dun think its a bad thing.. summore we paid for it ley.. there is one chinese quote 收人钱财替人晓灾
Old 19-06-2005, 01:51 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dizzy_88
Bro i dun think visiting WLS is bad karma ba.. As long we didnt hurt anyone i dun think its a bad thing.. summore we paid for it ley.. there is one chinese quote 收人钱财替人晓灾

Visiting a WL is bad karma. But horny guys still go for it.
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Old 19-06-2005, 02:02 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dizzy_88
Bro i dun think visiting WLS is bad karma ba.. As long we didnt hurt anyone i dun think its a bad thing.. summore we paid for it ley.. there is one chinese quote 收人钱财替人晓灾

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Old 19-06-2005, 02:07 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo
Visiting a WL is bad karma. But horny guys still go for it.

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Old 19-06-2005, 02:23 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo
Visiting a WL is bad karma. But horny guys still go for it.

Bro we also need to relieve ourselves ma..everyday use hand also will sianz one..Have u noticed that some thai WLs have Gumantong or Rama IV statue in their rooms..?? kinda feel weird to do that infront of their presence but the WL insist that it is ok..
Old 19-06-2005, 03:45 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dizzy_88
Bro we also need to relieve ourselves ma..everyday use hand also will sianz one..Have u noticed that some thai WLs have Gumantong or Rama IV statue in their rooms..?? kinda feel weird to do that infront of their presence but the WL insist that it is ok..

Errr I agree with this, horny men r also men, but it is a disrespect to have sex in front of these.
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Old 19-06-2005, 03:46 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by diesel

Errrrr this I have to disagree.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
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