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Old 30-04-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

alright... 44 pages with zero sex. set new SBF record liao...
Old 02-05-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
Sorry to keep bros waiting. Was busy these period of time juggling with work and June. Anyway stay tune....
no problem,bro.
good stories are worth the wait but do not let us wait too long.
will be waiting for your next update.
just rewarded - greenbone

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Old 02-05-2010, 06:03 PM
djorkaef djorkaef is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Read from the first page till now.. Really eager for updates on June as well as the club night great story TS!! Kudos..
Old 03-05-2010, 02:24 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Finally the day has arrived for our Genting trip. Woke up especially early about 6.00am. Immediately gave a morning SMS to June.

Me SMS: “hi a very good morning to you. This is a morning call to remind you that our meeting will be at 7.30 at the pick up point.
June SMS: “Yah…I woke up already. Isabelle woke up even earlier than me! She can’t wait. So happy. Ok. See you later!"

So I did a last check and off I go to June’s apartment. About 7.20, reached her place and they were already waiting for me at the pickup point. Got off my car and gave them a hand to load up the luggage into the car boot. Back into the car…

Me: “So where shall we have breakfast?”
June: “Hmmm…you suggest?”

Me: “What about Swenson breakfast?”
June: “Ok…sounds good.”

So I drove to Thomson Plaza and we settled for breakfast at Swenson. Isabelle has a her favourite waffle whereas June and I share a platter-for-two breakfast.

Me: “So, does he know that you are going on a short trip with Isabelle?”
June: “Nope. I never bother to tell him. Anyway he wasn’t around for the past 2 days and nights. Must be with all the flings again.”

Me: “Oh I see. Well…. Hope both of you will enjoy the trip. “
June: “Yah sure. It’s been a long long while since I go for a holiday. It doesn’t matter where I go. As long as it’s away from Singapore and the sight of him. I feel so sorry for Isabelle. I haven’t brought her to anywhere. She has been mentioning to me about her classmates go here, going there. She has been bucking me.”

Me: “Well….now we are going.”
June: “Yah….really thanks.”

Me: “See! You thank me again! Let’s finished our breakfast and off we go ok.”
June: “Ok…”

Soon we set off to Woodland Causeway and towards North-South Highway. From Johore to Malacca, we took about 3hours. Then we stopped for the famous Chicken Rice Ball at Jonkers Street. Time was about 11.30am. We spent about an hour plus eating the chicken rice ball and Ice durian chendol. The smile and enthusiasm from June and Isabelle were obvious. At about 1pm, we continued the rest of the journey.

The next stop was at this stopover at the outskirt of KL. The stopover is called the Jejantus. This stopover was somehow famous with Singaporean because it has a A&W resturant. We took a short break at the restaurant drinking rootbeer float.

June: " has been a donkey years since I have this!"
Me: "Yah lor. No more A&W in Spore. So got to travel so far just to have this. LOL!"

June: "If not for this trip, I wouldn't know where to get this."
Isabelle: "Mummy....nice ice-cream!"

June: "Hmm....only this time ok.... Mummy don't want you to have stomach upside."
Isabelle: "Mummy. can I have this when we are back to Spore?"

June: "Nope nope."

Soon we are on the road again.

June and Isabelle eventually dozed off in the car. Haha… It took me nearly another 2 hours to reach the peak. Got a parking lot at Resprt World Hotel carpark. Then both of them woke up. I announced….

Me: “Lady and little girl, here we are at the Genting Highland. Welcome.”
June: “Huh…so fast?”

Me: “Hello Ms….we took about 6.5hrs to reach from Singapore to here. It’s should be consider slow.”
June: “Oh…is it? I guess I am too indulge in my sleep."
Isabelle. :”Uncle how come outside very thing look blur blurs…so many smoke?”

Me and June blast out in laughter.

We took down all our luggage and headed towards the check-in counter. Soon we were given our room no.

Too be continued…..
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 03-05-2010, 02:36 PM
tyson_usa tyson_usa is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Road Accident Encounter

welcome back TS.... waiting for more updates.

Refurbishing tent... long long ago...set up liao... but the tent got lots of spider web... now clearing.... and awaiting for more excitement as the story unfolds....

Akan datang!!!
Old 03-05-2010, 02:52 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

welcome back......
Old 03-05-2010, 03:14 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

More ! More ! More !!
Old 03-05-2010, 03:52 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Great Story!
Camping here...
Old 03-05-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Great Story!!!

Camping here for more....
Old 03-05-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

nice story
camping & subscribing to the thread so can get updated via email - coz SBF blocked by office :P
Old 03-05-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Ha....finally the long wait has been paid off, hope this time there'll be more haste to catch up on the long lost time.
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Old 04-05-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


So we were inside the big room in Resort World. Settled down our stuff. Isabelle was so happy and was gazing through the window.

Isabelle: "Mummy, there is a playground. Can we go there?"
June: "Isabelle, don't worry. Tomorrow mummy and uncle will bring you there. ou can play the whole day if you want."
Me: "Yes Isabelle. Uncle will buy the ticket and you can take all the ride you want..ok?"

Isabelle: "Alright! Yah yah."

Isabelle was jumping in the air with joy. I look at June and she looked at me too. We both smile back to each other.

Me: "So are you tired?"
June: "I should ask you. You have been driving the whole morning. Hasn't got any rest. I think you should take a nap. Then after that we go for dinner, jalan jalan. What about that?"

Me: "Sure. Ok....then I will go for a shower and rest first. Do you mind?"
June: "Mind what? Since we are going to share this room for the next 3 days, what's there to mind about it? You shy huh?"

Me: "Sort of. This is the 1st time mah. Furthermore Isabelle is around. Not very appopriate for me to walk around naked!"
June: "You better not!"

Me: "Of cse lah. I only naked in front of the mummy! Hahaha..."
June: "You dare!"

Me: "Oh.....please forgive me...please..."
June: "Cheeky fellow! Go lah. Go take your shower. I will bring her down to the hotel lobby walk walk."

Me: "Ok....remember to wake me up k. Don't you ever doze off later. Else we are going to miss our dinner!"
June: "Hehehe..."

I took a shower and off I knock out on the bed soon.


I opened my eyes.....Isabelle was right in front of me shaking my shoulder.

Me: "Hi Isabelle."
Isabelle: "Uncle....mummy ask me to wake you up."

Me: "Ok.....Thanks alot Isabelle."

I turned my head to the window which is on the left side of me. June was sitting on the crouch reading magazine.

Me: "Hi...did I overslept?"
June: "Hmmm.....It's 7pm now."

Me: "Oh sorry....I guess I have overslept."
June: "Not at all. You want to sleep some more?"

Me: "Don't want lah. I don't want to waste my vacation sleeping here! Shall we get change up and go for dinner? I have a good option for you."
June: "Ok....I am anything to it. Isabelle.....come get your sweater, mummy wear for you."

Soon we were at the lobby waiting for the free minibus to ferry us to the resturant.

To share with brothers here. If you are sick of the restaurant around Genting, there is a recommendation for you. A short distance from First World Hotel, somewhere the downslope after the Coach Park, there is a mushroom park. Inside this mushroom park, there is a kopitiam stall selling nice Zhichar. The signature dishes are butter fried fish and tapiocal leave. Of cse if you are going with your family or a group of friends, it will be economical to order a few dishes.

We ordered the butter fried fish, tapiocal leaves, prawn pasted chicken. Since that was the first time June was there eating, It will be good to let her tried something that she has yet to try it before. The dinner was too much for us. Ended up we only finished one side of the fish!

As we were waiting outside for the minibus. The winding was chilling. I embraced June while she carried Isabelle. Our face was sticking to each others. I stole a kiss on her cheek. She looked back and grin on me.

To be continued.....
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 04-05-2010, 10:47 AM
tyson_usa tyson_usa is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

this story developing swee swee.... i can feel the cool breeze blowing at my face in Genting now..... waiting for TS to action on June (while Isabelle is sleeping)....
Old 04-05-2010, 04:03 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hi TS, enjoy reading it and encourage your commitment on the relationship. You seems to be serious rather that trying to hook into a quicky or engageing a FB.

It seems like your year is going to be short, May to June and soon it is May again. Of course the month of June is longer.

Cheers and will up u.
Thank for your support and contact, up me if you agrees with the FR.

Nitro - done
scorpio99 - next up list
Old 04-05-2010, 06:08 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

its finally up and running again!
hope it doesn't stall again.
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