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Old 24-11-2019, 03:21 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Originally Posted by mwong View Post
thanks for ur concern bro, thats why out of respect, i asked my gf if i can track her to know her whereabouts because i'm in msia and she said yes. So she is willing to let me track. Regarding this tool, i have replied to bros who have pmed me about this and i have the same reply to all. depends on what ur need is and how much u're willing to pay for the tracker. Theres a lot out there, literally tons... but respect ur love ones and ask for permission if u r gonna use it. And its easy how i know which contact number is RP. i just checked on the contact calling her when they are at the same location which I will know he is picking her up. And then I use a random phone to call and said "hi is this RP(name)" and he replied "yes and u r?" and there u go, i got it.

Regarding ur qn on "why keep such a gf who can anyway give others bj. Dirty little slut."
My ans to this is because i really love her so much that i'm willing to forgive her and after so many breakups(sometimes i initiated sometimes she did), she still know and remembers that deep down, no one treats her better than i do.
Sometimes love is not blind, whats blind is the person behind the word love

Thank for the members who upped me. Not that i needed the points but just wanna let whats inside of me out because keeping it in is very unhealthy.
If you really love her then you should propose to her. Then your wish to fuck her can come true
Old 24-11-2019, 04:18 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Any latest update? Can you just force in?
Old 24-11-2019, 04:24 PM
ahpor80 ahpor80 is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

You have no bargaining chip, putting all eggs in that 1 basket -while you are dead in her hands. The reality is, the rope you both are hanging on can get more and more frayed with the pent up tensions and external factors out of your control rubbing it.

I think you need to meet and date more women. Shouldnt be difficult since you can bag a model. Try dating normal looking ones too. One day you will have so much more experience in handling them, you will know how to play your cards. You will know which one is actually going to be part of the world you both built and not just visiting.

As long as you are both in this same situation, many more RP's will just come into her life and probably more to offer and you will find yourself back at square 1.

Accept the fact that every angel has an untapped devilish side. Once the door opens it will remain open for a long time until they are satiated.

But question is are you willing to witness the devil unleashed, and at the end of the day - if you are not the chosen to settle with, will you throw a fit and childish tantrum. Girls thrive on seeing such reactions, it give them power. but a real woman who appreciates you will never abuse this power or put you in this position nor will they tolerate a boy for long.

Its time to be a Man. ' what you can lift, you can drop'

Speaking from my experience and just my 2pence.
Old 24-11-2019, 04:43 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

btw, i have been an 'RP' before. believe me, a single lady in a unfamiliar environment with not many friends are ripe for picking and easy to win. All that is needed is slow eroding , the means to entertain and ability to show care.

in my case, her version of mwong was just like you. loyal and patient to the end. RP didnt last long, the girl went back to her mwong.. that did not last. she settled for another RP.

Let's face it, guys wont succeed in seduction if the girl is not willing.vice versa.

if it is any consolation karma will hit RP like a bitch. but that's life right?

not discouraging you and hope it turns out differently.

However, i think most bros here can attest that once trust is broken, it will be only easier to break up the next time..and again.

As i said, date more women and perhaps share some nice pretty faces of your accomplishments. All the best.
Old 25-11-2019, 06:24 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Originally Posted by alicialow09ww View Post
She is never your. It is just your turn
Woah... Are you the famous Alicia Low I think you are?
Old 25-11-2019, 06:28 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Originally Posted by ahpor80 View Post
btw, i have been an 'RP' before. believe me, a single lady in a unfamiliar environment with not many friends are ripe for picking and easy to win. All that is needed is slow eroding , the means to entertain and ability to show care.

in my case, her version of mwong was just like you. loyal and patient to the end. RP didnt last long, the girl went back to her mwong.. that did not last. she settled for another RP.

Let's face it, guys wont succeed in seduction if the girl is not willing.vice versa.

if it is any consolation karma will hit RP like a bitch. but that's life right?

not discouraging you and hope it turns out differently.

However, i think most bros here can attest that once trust is broken, it will be only easier to break up the next time..and again.

As i said, date more women and perhaps share some nice pretty faces of your accomplishments. All the best.
Wow... I like you, ahpor80... You shared two very important and powerful posts that everyone, not just men, should return. It may be dark, but it is the truth. The dark truth. I presume you have been on both ends of the candle, slowly watching it burn out.
Old 25-11-2019, 06:57 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Up you with some points. Do continue your postings.
Minimum 3 points for exchange. Anyone?
Old 25-11-2019, 10:07 PM
ahpor80 ahpor80 is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

Originally Posted by Yardstick View Post
Wow... I like you, ahpor80... You shared two very important and powerful posts that everyone, not just men, should return. It may be dark, but it is the truth. The dark truth. I presume you have been on both ends of the candle, slowly watching it burn out.
well mate, it is a little dark i suppose. As long as you can put out the flames in time and recover, i guess it is all good. Cheers
Old 26-11-2019, 12:48 AM
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Re: My cheating gf

Please continue TS
Old 26-11-2019, 01:56 AM
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Re: My cheating gf

Let me continue the story shall we?

And so i texted JT "are you home dear?"
JT:"no i am out"
Mwong:"where are you? who are you with?"
JT:"you are tracking me again am i right?"
Mwong:"i am worried thats why"
JT:"alright since u want to know, yes i am at RP's place to see his doggy"
JT:"i am stress at work and need to relax myself"
Mwong:"but there are other ways to destress isn't it? There are other stray animals around which u can play with"
JT:"r u suspecting me of cheating on u?"
Mwong:"no dunt get me wrong, i am concern for ur safety, its pretty late at night already"
JT:"RP will send me home later"
Mwong:" can u just stop RP here and there already? hes doing our relationship no good, hes trying to get between us, don't u get it?"
JT:"so in the end u still dun believe me right?"
Mwong:"no i do believe u but i want our relationship to be without him in it. He can be a friend but u must know how to draw the line"
JT:"dun seem like u believe me when u tracked me again. and what u said just now means that i dunno how to draw the line because i intend to cheat? i feel disappointed of u thinking of me this way"
Mwong:"Let me call u..."

*rings* *picked up*
Mwong:"hi dear, sorry if u feel uncomfortable but i want u to know that i love u so pls just go back home now"
JT:"if u love me, dun control me!"
*RP's voice in the background* "just hang up lah, u were so happy until he started messing with ur emotions again"
Mwong:"I heard him, don't hang up the call."
JT:"dun feel like talking"
*noise of RP snatching the phone over*:"hey Mwong, stop hurting her. u r such a nuisance and a troublemaker. shes having her fun time here playing with my dog and u just want to ruin it"
RP:"what? u wanna break off with her? fine, she dun need a bastard like u! hello? hello? hello?"
Mwong:"wtf r u talking abt?"
*RP hung up the phone* making JT feels that i was the one hanging up on my end and making up the story of me wanting to break up with her

I tried texting JT immediately and continued for 5-10mins until her phone no longer received my whatsapp message. from a double ticks message to a single tick message, i knew that her phone was off.
I called RP's phone but couldn't get through, he must have off it too.
Time was midnight
5 minutes pases, 10... 30... 45mins passes...
an hour passes... still can't contact JT, phone was still off.
I got a reply...from RP instead:"hey brother, dun disturb her already, shes still very sad, i will take "gd" care of her"
RP:"I will update u so dun worry!"
Mwong:"I want to know that shes safe and well"
RP:" shes feeling a lot better, so u dun disturb her. shes using the bathroom to bath and clean off my cum that she rubbed on her body now while i am texting u"
RP:"dun worry, i will send her home later, but not so early, the night is still young and i haven't enjoy enough yet"
10mins later...
JT phone was on and messages were sent to her
no reply from JT after reading my messages(blue ticks in whatsapp)
I called JT and she picked up
Mwong:"why u satisfy him again?"
JT replied:"is that how u look at me? maybe u're right, we should breakup since u dun trust me. i was trying to calm myself down and this is the first message i received! FINE, LET UR IMAGINATION GO WILD THEN!"
*hung up*

I knew straight away that RP got me into his trap again. I was fucked...literally...

30mins later...

RP texted me:"SONG BO BRA~THER~"
RP:"JT cb where got smelly, later she heard u say her ccb she cry again"
Mwong:"u seriously are toying with me! stop ur nonsense!!!"
RP:"What nonsense? I only make sense by making her squirt"
RP:"why u dun believe me?"

RP sent me a photo... and my heart sank to the infinite darkness...
Old 26-11-2019, 02:52 AM
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Re: My cheating gf

Camping here. Really want to know what is going to happening next.
Old 26-11-2019, 01:14 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

pls continue soon TS
Old 26-11-2019, 01:28 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Agree with ahpor80. What he said is true.

A little background on myself. Divorcee with kids. Wife strayed. Abused my love for her. Enjoyed attention from other guys blah blah blah. Lying cunt who never give a single cent for my kids while asking money from me to feed her toy boy.

Never allow yourself to succumb to her level. It's not wrong to love someone. But it's wrong to lose yourself for anyone. Always take a step back, look at it from your parents' POV. How would you react if your son is being treated like this by another girl like her next time?

Best of luck to you mate...
Old 26-11-2019, 02:59 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

I think many of us here can relate to this thread whether this is a true story or not. But having read through what TS wrote does bring back memories for me but on a smaller scale.

Back then Friendster was the “in” thing and I happen to notice my gf account was not sign out in my computer. Just abit of background, me and her met through an online site as well but seeking “friends” but in actual fact just sexual fun. Somehow things got serious and we make a pact to commit to just each other in view of marriage later on. First 2 years was honeymoon.. subsequently as I was working and studying, I dun really have much time for her. So back to the Friendster thing, I went into her inbox and saw this message from a guy describing the things they did at his place and how much he enjoy it and wanted to arrange a second meeting. Just like you, my heart sank to the deepest darkness and out of rage I reply to him using her account. Needless to say, she found out and went into rage mode saying I invade into her privacy blah blah blah without mentioning anything about that issue only to say he threaten to call his gang to beat me up and asking me to let the matter rest. The stupid me back then was crying and begging for her forgiveness back then. Hahahaha.. now that I think back I was really stupid. Hahaha

Anyway, few weeks after that incident, I kinda resume back to my “playing lifestyle” despite still being in a r/s with her. I dun really care if she do things behind my back anymore as the relationship drag on. I still carry on being a good bf and pretend nothing happen, doing things that a bf would do, not mentioning the sex every weekend (to me she is more like a cum dump, call me a bastard if you want) What is important is my work and studies so needless to say we broke up on the 5th year and I think that’s the best thing that ever happened. I come to a conclusion that if mind is constantly getting mentally fuck by ur partner, then it’s better to break it off. Time heals everything no matter how much the person you love the deepest hurt you.

Fast forward to 2 years later, she suddenly contact me for a meal and hint for a patch and keeping saying I am the best bf of all the bf, her r/s with me is the longest among all... blah blah blah ... and even say her mum thinks she is the one who screw up the r/s .. so I Guess sometime revenge comes in a very sweet way. I have learned a lot from this r/s and as a guy, you need to protect yourself as well.

To TS, you know what is best for you. If you can constantly tahan getting mind fuck from RP and JT, than all the best to you. If not break it while you still can, a girl like JT will not change for you. They will only embrace the moment and whoever is around her at the “moment” will be the one who gain the most.
Thanks to all the bros who gave me points, will return the favour as soon as I can.. Cheers! Please leave your nick behind so that I know who.

Last edited by GrieGzEters; 26-11-2019 at 03:01 PM. Reason: Add on
Old 26-11-2019, 03:35 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Long distance relationship is really hard to maintain. If it's just flings when the other person is there, still not so bad, but if not, all hell breaks loose. Move on, TS. What keeps you so obsessed is just not wanting to be the loser. The time wasted on her could be better spent on others that are more worthy.
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