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Old 18-05-2014, 09:48 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thanks and here's more of it. Enjoy!


"Hahaha, natural reaction lei. Ok ok, don't tell Andy!"

"Why? Scared ar? I'm gonna tell."

"Hahaha, this is fun!"

"Fun your head la." She stopped and looked down, "Ooi, why are you still holding me?"


"You're in water lei. I'm keeping you safe."

"Excuses. 吃老娘的豆腐啊?" - "Excuses. Taking advantage of me is it?" she said.

"Wa seh, 好心被雷劈." - "Wa seh, punished for doing good. Ok la, you're on your own." And I let go of her.

Just then a stronger wave crushed into us and she lost her footing. I quickly caught hold of her again and said, "See what I mean?"

She was swiping off the sea water off her face and trying to catch a breath. Patting her back I continued, "You ok or not? We better go on land."

She did not say anything but nodded while composing herself.

"You can't swim ar," I asked when we settled down on the sand sitting side by side of each other with a person's gap in between.

"Ya, can't really swim in the sea, with the waves and the taste of the sea water."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Then I'll not ask you to jump from there."

"I thought you can catch me mah; besides, it is quite shallow there. I thought I can handle."

"Hahaha, that's something new I know about you."

"Na bei, and saw more of me right?"

"Hahaha, I didn't see anything."

"Ya, right. So what you think of it? Nice?"

What the fuck??

"So open ar. Ok la. Not bad lo."

"So you see, I don't want to lose it after I get pregnant."

"Huh? That's why you're reluctant?"

"Uhm." She nodded.

"But you'll only get bigger."

"Along with my butt, my waist, my legs and everything else!"

"Exercise lo. I'm sure you can get back in shape. You're not plump base what."

"No confidence lei and also lazy."

"Then what? Not going to have kid? Andy is the eldest son."

"Aiyah, it's the 21st century lei."

"Uh hor...tell that to his father. You know la, he's so traditional."

"Aiyah, stress ar!" Nicole raised her voice a little with both her palm on her temple.

"Wa, ok ok. Don't be. Just enjoy the trip."

"You lei? Not going to give Keane a little brother or sister?"

She had passed the ball into my court and was my turn to get stressed up. However, I was glad to have that conversation with her as she was the one who had enlightened me.

"Going to. But..." I paused for awhile before adding, "I'm having another problem."

"What Is it?"

"I'm afraid to have another kid. I don't want to give Faith the wrong impression that I don't want to have kids with her but the truth is I want it but I'm worried at the same time."

"Worried? Of what?"

"If Faith really did carry my child, wouldn't the child be fatherless?"

"Fatherless? Why? You will be there, won't you?"

"Of course I will be there. But on paper? How would others look at him? I don't want Faith to be branded as a single mother by the school teacher or what not. Or...or the person dining the registry of babies or nurses doing the delivery. I just don't want the person I love to suffer any humiliation, not even the slightest."

" think too much la. Andy told me briefly about your concerns and after hearing this, I think you really think too much lei. So what if your name is not in the birth cert. So what if people think she is a single mother? As long as she is not and that's what important, isn't it? As long as you will always be there for her and the child, that's what important. You said it, you want to find ways to show you're committed to her, I feel that's the only way, have a child together. It's the 21st century for goodness sake. Why you so young yet so old fashion?"

Old fashion? Am I really?

Nicole continued, "You just have to remember that both child and the mother are your responsibilities, and you would perform the duties of a father and a husband would carry out. As a woman, I'm sure this is all she is asking for. We women don't really need the names in the law for our love. We don't really need the lavish wedding to be proven as someone else's or big big houses, expensive gifts. All we ask for is the commitment in the man we love. That's all we're asking for. Have you even spoken to her regarding this la? Or this is all just your own thoughts?"

The questions she posted woke me up a little, "Huh? No. Haven't. Just what I thought."

"Hahaha, stupid man. So all these are your own assumptions? Trying to be manly is it? Hahaha, go talk to her la!"

Why bother about what others might think? They are nobody to us. What we are doing now is already a taboo to many and there is absolutely nothing's wrong to have a fruit of our love. I should have chosen to talk to Faith rather than worrying about it myself. I thought about what Nicole had just said to me and finally voiced out, "Thank you." I meant it, "I'm happier now."

"Glad to help. Don't worry about it."

-To be Continued
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 19-05-2014, 12:17 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Nice update, thx ts
Old 19-05-2014, 01:34 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Great story TS
Old 21-05-2014, 04:31 PM
hy56 hy56 is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

enjoy ur story, keep it up.
Old 23-05-2014, 12:37 AM
Chipster Chipster is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

please continue , thanks
Old 23-05-2014, 03:12 PM
lapsupboy lapsupboy is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Steady la TS! nice story. I guess you dont have to hit the gym or exercise with the 2 wifeys. LOL..anyway camping for more.
Old 26-05-2014, 06:44 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thanks for supporting. Here's my next write up. Enjoy!


"Hahaha, stupid man. So all these are your own assumptions? Trying to be manly is it? Hahaha, go talk to her la!"

Why bother about what others might think? They are nobody to us. What we are doing now is already a taboo to many and there is absolutely nothing's wrong to have a fruit of our love. I should have chosen to talk to Faith rather than worrying about it myself. I thought about what Nicole had just said to me and finally voiced out, "Thank you." I meant it, "I'm happier now."

"Glad to help. Don't worry about it."


It was not long before my whole family arrived at my place for the long awaited dinner and it had became a playground for the kids. Keane was as usual, very hyped up by the arrival of his cousins and was busy showing all his toys to them.

We had planned to spend the day at the pool with the children while my dad could have his majong session with my eldest sister,
her husband and Faith.

With the turkey baking slowly in the oven, and leaving Faith to entertain my dad, Kate and the rest of us left the house for the pool.

"You think Faith's gonna be alright?" Kate asked me in the lift on the way down.

"I'm sure she will be. Don't worry la," I replied.

"I mean her wallet." Kate said and we both laughed.

"That I wouldn't be sure."

My dad is a master of majong. He seldom lose when playing, with us at least he does. As for my sister, she is a lucky star. Not very well verse in the game but always has good hands all the time. Her husband, on the other hand, is always the money supplier.

God bless Faith.

Nicole was a great help in easing my worries. Not entirely, but at least lifted up part of the rock that had been stressing me ever since the talk with Phyllis. We chatted further into the day and the blazing sun was getting a little unbearable.

"Oh my! I forgot my lotion!" Nicole suddenly shouted.

"Oh, want me to grab mine?"

"Yes yes! I'll go with you. Want to see your villa too."

"Let's go then. I think they should be up by now."

I stood up and was about to turn when Nicole said, "Wa, very gentleman lei you. Help la."

"You can't get up yourself meh? Ok la ok la." I said and extended my hands to her.

The view from my angle down at her, her busts were pressed together at the middle and dangling like a pair of water ballon sitting in her bikini. My dick was a little turned on once again.

I delayed my first step, hoping Nicole to go first and she did. Her butt was covered with sand sticking onto those sexy mounts like horny little uncountable minions. You can never imagine how much I wanted to pat them off for her. Patting that sexy butt.

Fuck! What am I doing??

My guilty conscious knocked again while looking at her from behind.

She was using her hands to brush off the sand sticking to her butt when I commented and pointed at the upper part of her thighs, just beneath the rounded area of her bum, "You missed that part."

"Uh hor...I tell Andy, you are staring at my 屁股 (butt in Chinese)," Nicole said teasingly.

"Wa, I'm helping you to see lei...what staring?"

"Hahaha, just kidding la. Cannot is it? It's normal for men to look at babes and for women to look at hunks. So what's wrong with that? We're born to be attracted to the opposite genders."

"Wa...well said man. So can I look more?" I plucked up my courage and said.

"You saw my boob already, not enough ar?" She said, while cupping her hand on her left boob.

"Well, if someone slapped your left cheek, offer your right too, right?"

"Hahaha, idiot la!" Nicole said while beating my arm.

"Shhhhh..." I hushed her up as we were approaching my villa's main door. "Looks like they are still sleeping."

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." I replied while sliding the doors apart and a gust of cool wind came rushing out, cooling our heated bodies.

As expected, Kate and Keane were still lying on the bed, sleeping. However, Faith was not.

"Where's Faith?" Nicole whispered.

I looked at Nicole and shrugged my shoulders. Pointing at the bathroom, I gestured Nicole to wait.

There was sound coming from the bathroom and true enough, Faith was there. Changing into her white bikini, back facing me. I creeped up to her and gave her a hug, kissing her nape.

- To be Continued
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 26-05-2014, 07:43 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice update! hope for more
Old 26-05-2014, 10:02 PM
Chipster Chipster is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice , continue please
Old 12-06-2014, 10:08 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thanks guys. My next write up. Enjoy!


There was sound coming from the bathroom and true enough, Faith was there. Changing into her white bikini, back facing me. I creeped up to her and gave her a hug, kissing her nape.


"Going somewhere?" I asked.

"Going to look for you lo. Where were you?"

"At Andy's. Nicole's outside. She says she's getting fried. Need some sun block."

"Ok. 1 minute. Help me tie the straps." Faith said, parted her hair upwards a little with her hand as I tied the straps for her.

Looking at her smooth skin I was horny again.

"Your bottom's not proper. Let me help you," I lied and kneeled down behind her.

I pulled down her bottom and plunged my tongue in between her butt. Due to my sudden action, Faith was pushed forward and she supported herself on the mirror.

She whined in dissent, but it only fueled my thirst for her. Faith knew it was useless to struggle, or perhaps my licks had triggered her mood to change. Perking up her butt and bending low to spread her behind was my perfect access that she gave me.

"Nicole's outside," Faith shouted at the top of her softest whisper, which I totally ignored and continued my tonguing.

She grabbed my head and pushed it even deeper into her holes at the back, contradicting her whines.

My face, by then, was getting wetter with the mixture of her juices and my own saliva. The taste of her juice was electrifying and the play had cast the both of us into oblivion of our surrounding.

The bathroom was a open concept. Access from the bedroom to the bathroom was just a doorless doorway, which means, Nicole could simply walked in and catch us in action. I did not care. The flirting with Nicole earlier on was a little too much for me to take and I had to release that wolverine-like energy in me.

Just then, we heard Nicole's voice and we quickly composed ourselves with me wiping off the juices off my face and Faith pulling up her bottom.

We listened in carefully and Nicole was talking to Kate.

"I need you now." I whispered to Faith.

"How?? They're all in the bedroom."

I looked around could not find any discreet place to do it. Dammit, if it's just Kate we can do it there and then. But with Nicole, it was impossible. Resigning to the situation, I sighed, "It's ok then. Maybe later baby?" And I turned around and wanted to go back into the bedroom.

Faith stopped me and said, "Wait here."

She took the bottle of sun block and went into the bedroom. I followed and stood behind the wall, listening into their conversation.

"Hey Nicole, Pat's using the toilet. Here's the lotion. Want to go swim Kate?"

"Yes, I want. I'll change Keane then we'll go to the beach?"

"Ok," both Faith and Nicole replied.

I remained behind the wall, listening in to the activities going on in the bedroom. Keane was whining a little for his milk and Faith came running in, "Wait here and don't you dare go soft." And she went out again after taking the hot flask on the table in the corner of the bathroom.

After awhile, all of them went out and I was confused.

Didn't she say she wanted it?

I took a peep and Faith came scurrying back, closing the slide door behind and ran to me.

-To be Continued
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 12-06-2014, 01:41 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Let the action begins!
Old 12-06-2014, 04:14 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Just wanted to tell you bro that I really enjoyed your stories. Thumbs up!
Old 12-06-2014, 09:42 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Let it cum!!
Old 13-06-2014, 07:24 AM
S4896E S4896E is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Great story ts
Old 13-06-2014, 12:17 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

great story TS!

keep it cumming
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