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Old 09-07-2008, 12:39 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

well done....well done....
Old 09-07-2008, 01:00 PM
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Talking Re: Home Wrecker

Your story macham in white house "Red Tape"keep cumming..
Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. My favorite position
Old 09-07-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Wa lao...bro, at this rate, it's easily to forgot the train of story leh... Can faster a bit?

Vauxhall Vectra
Old 09-07-2008, 08:46 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Monday Afternoon

IVS : how was lunch?
HW : nice, thank you
IVS : you like Italian?
HW : yes I do
IVS : we shall go there more frequent then
HW : but very expensive woh, don’t want you to pay again
IVS : that’s OK, it’s my honour to have lunch with a beautiful lady like you, worth every penny of it
HW : next time I buy OK?
IVS : no need, but I just want a small favour in return…
HW : what favour?
IVS : just a kiss on my cheek will do…
HW : sure? We already have more than a kiss on the cheek
IVS : yes…he he
HW : no meeting meh…
IVS : no lah, quite free now, you?
HW : OK lo, since Ben not around, he flew to Hong Kong already,
IVS : what do you think of Ben?
[Sorry folks, chats about Mr. Ben will be censored]

IVS : After work can we meet?
HW : No, because I need to fetch my kids to XXX
IVS : oh I see, can I meet you there while you wait for your kid?
HW : no lah, you mad…we do lunch tomorrow, OK?
IVS : oh, I missed you, I want to see you
HW : see already what during lunch time, no enough meh?
IVS : no lah, I want to meet you and see you, I miss you so much already
HW : we meet during lunch tomorrow, OK?
IVS : plz lah
HW : I say tomorrow, OK? Don push me, OK?
IVS : Ok OK, don’t you want to see me?
HW : want, but tomorrow OK?
IVS : OK, can you wear something sexy tomorrow?
HW : See how lah, gtg now…bye
IVS : bye.

Tuesday Morning

IVS : hi, good morning
HW : morning
IVS : hello? You there?
HW : sorry, busy a bit, anything?
IVS : I thought you should be a bit free when Mr. Ben is not around?
HW : but still got telephone mah, Mr. Ben just called from Hong Kong, need to prepare something for him…BRB
IVS : OK, take your time, I miss you
HW : miss you too

IVS : hello? Lunch what time?
HW : 1.30 can?
IVS : what? So late!
HW : yes, need to stand by for Mr. Ben, he will call about 1 something to confirm if everything is OK, I will message you when I am ready, if you cant wait you go without me
IVS : OK, I wait

HW : Hello?
IVS : yes I am here
HW : come now
IVS : same place?
HW : yes
IVS : ok, give me 20 minutes
HW : ok, see you later

Tuesday Afternoon

IVS : hello, you there?
HW : yes, wah, almost 4.15 already
IVS : he he he
HW : crazy lah like this, luckily Mr. Ben not around
IVS : other colleagues, do they look at you?
HW : got lah, but Mr. Ben quite OK one lah, once a while, not everyday
IVS : I see
HW : some of them also same what when Mr. Ben is not around
IVS : Baby, are you going to wear the lingerie set I bought you just now?
HW : mmm, you crazy lah just now
IVS : got meh?
HW : yes lah, luckily no other people see us buying the bra and g-string there
IVS : I didn’t know you have 33-E leh…so nice
HW : you hamsap lah, want to come into the changing room just now…
IVS : cannot tahan mah, want to see how good you are in those lacy bra and g-string
HW : you not scare people see meh…
IVS : no lah
HW : you mad lah
IVS : even the salesgirl think we are husband and wife and encourage me to see you inside the changing room
HW : yeah yeah you wish
IVS : do you like the design?
HW : luckily I lock the door, if not you come in, then die lah
IVS : you haven’t answer me…
HW : about the design, yes, they are very sexy, too sexy lah, like not wearing anything like that…
IVS : mmm…
HW : why you want to buy me? So expensive lah
IVS : I just love to give you as a present
HW : aiya, you make me feel bad lah, tomorrow lunch I buy OK?
IVS : no problem, baby, will you wear them tomorrow we meet for lunch?
HW : see how lah
IVS : no, I want you to wear them
HW : no need to wash first meh?
IVS : can dry very fast one lah, put them on in front of your husband tonight and show him and ask his comments
HW : no lah, I seldom wear this kind of sexy outfit lah in front of him
IVS : I see then it’s his loss lah
HW : so what time you knock off?
IVS : soon, see you, miss you, wear them tomorrow OK?
HW : see how
IVS : Bye
HW : Bye

Reading this story is like riding a roller coaster, it goes up and down a bit then goes up again….syiok leh?
Old 09-07-2008, 08:52 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Interesting storyline. Keep it cumming
Old 09-07-2008, 09:02 PM
hyde09 hyde09 is offline
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Re: Home Wrecker

I love PI case , camping here
Old 09-07-2008, 09:51 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Wednesday morning

IVS : good morning
HW : good norning
IVS : are you wearing the lingerie I bought you?
HW : yes, I am
IVS : mmm…nice
HW : but it make me feel one kind lah
IVS : what feel?
HW : the g-string, make me very uncomfortable lah…
IVS : is it? How?
IVS : you there?

HW : I am here, just now HSL (Hamsaploh) was here lah
IVS : I see, what was he doing there?
HW : Nothing just come for casual chit chat
HW : the lining keeps touching my…you know?
IVS : mmm…are you wet now?
HW : why you want to know?
IVS : sorry, just curious
IVS : so, what are you wearing today
HW : red blouse, aiya, I dont like the neckline, very troublesome, need to use my hand to cover up when bend down, sit down also need to pull it up if not people can see lah
HW : wait

IVS : good lah, show show a bit lah
HW : you crazy lah, HSL (Hamsaploh) come to my place so few times already I think he wants to look at my breasts lah
IVS : wah, he very daring, why don’t you wear a jacket outside lah, then he don’t have anything to see
HW : ya loh
IVS : See you lunch OK, got meeting now

IVS : Sorry baby, can’t go out lunch today, got lunch appointment with boss to meet a client
IVS : I will SMS you when I come back to office

There are breaks between the chats due to interruption, no chat between them in the Wednesday afternoon

Thursday Morning

IVS : Hi baby
HW : hi
IVS : you OK?
HW : I don’t know, I really dont
IVS : you OK not? Did you sleep well last night?
HW : No, I didn’t, keep think of last night, I feel very bad lah, I think I betrayed my husband already…
IVS : I feel bad too, sorry to put you in this kind of situation
HW : if you feel bad, you wonldn’t have done it
IVS : I am sorry baby, I guess I cant control my feeling for you
HW : Why?
IVS : You are so sexy last night, I just cant resist you, but why you didn’t resist me?
HW : I also don’t know, why I let you did it
IVS : is it because you have feel for me too?
HW : yes I guess, but I also not sure, yesterday when I see my husband, I feel so ashamed of myself, and see my kids I feel very bad
IVS : me too, but I think as long as we don’t let anyone else know, I guess it’s OK
HW : you very crazy lah
IVS : what to do? I just cant control, did you like it when I touch your breasts?
HW : ya, you very crazy lah
IVS : did I squeeze them too hard? Your breasts very very beautiful, so big so soft better than my wife’s one
HW : …
IVS : why leh? U don like me touching your breasts
HW : Ai, I really don know why I let you did it to me, you seem like a hungry ghost, I didn’t know you like breasts so much…
IVS : ya..i like them very much
HW : your wife’s?
IVS : they are small lah, cannot compare to yours, her’s only B, no kick
HW : is it?
IVS : does your husband like to play with yr breasts and suck them
HW : yes, he does…he also commented I have nice breasts…
IVS : baby, are you wet now?
HW : why you want to know
IVS : come on tell me
HW : a bit
IVS : wow….to tell you the truth, I am very very hard now thinking of yesterday
HW : you really hamsap
IVS : what to do? You so sexy
HW : am I, you just say this to make be feel better only I know
IVS : no lah, I swear, I see you close your eyes when I unbutton yr blouse, you shy?
HW : yes lah, don’t know why I let you do it
IVS : you did enjoy right? If not you won let me open yr blouse
HW : mmm…you very good making a woman high so experience
IVS : no lah, I only do with someone I have feel
HW : feel?
IVS : yeah, I couldn’t believe it when I lifted your bra…so big your breasts
HW : yeah, like a baby so long didn’t drink milk
IVS : mmm…very very big and soft lah and your nipples also hardened when I suck them, did you enjoy?
HW : yes, I must admit I do
IVS : baby, how many mean have sucked your breasts and nipples?
HW : two, my husband and the other you know who
IVS : you mean I am the second man to suck your breasts? Wow…
HW : you think wah? You think I am very cheap?
IVS : no no no I don’t mean that, it’s just I am flattered to be your second man…thank you
HW : you are just to good lah, I don’t know how to resist you, shouldn’t have given you the chance jumping ontyo your car
IVS : my car very convenient mah
HW : you sure that safe meh?
IVS : yes, that car park not many people except weekend
HW : got close circuit camaera not?
IVS : even close circuit camera also cannot see us doin in the car lah
HW : you sure?
IVS : yes lah, my car so high up
HW : tell me why you suddenly become so horny and lustful on me?
IVS : like I say, we got feel for each other, the day will come
HW : you got plan already when you bought me that bra and g-string and ask me to wear?
IVS : no lah, I just think for such a sexy lady like you ypu should wear sexy lingerie mah
HW : I see
IVS : so where we go for lunch?
HW : XXX karaoke..feel like singing
IVS : OK..same place
IVS : 12.30pm I be there sharp

This getting better and better, when i first read them also my BB (Big Brother) also getting bigger, stay tuned for Thursday afternoon...
Old 09-07-2008, 09:52 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

I know some bros here cannot wait and TAHAN already so i espedite a bit...
Old 09-07-2008, 10:07 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

cannot tahan liao lah
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Old 09-07-2008, 11:14 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Bro, that's more like it... Cheers!

Vauxhall Vectra
Old 09-07-2008, 11:18 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

My bro also stand UP liao. IVS is a lucky guy.
Old 09-07-2008, 11:19 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

juicy!! cnt wait for e next parts man!
Old 10-07-2008, 06:32 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Thursday Afternoon

IVS : hi baby
HW : hi
IVS : wow…
HW : wow what?
IVS : I didn’t know you can get so wet down there
HW : you crazy lah, you not scare the waiters will come in meh?
IVS : no lah, you and I not naked what?
HW : yes but somehow I think it’s too risky lah
IVS : I admit but you are so sexy I can’t help it
HW : yeah you always say like that every time you touch my body
IVS : no lah, because we have feel mah, don’t u?
HW : yeah, but I don’t know why I let you do it
IVS : like I say we have strong chemistry
HW : whatever
IVS : baby, did I hurt you when I insert my finger into there?
HW : no, you very daring lah
IVS : did you enjoy it?
HW : I think so, if not I wouldn’t let you already
IVS : I think you like it lah
HW : is it? Why?
IVS : because it is very very wet there
HW : you very crazy lah
IVS : and you moan softly as I play with it
HW : mmm…
IVS : thinking of just lah making me very vey hard now
HW : you very hamsap guy
IVS : he he, and I kiss your when you close your eyes, seem very enjoy
HW : shy lah, luckily no one came into the room then, if not we in big trouble
IVS : no worry, I know when to stop one
HW : ai, I feel so bad doing all this thing with you
IVS : why lah? I say already mah, it’s strong feel we had for each other
HW : yeah
IVS : if not you won’t go out with me and we chat on line also
HW : yes but I thought there will be nothing physical between am I supposed to face my husband and kids
IVS : all my fault, I should have control myself but then
HW : I know I know but things move so fast all of a sudden
IVS : yes I think the chemistry becomes so strong
HW : do you fingering your wife like that?
IVS : yes, she love it very much
HW : no wonder you are so experienced
IVS : what about your husband?
HW : he wanted to but I don’t let me because it’s dirty lah
IVS : but why you let me do that to you?
HW : I guess I lost my mind I just don’t how to explain
IVS : mmm…it’s so tender and juicy…too bad I didn’t get to see IT
HW : wah, you crazy lah, already touch now want to see some more
IVS : yes, I like to see how beautiful you are there
HW : is it every woman the same?
IVS : no, different, luckily you are wearing skirt, easy access
HW : yeah loh, oh you have plan one
IVS : no plan lah, everything just happen naturally between us
HW : how many woman have you had until now?
IVS : about 10 I think cant remember
HW : wah, you very hamsap guy
IVS : no lah, some of my friend got more lah
HW : before married how many and how many after married
IVS : all before married, you are the first woman after I married
HW : wah, you can stand meh after marrying?
IVS : yes why not? I only do it with someone I have feel and I have feel on you
HW : is it? You never visit any prostitute?
IVS : never, I only do with someone I have feel
HW : I see, you are such a good guy
IVS : thank you {What a fool!!! You guys believe not?}
IVS : baby, I think I need to go to toilet fisrt, cannot stand already
HW : what happen? Don’t tell me that you are goin there to masterbate?
IVS : yes I am have to release because thinking of just now and hot chat with you now
HW : oh my gosh

IVS : back
HW : wah, so long
IVS : yes
HW : you shoot already?
IVS : yes, now legs shaking also
HW : wow, you crazy lah
IVS : baby you wet now?
HW : mmm… a bit
IVS : I think you must be soking wet down there now if you think what I did just now
HW : I think so
IVS : touch yourself there for me now
HW : wah, you crazy, in office who
HW : scare people suddenly come to my place leh
IVS : try lah
HW : no lah scare lah
IVS : I play with my dick when I chat to you
HW : you not scare your office colleague see you meh?
IVS : no need to scare
HW : you very daring
IVS : but you wet now and horny, how do you stand?
HW : I just squeeze my legs tight tight
IVS : wah, like that also can
HW : here office mah
IVS : can we meet again after work?
HW : today cannot, need to fetch my kids to XXX
IVS : OK, then I go home to release myself loh
HW : enough what? You have touch my breasts and my private part already
IVS : thank you baby I am so honoured
HW : your office there, got one lady always pretend to close to you, why don’t you do something with her?
IVS : no lah, not my type lah
HW : but I thought you say she not bad what body also nice woh
IVS : yes I admit that a normal guy wont be able to resist her but I don’t have that kind of feel for her like I have so you baby
HW : I see
IVS : why all of a sudden you want to talk about that woman?
HW : is she married?
IVS : no divorsed already the kids with husband
HW : always let you see her two big balls right?
IVS : oh yes, very daring one the dressing
HW : you go to her lah
IVS : what? You jealous meh?
HW : no, I wont, who are you? You not my husband what, I also cannot control you
IVS : hey hey can we stop talking about that bitch
IVS : baby, I think you and I go somehwre private one day so we can be together
HW : where leh?
IVS : we can take a day off
HW : can also
IVS : will your husband check on you while you in the office?
HW : no, he seldom call, many times I call him
IVS : good then
HW : I can apply now, when do you want?
IVS : tomorrow cannot because I need to go Singapore, next Monday OK?
HW : Next Monday fine with me, I can apply later
IVS : you have any place in mind?
HW : no leh, never done this before
IVS : your car how? Whwre you park?
HW : yes oh, I parked in YYY shopping complex in morning then take it back after our trip
IVS : good idea also
HW : then we take your car
IVS : yes, like that your husband wont suspect anything
HW : he wont lah, even I go on leave he don’t care one
IVS : I SMS you where we go later next Monday
HW : don’t be too far because need to come back here by evening
IVS : yes I know
HW : you decide lah
IVS : baby, are you comfortable doin this?
HW : I think so, if not I wont go with you
IVS : How about later we get tired walking? Can we check into a hotel?
HW : I think can..
IVS : OK then, we set on next Monday then
HW : OK I go apply leave now
IVS : mmm..miss you when I am in singapore
HW : me too, safe jouney, see you
IVS : Bye
HW : bye

So there will be no chat to read on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we need to wait for Tuesday to read what happen on Monday..ha ha ha

By now, we can see what kind of jerk IVS is and more to follow, what do you think will happen? Pity DH still in the dark while his beloved wife HW is doing this behind his back. Why a caring mum and wife would want to cheat on her husband? What if HW is your wife? What if you are IVS? What if you are MR BEN and a buddy of DH? What would you do? MORE TO COME...
Old 10-07-2008, 06:59 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Dear Fellow Forumer,

I don’t just post this story for fun, while enjoying your reading and satisfying our inner voyeuristic instinct, please participate in this forum with your comments and views, I really appreciate if you do this.

Few issues are relevant here, would you do like IVS? What kind of moral standard do you uphold in your life? We see so many happy marriage wrecked just like this, why people give in to temptation? What kind of society that we are living in? What if you wife is doing this behind your back? Would you wreck a happy marriage and family because of you lust?

Last edited by benxmanda; 10-07-2008 at 07:01 AM. Reason: font too big
Old 10-07-2008, 07:56 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

I agree that many incidents happen just like this. I suppose once you cross certain lines of inhibition, the tendency is to go all the way. Several things encourage this - beginning with on-line chatting which allows people to skirt usual social taboos such as broaching the subject of sex which you may not do when conversing face to face. Once the Pandora's box is open, you can reach all kinds of virtual intimacy online which would then seek physical expression. This coupled with a neglected woman (not necessarily physical neglect but also emotional neglect) can easily give rise to the kind of situation described here - even unwittingly unlike the scheming IVS's plan. Crossing that initial socio-emotional barrier is the key to these sorts of thing getting started, which in this case was due to the online chats.

I've seen this first hand myself and gotten dragged into it. I might add that although the storyline suggests IVS as the instigator, and HW as a passive participant, my experience has been that both parties are usually equally responsible and want to carry the affair to it's logical conclusion whatever it may be. For women, they become addicted to the attention they get, the sense of being wanted (especially for those 35 and above - it's a big boost to their self-esteem), the feeling of being in love all over again (like a schoolgirl's experience), the excitement of it all. The physical part comes more as a result and consequence of all that. This combination is enough to drive most people beyond their sense of apprehension, especially if you have already crossed some lines (such as kissing or holding hands) - beyond their normal sense of values and morality. It really doesn't matter what their normal personal convictions maybe - it's become a runaway train and would take a lot to stop, and when it does stop if it does stop, it is painful.

In my case, I put a stop to it before things got out of hand. The thought of having to live the rest of my life with this on my mind wasn't something I wanted. This was in spite of the fact that every other sinew in your body is crying out for you to carry it through, even if just for the experience of it all. Somewhere along it all things become a lot more complicated, especially when feelings become involved (or "feel" in this story) as it inevitably would. Interestingly, the woman can also take the role of the instigator. What might be interesting in this story would be if IVS tries to back out of the relationship after things go a bit further. As it goes on, HW's sense of guilt will give way more and more to her addiction and she will increasingly justify the whole affair, either as something one-time, or something no-one will ever find out (common self-deception here). At some stage she would have convinced herself enough to want to pursue it out of her own initiative. She might even start thinking about the "future" with IVS, possibly entertaining thoughts of separating from DH and so on, even if hypothetically. At that point, if IVS were to back out - even before they have consumated the affair - my guess is that she will resist the breakup.

When I tried to put a stop to it all, things just got messy and painful but I'm glad I did. At least my conscience is clear. IVS is probably more involved emotionally than he thinks at this point, so it's not just pure lust driving the whole thing I imagine. The other interesting aspect I'm looking forward to in this story is the aftermath. How would HW deal with the psychological impact of having done the deed in fact? Would IVS get over his conquest and start to back out in pursuit of other targets? How would HW handle that kind of "rejection"? This story has a lot of potential for some interesting albeit predictable developments.

So, there you have it TS - some participation. Keep up the good work with the story.
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