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Old 02-09-2015, 12:31 AM
joncheong joncheong is offline
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by stuss View Post
Yes, this reminds me of the good ol days when the Thais were every guy's cup of tea. About 2008 - 2009?

Just by walking past, you would hear those moans, some room even had more than one sexy moans, ie tarma.

Once I brougt my fren who just released from prison. He said he kept it for months n have not seen & touched a lady. Who remembers Yam? I booked Yam for him n I had another woman. In less than 15 mins, I could clearly hear the 'piak piak piak' sound coming n real sexy moans from his girl. I had to retaliate n told my gal to moan even louder.

Now I have boycotted Thai/PRC FL. The only moans I hear are from Geylang legal houses.
a guy who has never been to prison can never experience the feeling of the spermies being kept for a few months...and not seeing girls too..
Old 02-09-2015, 01:10 AM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

I didn't know the walls and doors in some hotels are so thin. A few years back, I had a fling with young syt colleague. Both of us were attached and her bf usually pick her after work.

Spent a few weeks hanky panky in my car during lunch. No sex as it was bright and hard to find a quiet place. And she wasn't ready to have sex with me.

1 day during lunch time after making her high in car, she finally agree to have sex... but need to be quick and have to be in a hotel. Search through my Google maps and brain juice before finding 2 hotels near West coast. At first we step into a budget hotel but found there were some people in queue and the guys were looking at her from head to toe. She wasn't comfortable so we went to the hotel beside. No hourly rate so had to pay per day rate. The hotel is very quiet.

We wasted no time and went up into the room. Strip her completely naked within seconds. I never seen her completely naked prior to this and it was a very nice view. She has nice ass and breasts. Given our limited time and I wanted to impress her... went straight to bonk her hard and deep. Few times she asked me to stop but I didn't. She was moaning very loud. Imagine I can hear people walking outside... very sure they can hear us clearly. Last about 20mins before I unload every sperm to her body and breasts. She tried to stop me but it was too late.

It was already late and she didn't have time to bath. So wipe with tissue and we quickly left and check out. The room cleaner and reception guy was staring at us when we walked pass. Quite sure they heard us.

When reached office, we were both still sweating.
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Old 02-09-2015, 02:39 AM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by TwinX View Post
I didn't know the walls and doors in some hotels are so thin. A few years back, I had a fling with young syt colleague. Both of us were attached and her bf usually pick her after work.

Spent a few weeks hanky panky in my car during lunch. No sex as it was bright and hard to find a quiet place. And she wasn't ready to have sex with me.

1 day during lunch time after making her high in car, she finally agree to have sex... but need to be quick and have to be in a hotel. Search through my Google maps and brain juice before finding 2 hotels near West coast. At first we step into a budget hotel but found there were some people in queue and the guys were looking at her from head to toe. She wasn't comfortable so we went to the hotel beside. No hourly rate so had to pay per day rate. The hotel is very quiet.

We wasted no time and went up into the room. Strip her completely naked within seconds. I never seen her completely naked prior to this and it was a very nice view. She has nice ass and breasts. Given our limited time and I wanted to impress her... went straight to bonk her hard and deep. Few times she asked me to stop but I didn't. She was moaning very loud. Imagine I can hear people walking outside... very sure they can hear us clearly. Last about 20mins before I unload every sperm to her body and breasts. She tried to stop me but it was too late.

It was already late and she didn't have time to bath. So wipe with tissue and we quickly left and check out. The room cleaner and reception guy was staring at us when we walked pass. Quite sure they heard us.

When reached office, we were both still sweating. excited
Old 03-09-2015, 01:07 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by bigangry View Post
bro you first time go open room with your gf?

this is very normal
We went many times already just that this is the first time we heard that.
Old 04-09-2015, 03:12 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Have tried two locals who are super loud stereo
enough for next few rooms to hear.

They claimed that they themselves are not
aware that their moans are so loud !!!
Old 04-09-2015, 04:43 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by mocha View Post
Have tried two locals who are super loud stereo
enough for next few rooms to hear.

They claimed that they themselves are not
aware that their moans are so loud !!!
Usually, they purposely moan loud to make you feel gd and horny.. hehe..
Old 04-09-2015, 04:50 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

moaning is such a turn on...
this reminded me when i was at my girl's place. We were cuddling in bed past mid night
when i heard moaning coming from next room... it was actually her room mate.
she was another babe in her own class different from my girl...

she sounded so high that i got a rock hard erection as imagines of her spun like windmill in my mind...
i started rubbing and fondling my girl's body in her satin lingerie...
she woked up half daze and chuckled at me.

knowing what i wanted,
she turned around, without warning, pined me down in woman on top position,
After abt 5-10 mins of grinding/biting... by the time i reached below her satin
panty was soaking wet... she begged me to enter her..

she muttered " we cant lose them " (she moaned louder than her room mate) lolol
things took off from there to the point of no return!

in the morning,
I asked my girl if she might have been too loud the night before..
her replied was "it felt like you took me into another planet" lolol
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Old 05-09-2015, 01:50 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by Justfuckmelah08 View Post
Heh heh! Reminded me of a incident my then bf (now hub) and I experienced! Checked into a Hotel 81 and when we were walking to our room, we heard a series of very loud moaning (both male and female) from the room beside ours! Made us so turned on, so when it was our turn to have some actions, hub asked me if I want to open our room door to "compete" with them. Of course I said yes so he went to leave the door open and we continued. Purposely moaned louder and there a housekeeping guy walked pass and started watching! LOL was so stunned but enjoyed him watching so let him be finally when both of us came hub faster went to close the door. Definitely a kinky but FUN experience!
next time do along corridor better. save cost somemore lol
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Old 05-09-2015, 02:28 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by ahbengseng View Post
moaning is such a turn on...
this reminded me when i was at my girl's place. We were cuddling in bed past mid night
when i heard moaning coming from next room... it was actually her room mate.
she was another babe in her own class different from my girl...

she sounded so high that i got a rock hard erection as imagines of her spun like windmill in my mind...
i started rubbing and fondling my girl's body in her satin lingerie...
she woked up half daze and chuckled at me.

knowing what i wanted,
she turned around, without warning, pined me down in woman on top position,
After abt 5-10 mins of grinding/biting... by the time i reached below her satin
panty was soaking wet... she begged me to enter her..

she muttered " we cant lose them " (she moaned louder than her room mate) lolol
things took off from there to the point of no return!

in the morning,
I asked my girl if she might have been too loud the night before..
her replied was "it felt like you took me into another planet" lolol
You didn't try her roommate to see who's louder?
Old 05-09-2015, 02:29 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

what about moaning at the legal brothels in Geylang? i have heard some moanings before too over at these whorehouses..
Old 05-09-2015, 02:42 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by FunnyPartner View Post
You didn't try her roommate to see who's louder?

NO! I regret till this day !
Her figure was better than my girl !
I sensed her trying to be "friendly" when we were watching tv
in the living room, offering me snacks, initiate conversation abt
the intimate scene in the movie etc etc...

SIGH!!!!!!! stupid me! I didnt try her!
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Old 05-09-2015, 02:50 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by joncheong View Post
what about moaning at the legal brothels in Geylang? i have heard some moanings before too over at these whorehouses..
i heard before an ang pai was with a bro in the room while the rest
were in the waiting area.. there were LOUD! the woman was over the top.. it sounded like she was yelling over life and death matter!
she was known as a service queen, maybe the guy requested it? it was all for that man's ego...............

I still remember the guy's face when he came out of the room - he looked like
he was struggling to finish a marathon... still panting, face flush.. that look we have after rigorous sex... haha!
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Old 05-09-2015, 03:24 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by ahbengseng View Post
i heard before an ang pai was with a bro in the room while the rest
were in the waiting area.. there were LOUD! the woman was over the top.. it sounded like she was yelling over life and death matter!
she was known as a service queen, maybe the guy requested it? it was all for that man's ego...............

I still remember the guy's face when he came out of the room - he looked like
he was struggling to finish a marathon... still panting, face flush.. that look we have after rigorous sex... haha!
nice encounter bro...yes some brothels they have thin walls too...
Old 05-09-2015, 06:45 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by dojob1234 View Post

Like my girl, when she moan, sounds like crying... And worst, at times will drop tears... Or really cry... Sometimes if people don't know, thought I'm bullying her, or was raping her...
tears of joy.
Old 05-09-2015, 07:18 PM
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Re: Moaning at Hotel

Originally Posted by shiokshiokrelax View Post
tears of joy.
cum too hard and too many times
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