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Old 16-09-2013, 08:50 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Camping for updates!
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Old 16-09-2013, 09:57 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

please carry on
Old 16-09-2013, 11:37 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

TS please keep it coming............
BigBoy 2
Old 16-09-2013, 12:49 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

camping for more!
See this pinoy MILF HERE !
Old 16-09-2013, 04:33 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

excellent story bro, kept me occupied the entire day reading from page 1 to page 42. boner all the way, good job and pls continue!
Old 17-09-2013, 11:38 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Looking forward for the next installment
Old 17-09-2013, 06:24 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Please continue bro, I've been reading even before I registered an account.
Old 19-09-2013, 05:33 PM
wildthingmk wildthingmk is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
Please continue bro, I've been reading even before I registered an account.
same here! i love the storry!
Old 24-09-2013, 06:03 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

bro ... where are you ???
Old 24-09-2013, 08:49 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

i am back!
Old 24-09-2013, 08:57 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

just tried posting my latest update but could not do so. Keeps hanging
Old 24-09-2013, 09:49 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by jdi813 View Post
bro ... where are you ???
u r good..
Zap me Zap me..
Old 24-09-2013, 10:36 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday evening
Venue: Office

The faint voices over at the other end of the phone belong to Stuart and Michelle. The phone must have been placed improperly after Stuart called me just a moment ago.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I continue to hold onto the phone piece to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“I think I am more than qualified for the position.”

It is Michelle speaking. She goes on to talk about her achievements, her personal milestones in the company, her vision for her career with the bank, her ideals of the team that she can mold and run, her and how much importance she places in her career. It is quite an impressive speech, I must say.

“That’s quite informative, Michelle. But after listening to both you and James, I do feel that James does have a slight edge over you for the position.”

“Well, I must admit that James is quite a formidable opponent for the position, but I can assure you I can more than make up for any deficiency with my determination and hard work in my new position if you can give me a chance.”

I can sense the slight sense of disappointment in Michelle’s tone but from what I know of her feisty character, this girl is not going to give up just like that without a fight.

There is a slight moment of silence over at the end. Seems like Stuart is deep in thought.

“Well, you do actually have something that James cannot offer.”

“So I do stand a chance?”

“How old are you now?”


“How long have you been married?”

“A few months back.”

“Do you always like to wear such short mini-skirts to work?”

“Huh? Yes. I thought it would make me look better.”

“You have very nice legs.”

This conversation seems to be leading on to some other things. I am starting to get worried for Michelle. I can still recall her dressing today.

She is wearing a luminous red body-hugging mini dress that stops at her mid-thigh, showing off plenty of her sexy lanky legs. Her legs are always her best assets.
Old 24-09-2013, 10:37 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

“Yes sir. A lot of people have told me so…. But…..what has this got to do with this interview?”

“Well Michelle, just as I was saying just now. James is more qualified than you in almost all aspects. His experience, his performance, his achievements. The only thing that you can possibly win him is to work your charms on me.”

“Boss…. Am I hearing what I am hearing…..”

“Errmmmm well Mich, it depends on how much you want this promotion.”

“I want this very much sir”

“But would you go the extra mile?”

“Of course I would. Extra hours, sacrifice weekends, more workload, whatever it takes.”

“But would you go the extra mile? You haven’t answered me.”

“I am not sure what you mean….”

“How badly you want this promotion?”

“Well I have said I would worked extra hard and do whatever within my ability….”

“Mich Mich, hold it. That’s not what I am asking.”


“Well I know it’s not easy for such things, especially in Asian society. It’s quite normal in the West for such things to happen, girls using their inborn assets to their advantage. Well, to make things easy for you, why don’t you start by first parting your two knees? I would love to see what is between them.”

“Stuart, this is sexual harassment and I am going to report you for it.”

“Don’t be silly Mich. It will be your word against mine and by the time this thing blows over, it’s not just your promotion that is gone. You can say bye bye to your job as well.”

“As if I care.”

I can hear the sound of a chair being pushed and footsteps to the door.

“Mich, you have considered this carefully? The moment you walked out of that door, the career that you have painstakingly built up over the years will be gone. I can easily give you a bad record and you know you will never be able to work in this industry again. Are you sure you are willing to give up on all these?”

The sound of the walking footsteps stops.

“Calm down Mich. Please take a seat and let me finish my proposition. You can then make a more informed decision on what you want to do. By stomping out of my room will do you no good.”

I hear the sound of a chair being moved and someone sitting down.

“Good Mich. This is a good start. Maybe just to set the both of us in the right mood, maybe you can start by parting your knees slightly apart. I have been yearning to see between your legs for the longest time.”

There is a moment of silence.

“Nice…..white panties. My favourite.”

“So what is it you exactly want me to do? And will I get my promotion after this? But I am not going to fuck you for sure.”

“Hmmmm now we are finally talking on the same page. It’s been a while since I have met such a gorgeous woman like you. I would love to fuck you.”

“No. I am not going to do that.”

“Ok ok at least you are negotiating. Good, how about a blowjob then?”

“No, I am not going to do that, Stuart. I don’t even do that for my husband. It’s disgusting. I am not going to do that.”

“Ok Mich. I shall give you my last offer. If you are not going to accept this one, I am sorry you have to kiss your promotion goodbye.”

“What is it?”

“Let me eat you out and you get your promotion. Deal?”

Moment of silence again……. My dick is getting hard on its own just by listening to this indecent proposal conversation.

“So I just have to let you eat me and that’s all?”

“Yes, that’s it. Just close your eyes, let me lick you and you will be the youngest female VP in our industry.”


“Fantastic. Maybe we can start by you taking your panties out and pass to me.”

“Give to you?”

“Yes, give it to me.”

There is some shuffling sound.

“Nice. Smell of your body perfume and your pussy. So your little cunt smell like this. Ok go lock the door now.”

There is the sound of the clicking of a door lock.

“Good. Now pull up your dress and sit on the table. Put your feet on the table as well, and spread your legs.”

“Beautiful. You are clean-shaven. Did you prepare this beautiful cunt specially for me? I am going to taste you now.”

Over at the phone, I can faintly make out some slurping sounds. Stuart must be licking and eating Michelle’s pussy now. I am totally aroused by now. Outside of my room, the whole office is empty as the others have left for their Friday night fun.

I unzip my pants under my desk and begin tugging at my hardened dick, imagining it’s me who is in Stuart’s enviable position of eating Michelle’s delicious cunt.

“You have got such a delicious cunt, Michelle. Do you want me to stop?”

“Urrghh pleeaaaseeee……dooon’ttt….stooopp….. I ….mean….stttooopp …… oooohhh …myyyy …..god”

I can hear Michelle moaning uncontrollably now. She must be feeling aroused from Stuart’s probing tongue.

“ooohhhh fuck. That feels so good. Lick it. Stuart. Lick my nasty cunt. Suck it. Suck all my love juices. Make me cum.”

“Haha you slut. Now you are begging me to make you cum. I shall give you more than you ask for.”

“Ohhhh what are you doing? You said you will only eat me…..what are you doing with your fingers?”

“I am doing you a favour, Michelle. Your cunt hole seems like it is aching for more. My tongue can’t do the job so I shall get my fingers to do you the favour. Is one enough? I better use two. How about three?”

“Ohhhh ohhhh two is enough. Not three, Stuart, you are hurting me.”

“You sure? You want me to stop?”

“Don’t stop. Fuck me with your fingers.”

“You are enjoying this, slut. Come let me kiss you.”

I can hear two person kissing passionately with their tongues sucking and slurping and the swooshing sound of the fingers plundering the pussy hole.

“Take this out and suck it bitch.”

I hear the unzipping of trousers.

“No no I don’t know how to do ….”

Before Michelle can finish her sentence, it seems her mouth is being stuffed.

“God, your mouth feels so good. You are born natural for this. Suck it. Swallow my huge cock. Look at that slut mouth of yours, so full of my majestic cock.”

“Uuummmm urrrmmm”

The shoving and humming sound goes on for the next few minutes. I can imagine Stuart’s large cock shoving in and out of Michelle’s petite little mouth. It must feel damn good.

“I can’t bear this any longer. I need fuck that sweet little pussy of yours. Come, bend onto the table. I am going to fuck you from behind.”

“No no no you can’t do this to me…..ahhhhhhh…….slowly….it hurts….ahhhhhhhh”

“You are so tight Michelle. Your husband is not doing his job or is his dick too small for you? You are so tight like a virgin. OMG you feels so good.”

I can hear Michelle trying to muffle her voice but she is letting out uncontrollable gasps of moans and groans.

“Oh fuck. You are too good to be fucked, Michelle. I should have done this long long time ago. Stupid me for waiting so long for this. Wow your butt looks especially cute and sexy. I can do you all night.”

I can hear the incessantly pounding of two bodies together.

“Stuart, are you going to come soon? Please take it out. I am in fertile period.”

“Ohhhh fuck….this is too good.”

With that, Stuart lets out a loud groan, “I am cumming!!!”

“Ahhh ahhh not inside. What are you doing?”

I come together with Stuart.

The difference is that I cum all over my hand. He cum inside Michelle.
Old 24-09-2013, 11:06 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

I judge myself
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