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Old 21-01-2013, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
If you are on the neutral side, I would appreciate if you stop adding salt and pepper in this war against the 7 moronic motherfucker clowns!!!!
Let's talk about Sex here baby. I don't want to add salt and pepa anymore.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 21-01-2013, 05:17 PM
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Re: Googlibong is a moronic clown!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Nato! I am a immortal and I have not a human!!!!
From his own mouth.
He has declared that " 我不是人"
Why would we want to continue if he is not human?
He cannot be god, so he must be dog?
Mad dog?
Woof woof woof.
Old 21-01-2013, 05:35 PM
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Wink Who has ever been on your side agst me?......

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Obviously u dun have to be on my side as there are not many who dare to declare openly that they are on my side
My dear The GreenLantern aka Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka ???,

1) pray tell who r the samsters who hv ever been openly on yr side agst me...even before yr nick/clone Royal.Chimp was banned and before your nick/clone Alejandro88 went cowering into hiding...?

2) Is it Cuntking who at times u luv to invoke his name agst me?, but i stand it tat v seasoned samster/cheongster who at times u luv to invoke to support yr lame, but i stand it other seasoned samsters/cheongsters who at times u luv to invoke their names to support yr lame position?, but i stand who are they?...

3) i am just an ordinary samster/cheongster who speaks his mind if as u purportedly claim there r samsters who support u agst me, why dont they cum out n openly give u their support?...

4) It is fact tat the only samster who came out openly in support of yr nick/clone Royal.Chimp when he was banned was yr nick/clone Alejandro88...

5) It is a fact tat the only samster who came out openly in support of yr nick/clone Alejandro88 when he cowered into hiding was n is yr nick/clone The GreenLantern...continously spamming quite afew threads wif obscenities n profanities, i sld add...

6) Strangely n is a fact tat the only samster who has cum out openly in support of King.Cobra after he went into moderation is yr nick/clone The GreenLantern...pure coincidence, i wonder?!..

Oh yes n pls continue wif yr spamming in SBF, The GreenLantern aka Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka???
Old 21-01-2013, 07:10 PM
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googlibong220 is a living Saint! - you won't find bettergooglibong220 is a living Saint! - you won't find bettergooglibong220 is a living Saint! - you won't find bettergooglibong220 is a living Saint! - you won't find bettergooglibong220 is a living Saint! - you won't find better

bro besafe, pls don't call al a dog, that's very insulting to dogs. Maybe al kena std from his wl mother flossing his teeth with her pus-covered pubic hair, some stds cause madness, hence his obsession with fucking his mother.
Cheers, Bong
Old 21-01-2013, 08:23 PM
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Hi Bro Googlibong220,
I am so sorry. My bad.
You are right.
My humble apologies to all breeds of dogs.
A frosty cheer to all.
Old 22-01-2013, 04:10 PM
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Come on guys.. we are here to chill, bang girls and share, if someone pissed you off, just let it slide and move on with life. Bitching and flame wars are a waste of everyones time, including yours.
Old 22-01-2013, 04:55 PM
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Wink The Facts I

My dear The GreenLantern aka Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka ???,

1) it is a fact tat yr nick/clone Royal.Chimp was banned becuz he was playing 'games' n not becuz of his fr/info contribution posts in SBF...

2) it is a fact tat yr nick/clone Alejandro88 is now cowering in hiding in fear of being zapped into moderation becuz he was playing 'games' n not becuz of his fr/info contribution posts in SBF...

3) it is a fact tat yr nick/clone The GreenLantern is now in moderation becuz he was n continues to play 'games' n not becuz of his fr/info contribution posts in SBF...

4) it is a fact tat u claimed King.Cobra had done "nothing wrong" to be zapped into moderation, wifout providing any basis to support such a purported claim...

5) it is a fact tat yr purported claims: tat it is always others who start cyberwars agst u "first"; tat others hv a "guilty conscious"(sic); tat others hv "provoked" u n "crossed yr path" first, is totally baseless n unfounded...
Old 22-01-2013, 04:58 PM
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Wink The Facts II


6) it is a fact tat in an earlier post made by yr nick/clone Alejandro88(hiding) in a lame defence of yr nick/clone Royal.Chimp(banned), u stated tat Royal.Chimp(banned) was "created and programmed" to "attack"...n now yr nick/clone The GreenLantern(moderation) follows on wif his so called "pre-programmed" bs "hit list"...mere coincidence?!...i think not...

7) it is a fact tat initially yr nick Royal.Chimp (banned) viciously n crazily attacked Nakamitchi wrt the retired gl mm Wang Fei(1431) issue...then later yr nicks/clones Alejandro88(hiding) n now The GreenLantern(moderation) do the v same thing in the exact same style n manner...another mere coincidence?!...i think not...

8) it is a fact tat in an earlier nasty post to PeterTheGOD, King.Cobra stated tat he was "programmed to suppress and terminate" PeterTheGOD...strange n curious, yet more exact similar style n manner of writing...yet another mere coincidence?!...i wonder?!...

9) it is a fact tat u hv a vile sinister penchant for trying to expose the true real life identities of certain samsters/cheongsters in the SBF GL threads...

10) it is a fact tat u hv complained to Sammyboyfor abt being zapped into 'hiding' n 'moderation' , n tat Sammyboyfor informed u tat if u r unhappy wif the SBF system, then u sld "emigrate" to another forum tat does not hv such a system...

Pls carry on wif yr spamming, The GreenLantern aka Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka ???...we shall see wat happens in the end
Old 22-01-2013, 05:15 PM
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H1854 update (cat100 prc)

3 of their best gals just went back.. Zhen Zhen, Zhen Ni, n Karen.

Best one left is Jolin.
Old 22-01-2013, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
H1854 update (cat100 prc)

3 of their best gals just went back.. Zhen Zhen, Zhen Ni, n Karen.

Best one left is Jolin.
Karen cat 100 mei? I thought Karen Cat 150
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 22-01-2013, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Karen cat 100 mei? I thought Karen Cat 150
Bro Nato..

if u call any of their house gals (1854) from elsewhere, be it 16W12, 1654A, 1651, 2831A.. they do outcall.. their price is cat150. 1 hr.

if u go direct to 1854, its 45mins $100. if u don't mind their rooms.

but i hear that this Jolin does not do outcall.
Old 22-01-2013, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
Bro Nato..

if u call any of their house gals (1854) from elsewhere, be it 16W12, 1654A, 1651, 2831A.. they do outcall.. their price is cat150. 1 hr.

if u go direct to 1854, its 45mins $100. if u don't mind their rooms.

but i hear that this Jolin does not do outcall.
I blur fuck la. CB. I used to call Karen quite often for a while. Four hour session at her place would be $400. At other places would be $600. Can spend another 1 and half hours extra lei.

But seriously, I thought that Karen was cat 150. Blur sotong -->me.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 22-01-2013, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
H1854 update (cat100 prc)

3 of their best gals just went back.. Zhen Zhen, Zhen Ni, n Karen.

Best one left is Jolin.
Zhen Zhen left liao.......ZHEN DE MA ?? ......sure going to miss her.....
Old 22-01-2013, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Zhen Zhen left liao.......ZHEN DE MA ?? ......sure going to miss her.....
yes bro i bet a lot of us going to miss her... shes one of my fav bonk and rtf countless time
semi retired or almost
Old 22-01-2013, 08:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
I blur fuck la. CB. I used to call Karen quite often for a while. Four hour session at her place would be $400. At other places would be $600. Can spend another 1 and half hours extra lei.

But seriously, I thought that Karen was cat 150. Blur sotong -->me.
Nato boy, what's wrong with your mathematics?

4 hour at her place is not $400.

4x45mins at her place is $400. That is 3 hours.

And 3 hours at other places is $450. So you only lose $50.

BTW, they are CAT150 and you are not wrong.
Bro, $100 is for 45 mins and not one hour.

When you get her from outside, her OKT only gets $120 for one hour.
The other house OKT gets the $30.
When you get her at her place, her OKT gets $100 for 45 mins.

For outside job, $120 for one hour means $90 for 45 mins.
So her OKT actually earns more if you go to her place for 45mins @$100.
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
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