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Old 02-09-2013, 06:07 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Story: The Invitation

Eagerly waiting for the story..... Got addicted to "The Invitation"
Old 02-09-2013, 08:20 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Ohhh more waiting till TS is back than...
Old 03-09-2013, 12:24 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Eagerly awaiting the next installment
Old 04-09-2013, 12:30 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Unpredictable story line. Nice!
Old 04-09-2013, 02:47 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Tuesday morning
Venue: Office

Today will be an interesting day.

The moment the market opens, the XYZ counter is on a roll, breaking its record high again and again with increasing volume. Assured bull run.

From my guesstimate, if George’s team has put 30% of Mr Jackson’s $200 Mil funds into XYZ, they would have made a tidy gain of close to $60 Mil, a cool 30% return within a couple of days. There are no other material funds that are liquid enough for George’s team to utilize within such a short period, so the only funds they could touch would be Mr Jackson’s. Anyway, that’s also the instructions from Stuart to George yesterday.

10.30 am

The XYZ counter seems to be heading towards a bubble by now. George is too experienced not to know this. There are some calls made between George and his team. They are soon working furiously on their terminals.

From my screen, I can see some continuous buckets of selling volume being queued. The selling volume is there, but done in an inconspicuous manner so as not to alert the general market and cause alarm in panic selling. Only professionals can do that. Must be George’s team.

11.45 am

True enough, the XYZ counter is doing a reversal of fortune now, falling from its previous high as the counter has been over bought amidst the euphoria. I know George’s team is already out of the counter, enjoying their triumph and thinking about their fat bonuses.

3.30 pm

Mr Jackson suddenly appears at our office and come rushing to George’s room. Everyone would be expecting Mr Jackson to be very pleased to hear about the news of his portfolio making such a fantastic gain within a couple of days.

However his facial expression is telling a different story. And behind Mr Jackson, follows 5 guys in suite and tie, with a tag clipped onto their left jacket pocket.

2.35 pm

After exchanging a few quick words in George’s room, Mr Jackson, George and two of the guys disappear down the corridor to Stuart’s room.

Three of the guys remain in George’s room. One of them starts meddling with his laptop while the other two are going through the documents on his table and drawers.

Everyone in the office is puzzled by the turn of events.

3.15 pm

Mr Jackson left our office with the 5 guys in suite.

George is back at his desk, in a crestfallen expression. No one dares to approach him to find out what happen.

4 pm

George receives a phone call. He seems to be very agitated over the phone.

4.30 pm

Two security guards appear at George’s room, checked through his stuff in a box and escort him out of the office.

4.45 pm

All of us receive an email in our office mail from Stuart.

George has been removed from office with immediate effect.

Mr Jackson is under investigation by the CAD for suspicion of insider trading. His cousin-in-law is a director on XYZ board. From the aggressive position that George has taken on XYZ using Mr Jackson’s funds, CAD is suspecting foul play of insider trading.

I know Mr Jackson will be alright because there is no concrete evidence of foul play, simply because he is really innocent.

Stuart denies any responsibility as there is no written correspondence between himself and George and pushes the blame squarely on George’s part.

George has committed two grave mistakes in this dealing. First, he has not done a proper check on the counter to ensure such thing would not have happened in the first place. Second, the aggressive position taken on a single counter is not in accordance with the investment mandate signed by Mr Jackson. Thus he is in breach of trust under the contract.

Why would George commit such a mistake? Of course it is due to good play-acting by Stuart. He is the one who told George to look at this counter as he has received some reliable market information, as well as telling George that he has communicated with Mr Jackson that they are going to bet heavily on the counter. Of course, that is all untrue and Stuart denies anything of that sort.

Well, I also help to create a sense of urgency for George’s team by pushing up the price yesterday so that they are forced to act faster.

Lastly, I am the one who wrote and sent the poison letter to CAD, informing them of suspected foul play through the anonymous letter.

Mr Jackson will be fine as there won’t be any evidence against him. He has made a tidy profit as well.

The bank will be fine as Stuart pushes all the blame to George as he is the one signing the execution orders and made the decisions for that investment.

The only person in trouble is George. He has been sacked by the bank due to negligence and breach of trust. He will have a hard time finding another job in the industry as his reputation has been smeared.

5.30 pm

I am in Stuart’s room.

We are toasting each other on our glasses of premium red wine.

“Ok Wilson, we have gotten rid of George. We have had our revenge. But what’s next? I will need to fill George’s position. Who would you recommend from his team?”

“No no no. It shouldn't be anyone from his team. Don’t you think it would be better if someone from my team fills George’s position?”

“Hahaha Wilson, you are a shrewd one. Well I think I trust you more than I can trust George’s people now. Ok we shall get someone from your team to fill his position. Who shall it be then?”

“Hmmmm I will have to think about it…..”

Albert, 39 years old. Has been in the bank for 13 years. Most experienced among the lot but is not the smartest. Reliable, hardworking but not one who is ambitious enough to want to reach for the sky. Always a good right-hand man to have.

James, 33 years old. With the bank 3 years now. Smart, analytical, competent and ambitious. You can always count on him to make things happen. A goal-getter. My trusted aide.

Michelle, 27 years old. With the bank 5 years now. In fact this is her first job. Intelligent, pretty and fast-learner. She is a goal-getter as well. Maybe because she is a girl, and a pretty one at that, it is always easier for her to get things done. My trusted lieutenant as well.
Old 04-09-2013, 11:49 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

I vote for Michelle to take the helm of George's team
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Old 04-09-2013, 11:55 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by gjlow View Post
Great story. So many twist and turns. Waiting for next chapter
Michele michele michele!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 05-09-2013, 03:49 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Go to Michelle and offer a promotion over the sex deal..

Sometimes a dramatic changes to life isn't really a bad thing..
Old 08-09-2013, 02:08 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Welcome back.

Keep the story cuming.

Great read.
Old 08-09-2013, 09:29 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

more more!
Old 09-09-2013, 09:12 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

continue with jolly good story!
Old 09-09-2013, 03:15 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

good story!
Old 09-09-2013, 03:38 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

End to end stuff ... Well done TS
Old 11-09-2013, 01:42 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday
Venue: Office

The past few days have been a frantic period, with all kinds of rumours flying around on the replacement for the hot seat vacated by George.

There can be many different scenarios - transferring a VP from another department, poaching a candidate from competition, hiring a new high profile candidate from external, or promoting within the ranks from the 6 AVPs available.

Needless to say, no one knows that we have already decided to promote from within, among my three AVPs. With my newly-formed profound relationship with my boss, Stuart, obviously I would want to maximise the situation to my benefit. Getting one of my trusted aides to head the other team would only serve to consolidate my position. This is all part of the corporate power-monger game.

The question now is really, who should it be?

I have been pondering over this question for the past few days and have narrowed my choice down to either James or Michelle. Albert has passed his prime and is unlikely to have the ability to fill the big shoes.

Between James and Michelle, James is actually the more qualified. However Michelle is closer to me and I know I can trust her more in the future. With James, he might one day turn around and become a threat to me. Problem is I would still need to present my justification to Stuart. James is stronger than Michelle in all areas. I need a stronger reason to veto my decision.

2.30 pm

“Wilson, you there?”

I am awoken from my deep thoughts by someone calling out to me. I am totally oblivious to my surroundings when I am deep in thoughts. Stuart is standing in front of me in my room.

“Today is the deadline for you to submit your recommendation to me for the replacement. I need it soon as I am doing a conference call with the HQ office tonight and I plan to inform them of the personnel reshuffle.”

“Errrr ok…. I am still a bit undecided…..”

“Who do you have here? Ok I see. Make sense. Between James and Michelle. Indeed a close call between the two.”

“Ya, I am just thinking….”

“Ok don’t worry Wilson. Let’s do it this way. Let me do a final promotion interview for two of them and I will make the final call. Set.”

With that, Stuart takes the two files from me and turns to leave my office, catching me totally off-guarded with his prompt actions.
Well, maybe that will make things easier for me. Let Stuart make the call and either way, it’s still my people.

3.30 pm

James is called to Stuart’s room.

5.15 pm

James comes straight to my room to thank me for recommending him to be among the final shortlist.

5.30 pm

Call comes in from Stuart.

“Hey Wilson, I have done the session with James. Very good. I think he can do the job.”

“You speaking to Michelle as well?”

“Yes of course. I am sure you must have a good reason to be torn between the two. Good opportunity for me to know more about Michelle as well. By the way, can you see if you can help me get her to my room? I just called her at her desk but no answer.”

“Sure, I think she steps away to the pantry.”

5.40 pm

Michelle goes to Stuart’s room.

Everyone else is getting ready to knock off.

Friday night.

I am feeling bored. Maybe call Mark out for a drink or something.

I pick up the phone to dial the number. But there is no ring tone coming out from the phone speaker.

Instead I hear faint voices talking.
Old 11-09-2013, 01:52 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Comeon TS.. Love your story

Can't wait for your next installment
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