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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 07-07-2006, 12:18 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Looks like the League of Extra Horny Gentlemen group has just mounted an aggressive recruitment drive ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 07-07-2006, 02:49 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by sexy rabbit
Thank you bro OP. I will try to live up to the title....kekeke

Welcome to the league Labbit King hope to see u soon in BS .....
OFFICIALLY RETIRED ...... but still lurking around....

To return:

Please do not up me till I clear my list. Thanks
Old 07-07-2006, 03:17 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

...................... Warm Welcome to Rabbit King and Suave King ....... hahahahaha .................. Our League is growing, growing and growing!!!

Cheers !!!
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 07-07-2006, 03:22 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
So when u coming up to KL???... there is a WL now that look like a S.H.E. girl... hehehe... u sure like one OP standard... lol
I wanna come this month but u already said all of the Realm Bros gonna pack up and join KolaBear up north wat...

so postphone lor...

Bro Rabbit & Shiok... next time u go up... I'll hitch a ride up, okie ??
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-07-2006, 03:56 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Bro Rabbit & Shiok... next time u go up... I'll hitch a ride up, okie ??
OK. No problem. Will let u know my next trip.

Originally Posted by SG28
Welcome to the league Labbit King hope to see u soon in BS .....
No problem, next time u go can jio me oso.
Member of REALM
The League of EXTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka Rabbit King
19th Brother of HHH
Old 07-07-2006, 04:13 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Bro Rabbit & Shiok... next time u go up... I'll hitch a ride up, okie ??
Can I also hitch a ride there? wanna meet klkool and ciblover...
Why must fcuk & forget? If you start with the intention of forgetting, why start? Does it mean you can't move on if you dun forget? If that's the case, then it's time for some serious thinking ...
Old 07-07-2006, 04:16 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....


LEAGUE's Invasion of KL

1. Sexy Rabbit
2. OP
3. GoGoGo
4. ????

Time to Be Announced.. heheh
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-07-2006, 04:38 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
LEAGUE's Invasion of KL

1. Sexy Rabbit
2. OP
3. GoGoGo
4. SG28

Time to Be Announced.. heheh
It the time is Gum i will go ...
OFFICIALLY RETIRED ...... but still lurking around....

To return:

Please do not up me till I clear my list. Thanks
Old 07-07-2006, 05:40 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Pinned Down at Bravo Serra

"Men down !! Men Down !! I need Evac Pronto !!"

this was not good as I can scan the battlefield. My squad of seven was now down to five !!

1st Sgt Sexy_rabbit was the first to get ambushed and having been missing for the past 1 hour. He was seen been tackled by a white-dress Amazon who was busy strangling him with her thighs.

Staff Sgt Shiok was the next to get tripped when he landed on a landmine set by an Amazon Vi***n. Damn that gal is good... even I am tempted to walk into her trap. He's been MIA for a good half-hour too !!

The rest of my squad is entranced at Foxhole 18 deep in the jungles of Bravo Serra Sector. This sector was notorious for it's aggressive Amazons who will strip u bare and attack your naked body if not careful.

Captain Monster98 was leader and he had his hands full and was fending off 3-4 Amazons.

Lt Sunzi himself was busy with 2 Amazons.. a feisty red-skin and a sultry black skin.

Lt Sinfulman was helping us negiotiating a peace treaty as he met up with the Amazon Princess XL.

2nd Sgt Adguy was similarly engaged with a cousin of the Amazon who ambushed Staff Sgt Shiok. He's resistance seem to be weakening... but then he completely surrendered when Amazon Queen No**a herself engaged him in a tongue-fu duel.

The Commandos from Foxhole 10 - Warrant Spidermel, Warrant Mebirdie and CSM IBonk also paid a visit to Foxhole 18 to lend some fire support.

"Where are those god-damn back-up !! My guys are getting slaughtered !!" I yelled into the radio.

Quick as clay... a chopper came and dropped off two experienced snipers - Staff Sgt gogogo and Sgt teckhwee.

They were good... almost immeadiately they took out 4 Amazons between them. One shot One kill as they both operated rather differently. Staff gogogo preffered to use his Sonar-gun to drive the Amazon mad... while Sgt teckhwee went for the direct approach and knifed them with his pole-arm from close range.

"I need your squad to rendevous at location Echo 8 after u dispatch with the Amazons of Bravo Serra" yelled Captain Sg28 as he ran from Foxhole to Foxhole.

Captain Monster98 actually issued a personal challenge to any Amazon who could best him in BJ but sadly the courage of the remaining Amazons were wanting...

Finishing our last rounds of Ammo, we packed up and I sent some of my men to Evac due to their wounds. The Officers were required for homefront duties and retreated. Sniper gogogo was assigned to target Charlie Vanilla for a special ops.

Managed to finally find my MIA comrades in sexy_rabbit and shiok and we headed to Echo 8 sector to rendevous with Captain Sg28. A more dangerous mission await us.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-07-2006, 05:53 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Briefing At Echo 8

Met up with the rest of the Platoon at rendevous point Echo 8.

Resupplied ammo and hooked up with my new squad.
Capt Sg_28 was the squad leader.
Sgt boring was our front scout.

We would rendevous at Charlie sector and take out the rebels of Landmine-Isotode-Serra-Bravo-Omega. We would hook up with more squad members :
2 of Capt sg28's personal snipers
Staff Sgt SexFreak who was our designated MG Gunner
1st Sgt KFZ was to supply supporting fire with his mortar

The rebels were rebuted to be as dangerous as the ones at Xandu-Tango-Delta My blood was pumping as the rebels at Xandu-Tango-Delta had given me an extremely hard time on my 3 missions there.

"ETA in 5 mins !! All get ready to dis-engage !!" Capt sg28 bellowed !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-07-2006, 06:04 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Wowww!!!!!! Another day, another battle for my S'porean brudders. kekekeke... As always OP, u never cease to amaze us with your writing prowess. Bravo!!

Errr....broz; I remembered that someone who is very Shiok will be returning to KL on the 17th of July. However, regret to inform everyone that I'll be travelling a bit beginning 17th July. Will be back early August.

Can postpone your trip till mid August???? Wanna see you guys, too for some KL Delights!!
SEMI-RETIRED!! from China

Member of the REALM

Tiko Lover of the Tiko Family
Old 07-07-2006, 06:28 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Slaughter at Landmine-Isotode-Serra-Bravo-Omega

Mission Brief

Location - Charlie Sector. Exact Coordinates were LI-Serra-Bravo-Omega

The hide-out was clearly impressive. Audio levels were good and place was well-maintained with nary a dust. However, the place was extremely smoky as the jungle folage were thick so the winds could not properly blow off the Smoke Grenades that my squad members loved to use.

Enemy - The rebels were divided into 2 catergories. The Rebel leaders and the Rebel soldiers. It seem that the recent raids by our HQ has taken its toll and there hardly more than a handful of rebel soldeirs when we were there... heck there seem to be more Rebel leaders moving around than rebel soldiers.

Encounters - Our chalk of 7 troops were not all fully utilised. The detailed encounter list is as follows:

Capt Sg_28 - Engaged 2 enemies & 1 rebel leader.

1st rebel soldier was the most dis-arming looking one but aggression level was very mild and was in sight for 10 mins and went MIA for the rest of the mission.

2nd rebel soldier was also a looker and at least provided some worthy challenge for ourdaring captain. Nice white skin and good rocking actions.

Rebel Leader - very surprising that our dashing captian took her on. She brandished a wicked looking leather whip and gave our dear captain a mouthful of bouncy world-cup balls !!

Sniper #1 (friendly forces on sg_28's side)

engaged 2 enemies.

1st rebel soldier was dressed dangerously in white. And was the most active, counted at least 5 (or more) encounters with her thru-out the night raid. Very pro-active and always was dis-arming our handsome sniper.

2nd rebel soldier in blue was slightly bulkier built and had the cutecute young look. Not as active but also came at least 3 encounters and each was quite long. Can feel the sensual heat emitting from them.

Sniper #2 (friendly forces on sg_28's side)

engaged one enemy.

Rebel soldier was quite agressive in the 1st wave of attack. Disarming and stripping the sniper of all of his arsenal in a sneak attack.

In the end, our also equally handsome sniper decided to engage the enemy in a quieter location. Which was a surprise as he confessed a lack of ammo. Well a long while later, he returned a satisfied man but it also meant he was encounter-less for the rest of the raid except when the enemycame back for a quick rendevous near the end of the mission.

Sgt Boring

engaged 2 enemies.

The turn-coat was actually so seduced by the first rebel soldier that I saw her in our uniform!! Our hero was bare-bodied while our enemy soldier was on top with nothing on but sgt boring's kahki uniform !! Had an eye-ful when the rebel soldier changed back to her own gear.. Had abt 2-3 more fruitful encounters thru out the night but none as wild as the first.

The 2nd rebel soldier was quite engaged quite late in the mission. Very little was seen of their encounters but I think I heard some groaning from the soldier so she must be suffering...hee hee..

Staff Sgt SexFreak & 1st Sgt KFZ

did not engage any enemies.

They provided scouting duties and was responsible for the setting up smoke grenades to hide our base camp in a cloud of hazy smog... heheh....

Suggest HQ to skip any more raids at this locate. As the no. of rebel soldiers of good quality are quite rare.

The high profile locally & across border trained commando rebel soldiers are usually spotted very late into the night. and encounters with them are rare as they just have too many missions to run. A possible 1-3 encounter is the most u will get.

The normal rebel soldiers were also of lower grade and quality and like to ambush you close to the latrine. and then disappear into the night... heheh

The rebel leaders are the worst of the lot. Utterly useless in organising their forces and seem to run around like headless chickens.

Avoid with a long long stick !! Good quality rebel commandos but very very rare sight to spot unless u are bringing heavy artillery and open camp with 2-3 mortars. Then maybe sightings will be more frequent.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-07-2006, 06:34 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by CibLover
Errr....broz; I remembered that someone who is very Shiok will be returning to KL on the 17th of July. However, regret to inform everyone that I'll be travelling a bit beginning 17th July. Will be back early August.

Can postpone your trip till mid August???? Wanna see you guys, too for some KL Delights!!
Okie... guys mark down in your calender...

AUGUST - KL Delights !!
So who's onz ??

1. Sexy Rabbit
2. OP
3. GoGoGo
4. SG28
5. ???
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-07-2006, 07:59 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

So Commandind Officer OP... please provide the location for the next mission. Will it be the new Kilo-Tango-Violet that is newly operating in the central area?

The place is ex Bravo Osaca Sera Sera enemy who is use to be the so famous... wanna give the a good fight?
OFFICIALLY RETIRED ...... but still lurking around....

To return:

Please do not up me till I clear my list. Thanks
Old 07-07-2006, 08:04 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SG28
So Commandind Officer OP... please provide the location for the next mission. Will it be the new Kilo-Tango-Violet that is newly operating in the central area?

The place is ex Bravo Osaca Sera Sera enemy who is use to be the so famous... wanna give the a good fight?
All Nite missions are on KIV for next week.... heavy dusts and lots of winds... and oso cause I'm gearing up for major mission with one of my fav ladies...

So am going up Mt Cold Turkey for some R & R time till I meet up w her.

But u can start to plan for nite raid from 16th July onwards...
A chalk consisting of 7 Battle-scarred Veterans will do nicely...
or get 2 chalks of 13 battle-ready veterans and we can open 2-3 mortars !!

Recruitment starts now: 17/18/19 to be confirmed
Uncle SAM WANTS U !! (for KTV at ex-BOSS)
1. sg_28
2. OP
3. ???
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
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