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Old 01-11-2005, 10:17 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bollocksman
Did i say there is a right way or wrong way??? I was just inferring that You have the lack of will to return to REALITY. I aint bothered about your Amazing stunts you pulled off in Thailand, I just bothered about the kind of person you are.
I also never say that was the wrong way rite?Lack of will is the option u chose to put on me,i would prefer to say the time is not ready yet.I had a fierce fight with her a week ago.I presume if that happens when i am back in spore,I will be in a wreck to make things go right in spore.Nobody is bothered with the stunts,as u can see,bro Singrakthai mentioned before,not sure he still holds that under his breath or not,that ALL that is achievable for anyone. Why are u bothered with the kind of person i am,when we have never met up before,and just mere passer bys in this forum?I am not even bothered to comment about ST or free since i have not met them b4,but many can pass so many judgements on them as if they were old buddies,perhaps in this forum.

Originally Posted by bollocksman
u arent the ONly person to get B3 in english, I aint interested in you tirakships and investment Scams oops! (i mean scheme) , i choose to highlight it to show that You are really bothered about the replies to the posts and not thinking coherently or basically to show how defensive you are. BTW since U have quoted u come from a english speaking family I infer that you are well to do family, but The issue is YOU, I guess You arent living up to your family's expectation of you, BTW can I infer u only poly grad ( not real UNI grad)??? cos in the REAL world , Employers judge u by that!!!! or even if u are self-employed , Important investors and Big Clients Judge u by that too.
I said I had B3 to support my claims that my English is not that powderful like the ones who got A1 or 2.I was trying to be humble.I was not trying to say I am good in English ok?I know myself my speech to others in english,i can handle a good conversation.That is all it matters to me.Not trying to show off here,with my good English.There u see,all the doubts of my words here,if i am capable to show the backing of the the stuffs i said here,will all of u eat the shit of the dog that has constipation outside my house?At least for me,i dare to post all my details here.And quite a few here had seen me.I am not living behind the computer and posting craps.U never see sometimes i come in,sometimes i do not.If i really do care for the impression i am creating,i would change the situation long ago,since most are not favourable of what i am doing,i will say stuff sweet to all ur ears.Why would i bothered to go against the rest?

One thing for sure,u spoke it rite.I so far have not lived to the expectations of my parents as yet.I have not settled down with a good prospects job like the one my mum always hoped for.REason being i do not want to get tied down in job this way.As long as i able to fend for myself since i was 16,i do not see the reason why i need to find a 8 to 5job.Real world,i guess in this world,its money that matters and wits,not just the paper alone.I would not want to be a employer for the rest of my life.That is why i break bond as i see a better future for myself outside.

My conclusion: You are a lonely boy ,with warped views of love and being in love, U need a lot of attention , crave attention and revels in being patronised by your peers. [/QUOTE]

yah yah i am so lonely,spending 2hrs per day on a forum,unlike those who are constantly online to reply posts.The truth has to says whether who is lonely lah.I could onli afford 2hrs of my time per day.Sorry that i cannot afford to lose my sleep in the morning,afternoon and come online because of loneliness.The rest of u are so busy and have friends,but i only have this forum 2hrs to talk to hor.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 01-11-2005, 10:31 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
U love to add words into my posts hor?

Bro, you being played into singrakthai's hands.
his summary will get longer and longer....
Old 01-11-2005, 10:44 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I also never say that was the wrong way rite?

From your postings, it seems to imply that
1) There is something about you that gals go crazy over. Maybe looks, youth or skills in bed?
2) Your bettings & investments seems to generate good income for you & you are an investment guru.
3) You are only child and set to inherit a large inheritance (HDB flat).

1) If you are that irresistable, you wont even be in a developing country using the hard-earned money of a WL. You would be in SG & living off some rich & beautiful young chicks money & flying around the world for sight seeing with the young chicks money. FYI, there is many such types of ladies around in SG. If you dont believe I can quote examples.

2) Come on, you must be some young punk to say that bets of few thousands is a big deal. Like that warren buffet, franklin templeton, soros must be A GOD to have generate returns in billions.

3) Khoo teck puat has around 6-7 children, so I believe their inheritance must be much lesser than you. Similarly for Wee cho yaw's & Ng teng fong's children.

Right? rich, handsome, smart, irresistable chick magnet Junlchl?
Old 01-11-2005, 10:47 PM
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Re: Advise please

People here have so much to say regarding this relationship.Of course it's more of a freedom of speech here.I cannot deny anyone to comment on this tirakship since i was the one who posted it here.I just like to ask the bros here,any comments on those of u who posted back then doubting my girl's intentions.Now that the issues are on me living off her.And other statements that i am able to fend for myself without a job all these while.Not just this 6months alone.I been answering all ur questions, i managed my life b4 without working.
2.the background where i used to sign on.
3.why i was not worried not having a roof above my head in future.
4.the fact that i had timesheet to prove she does not go with customers.[for a fee of cos which is not cheap especially the mamasan]i had 2 individuals to provide me info,so that to prove fairness and no inside job.Anyway if my girl knows i did that,i think this relationship will cease to continue.But bo pian,her words against so many bros and long been proven scenario by decades cheongsters.I need to do that loh,I even told her many times before,if one day u think u cannot cope with the burden,needs to go with customers,let me know in advance okies...I am ok with it...

Of course i am not ok with it lah,i am not that broke to need her do that rite?Onli then,the truth has to come out,or just bring her out of the job.I have let her aware that i am no longer against her going with customers unlike the first 3months i was in spore.But she did not gohok me,the timesheet proves it all.Unless she can have 2 timesheets,which is not possible.Also everytime she stays for workplace,i will secretly remember what time she clocks in,so that to compare with the given timesheet when month finish.So anyone has anything to fill in regarding the possiblity of cheating me and my money?

Singrakthai must answer my question regarding that all that is achievable by all hor.I like to know loh,as well as the others may want to know if its possible by all irregardless of age mah since u said all.

Another question for u,not sure i remembered correctly,u said u have a agogo gf b4 rite?Said she will not go work on weekends to accompany u look dvds at home.So u implying u paid her BF or she paid herself?For ur info,most girls,90% will not forgo their weekends not to work,unless u are someone "dear" to her.If not she has to deduct 1200baht from her pay.That is the practice for bars,i heard the same for others too.So care to share whats her tag no with me since i shared mine with u??Want to see what kind of girl u had back me okies?
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 01-11-2005, 10:49 PM
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Re: Advise please

Junlchl, since you seems to be the guru of LOS pls help lestat_666.
Old 01-11-2005, 10:54 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
There u see,all the doubts of my words here,if i am capable to show the backing of the the stuffs i said here,will all of u eat the shit of the dog that has constipation outside my house?At least for me,i dare to post all my details here.And quite a few here had seen me.I am not living behind the computer and posting craps.U never see sometimes i come in,sometimes i do not.If i really do care for the impression i am creating,i would change the situation long ago,since most are not favourable of what i am doing,i will say stuff sweet to all ur ears.Why would i bothered to go against the rest?

One thing for sure,u spoke it rite.I so far have not lived to the expectations of my parents as yet.I have not settled down with a good prospects job like the one my mum always hoped for.REason being i do not want to get tied down in job this way.As long as i able to fend for myself since i was 16,i do not see the reason why i need to find a 8 to 5job.Real world,i guess in this world,its money that matters and wits,not just the paper alone.I would not want to be a employer for the rest of my life.That is why i break bond as i see a better future for myself outside.
Wah, want learn from Suteerak1099 give insulting comments liao? Ask people go eat shit from constipated dog?

If you are able to fend for yourself since u are 16, u don't even need to sign on in the 1st place lah.

U see a better future for yourself outside? Now? Compared to previously if you signed on? I don't think so, cos your gf still had to pay for your visa runs.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 01-11-2005, 10:58 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by reuters
From your postings, it seems to imply that
1) There is something about you that gals go crazy over. Maybe looks, youth or skills in bed?
2) Your bettings & investments seems to generate good income for you & you are an investment guru.
3) You are only child and set to inherit a large inheritance (HDB flat).

1) If you are that irresistable, you wont even be in a developing country using the hard-earned money of a WL. You would be in SG & living off some rich & beautiful young chicks money & flying around the world for sight seeing with the young chicks money. FYI, there is many such types of ladies around in SG. If you dont believe I can quote examples.

2) Come on, you must be some young punk to say that bets of few thousands is a big deal. Like that warren buffet, franklin templeton, soros must be A GOD to have generate returns in billions.

3) Khoo teck puat has around 6-7 children, so I believe their inheritance must be much lesser than you. Similarly for Wee cho yaw's & Ng teng fong's children.

Right? rich, handsome, smart, irresistable chick magnet Junlchl?

i have neither looks or skills in bed if u want to say so.I am just normal in that sense.No doubt is that i have the youth.I have the look of a average khon thai,but bear in mind average thai has the ability of bedding several pretty girls.

All that of betting and investments were boosted up to a level beyond my expectations.If u follow the thread closely,u will see its the bros here who make my investments sounds as if hundred of thousands.I did not give that impression.I onli said i was able to pay 58k break bond,plus i can start something in bkk,get a house and car which is as little as 100k?I did not protrayed that i am earning hundreds of thousands per month.I guess its the trend of putting meanings into my statements.

Did i ever posted here that i was handsome??Can anyone dig out all my posts?I think its my clone Singrakthai who often boosted my posts by saying how handsome i was.I never said i was.I always said i was ok looking.Please confirm and verify ok?

That is why i say before,compared with those who bet more than me,i am considered nothing.I am been in all these investments and soccer betting for years.I seen many others more successful than me.I had a NS friend who was onli 20yr old and driving a car and got married thru toto betting.he was the one who introed me into that.Did i ever said that i was making so much money until i cannot swallow?I did not brag about the hdb flat anyway.It was that Singrakthai who makes it sound so holy.

I merely said i had that flat eventually which can come up to 7million baht.Ialso mentioned that there are more other youngsters who inherit soon their parents bungalows and driving U NOT READ??I said i was nothing compared to them,I was a little better off than my pee[B]DID I NOT SAY THAT??paisey i need to bold for u to see... [/B]
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 01-11-2005, 10:59 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wah, want learn from Suteerak1099 give insulting comments liao? Ask people go eat shit from constipated dog?

If you are able to fend for yourself since u are 16, u don't even need to sign on in the 1st place lah.

U see a better future for yourself outside? Now? Compared to previously if you signed on? I don't think so, cos your gf still had to pay for your visa runs.

If he is President scholar or Rhodes scholar sign on, then different case. But sign on as specialist?
Old 01-11-2005, 10:59 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
4.the fact that i had timesheet to prove she does not go with customers.[for a fee of cos which is not cheap especially the mamasan]i had 2 individuals to provide me info,so that to prove fairness and no inside job.Anyway if my girl knows i did that,i think this relationship will cease to continue.But bo pian,her words against so many bros and long been proven scenario by decades cheongsters.I need to do that loh,I even told her many times before,if one day u think u cannot cope with the burden,needs to go with customers,let me know in advance okies...I am ok with it...

Of course i am not ok with it lah,i am not that broke to need her do that rite?Onli then,the truth has to come out,or just bring her out of the job.I have let her aware that i am no longer against her going with customers unlike the first 3months i was in spore.But she did not gohok me,the timesheet proves it all.Unless she can have 2 timesheets,which is not possible.Also everytime she stays for workplace,i will secretly remember what time she clocks in,so that to compare with the given timesheet when month finish.So anyone has anything to fill in regarding the possiblity of cheating me and my money?
Anyway, if you ask the mamasan, u think she don't know meh? Mamasan day in day out, what things she never seen? Help you for a fee?

Anyway, you don't need her timesheet, instead ur tirak needs your timesheet.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 01-11-2005, 11:06 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
i have neither looks or skills in bed if u want to say so.I am just normal in that sense.No doubt is that i have the youth.I have the look of a average khon thai,but bear in mind average thai has the ability of bedding several pretty girls.
You said the same things over & over. Of course everyone here get what you are saying.

Stop going round and round in circles, contradicting yourself and trying to wrangle your way out when you know you have painted yourself into a corner with your previous posts.

You are now using a different tone on your posting to lesser the effect of being a tua kang kia.
Old 01-11-2005, 11:11 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I think its my clone Singrakthai who often boosted my posts by saying how handsome i was.
Your above statement shows how valid your posts are & the type of person you are.
Old 01-11-2005, 11:29 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wah, want learn from Suteerak1099 give insulting comments liao? Ask people go eat shit from constipated dog?

shit from constipated dogs more smelly than those with no constipation?
Old 02-11-2005, 12:53 AM
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Re: Advise please


Think you guys should stop feeding J-ichi's ego man.
His case is confirm a GONGTAO case. haha. Someone please bring him to a venerable to get some cobra blood spitted on him to break the spell. Maybe then the AGG gal will reveal her true face (literal).

When i got the time, will tell you stories of this AGG gal who claims to be mistress of a Korean mafia, works at AGG bar to kill time, Father died and went disco 2 days later....and the list goes on.

Just ignore the stupid guy's delusion. Unless of course you guys wanna help him complete his thesis on AGG gals looking at the rate/length of his replies. Can compile to easily 30 double spaced pages?

Peace out!

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Anyway, if you ask the mamasan, u think she don't know meh? Mamasan day in day out, what things she never seen? Help you for a fee?

Anyway, you don't need her timesheet, instead ur tirak needs your timesheet.

Old 02-11-2005, 07:01 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by reuters
From your postings, it seems to imply that
1) There is something about you that gals go crazy over. Maybe looks, youth or skills in bed?
2) Your bettings & investments seems to generate good income for you & you are an investment guru.
3) You are only child and set to inherit a large inheritance (HDB flat).
u're not the only one here feeling that his postings are implying all of the above... gees... now he saying i'm the one "glamourising" his acheivements? Maybe i really should become his manager and help him go try out for Fantasia Academy! *LOL*
Old 02-11-2005, 07:03 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by engineer

Think you guys should stop feeding J-ichi's ego man.
His case is confirm a GONGTAO case. haha. Someone please bring him to a venerable to get some cobra blood spitted on him to break the spell. Maybe then the AGG gal will reveal her true face (literal).

When i got the time, will tell you stories of this AGG gal who claims to be mistress of a Korean mafia, works at AGG bar to kill time, Father died and went disco 2 days later....and the list goes on.
I'll heed ur advise... but i won't stop posting his "stunts" list! *LOL* Looking forward to his amazing "stunts" everyday so I can add onto his list!

Please share ur AGG gal story when u free!
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