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Old 17-12-2007, 01:39 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Dropped by RCA just to check on Sat night... whole place closed.
Old 17-12-2007, 02:20 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

alchohal ban from 14-16 and 21-23 dec. possibly through xmas.
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Old 19-12-2007, 04:55 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by yanz View Post
oh my god, i can't believe i'll b in bkk with no alcohol served. my shortlisted clubs to chiong - Banyan Tree, Song Saleung, Nang Len, Route66..
haix... bros got any ideas what to do at night instead?
So sad. No booze. No fun.

They cannot serve you alcohol.

You however can serve yourself alcohol !!!.

Bring out the very small bottle / decanteur from your pocket and pour your alcohol into your non alcoholic drink !!!. Allowed in some aggs , but inform the papasans & mamasans first before u try it. But don't think its allowed in the clubs.
Old 19-12-2007, 05:55 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Latest news i heard from thai fren saying 22nd comfirmed clubs gonna be closed. 23nd however some after hours club might just open. few more hours before touching down on suvanabhumi airport. have fun everyone, lets paint the town red...
Old 19-12-2007, 06:10 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by yanz View Post
Latest news i heard from thai fren saying 22nd comfirmed clubs gonna be closed. 23nd however some after hours club might just open. few more hours before touching down on suvanabhumi airport. have fun everyone, lets paint the town red...
actually, according to the official announcement in BANGKOK POST, the ban is from Dec 14 to Dec 16 2400 but while I was there, and from Dec 21 to Dec 23. I went to the area where INCH and Baryan Tree are located at nearly midnight on Dec 16 and both places are open with the goods served. the afterhour clubs are also open. If things remain the same this coming weekend, I am sure the ban will be over on Dec 23 and it will be business as usual on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Old 19-12-2007, 06:19 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by motodiary View Post
actually, according to the official announcement in BANGKOK POST, the ban is from Dec 14 to Dec 16 2400 but while I was there, and from Dec 21 to Dec 23. I went to the area where INCH and Baryan Tree are located at nearly midnight on Dec 16 and both places are open with the goods served. the afterhour clubs are also open. If things remain the same this coming weekend, I am sure the ban will be over on Dec 23 and it will be business as usual on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Initially i also thought the ban's just bullshit, this is Amazing Thailand afterall.. however news have said this election will b different cause the whole of Asean will be looking and with the new party (ex TRT) up n comin.. hence the authorities have taken a very strict view on parties n alcohol. who cares, lets just enjoy while we can, no booze den just settle for milk den.

chok dee.

Old 20-12-2007, 04:12 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by yanz View Post
Initially i also thought the ban's just bullshit, this is Amazing Thailand afterall.. however news have said this election will b different cause the whole of Asean will be looking and with the new party (ex TRT) up n comin..
change name but still the same corrupt dogs playing the game. no doubt the manchester city boss will be pulling the strings from the VIP grand stand.
Old 24-12-2007, 12:06 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

any bros in BKk wanto party together around 28 dec to 1 jan?
I should be hanging around the usual places like rca or ratchata area.
Not sure about the rest unless other bros can bring.
more fun in a group..

can pm me your thai number and we try to meet up. not purchase my number yet.
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Old 24-12-2007, 01:23 PM
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Most Intricate Scam Ever


Me and my fren basically went bangkok to shop, sightseeing, pray and of cos screw. Thinking that thais are good buddhist people , they will not con ppl. However, I was terribly wrong. On the 3rd day of our trip, we wanted to go to the royal palace to have a look. But the tuk tuk driver said it was close as it is prior elections period and on that day the king is visiting that place( DAMN IT IS NEVER CLOSE ACCORDING TO INFORMATION). However I remember that it was rather late, ard 2pm and have ever read that royal palace closes in the afternoon. So that driver told us why not visit a nearby temple first. In the temple, or I would say in in the praying hall, while me and my fren kneel down to pray, I was befriend by a thai in the 30s, speaking good english. He was articulate and not pushy. He ask us why we are here and we told him we are on holiday. Later we engage in a normal conversation and somehow the topic sneer towards that of gems investment. He told us that this week is a special sale of foreigners and there's no tax on gems. Hence one could buy and sell back the gems in the home country for 100% profits. Basically, at that time me and my fren was just hearing a story and didn't really bother as we are more interested in looking in temples rather than visit these jewellery houses.

Later the tuk tuk driver then said go to a few export(jewellery export centres) to see see. He claim was free, no buy and it's ok. Since he quoted everything from this temple,to the jewel places to the final marble temple(very famous temple in the north of the bangkok map) for only 20 babt , we gave in into him. So we visited this so called jewel houses. Neither was I interested as I rather use that money to screw. So everytime we say we never buy from this place, he will bring us to another place and so on. So on the 3rd jewel house, I finally bought something. Called blue topaz. I don't really mind it was fake as it was quite cheap and look nice with it's design. 800babt, which is 30 sing. As the main reason is to buy to give my sister in law. Nevertheless, right after he knw we bought he brought us to the marble temple. Nothing was amiss then, and I forgotten abt the jewel investment shit.

Day 4
On day 4, me and my fren ventured into hua lamphong mrt stn to visit chinatown famous golden buddha. With a help of the map, we were easily able to find the temple located not far from the stn. On our way back to the stn, we were again approached by a so called teacher which speaks good english. And the beginning, I wave him off thinking he's another tuk tuk driver trying to con us. But he wasn't. He told us he was having his lunch break and ask us where we were going. We told him we were just sighseeing around and ask is there any place where we can get a reputable buddhist amulet that is of real quality. He told us of a place, where only thais go and no tourist goes. Later, the topic again sneer to a jewel house called pansiamese. Nevertheless me and my fren were not really interested in the jewel investment but more interested in getting a thai amulet. So again, he signal to the driver to bring us to this temple not far in chinatown. This time was different, the tuk tuk driver didn't bring us to pansiamese or any jewel houses before visiting the temple, in fact we went straight to the temple. Hence this lowers my suspicion level of what the teacher said. However we didn't really bother abt that issue in the tuk tuk as getting a good amulet was our sore purpose of boarding.

So he brought us to this royal temple. Indeed, there was no tourist and few ppl. It looks like a peaceful sactuary that the monks stay and pray. There was a counter that sells this amulets. Again we let our defences down at this temple as the amulets were very fairly priced. ONly 200 babt for one amulet, lesser than 10 sing only!!! We know it was fairly priced as the exact same one in the chinatown golden buddha we went a while ago was like 7000babt!!! what a difference. we talk to the monk with really broken english and even requested he chant prayers to power up the amulet in front of our eyes. After that, feeling everything was fine we went into a praying hall with a big buddha. there was a person inside there already. Feeling nothing amiss, we sat down and pray for a while. Then the man in the praying hall sitting beside me ask us why we are here where tourist don't know of this area( cos we look tourist of cos). We said we are here to get amulets. He talk to us very long, almost an hour. Abt buddhism, what kind of amulets are good, what are the powers. The thing is he never even bring up the story abt gems!! (what a professional con artist!!) He said buddhist got 5 laws, of which one is cannot lie. Later, I ask him why was he here?We again trust him as he seem very good and knowledgable and he claim to be a thai living in australia that come back every yr to pray and of cos do some gems investment! (Oh man, there are so good that they are able to make you bring up the topic yourself). When I ask that, 30 mins is already gone talking abt buddhism, hence we see no loopholes at all, as he is just a person praying in peace. So again I ask him in details, what is all these abt, everyone is talking abt this..

This is the summary so called investment oppt:
the govt wants to help thai students studying abroad, so that gave thai students tax free gems to buy and sell when the study abroad so as to finance their education. The govt will even tell them where to sell.
This week is a special sale, why this so called wholesale centres also allow foreigners to buy, no more than 2 pieces for souvenires. They do not allow foreigners to sell abroad, however you can claim you are buying for yourself and secretly sell back in your country as it is tax free. Wow, at first, I didn't believe , then he started to explain how thai businesses works. He said, any man that want to do business in thailand got to first open an account in thai bank with a sum of money. The amt of money inside determines your credit ability and also determines the amt of gems you can export for your shop (singapore gem shop i mean). Hence of cos he even mentioned poh heng, taka jewellery being big players can export alot to sell back. He added that since small shops can't export alot, they got shortage and will willing take your gems. Why? as there is 152% tax when you export gems out for commercial reasons but no tax when buy in this special period for personal uses. So that asshole said that there is a loop hole in this system and he uilitise that to make money, abt 100% profit back in austrailia(meaning the shop save 52%, that is why they will pay from you). As I studied business, I think thru the process, it sound so damn logical. The worse thing is that I believe him as he say that in front of the praying hall, in front of the big buddha!!! WTF. they are using religion and sacred places so ppl let down their defences. Shame on them buddhist and shame of them respecting their king. The thing is me and my fren being students look poor, so we couldn't figure out why he wanna con us, as there is not much money we can con out of. And this is where I lost the battle.

Being professional cons man, he just wrote the name of the shop: pansiamese. And just leave us alone to think abt it. He was so pro that he was no pushy at all. At the time when he wrote the damn name, we already engage in an hour conversation. So the story goes, me and my fren thought we were so smart and of cos lucky that things went so smoothly (neither have I thought that this aus thai man and the teacher just now was one gang!). We ourselves told the tuk tuk to bring us to pansiamese gems house.
The smart thing of the aus thai guy is that he called us not to talk abt the investment at all in the place, as they won't sell if you say you used for resale! so thinking the pansiamese was taken aback by our intelligence, even though we wear like poor freaks, i freakin bought a ruby which cost near 500 sing!!! They gave me a certifcate and I look and look at the ruby. It looks not fake at all. The fking sales man called ISSY( OR SISSY I would say cos he looks like one) served us with perfect service. I claim to buy this for my mum, and he was extremely happy and said that I am filial. I of cos laugh in my head, thinking I go back to see for 500 bucks profit. Cut the story short, there was a caucasian couple inside that also looking for gems. ( later i knew everyone was con artist , including the caucasian couple). So I happily bought and went back hotel.

In singapore, I started to get worried abt the whole thing as it seem too perfect. i brought to lucky plaza to value my piece. Damn it was worth only like 80 bucks!! Knn, wtf. those assholes sold me below quality rubies. I heard from some shops that some students bought like 12k worth of gems and worth only a fraction of the price back home. I was damn pissed with myself and my naiveness. I ponder abt the issue. I did do my research on sammy, read like 8 guide books, surf the net on bangkok, but why I, being so careful person usually can be duped. There is only one answer, they are so professional that they use religion( claiming buddhist cannot lie) to con you. And the thing is that the same story even though different gems houses was told to us on different days.

I hope this can be a warning sign to everyone and sincerely hope I am the first and last to be con be the scam that lasted for almost 20 yrs.
Old 24-12-2007, 01:39 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Heard V pub is the latest addition to the G-club.. My dates as follows ---> 30th dec to 04 jan
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Old 25-12-2007, 12:23 PM
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Old 25-12-2007, 12:49 PM
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Talking Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Merry Christmas,

Well, I've been suffering severe Jet Lag! So far only two gel and soapys. Gel massage at Orient Massage and soapy at Utopia but I walked out due to poor selection. Went to Catherine and it was average because the girl seemed scared due to unable to speak English lack of experience. Will book a girl from Angel Massage and keep you folks all informed.
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Old 25-12-2007, 01:57 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Finally your countdown counted down liao.....hehehe.....enjoy your trip bro & post more FRs or new lobangs......cant join you guys this time round.
Old 25-12-2007, 04:20 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Any bros kw d name of d street where there r lotz of Jap KTVs?
I cant rem d name,but i kw its very near Patpong...
Old 25-12-2007, 04:57 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by devilboy1978(2) View Post
Any bros kw d name of d street where there r lotz of Jap KTVs?
I cant rem d name,but i kw its very near Patpong...
soi thaniya is it
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