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Matters of the Heart. Has a Commercial Fuck turned into a torrid Love Affair which has turned your life upside down? Fear not. We have experts here who can help you through your roller coaster ride. Tell us your story and we'll do our best to help.

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Old 23-02-2017, 10:05 AM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Buddy, hope you move on successfully and soon.

Hit me up if you like a drink or something and talk to another guy so you can let loose, etc.

Cheers, better treasures await you.
Old 23-02-2017, 04:57 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Ah very well. Congratulations I must say as it's ended.

Remember, career comes first for men. Establish your bank account then you can have all the fun you want but don't squander it. Love may come and go but never ever dump everything for a woman except your mother. Cheers & be well!
Men give love for sex & women offer sex for love.
Old 23-02-2017, 06:20 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by randyrockhard View Post
Brother warbird once shared a link about marriage, and the article said

The only reason a guy should ever get married is when he wants to have family, simply because the system takes side with the woman.

Once you tied the knot, the government declare that half of your wealth is hers by default, and your children would belong more to her than you.

So, you need to minimize the risk of those two things happening, that she may run away with your wealth and your children. Choose your wife wisely.

bro thanks for sharing, really an eye-opener to see this paragraph and the different view of marriage ...
Old 23-02-2017, 06:33 PM
Bullshitlar Bullshitlar is offline
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Re: Probably a cheating?

you did good breaking up with her.
A cheater doesnt want to continue the relationship because of love.

They want to continue because of the benefits u can give her.
greedy selfish bastard.

Here my story in short
Ex cheated on me with a jobless soft rice serial cheater chef, they plotted to cheat me of my money as i in plans of opening a hawker business.

1week shy of stall opening i caught her red handed as i woke up in bed midnight and she wasnt there.

All the while my ex was jobless cause she was lazy hence i decided to open a hawker stall for her. I did the housework, take care of her sick dogs and her sick mum (i paid for everything)

Told me all sorts of lies and excuses that it was my fault she cheated and she didnt put a knife on my neck to treat her well.

So i fuck her off after waking up to her mind games. (told me all her EX cheated on her but she did the exact same to me)

Fast foward, i made friends with the soft rice king EX wife and found out he was a serial cheater who also cheated her money to pay for the hse. (he no money)

Today hearing from the EX wife, that stupid idiot sold his house after being together 3months to give her money to open a hawker stall. this is what i call karma since i know the business wont last. She was lazy and denial, that guy was similar in character.

BTW that guy is still cheating, talking to ex wife (my ex was insecure woman, disallow all forms of female contact) and maybe other girls as well.

I feel lucky finding out about affair, wish it was earlier as i already sink in money into the hawker. She was a terrible woman.

Now i decided to become a better person(better than i was before knowing her) for myself. Exercising, working and being a stronger person.
Old 23-02-2017, 06:37 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by porscheclub View Post
Ah very well. Congratulations I must say as it's ended.

Remember, career comes first for men. Establish your bank account then you can have all the fun you want but don't squander it. Love may come and go but never ever dump everything for a woman except your mother. Cheers & be well!
well said bro. ur so right
Old 23-02-2017, 06:45 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

TS good u move on. Hvnt married n hardly any sex, imagine wen married?? So r/ship too much past dramas that its better off to start with someone new.

Do PM me if I left you out. Thks!
Old 23-02-2017, 10:16 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Bro TS,

If women loves you, they want to spend all time with you like superglue. Take you go and see their girlfriends, hold your hand, hug your arm, die die must be with you and will insists you be with them.

In short, they don't just want your money, they want your time, your soul and energy. So, really doubt she is really into you.
bro you are really inside. Woman is more emotional and want to be with their man all the time if got feelings
Old 25-02-2017, 10:57 AM
abcbear abcbear is offline
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Good for you bro seekerJ, glad that you managed to found out about the cheating before marriage. Dont listen to those whores who cheated even while she agreed to married you. I can tell you frankly, a girl can control her sexual impluses much better than guys, if she choose to spread her legs and let some random 'sweet' guy pump her dry.. better forget about it, she will never be a good wife.

My ex-wife of 5 years cheated on me for almost 1 whole year, that was before our BTO was ready. I was working like a dog to pay for our new house. End up after getting the house and sunking my life savings into our flat. I found out she has been fucking around with a navy regular. Fuck in car, fuck in hotel,dirty sex chats and even got the audacity to meet the guy parents and intro herself as the gf.

All the while I was paying everything, after the discovery of the affair, ex-wife attitude changed 180 degree, became fucking money-faced, even calling police up my house to intimidate me and my mum even when she was in the wrong. Keep spreading lies on FB to make me look bad instead.

After this episode, I push myself harder than ever before, I lost 14kgs, became fitter, much more career focused until I got the best rating in my company unit. Being raking in much more $$ due to OTs and no need to fuck care about my ex-wife feelings anymore..just started a side business also and my confidence is sky high at the moment. Bitches are just dream killers. Men got the potential to be much more.

Though I really wanted a family, now is not the time for me yet...always invest in yourself first. Be hard about it and dont give yourself the chance to soft hearted to your ex anymore. Just cut off your contacts with her..if not sad stories sure come out and you might waver. Take care bro.

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Old 26-02-2017, 06:36 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Bro seeker,

Please DO NOT be softhearted and forgive all her wrong doings. DO NOT go back to her because of sympathy as a rs based on sympathy will not last long. The relationship had major cracks and it's IMPOSSIBLE to mend back. I foresee further quarrels to arise based on this cheating account.

My advice to you is to move on, find a new partner and start everything afresh.

DO NOT look back.

Originally Posted by seekerJ View Post
Thanks bro for the advice. It's true as what you mention that there's two sides to a coin. I do have my fault as taking certain things for granted as she will be always be with me. Not taking further steps to solve problems but avoiding it to prevent unhappy argument. She choose not to open to me and i should trying way to open her heart with love and care. It will be a constant hardwork and effort to do it but as a saying it takes 2 hands to clap. There's so much I can do but if she choose not to response, it will be a draining for a person keep hitting a cold wall.

Btw I have proposed to her and over her expectation of her dream proposal (While she is seeing someone else behind me). She say yes to me with a bit of hesitation. She do know she should stop whatever affair and knowing she's committing to someone for life. She can stop while she can as I have no clue about the affair. But she choose to continue the affair and just nice I able to caught her red handed few weeks after the proposal.

I believe every rs and marriage will have their problem like lack of communication, lost of been in love but it doesn't give you the right of having an affair. It really show how bad you have put yourself own needs first and neglect your partner's feeling as the least priority of all. I think I will have many affairs during the rs after so many unhappiness and disagreement.

I have cooled my mind and heart about the affair and accept this really happened. I don see any future in us after this incident which trust is broken and solely depend on love will not last us long. After all the talking and I decided to break up with her and she volunteer to return the proposal ring to me. We have ended it.
But after a few days later, I don know what came to her mind, maybe she have regretted of what she have done or do not want to face the shit she have made and want us to get back together.

What I can say it's really too late to say or do anything to save the rs back while she have all the chances I have given to her. I do feel soft hearted after her plead and she really put down her ego & pride to save the rs. But I have made up my mind that it's the end and the most we can be friends and she can do whatever she need to gain back my love and trust if there's really a slight chance of us getting back. She still need to clear her own shit that she have done and face the music. Now it's like a turn of the table.
Old 11-03-2017, 01:39 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Dear bro TS all the bros here are correct. A leapord cannot change its spots. I forgave my ex gf for cheating on mebefore and then just two weeks later i caught her red handed. Women are like this, they will go to whoever gives them attention. Nothing more. Career should always come first. You are very lucky you fou d out about your slut ex gf's affair. Don't even think about it even once to get back with her. Its pointless. Earn lots of money and go high in your career and you will find alot more eligible fish in the sea.
Old 13-03-2017, 06:21 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

It's best to clear it up and move on. Good luck TS
Old 14-03-2017, 07:20 AM
NDjokovic NDjokovic is offline
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by Dinoroar View Post
It's best to clear it up and move on. Good luck TS
Agree with you bro
Old 17-03-2017, 06:18 AM
Bullshitlar Bullshitlar is offline
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by abcbear View Post
Good for you bro seekerJ, glad that you managed to found out about the cheating before marriage. Dont listen to those whores who cheated even while she agreed to married you. I can tell you frankly, a girl can control her sexual impluses much better than guys, if she choose to spread her legs and let some random 'sweet' guy pump her dry.. better forget about it, she will never be a good wife.

My ex-wife of 5 years cheated on me for almost 1 whole year, that was before our BTO was ready. I was working like a dog to pay for our new house. End up after getting the house and sunking my life savings into our flat. I found out she has been fucking around with a navy regular. Fuck in car, fuck in hotel,dirty sex chats and even got the audacity to meet the guy parents and intro herself as the gf.

All the while I was paying everything, after the discovery of the affair, ex-wife attitude changed 180 degree, became fucking money-faced, even calling police up my house to intimidate me and my mum even when she was in the wrong. Keep spreading lies on FB to make me look bad instead.

After this episode, I push myself harder than ever before, I lost 14kgs, became fitter, much more career focused until I got the best rating in my company unit. Being raking in much more $$ due to OTs and no need to fuck care about my ex-wife feelings anymore..just started a side business also and my confidence is sky high at the moment. Bitches are just dream killers. Men got the potential to be much more.

Though I really wanted a family, now is not the time for me yet...always invest in yourself first. Be hard about it and dont give yourself the chance to soft hearted to your ex anymore. Just cut off your contacts with her..if not sad stories sure come out and you might waver. Take care bro.

"Men can lose alot of money chasing girls, but no men ever lost girls chasing money"
Well done bro, some people are just so scary monsters. I feel ur pain, been there myself. Ur in a better place now. Stay strong
Old 02-04-2017, 11:45 AM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by makeyouhappy View Post
Buddy, hope you move on successfully and soon.

Hit me up if you like a drink or something and talk to another guy so you can let loose, etc.

Cheers, better treasures await you.
Invite me leh
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Old 02-04-2017, 11:45 PM
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Re: Probably a cheating?

Originally Posted by seekerJ View Post
Hi everyone..
First time starting a thread and pardon me if I have any mistake.

I found out my gf been out with a guy alone and he send her from work to Sentosa beach for dinner and send her back home.
She totally lie to me that she having OT but actually with someone else.
I'm able to caught her when she left the guy car at her place. I was waiting for her there and there's no one else in the car but the guy. There's a good 3 minutes she was in there while the car is stationary.

I confronted her and she mention he's just a close friend and she don't want me to know she out with him becoz she do not want me to think other wise. Their meet up is seeking his advice about work and relationship problems.

I found out from her this is not the first time they have met and the guy is married and his wife may not know about it. I never hear of this guy during our rs for the last 5 years.

Many things running on my mind that should I buy her explaination because never in my mind she will do this.

Guys from above situation as a 3rd party what do you think?
All above are facts that i confirm and no added emotion on it.

Thank you all for reading and maybe advice or comment that follow..
Hey i am newbie here, just passing by. Im so sorry this happened to you. Be strong and take care of yourself. You deserve better.
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