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Old 19-11-2013, 04:40 AM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Originally Posted by cherielady View Post
Even if he did, it would be in the past. I am sure he isn't in our current lives due to some factors which I can't explain in a public forum. He reads this forum too, don't want him to know I started a thread about us
Ha! Once he reads this, he knows its you.

And Iphone n games aren't reasons for no sex life.
Even if they take time away, its not time taken for the long term.
If sex is enjoyable, he can find the 15 min to do it n continue wif his games afterwards.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 19-11-2013, 01:02 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Ts not seductive enough la...
Old 19-11-2013, 03:00 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Hey TS, your hubby sound so much like me and I am guilty at times. I just felt really tired at night and just wanna rest on bed and do my own stuff. That's the only time I can relax... My wife will start arouse me and do all the same stuff which dun seems to catch my attention. My dick just doesn't react. Sex becoming a chore as I have to work and start pumping her... Tired lah... Sometime I just felt that DIY is much better solution to relieve the needs. But that doesn't mean I am sick and tired of sex. I think sex life is just too mandate and dry in a marriage. I start to show my wife porn that I like, bought her magazines (cosmopolitan) etc to tell her how to surprise me in bed. I think the key it to "Surprise". A fresh new element in sex life. She started to just touches me and fondle me while I am watching tv. Caress me with soft touches... Lick and Bbbj me without me asking for it... Even giving me a massage and handjob with lubricant to relieve my stress and catch my attention. That's when I started to response to her needs. Sex life improved definitely when she started to do all the initiating and ride on me and not me pumping her when I am tired... Hope these helps..
Old 19-11-2013, 03:18 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

In some cases, the low drive may come from some unhappiness that is better left not said. May not be about sexual preferences, but 'little things' in life such as how you want to leave the toilet seat. Over time, small issues become big issues.
Old 19-11-2013, 05:30 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Dear Cherie

I feel for you as I have a situation a little different from yours.

At the very least, your husband is still home by your side everyday whereas my husband is frequently overseas. Yes, you won't believe me, I only see him 5days a month. That's the worst I ever expect. Only at times, he stays as long as 2 weeks. I was really pissed at how his big boss made him work.

But when my husband is back at home, we made crazy love, at least 2 times a day. Imagine when he is away, who can I look for? I felt helpless, desperate and I was depressed.

There could be some reasons for his unusual behaviour. Try opening his heart, make him talk. Marriage ain't all about sex, share his woes if he has any.

Lastly I wish you all the best in life.

Old 20-11-2013, 12:13 AM
chencur chencur is offline
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Originally Posted by gtan1980 View Post
Hey TS, your hubby sound so much like me and I am guilty at times. I just felt really tired at night and just wanna rest on bed and do my own stuff. That's the only time I can relax... My wife will start arouse me and do all the same stuff which dun seems to catch my attention. My dick just doesn't react. Sex becoming a chore as I have to work and start pumping her... Tired lah... Sometime I just felt that DIY is much better solution to relieve the needs. But that doesn't mean I am sick and tired of sex. I think sex life is just too mandate and dry in a marriage. I start to show my wife porn that I like, bought her magazines (cosmopolitan) etc to tell her how to surprise me in bed. I think the key it to "Surprise". A fresh new element in sex life
i totally agree on this. my wife keep expecting me on doing the same routine, which is i'm doing all the tasks. she just wait n laid back, to the extent that i felt very tired of the same routine.
Old 20-11-2013, 05:05 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Btw, im married too. I am not looking for a FB, nor I have another thread. So please dun flame me here. haha.

Anyway, back to the topic.
TS, I think you should start going to Victoria Secret, La Senza or some other shops that can flaunt your assets. Make yourself more attractive. Or seductive. Maybe a slut might be the word.

That how thing get spicy in the bedroom. It is only between you and your hubby. You dun have to be shy. Maybe you can even try wearing a white nightie, bathe in the nightie and ask your hubby to join you.

Wear something he like, or maybe talk dirty to him if he like it. Who say sex must be initiated by guys? Gers can start the ball rolling too. By touching him just abit, it doesn't prove anything. It doesn't mean that you want sex.

Give him a real touch, a blowjob, pull down his short, give it to him. Tell him straight in the face, fuck me now. It might help or enhance your sex life. Sex is interactive, is about action. If you talk too much, things might not get any better.

Action speak louder than words. Isn't that so? Hopefully this does help in ur quest of conquering your hubby more.
Old 20-11-2013, 05:41 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Watched a movie last Saturday at Balestier, Don Jon. Not the same situation as TS but the lead actor found more pleasure in porn than real sex. Through his self discovery and guidance from one of his fb, he realised that he did not connect with the person he was making love to.
In real sex, he was fucking for fucking only, doing all the work, pressure to please his partner. With porn, he felt no pressure at all.
Sorry ts, no advice here but you might want to catch the movie and see if any parallel to your situation.
Old 20-11-2013, 05:47 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

On a lighter note, there was a saying:
When you are in your 30s, you do it tri -weekly. In your 40s, you try weekly.
And in your 50s, you try weakly, like yours truly!
Old 20-11-2013, 06:11 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Eh cum fast not necessary long time no sex.. I think the best way to know he never has his sex needs elsewhere including DIY is the amount of sperm.. Well but that's my personal observation.

Often, having sex with same person over a period of time can be no longer exciting not to mention if the same process.. U need to inject some excitement to arouse him.. Maybe in dressing and etc.. And do things differently.. Does he like bj? Instead of touching him hinting.. Go straight down and give him a surprise or during sleep? There's many ways these are just 1-2 ways which I think adds excitement .. There are of course many more.. Depending on what he likes try discover more of his like or fetish if any.. Slowly open him up and find out what he likes, directly or indirectly
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Old 20-11-2013, 06:59 PM
Sadlady Sadlady is offline
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Did you try talking to him to find out what had happen? No offence, but I strongly feel a lady figure is very important, for me though I dont really gain much weight but I do swim, go for aeobric, gym or yoga weekly to tone my body. You can try wearing sexy lingerie, have dirty talk or jokes with him. My fiance is my only sex partner, and I do not really know lot of s stuffs but I do learn and try new things with him and I know he loves it. Guys like excitement. Sorry i may sound slutness, like for my fiance he is a heavy sleeper so waking him up is not easy. At times, i will soft bite his ears as I know he is very sensitive or bj him to wake him up and he loves it and will pretend not to wake up. At times, we were late for work cause of morning sex. Dont be sad uou never try you will never know. Try slowly to know what he likes. All the best!
Old 20-11-2013, 07:25 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

sis, if u says teasing him is not about


Maybe he ll turn on?

I dunno abt other bro here. But since married my sex life with my wife is also limited to once a week. Dunno what happen also. Haha
Old 20-11-2013, 07:26 PM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Originally Posted by Sadlady View Post
Did you try talking to him to find out what had happen? No offence, but I strongly feel a lady figure is very important, for me though I dont really gain much weight but I do swim, go for aeobric, gym or yoga weekly to tone my body. You can try wearing sexy lingerie, have dirty talk or jokes with him. My fiance is my only sex partner, and I do not really know lot of s stuffs but I do learn and try new things with him and I know he loves it. Guys like excitement. Sorry i may sound slutness, like for my fiance he is a heavy sleeper so waking him up is not easy. At times, i will soft bite his ears as I know he is very sensitive or bj him to wake him up and he loves it and will pretend not to wake up. At times, we were late for work cause of morning sex. Dont be sad uou never try you will never know. Try slowly to know what he likes. All the best!
Nice one sadlady, yes guys in general like new excitement to keep them interested. Am glad you try and understand your the other half, he is fortunate
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Old 21-11-2013, 08:57 AM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

Originally Posted by Sadlady View Post
Did you try talking to him to find out what had happen? No offence, but I strongly feel a lady figure is very important, for me though I dont really gain much weight but I do swim, go for aeobric, gym or yoga weekly to tone my body. You can try wearing sexy lingerie, have dirty talk or jokes with him. My fiance is my only sex partner, and I do not really know lot of s stuffs but I do learn and try new things with him and I know he loves it. Guys like excitement. Sorry i may sound slutness, like for my fiance he is a heavy sleeper so waking him up is not easy. At times, i will soft bite his ears as I know he is very sensitive or bj him to wake him up and he loves it and will pretend not to wake up. At times, we were late for work cause of morning sex. Dont be sad uou never try you will never know. Try slowly to know what he likes. All the best!
Ur fiance is one damm lucky guy...No offence sista...But the key word here is FIANCE...TS guy is husband...Come back & tell us 5 years into ur own marriage if wat u say now still is happening in ur sex life

Im just saying fm a guy's point of view...Well not all guys...
Old 21-11-2013, 09:08 AM
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Re: Sex life is failing...

communication.. thats the key word

speak to the person in question and understand wats the problem
no point guessing and coming forum hear this hear that.. noone knows it better than he himself..
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