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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-06-2006, 09:19 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

All Quiet Quiet go neber tell me ah.... anyway I'm oso tied up can't cheong openly... or else someone will tell her.... so u all know wat to do la... ha ha !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 14-06-2006, 09:56 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime

All of us go quietly la .................................... what say you Bro HCC ???
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 14-06-2006, 10:10 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SexFreak
SF, U need meh ?? Dun tell me your OC oso surf SBF ah !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 15-06-2006, 06:52 AM
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My afternoon delights at HCs-Polling of Preliminary Rnd of G.E.

In accordance to PanLan Code Sex-Sex-Sex Sextion Sex-Sex. I annouced the start of polling for the preliminary round for Goddness Election 2006 for the Crown of League Patron Goddness of the League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen And Sexy Ladies.

Polling Day, Preliminary Round.
Ps following the guidelines when making ya votes.

1> All Bros r allowed to make 2 votes. After which only 1 vote change can be made.

2> All votes will be transparent. Their name will be reflected under the Candy-Dates u hv given ya votes.

3> Bros can give their 2 votes to any particular Candy Date
they choose.After as mentioned only 1 vote change can be made.

4> The Preliminary round will begin on 29May06 0800hrs, & ends on 18June06 2359hrs.

5> After which the Top 5 Candy-Dates will go into the final rnd.

There is other important things besides the World Cup Bro!!Vote for ya gals who u think is qualified to replaced our departed Patron Goddness Miss Yuki of Leisure now!! Polling ends 18th June 06. 4 more days to submit ya votes bros, b4 we go into the final rnd!! HURRY NOW, & START YA VOTING ROLLING IN NOW!!!

Nominated Candy-Dates :Updated 14Jun06

- GiGi : 6 CDs (SamiHyypia
x2, Optimus_Prime, cuteboy12345208,HC_Cheongster x2)
- May : 1 CD (gerhunter)
- Eva
- Cindy : 2 CDs (Sinfulman

Casanova :
- Star : 2 CDs (Optimus_Prime, max_priest)
- Tammy

Dragon :
- Joey : 2 CDs (imom
- Porsche : 1 CDs (cuteboy12345208)
- Rain : 1 CDs (Groo)
- Whisky : 4 CDs (ShadowBro
x2, WangYe x2)

Eminant :
- Jess
- Tina

Legend :
Open for last minute replace for Coco

Leisure :
- Joyce : 1 CDs (Groo)
- Sugar : 2 CDs (Merl, max_priest)
- Miko : 4 CDs (Merl, SexFreak
x2, fcuktilludrop)

Lexon :
- Star : 1 CDs (gedangsa)
- Yuki

- Chris (Dajiko HC)

We hv a new leader in the race to reach the final 5 places for the Final rnd of G.E.!!Ms GiGi of BHC, looks the most likely to be the 1st to secure a place in the final 5 in the final rnd of the G.E. Wat a surpise!! Whisky aka 神仙姐姐 of DHC, & Miko of Leisure is tied in 2nd place. Wit Sugar of Leisure, Star of Casanova, & Joey of DHC still in there to be among the hopefuls to go into the final 5 for the final rnd of voting. So bros n fellows L.O.E.H.G.A.S.L u still hv 4more days to consider ya votes!! So Roll in ya votes now!! Bros still r welcomed to invite the nominatees for an Erections Rally, or Live Probe Cunt!! kekeke

Disclaimer: Tis G.E. is run in the name of fun, & sharing of views, & shld in no way harm or caused undue stress to the ladies named. We hope all Bros will continue to treat these ladies wit respect & care, as if they r ya "other" gfs, in hope that these ladies will in return, provide better services for all bros & enjoyment in their company.
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

Pageant Orgasmizer - L.O.E.H.G.A.S.L
Old 15-06-2006, 08:10 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Dun tell me your OC oso surf SBF ah !!
But my Jane does... how to make a cum back?
Can i cheong with u guys?
岳父女婿说: 娶我女儿快一年了,还未怀孕,难道你没看我给你的XXX片?
女婿说: 我有看。。也照着做!

岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

女婿道: 高潮时就拔出来射在她脸上。。。

Old 15-06-2006, 09:19 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
But my Jane does... how to make a cum back?
Can i cheong with u guys?
but ur JANE does not mind... of cus I always say she's deceiving herself but I'm waiting to be proven wrong.

So CL u wanna cheong u need to start posting in "invisble" ink like us... like below...

Thou u say u ave reached mountain peak and anything here onwill be downhill so why u want to go downwards ??
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 15-06-2006, 12:11 PM
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Re: My afternoon delight at a TN....

Originally Posted by Sinfulman
Yo Bro, heheheheh new place in JC!!!! wah i keen leh!!!
Hehe... quite near to our kopi joint you know?

Bro OP, HCC and you can check the place out together at the next kopi session...
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - one cannot state with certainty both the position and momentum of one's cum at any time.

Schrodinger's Cat - A girl's skills are both good and bad until one makes an observation. Then she becomes either 'good' or 'bad'. The observation thus determines the result
Old 15-06-2006, 12:29 PM
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Re: My afternoon delight at a TN....

Originally Posted by imom
Hehe... quite near to our kopi joint you know? Bro OP, *** and you can check the place out together at the next kopi session...
I think I aga aga know where it is... almost went down when a little bird told me she went down there to look see look see... but in the end... nber go...
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 15-06-2006, 08:33 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Awaiting for activating of THE AMAZING *MEOW* RACE....
岳父女婿说: 娶我女儿快一年了,还未怀孕,难道你没看我给你的XXX片?
女婿说: 我有看。。也照着做!

岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

女婿道: 高潮时就拔出来射在她脸上。。。

Old 15-06-2006, 11:41 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
me too....

so SF is banned from when I wanna cheong BHC..heheh...

Bro GH..lye dat can't go w u as well leh... How ??
u go for Gigi lah...leave me and SF to settle with Scissors, Paper, Stone...
Y.H.T of League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES...
1st League member to have a FR written on him!!
Old 15-06-2006, 11:48 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

my 2nd vote goes to Gigi...
Y.H.T of League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES...
1st League member to have a FR written on him!!
Old 16-06-2006, 08:08 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Why all quite quite go bo jio me....
OFFICIALLY RETIRED ...... but still lurking around....

To return:

Please do not up me till I clear my list. Thanks
Old 16-06-2006, 08:31 PM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights... Jess @ Sasha

Read about the nose-bleeding Jess, so decided to check her out...

Looks (7.3/10), Puss & Boobs (7.5/10):
Not exactly nose-bleeding... but she does have an exotic look, smiles easily and can converse fairly ok in English. She's a U-grad from LOS, so that explained her standard of Spoken English. She's a bit short and boobs look ample, maybe 155cm tall with shoulder length hair. But can see she has a bit of baby fat and thighs are a bit thick. Otherwise, she looks like a very bonkable package...

Massage (7.2/10), Catbath (6.5/10) and BJ (5/10 - Too Short!):
Jess said her massage is a mixture of local and Thai. She massaged well and puts in effort and strength. And like she said, some of her moves are indeed Thai-style.

Later she undressed and yup, she does have some baby fat. But oh mine, does she have sizeable B-cup boobs. Catbath was short, but as i fingered her, i could see that she enjoyed it... as she sucked on my nipples and let out soft moans, she was at the same time pressing her pussy against my fingers. Soon, her pussy was wet... she ventured down south and gave me a very short BJ. Soon i realised why...

Riding (7.8/10 - She enjoyed it more than i do!) and FJ (8.2/10):
As soon as she got my little dicky hot and hard, she climbed atop me and started riding away, all the while moaning that soft sexy moans of hers... she got hold of my hands to knead her soft beautiful boobs and i reciprocate without further ado... suddenly, she leaned forward and used her fingers to clutch at my chest... i was worried that she'll leave scratch marks on my chest! Her riding was now rapid and her breaths were short and interspersed with grunts... and without much warning, she had already climaxed! Wow! This is something new to me! Jess sure is 1 horny Tomyam lady!

I turned her over, but she got on her fours, offering her ass to me... I got hold of my love rod and rubbed him against her pussy... Jess extended her hand to grab at my primed torpedo and guided it into her love cavern... soon she was again moaning away as she thrusted her hips in tandem with my jabbing tool... then she lie down on the mattress as i continued to thrust without mercy... soon i can feel the pleasurable pressure building up in my loins... I turned Jess over and guided my drilling pole into that sweet tight well of hers... soon it was full steam ahead... all the while, i was grabbing at her tits, planting her face with kisses (seems like no frenching for her!) and nibbling at her ear lobes... within moments, my dam of surging sperm warriors could hold back no longer and burst forth in torrents, as i let out a final grunt and hold Jess tightly in ecstacy!

That's not all... Jess then dressed up and gave me a head massage with some hot towels which she took from outside. After i washed, changed and paid her, Jess gave me a hug and asked me to have a good rest from all that bonking - a playful gal!

RTF? You bet!

Overall score: 7.6/10 (Extra 0.5 points for a good bonk!)
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
Sex Wisdom: Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble... BUT there is no remedy for sex except more sex!!!
Old 16-06-2006, 09:08 PM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights... Win@Leisure

Chief Zack mentioned some new blood in Leisure, decided to try Win...

Looks (6.8/10), Puss & Boobs (7/10):
Win, a Penang girl who was previously working in a JB health centre, has only been in Leisure for slightly more than a month. She's a bit on the fleshy side... she has a pleasant GND look but in this instance, not my cup of teh-tarik. She smiles easily and has luscious lips - good for kissing! She wears her hair long, about 158cm tall and her boobs look like a fairly big-B size. Her fleshy hips look good for those bros who love to do the doggie!

Massage (7/10), Catbath (7.1/10) and BBBJ (8.2/10 - Shiokadoo!):
Her massage is the standard Leisure style, but she seems to mix in a Thai move or two, maybe something she learnt from her JB HC days. She does know how to exert strength in her massage.

After she got her barang-barang, she undressed and... lean her head on my chest! DUH.....! I asked her if she's checking whether i've a heartbeat... she just smiled away my corny joke and started her catbath... she actually uses her teeth a bit and the feeling is both refreshing and shiok! I was at the same time playing with her natural firm B boobs and erected nipples... She really has great boobs for kneading and playing with...

Soon, Win went down south with her tongue and started what turned out to be a slow and long BBBJ... I guessed the late World Cup nights had rendered my little prick insensitive to simple stimulation... But Win did a great job tongueing and licking my love tool.... up, down, under the balls, up again, the head works, and soon, the little worm awoke and turned into a mini-Hulk!!! hee!

FJ (8.2/10):
After getting my little runt up and running hard, i asked Win to lie down as I'm too shaggged to be enjoying the full works... Of course she gladly obeyed my wish! I hugged Win and started kissing and frenching her, starting a short bout of french duel like my gf - Yum, her lips are really great for kissing! I felt her up and down and played with her tiots and nipples... Soon, i felt for my fleshy spear and guided him into her love slit... I started jabbing in short strokes... Win was now moving her hands over my back and shoulders... it's a nice feeling and soon my strokes were long and slow, mixed with short fast jabs... Win was now breathing faster and whining softly... it sure was a turn-on and i could also feel my loins stirring... I stepped up my momentum and within moments, i was putting both my arms behind Win, hugging her tightly as my runaway mare rammed through her love box mercilessly...! Seconds later, my mare broke down in orgasm and lay exhausted deep in Win's love valley...

Win cleaned me up and we proceeded to wash up...

RTF: Maybe... could be my backup if the other gals are unavailable... Although she has worked in a JB HC before, somehow, i have a niggling feeling she can still learnt more to make herself even better... Maybe other bros can give her tips to better herself!

Overall score: 7.2/10
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
Sex Wisdom: Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble... BUT there is no remedy for sex except more sex!!!
Old 18-06-2006, 04:07 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs-Polling of Preliminary Rnd of G.E.

In accordance to PanLan Code Sex-Sex-Sex Sextion Sex-Sex. I annouced the start of polling for the preliminary round for Goddness Election 2006 for the Crown of League Patron Goddness of the League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen And Sexy Ladies.

Polling Day, Preliminary Round.
Ps following the guidelines when making ya votes.

1> All Bros r allowed to make 2 votes. After which only 1 vote change can be made.

2> All votes will be transparent. Their name will be reflected under the Candy-Dates u hv given ya votes.

3> Bros can give their 2 votes to any particular Candy Date
they choose.After as mentioned only 1 vote change can be made.

4> The Preliminary round will begin on 29May06 0800hrs, & ends on 18June06 2359hrs.

5> After which the Top 5 Candy-Dates will go into the final rnd.

There is other important things besides the World Cup Bro!!Vote for ya gals who u think is qualified to replaced our departed Patron Goddness Miss Yuki of Leisure now!! Polling ends 18th June 06. Last days to submit ya votes bros!! HURRY NOW, & START YA DROP YA VOTE NOW!!!

Nominated Candy-Dates :Updated 17Jun06.LAST DAY TO SEND IT YA VOTES!!

- GiGi : 7 CDs (SamiHyypia
x2, Optimus_Prime, cuteboy12345208,HC_Cheongster x2, gerhunter)
- May : 1 CD (gerhunter)
- Eva
- Cindy : 2 CDs (Sinfulman

Casanova :
- Star : 2 CDs (Optimus_Prime, max_priest)
- Tammy

Dragon :
- Joey : 2 CDs (imom
- Porsche : 1 CDs (cuteboy12345208)
- Rain : 1 CDs (Groo)
- Whisky : 4 CDs (ShadowBro
x2, WangYe x2)

Eminant :
- Jess
- Tina

Legend :
Open for last minute replace for Coco

Leisure :
- Joyce : 1 CDs (Groo)
- Sugar : 2 CDs (Merl, max_priest)
- Miko : 4 CDs (Merl, SexFreak
x2, fcuktilludrop)

Lexon :
- Star : 1 CDs (gedangsa)
- Yuki

- Chris (Dajiko HC)

Ms GiGi of BHC looks to consolidate her position into the final 5 in the final rnd of the G.E. Wat a surpise!! Whisky aka 神仙姐姐 of DHC, & Miko of Leisure is tied in 2nd place. Wit Sugar of Leisure, Star of Casanova, & Joey of DHC still in there to be among the hopefuls to go into the final 5 for the final rnd of voting. So bros n fellows L.O.E.H.G.A.S.L tis IS YA LAST DAY to submit ya votes!! No more time liao, drop in votes now, B4 the prelimiary rnd closes!! Bros still r welcomed to invite the nominatees for an Erections Rally, or Live Probe Cunt!! kekeke

Disclaimer: Tis G.E. is run in the name of fun, & sharing of views, & shld in no way harm or caused undue stress to the ladies named. We hope all Bros will continue to treat these ladies wit respect & care, as if they r ya "other" gfs, in hope that these ladies will in return, provide better services for all bros & enjoyment in their company.
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

Pageant Orgasmizer - L.O.E.H.G.A.S.L
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