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Old 01-07-2005, 11:29 AM
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Re: True Story

Seldom read a Female FR - a rare.

Await your next chapter.
Old 01-07-2005, 11:32 AM
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Re: True Story

nice.. surely a woman of intellect.. intriguing =)
Old 01-07-2005, 11:49 AM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by spicychillicrab
Okay, here goes my virginal FR with this sweet guy I met while on a girlfriends' night out last year...That was when I realised I could be in for a ONS...and I still had my panties on...
Originally Posted by born_mean
U lidat say....onz lah. U post ur FRs (genuine one lah not those read also knoe copy from some fantasy stories type) i up u no matter good or bad, deal?
Hmmmm nice ...u kept ur promise so I will keep mine...pts akan datang. BM



Old 01-07-2005, 12:06 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by spicychillicrab
sis, you are the one. I hv a few ONS like you (but not at my home), but don't think will post mine here.

ps. I hv one FR under my nick, posted by the one who intro me here. Wonder how to delete it.
Old 01-07-2005, 12:11 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by spicychillicrab
Okay, here goes my virginal FR with this sweet guy.............and I still had my panties on...
way to go Spicy........Female writing FR......1st of the kind.........keep up the good work!
Always Living a Passionate and Exciting Life
Old 01-07-2005, 12:11 PM
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Re: True Story

Sis spicychillicrab, it would be damn nice of you if you could maybe describe yourself abit more or perhaps let us know what undergarments you were wearing that night? Girls' panties I see before, but I'm curious what panties you were wearing then, ke ke ke
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
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But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 01-07-2005, 12:19 PM
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Re: True Story

Sipeh hoh ah! This thread getting more and more sexciting!
Old 01-07-2005, 12:19 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by lurfuk
ps. I hv one FR under my nick, posted by the one who intro me here. Wonder how to delete it.
Bro/Sis (not sure bcos u have both male & female personas based on ur postings hahhaha)....i think u might have to pm BOSS (ie sammyboy himself) to help. Cheers BM



Old 01-07-2005, 02:06 PM
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Re: True Story

First tim ereading FR from our female counterpart, must be interesthing to read part 2 as we will then know how the girl feels, and perhaps learn a trick or two on our next encounter
Thank you spicy
Old 01-07-2005, 03:34 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by spicychillicrab
There were 6 of us and we were having the usual riotous gathering and laughing our souls out totally ignorant of the stealing glances from the guys (and uncles, no offence Harrier!) there....
Your LORDSHIP is now having a longer title: Lord Uncle Harrier.
Prince William will be envious of is his Grandmum!!! LOL!

ps: this thread is becoming more popular....our Garment should officially adopt this place as the Cyber Speakers' Corner! LOL!
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Old 01-07-2005, 03:48 PM
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Re: True Story

And now to wrap it up in part 2...

He was very gentle as he touched my breasts, not the squeezing and rough rubbing type which I felt were absolute turn-offs. In two words, he was absolutely "service-oriented" and not a selfish lover. While I was lying down, he was caressing my body and planting little kisses on my neck and earlobes. I was also quite intrigued by his penis which had been fairly erect all this while. When I felt that he was almost done with his survey of my body, I turned over and with both hands started to grab and fondle his family jewels. He was fairly hairy and I found myself getting ticklish with the hair around his private regions. As I was about to lower my mouth onto his penis, he got up and asked if he could wash up first. I was in two minds then, what if he had changed his mind about the whole thing and wanted to stop or if he was genuinely concerned about hygiene. Then as he was getting up from the bed, he whispered "I'll be back" before finding his way to the toilet in my bedroom.

I instinctively removed my panties and subconsciously touched my vagina to ensure I was getting lubricated as well. Then in less than a minute, he came back and was smiling that I had removed my panties already. We embraced again before our lips locked back for more frenchies. This time, he gently pushed my head towards his penis and with the familiar smell of my liquid soap still lingering on his manhood, I slid my mouth onto his erected penis. He was playing with my hair as I sucked on him and squeezed his balls. I was very sensitive to his bodily reaction as I didn't fancy him ejaculating into my mouth then. So as I teased him and licked his penis, he was definitely getting harder by the minute. Then, in my own selfish way, I got up and moved my vagina to his penis. Grabbing his hard-on, I stroked myself and almost masturbated there and then without him penetrating me. I supposed he was getting hot as well and as I continued to use his penis to pleasure myself, he moved upwards and inched into me. After a two-year hiatus, that was a very pleasurable entry and I was careful to savour every moment of it. He was very gentle and didn't immediately began his thrusting, instead he just had his penis in me and we continued to french freely.

Then he turned me over and we were in a missionary position still locked in a french kiss. As he withdrew from me, he started his slow thrusts, inch by inch, and very thoughtful not to hurt me. I was enjoying the sensation of feeling my vagina lips parting while he was sliding in and out of me. The thought of using a condom didn't register in both our minds and even if he wanted one, I certainly didn't have a stock of condoms lying at home. Throwing all caution to the wind, I responded to his rhythm and arched my lower body to meet more of his skin. I didn't know if he was enjoying it more than me, but I was glad to have scored a ONS myself.

With both my hands on his buns, I felt him tightening his grip around my shoulders and then in mid-thrust, he asked if he could come. Not exactly mindful of my periods, I asked him to come outside and just a few more thrusts following that, he immediately withdrew in a flash and splurted his warm sperm on my tummy. While he was ejaculating, we just hugged tightly and kissed wildly. Then did I realised we were very quiet all that while when we were making love and he only made soft moaning noises when he was ejaculating. With the sticky mess between our bodies, we both got up and went into the bathroom quietly. He quickly took some toilet paper and wiped his sperm from my body while I stood there rather pleased at myself even though I hadn't had an orgasm yet. Then he asked if I had come and I had half the mind to tell him I did but I think he sensed my hesitation and then he just led me by my hand into the shower area and after turning on the water, he knelt down and started to lick me. With the warm water raining down on our bodies and his active tongue on my vagina, I just stood there with my legs parted slightly and holding him by the sides of his head. He was curling his tongue ever so slightly and darting in and out trying to locate my clit. I was experiencing spasmic sensations whenever his tongue made contact and then I had an orgasm that I could best describe as running from the soles of my feet to the top of my head. I was mumbling and trying not to moan too loudly and he quickly tighten his hold on me in the wet shower, in case I slipped. I think guys enjoy the thrill of leading a girl to an orgasm and when they are successful at it, it just doesn't stop because after my orgasm, he was still feverishly licking me non-stop. I had to pull his head away before it registered in him that I was done. We both stood in the shower for a few more minutes just moving our wet bodies against each other and continued kissing. That was very nice, having more physical contact after the orgasm.

After we dried ourselves and got dressed, he asked if I'd like to catch up again sometime. I just smiled and said we'll see how it goes. I'm not intending to rush into some relationship with a slightly younger guy just because we made love and I hoped then that he thought likewise. Again, we crept quietly out of my room and I walked him to the gate before he asked if I really didn't want to go to Zouk with the rest. I told him what happened here stayed here and he just smiled and agreed with me.

That's it guys! My attempt to tell you my better ONS experience with as much details as I can remember and describe. I'm not a writer and I don't see myself writing about my other not-as-good ONS so please don't get your hopes up high on this. Incidentally, we did SMS each other occasionally right after that night and we did see each other at Joon's wedding and thankfully, he remembered what I told him before he left my house that wonderful night.

In response to sg_boytoy's request about my undergarments, hee hee, I seriously cannot remember which bra and panties I had on that night but one thing's for sure, I don't wear granny panties. I buy Victoria's Secrets when I travel to the US and back home, I usually get my bras and panties from Marks & Spencer or La Senza. And to KingEros, you asked for a brief description, so here goes, I'm 1.65m, just trimmed my hair to shoulder length recently, very faint highlights now and I fit nicely into a pair of size 24 Levi's. That should do?
Old 01-07-2005, 04:35 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by spicychillicrab
The thought of using a condom didn't register in both our minds and even if he wanted one, I certainly didn't have a stock of condoms lying at home. Throwing all caution to the wind, I responded to his rhythm and arched my lower body to meet more of his skin.
Sis good FR...but RAW ??? BM



Old 01-07-2005, 05:19 PM
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Re: True Story

nice going lady.. i'm totally intrigued by the sensuousness of your descriptions...
Old 01-07-2005, 05:41 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by born_mean
Bro/Sis (not sure bcos u have both male & female personas based on ur postings hahhaha)....i think u might have to pm BOSS (ie sammyboy himself) to help. Cheers BM
The first few post is by the one who intro me into this forum. He say show me how to post and post his FR. That's why I want to delete them.
Old 01-07-2005, 06:01 PM
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Re: True Story

hi spicychillicrab,

nicely written. enough facts & details, to-the-point, not draggy, and in short, great FR!

partners like him are quite hard to come by. when i was younger, i am probably the turn-you-off type who will immediately get into action without much thoughts for my partner.

and sex is something that both male and female should enjoy, together. i am quite sure most female samsters here have similar experience, but alas, being asian, they may not be as forthcoming as you in recounting such encounters.

hope to see more from u and other ladies here! see, you just proved that FRs need not be long and are not that hard to write...

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