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Old 23-01-2005, 10:06 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by actblur
truely agree with u on this point but me think the world still have alot to go when talking about equality treatment on for both sex lor.

e.g. spore law tense to protect the female more.

Think our system still not up that standard yet...
Actually our women charter need revising lor. I believe lots of girls or rather women now is more than capable to protect themselves.

In the end, lots of instances whereby guys are actually being "bullied".
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Old 24-01-2005, 09:32 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Actually there is really nothing much left to say in this situation. Single, with a stable job, reasonable income will make one more than desirable bachelor but the binding rope is the GF. I guess lots of us face the scenario; it is not that we simply enjoy cheonging, or a hardcore sex addict but the lure of commercial sex bundle with GF feeling is simply endearing. What does this boils down to? Social problems I guess.

Society improves and advance, women get educated, know their rights and have the power to demand for more, while we men had always been the dominant figure around and still are in some cases. What do you make out of this? Seems that the liberation of feminine rights had boosts the ego of the gentle sex out of proportion. Men remain as where they are while women status rise among the ranks at the expense of men’s respect and appreciativeness. Men learnt to grow to be delicate, like a good old wine, it gets mellow with age. We try our best to handle the gentle sex in a melodious and tactful manner, not too submissive and not too subjective, for you never knew what those years of education had taught her. Like the running water, it can float a boat, it can capsize it too.

We all fall victims to the storm of “ET” (emotion and temperamental), unaware of where and when it strikes. Such undesirable experiences had compel men to seek sanctuary in the arms of other companies even we all know all these are driven by money. For the temporary pleasure, we are willing to inject our hard earn cash in exchange for what we lust for, the GF feeling. Why, one may ask? The simple and straightforward answer, is simply we do it get it from our partners. We tried to care and love wholehearted but was shown to the door when ET strikes. What do we demand from a hard day’s work, some concern and care perhaps, not another demand to pick her up after work half way across the island. Once is ok, twice is coincidence but thrice is enough to break the straw.

Decades ago, women stay home, run the family, does the housework while the men provides for the family as the pillar of the house. Now, the men’s stand is still the pillar of the house, bring the dough back but additionally must do the housework, see to the need of the wives as well while the women, lessen in housework, earn and spent their own dough and expect to be well taken care of. So may I ask, where is the equality? These also explain part of the reasons why men stray.
Old 24-01-2005, 12:22 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by uglyger
yo it is not everi ger that makes the guy pay ok. in fact everitime i insist on paying the guy refuses to let me pay....coz i m a believer in equality. Go dutch is the best wae. If i m broke, i simply dun go out or even if go out go hawker centre for myself. in fact if i think the guy pay for me it's an insult to me if i cannot pay for myself like dat. if i broke..den dun go out is the best thing...rather den let the guy pay...and den i feel i owe him something like dat. nah...not my cuppa tea
yo ...can i date u out and u offer to pay everytime .....
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Old 24-01-2005, 12:30 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Decades ago, women stay home, run the family, does the housework while the men provides for the family as the pillar of the house. Now, the men’s stand is still the pillar of the house, bring the dough back but additionally must do the housework, see to the need of the wives as well while the women, lessen in housework, earn and spent their own dough and expect to be well taken care of. So may I ask, where is the equality? These also explain part of the reasons why men stray.
I do not seek a wife to be in such a role but i do seek a companion or sorts ....

Problem is the gals 4got what is called relationship, they 4got the word romance .....

Taking a leaf from some past relationship.... barely a month or 2 into a relationship...the gals in sg will start asking things my case i have been self-employed 4 a long time ....

"U mean u have no to buy a house? It's not fair cos I have to use my CPF to pay" - cheez r we planning marriage soon ????

"I m a U grad and u only diploma" - so what if i make more dough than U

"U r self-employed and your income not stable. How can u afford to support me in future" - sure sure .... but my annual salary still more than u ...

they wan commitment and sure they got one but then romance is what keep relationship alive .....

No doubt man plunge into commercial sex cos relationship with an sg gal is also nothing short of commercial too .... in most cases i mean
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Old 24-01-2005, 12:47 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
So may I ask, where is the equality? These also explain part of the reasons why men stray.
Well said.... my life change when I met my present gf who respect n love me a lot.
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Old 24-01-2005, 01:10 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
I"U mean u have no to buy a house? It's not fair cos I have to use my CPF to pay" - cheez r we planning marriage soon ????
"I m a U grad and u only diploma" - so what if i make more dough than U
"U r self-employed and your income not stable. How can u afford to support me in future" - sure sure .... but my annual salary still more than u ...
they wan commitment and sure they got one but then romance is what keep relationship alive .....
No doubt man plunge into commercial sex cos relationship with an sg gal is also nothing short of commercial too .... in most cases i mean
When it comes to the moment of truth, there isn’t much of men or women who are willing to go thru thick and thin together. Today’s relationship had been bonded by too many constraints, mainly financial issue. Unlike decades ago, a simple wedding, stay with the parents and grow old together. Nowadays it is about buying an apartment, wedding photos, wedding banquet and the honeymoon.

Seen friends who got sucked into this turmoil, like a cancerous tumor, it just keep spreading. I can never fathom the morale of spending $10K on a photo shoot where the most glamorous moment is when your guest prior entry to the dinner table, stole a few glances and ending up underneath the pile of old magazines deep in the storeroom. The only superlative excuse I can gather is that this is a once in a lifetime matter. I was left laughing hysterically upon hearing this for I believe this is also a once in a lifetime most expensive photo shoot. Like the peace before the tsunami waves, first the water receded so fast way beyond you imagination, just like the cash in you bank. Next you went thru the banquet and flew off happily for honeymoon, to a place that sucks up your two months’ salary even before you set foot on that land. Like the fish left high and dry when the water receded, you gasp for breath when you see the price tag on the things there. Like the ignorant child seeing the marine life on the beach, fascinated by the view, she urges you to further on, again “Once in a lifetime” at helms again. Blinded by the love and not wanting to disappoint her, you say to yourself, no worries, I can manage the cash, I can still max out the cards. Hence the both of you went chasing the depleting water, it was fun, absolute beyond words can describe. Slowly you see the sea birds fly and the faraway white line of the waves, it get bigger and more, just like you bills laid before you. You flew back to your new home, sat down and start worrying about the white line you saw as it seems to get higher, when finally the bill came, for the banquet, for the honeymoon, for the expenditure. Like the ruthless waves, the figures sent you spinning, gasping for air, you heart pound like…. Well “Once in a lifetime” again.

So where is the ignorant child? She continues to act “ignorant”.
Old 24-01-2005, 03:14 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Five Stone
When it comes to the moment of truth, there isn’t much of men or women who are willing to go thru thick and thin together. Today’s relationship had been bonded by too many constraints, mainly financial issue. Unlike decades ago, a simple wedding, stay with the parents and grow old together. Nowadays it is about buying an apartment, wedding photos, wedding banquet and the honeymoon.
true true and their excuse ...its a once in a lifetime thing ..... the list of things they want and expected cost :

1. Nice Photo Shoot ( 3k - 10k)
2. Wedding Dinner in Hotel no Restaurants (500-800 per table and minimum 40 table => 20K - 32K)
3. House (180K - 250K - can pay installments)
4. Renovation on house (20K - 100K)
5. Honeymoon ( 3K - 10K)
6. Diamond Ring (2K)

To marry a sg gal requires lots of monetary committment ....
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Old 24-01-2005, 04:14 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
true true and their excuse ...its a once in a lifetime thing ..... the list of things they want and expected cost :

1. Nice Photo Shoot ( 3k - 10k)
2. Wedding Dinner in Hotel no Restaurants (500-800 per table and minimum 40 table => 20K - 32K)
3. House (180K - 250K - can pay installments)
4. Renovation on house (20K - 100K)
5. Honeymoon ( 3K - 10K)
6. Diamond Ring (2K)

To marry a sg gal requires lots of monetary committment ....
if i ever marry... NO WEDDIN BANQUET....i'll jus hold a buffet style thingy for close friends and relatives...banquets at restaurants r darn exp...AND i'll ask me mama to sew the weddin gown for me as she used to a seamstress heheh she sewed gowns for other pple for hse....simple HDB flat can le...3 room enuff wan so big for need renovation...make it the living room put a couple of bean bags for seats.....and jus a simple tv...n i hate packing...the less things the hse has the better...rofl...diamond ring is so the out of fashion... i those kinda cheapo carved rings wif carved names will do...those realli simple ones...why diamond? waste of $$$ to spend so much on a weddin n after dat u got to slog it out to pay off the debt. My advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE...
Old 24-01-2005, 04:16 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
yo ...can i date u out and u offer to pay everytime .....
Go dutch dude...u dun haf to pay for me...but i wun pay for u either...unless i m filthy rich n i haf surplus cash to u mus pray i strike toto...den i treat u...ahahha hahahha
if not wait long long

Go dutch the best thing i tink....hehz
Old 24-01-2005, 04:18 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by uglyger
Go dutch dude...u dun haf to pay for me...but i wun pay for u either...unless i m filthy rich n i haf surplus cash to u mus pray i strike toto...den i treat u...ahahha hahahha
if not wait long long

Go dutch the best thing i tink....hehz

Wah change avatar liao. I always pay for the girl unless her attitude sucks, but so what in the end I ended playing carrot head.
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Old 24-01-2005, 04:20 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by t123
Wah change avatar liao. I always pay for the girl unless her attitude sucks, but so what in the end I ended playing carrot head.
wat do u mean by plaeing carrot head
Old 24-01-2005, 04:22 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by uglyger
wat do u mean by plaeing carrot head
Cai Tau. Pay something and get nothing somemore the girl can't use the word ugly at all. ugly attitude.
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Old 24-01-2005, 04:22 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by uglyger
if i ever marry... NO WEDDIN BANQUET....i'll jus hold a buffet style thingy for close friends and relatives...banquets at restaurants r darn exp...AND i'll ask me mama to sew the weddin gown for me as she used to a seamstress heheh she sewed gowns for other pple for hse....simple HDB flat can le...3 room enuff wan so big for need renovation...make it the living room put a couple of bean bags for seats.....and jus a simple tv...n i hate packing...the less things the hse has the better...rofl...diamond ring is so the out of fashion... i those kinda cheapo carved rings wif carved names will do...those realli simple ones...why diamond? waste of $$$ to spend so much on a weddin n after dat u got to slog it out to pay off the debt. My advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE...
omg .... very thoughtful... how many guys have PM'ed you and proposed to you already ??
Old 24-01-2005, 04:23 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by cereal-killer
omg .... very thoughtful... how many guys have PM'ed you and proposed to you already ??
none...pls lar...if u get urself into debt over a stupid weddin than might as well not marry rite?
Old 24-01-2005, 04:25 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by uglyger
none...pls lar...if u get urself into debt over a stupid weddin than might as well not marry rite?
Can I propose to you?
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