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Old 29-03-2011, 01:46 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by Royal.Chimp View Post
Mei Hui did not give you what you want but she gave good services to others, and now u come in here to vent your anger, izzit?? Am I right?? You are not only a fucking sour-grape joker but also an absolute coward hiding behind the monitor to disparage the pitiful WL!!

You ought to be zapped big time!!
Dear o dear ! How did a simple exchange of views turned into a mindless argument ? You really ought to learn to give & take views in an open forum with some maturity. Just because others don't share your views, you get angry. Grow up, lah.
Old 29-03-2011, 02:28 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by Royal.Chimp View Post
Mei Hui did not give you what you want but she gave good services to others, and now u come in here to vent your anger, izzit?? Am I right?? You are not only a fucking sour-grape joker but also an absolute coward hiding behind the monitor to disparage the pitiful WL!!

You ought to be zapped big time!!
I had a chance to think about it more. I guess I went through a similar phase earlier in my cheonging life. Bro, you are displaying the classical symptoms of emotional attachment. Please don't ! These girls are pr*******es. They are here strictly for physical enjoyment. As is so often said - "fuck & forget". Don't get emotionally involved. Fuck smart, bro.

And that goes for the guy who zapped me. It's ok.

Last edited by 2Guards; 29-03-2011 at 02:46 AM.
Old 29-03-2011, 10:21 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

I had a chance to patronize Meihui 3 weeks back. My feedback is that her service is simply mind blowing, and that is a bonus with her beauty, smooth skin and decent figure. Only problem is she tends to give u the cold shoulder after cumming, she went ahead to play games on her iPhone right after I came while keeping quiet.

Oh well what do u expect from an angpai who had served at least 8 customers before me? So I went and knock up a chat with her, come on u can be friends with a so-called 'pro******e' too. I ended up having a nice chat with MH and we exchanged smses once in a while.

Well I just want to say there is no point having bad blood or sour feelings after a fuck, regardless good or bad screw because we all pay to have fun and be happy. Otherwise the next time u will be better off holding that $150 in ur leftie while u jerk urself off with ur right.
Old 29-03-2011, 11:01 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Hi Bros,

By any chance do you guys have Sa Sa's contact in China? Please PM me.
Thank you very much

Old 29-03-2011, 11:20 AM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by 2Guards View Post
Not just the nose and the boobs, but also her pussy. I had a real closeup look at her pussy. The lower part (from midpoint towards the asshole) appears to have been stitched up. I guess she got an overhaul done.

The big tattoo of a butterfly on her pelvis and that chain around her tummy makes her look like a Thai FL. A real turnoff for me.
You can even detect such fine details. Kudos to you.
Old 29-03-2011, 12:34 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Give that poor lady a break lah.....fuck and forget.....if u think her service is good.....please continued to support her...if u think she is suck not up to ur standard.....just forget it, no point posting negative remarks against her.
Old 29-03-2011, 01:35 PM
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Talking Re: girls in 1654A

Lets not sway away of sharing gd finds that y sbf was set up n spirit of giving will continue. Alots of coverage about Meihui fake here n there postings are enug to put message across... Bros who choose to call Meihui will continue to do so after reading those bros who commented fake here n there some may still patronize her .... Let's appreciate those bros who point out what is fake on her n also appreciate bros who continue to say praises of her good services....
Old 29-03-2011, 04:02 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Hi any bros out there can give me 1654a telephone no?
I have wasted a lot of trips going down but in the end went back empty handed...
Old 29-03-2011, 05:49 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

1654A house tel 6744 4417
Old 29-03-2011, 06:37 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

thank you bro for the number.

Just came back from 1654a. went in and asked for meihui, okt told me have to wait for 30minutes and i said okay. around 25minutes she came and we proceed into the room. this is my 4th time patronizing her and this is the best i experienced. she really put in all her effort to serve me. i will not go into details what she do as different ppl have different treatment. but one thing i am sure is she had changed her attitude and her service. some bros did told her about ppl discussing her in sbf. she is sad that there are ppls saying she is fake here and there. i hope bros out there will stop saying her negative points here cause it will ruin her reputation. she left home and came here to earn a living. pls dun break her rice bowl. if u feel that she is not up to the standard then stop patronizing her, there is no need to flame her here and caused her to lose her customers. if u r gd to her, i am sure she will be gd to u. dun expect her to treat u gd when u urself behave like a pervert. pls dun bully her as she really has a soft heart. i am sure that i will patronize her for the 5th 6th and even 7th time.
Old 29-03-2011, 07:49 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by fragment_champ View Post
some bros did told her about ppl discussing her in sbf. she is sad that there are ppls saying she is fake here and there. i hope bros out there will stop saying her negative points here cause it will ruin her reputation.
very funny u say this because u r the one who start the talk about mei hui at #585

Y so many bros kw Mei hui boob and nose is fake, they still patronize her????
I ask all questions & make all the comments that nobody wants to do so openly.
Old 29-03-2011, 10:19 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

wow, bro, it looks like love will soon blosom......
Old 29-03-2011, 10:23 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

After consultation with one of the super Snr brudders here, I have this to add -

Brudder 2Guards,

I think you are a little too much because I noticed that you have disparaged Mei Hui not once but thrice in this forum. If one time, maybe I won't blame you but thrice!! Yes, she is a prostitute but at least she is doing a honest profession. Not like some ppl who kill or cheat to earn a living. Agree?? What you have commented on her is absolutely uncalled for! Do you believe a thing such as karma by breaking ppl ricebowl or hurting ppl feeling?? In my opinion, what prompted you to comment harshly on her is that you did not receive good service from her but others did and hence, you feel jealous or rather cheated to a certain extent. Like one brudder mentioned, if you dun get good service from her, just move on and be a gentlemen! No point behaving like a sour grape like what brudder Chimp has mentioned above. Afterall, WL are humans like you and I. Dun expect they can be as consistent as a programmable Robot. Last but not least, be more forgiving and be a gentlemen since she did not do something that hurt or harm you, agree? Afterall, it is only $150 per pop!!

Brudder Chimp,

I suggest you dun get so workout over such mundane issue. I can tell you are an emotionally-charged person like brudder Duckbeak & brudder Papayong. There are a lot of fucking jealous samsters and sadists lurking in this forum. These samsters are nothing but cowards who do not dare to leave their nicks behind when zapping ppl!!

OK, thats all I have to say.

Seule la bonne volonte l'emportent!!

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Old 29-03-2011, 11:32 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Originally Posted by 2Guards View Post
Not just the nose and the boobs, but also her pussy. I had a real closeup look at her pussy. The lower part (from midpoint towards the asshole) appears to have been stitched up. I guess she got an overhaul done.

The big tattoo of a butterfly on her pelvis and that chain around her tummy makes her look like a Thai FL. A real turnoff for me.
IMHO, It does not really matter if her body parts are real or fake... So many Celebrities out there have implanted this implanted that Boob Job, Nose Job, maybe Even Ass/ Pussy Job like you mentioned...

Just like a celebrity, her job is to look good so that u feel good about her and choose her isn't it? Plus of course perform in bed to the best of her abilities... which may or may not be to your likings...

I personally didn't like her service, especially her extreme feeling hand job.. but... c'mon, lets not forget the most basic benefit of commercial sex: Gals don't reject Customers (Most of the time) and Guys get to Fuck and Forget!!!

Just like Lawyers... the best lawyer in town may not win your case for you 100% and will never guarantee it as well... All that he will say is I'll do my best and in my opinion, you do have a case...

Anything above that is an added benefit built upon this basic principle right???

Chill Bro!!! I may be quite Junior here but i think i am speaking sense!!!
Old 29-03-2011, 11:36 PM
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Re: girls in 1654A

Let's give everyone a break... Bro, I think he's entitled to his opinion too... although it may sound too over the board for some of us here.... Lets chill and not get too worked up... It's only over a WL guys... Same this when my 2 other friends argued between the popularity of Jacky Cheung and Jay Chow... It doesn't matter who's right/ Wrong Win/ Loose... End day... they still make our money and go home ( This is for the other Brudders)

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
After consultation with one of the super Snr brudders here, I have this to add -

Brudder 2Guards,

I think you are a little too much because I noticed that you have disparaged Mei Hui not once but thrice in this forum. If one time, maybe I won't blame you but thrice!! Yes, she is a prostitute but at least she is doing a honest profession. Not like some ppl who kill or cheat to earn a living. Agree?? What you have commented on her is absolutely uncalled for! Do you believe a thing such as karma by breaking ppl ricebowl or hurting ppl feeling?? In my opinion, what prompted you to comment harshly on her is that you did not receive good service from her but others did and hence, you feel jealous or rather cheated to a certain extent. Like one brudder mentioned, if you dun get good service from her, just move on and be a gentlemen! No point behaving like a sour grape like what brudder Chimp has mentioned above. Afterall, WL are humans like you and I. Dun expect they can be as consistent as a programmable Robot. Last but not least, be more forgiving and be a gentlemen since she did not do something that hurt or harm you, agree? Afterall, it is only $150 per pop!!

Brudder Chimp,

I suggest you dun get so workout over such mundane issue. I can tell you are an emotionally-charged person like brudder Duckbeak & brudder Papayong. There are a lot of fucking jealous samsters and sadists lurking in this forum. These samsters are nothing but cowards who do not dare to leave their nicks behind when zapping ppl!!

OK, thats all I have to say.

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