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Old 03-01-2007, 09:38 AM
kelvin25 kelvin25 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

sorry to hear your unhappy encounter bro Fandi.

It's like that in CHina.. they will always chop new carrots heads.
That's why it's safer to go to recommended places.
To want to venture, u need to master the art of price haggling.
Old 03-01-2007, 05:28 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by fandi View Post
Happy New year to all Samsters.

Thanks bro Shengge for the info on Fantasy garden but
somehow failed to turn up there cause TD not really sure
about the place even after showing him the full address,
just told me it's quite far from my place.
I'm staying at Grand Hyatt.

So, start recce place nearby Times Square Pudong,
besides there is a road, saw one massage centre,
from the outlook, looks like a decent massage
centre, some more got price list, got
taiwanese massage, thai massage, chinese
massage and etc, about few girls standing nearby
the door, all dress very decently in standard
uniform in black, like office wear with mini skirt
(the usual office type). ................

Worth it or not?? judged by yrself, definitely will not
recommend anyone going there. sorry, don't know
the exact name, only know opposite got a
medium-size hotel and besides that shop got one
restaurant, shop's sign-board lighted in blue,
abt 5 mins walk from Times Square. Heard that shop
also got another branch abt 1 km away.
Dear Bro Fandi,
Take it as a learning phase here bro....I believed that soon you will have a more pleasant occasion as Shanghai scene offers alot more choices than the one you have been to.

At least what you have posted here for all bros is a word of warning to all, so you have done a good deed to us all.
Greatly & utmostly appreciate your kind thoughts...up your points for that bro!
Keep up the good info coming...............

Happy New Yaer again to you & may the best be with you for all your new endeavours to come in this 2007!

Warmest wishes & best regards,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 03-01-2007, 05:33 PM
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Re: Happy New Year!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post
To All brothers in China,

Happy New Year!

I sincerely hope that this new year will bring your Happiness, Health and Wealth.
Yo Big Bro PTR,
Happy New Year to you what's your new year's resolutions? If any?

R u in China now? Coming to Shanghai to visit us bros?
Take care & dress warm's chilly bittering cold here now!

Best regards,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 03-01-2007, 11:30 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by fandi View Post
Thanks bro Shengge for the info on Fantasy garden but
somehow failed to turn up there cause TD not really sure
about the place even after showing him the full address,
just told me it's quite far from my place.
I'm staying at Grand Hyatt.
Dear Bro Fandi,
Sorry to hear that, but I think the amt you paid was OK, just that you entered the wronged place.
Actually Fantasy Garden is a bit far from your place. If you have problem to locate the place, you can get the Taxi driver to talk to the receptionist of Fantasy.
You can try the Ala House (阿拉宫) located at the Fu Xing East Road (复兴东路)near to Shun Chang Road(顺昌路), or Shanghai Palace (上海皇宫) located at79 Song Shan Road (嵩山路) near to Huai Hai Road (淮海路), ask for Manager Wei (魏) said you are recommended by Lao-Jiu.

For Pudong, I was told abt a place Bao-an Hotel (宝安大酒店) HC, at No. 800 Dong Fang Road (东方路800号), however they may not do full service.

As I have not been to any of these place, I cannot provide much detail, damage wise, I think all the 3 are in the region of RMB600~800.

Hope I have helped you this time.


Old 04-01-2007, 10:24 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Tigerwoods View Post
Following Shengge's advice, I have visited many of his recommended places, they are all good.

As for Pudong, since I stay there, I am more familiar. Bao An Hotel has a HC that is grand and good in facilities. your damage is around RMB900. Ex!

For Pudong, suggest you go Ming Dian 名典会所。
Dear Bro TW,
Good day!
Many? You sure? I only familair with one or two nia lah!
On the other hand, I think you are more laojiao in HC scene.

I didn't know Bao An Hotel HC is as expensive as the HK City HC, but I think they do offer full two "clock" (90mins) of servive than usual FJ HC.

There are many bros looking for lobang in Pudong, hope to see more from you.



Old 05-01-2007, 09:37 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Tq for all the guidance.

Walked past Jing an Temple, saw a barber cum massage shop named
Julia, just located in front of traffic lights. Saw a few girls dressing in sexy outfits inside the shop. Any bro patronising the shop before, what is the damage like? Thks.
Old 05-01-2007, 10:01 AM
nongho nongho is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by nazojin View Post
So, here is my final FR....
I guess that calls for a return trip to SHA soon
Dear Bro nazojin,

Excellent FR on your sexcapade here in SHA. Well written as well.
Thanks for introducing a new place to fellow bros here.
Hopefully will get to hear about your rendezvous soon with Miss Efg.

Cheers and Happy new year.
Upz my points if possible thanks
Old 05-01-2007, 11:59 AM
TLCsession TLCsession is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Thanks Bro Tigerwoods for mentioning Ming Dian 名典会所.

This joint was first intro by spyoscope on this thread on 8 Nov 2006 –

Thanks Bro Syposcope

Details of the joint:
5th Flr, Hua Shen Tower
No 1085 Pudong (S) Road
Tel 58352261

Damage is RMB670 full course and RMB550 before 5 pm.

This building is behind Xin Mei Kwang Chang and is also behind Yoahan. Upon reaching the back end of either building you will see the Steak king makan outlet and signboard &/or UBC coffee joint signboard.

The building is light beige in colour with the exterior ground floor being tiled up with dark brown tiles.

The lift entrance is between Steak King and UBC with is almost directly facing the back door of Xin Mei Kwang Chang next to the Japanese restaurant.

Operating hours 10.30 am to 3 am

About 50% girls are from NE and about 50% from Sichuan with a few others from other places – like Guangzhou and Xi'an. Total number of young girls = 20+.

Girls come in 3 shifts: 10.30 am – about 2 girls up in action; About half of the remaing girls will arrival at 1 pm and 3 pm each. But the girls are normally early so by about 12.30 pm there should be a few for selection. Best time about 3 pm.

A brief FR here… my first visit there…

Took a lift, took a locker number at the reception and proceed to change and wash up.

After drying up, was led to a room to rest. I told the guy that I want to choose the girl myself. Waited about 5 minutes before selection arrangement ready.

Choose No 238 a pleasant and friendly looking girl. Led to a room with mirror on one side. Had the whole work … started with just light massaging, chit chat and building rapport before moving on to the real stuff. Had the BM done. Followed by disinfecting the vital parts including the fingers and proceed with hot and cold cat bath and BBBJ. Good suction and penetrative AR too. Got all my ten fingers sucked too! Then didi got capped and the usual heavenly stuff that follow with nice soothing stereo effect and juicy effect all in place. Had a wonderful TLC session with her. Perhaps there is chemistry between us build up by the little small talk in the early massaging. Shiok!! Never rush, hardworking, allows all kind of variations and always attentive to prompting. Would RTF… but there are lots of other choices to contend with. Still can't forget her!

One good thing about this place – you will get your full one hour of goodies. After the last burst of fire, the girl will get the hot towel, clean up, stay with you, chit chat, rabba rabba etc till time up.

Best part is at the end of the one hour – the girl will make a call to report your locker number where upon you will be asked how is the girl's service – wonderful! Good QC control.

P/s the girls will try to hold you back till the one hour is up. If customer walk out before the 1 hour, the girls will kana penalty.

BTW, if you book a girl at the reception, the girl will get 50 RMB more.

PM me if you want more details why I bonk with a peace of mind there! Will not disclosed here… and may respond selectively.

So Bro Fandi, in this joint which is near Times Square Pudong, you should not feel or be shortchanged. Hope you have a wonderful session there.

Senior Bro, please up me if you like my posting.

Happy Bonking, Cheers!!

Originally Posted by Tigerwoods View Post
For Pudong, suggest you go Ming Dian 名典会所。 On a building just besides Yaohan and behind Xin Mei Square 新梅广场. You locate Yaohan and you will find it. Signage is prominent。 On 5th floor. Damage is RMB670 full course and RMB550 before 5 pm. Ambience and quality of girls quite good esp if you like girls from Dongbei and Szechuan.

Old 05-01-2007, 12:58 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Fantasy Garden

Some info on Fantasy Garden for the benefit of bros here.


1)接到电话一分钟到指定地点选钟,见客人(问先生你好或先生晚上好!)选中后带进房间关上门(你好!很高 兴能为你服务,喔。。。)脱光客人的衣服让他暂时休息,再出来拿具备的必需品(热毛巾、精油、工具),开背 十到十五分钟时,一定要和客人语言沟通。

2)开背、胸推让客人放松、红绳、臂推、漫游从尾椎骨开始,按照芬蒂的风格去做好每一个敏感部位。记住:( 每个敏感区都分别是:正倒圈再口吸然后慢慢放开)后背来回漫游五遍,手足必需认真去做,然后口刹、提皮。后 花园是冰火,高山流水、沙漠风暴、独龙、五雷轰顶、君临天下。


4)前身、红绳、胸推漫游、海底捞月、下红绳漫游、猫式漫游、口哨、红绳倒挂金钩、天女散花、逍 遥椅口哨。




Looking at it, missed a lot of service items, next time must bring the checklist.

Hope this is useful to you.


Old 05-01-2007, 02:42 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Bro shengge,

Very good info there. No wonder you are the 'light house' as Bro PTR would put it.

My chinese not so good leh, can translate some of the terms or not??keke..
Trying to go through the checklist and see if I got the required service previously....

The MM I had previously would bring in hot towels after we finish our session. She would wrapped one around my little brother and put one on my tummy. She will sit in front of me put my legs on her lap, then she will give me a acu-pressure massage at my groin area, pressing hard between my balls and where my legs join. Very relaxing.

Depending also on which girl you choose, some are better in the massages some are not.

And also they are quite strict with the performance of the girls. Any complains from customers, they will either be fine heavily or get the sack. I brought a friend visiting Shanghai to Fantasy. The mm he choose did the supposedly BBBJ with caps on.

My friend told me after he finish the session. I revert the incident back to the manager Bingbing. She immediately arrange for another chick to service my friend at no extra cost and probably sack the girl that did with the caps on. My friend pleaded with Bingbing say just fine her can already, as he didn't want to say anything initially. But Bing bing say no as its the company policy and it will affect the business if words get out.

My friend had already cum previously and the night before so he say very tired already cannot cum. But manager insisted on getting him another mm even though my friend try to reject politely. In the end my friend was a happy customer with weak knees. 2 mms for the price of 1.

Very good customer service I must say.

Upz my points if possible thanks
Old 05-01-2007, 02:56 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Double post..sorry!!

Upz my points if possible thanks

Last edited by nongho; 05-01-2007 at 03:24 PM.
Old 05-01-2007, 04:06 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by nongho View Post
My chinese not so good leh, can translate some of the terms or not??keke..

My friend told me after he finish the session. I revert the incident back to the manager Bingbing. She immediately arrange for another chick to service my friend at no extra cost 2 mms for the price of 1.
Bro nongho,
No wonder lah!
I brought customer there, she immediately offer my customer double fly to recover the lost........

Anyway, I must say BB is very customer oreinted, a very nice lady.

By the way, don't need to translate lah, next time when you are there, let me know. I bring this "manual", I said one style then the mm perform for you, like that easier to understand. Like that can boh? May be I can invite all other bros there when you perform, save time to explain.


Old 06-01-2007, 02:11 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Happy New Year to all brothers!

No FR lately coz have not Cheong for a while in Shanghai.
If you don’t mind, would like to share an post a FR in Xian Yang 咸阳 last month.

After dinner and a few shots of Bai Jiu 白酒 with supplier, feel the "need" when I return to my hotel room. Notice that there's an in-house massage service, waste no time and call immediately. Rate is RMB 50 for foot massage, RMB 100 for body and RMB 260 for full service. Of course I ask for full service. In no time, door bell rang and 5 to 6 young gals walk in, look average, acceptable.

Picked one and started with shower. Chit chat for a while and starting kissing and rabba rabba.... she told me she's 19 and ask whether I want to keep her for the night. Damage is RMB 600 or 700 (could not remember clearly). I rejected coz I was tired. 1 shot is enough for me that night. We continue and she started cat bath, BJ.... Skill not too bad. After BJ she recommend "double fly" saying that she has a sister who is master in BJ. Ask for total RMB 500 for double fly. As I have never experience b4 and knowing it will cost double in Shanghai, I decided to give a try.

2nd gal came in, she has the sexy look but not as fresh as the 1st one, age 24. After shower she started to BJ me... well...kena tipu, her BJ is good but nothing special. With alcohol effect and the 1st gal kissing my upper body, I feel like next to heaven. My last position was banging the 1st young, fresh looking gal with the 2nd gal massaging my balls... shiok!

They ask if I want them to stay over night for RMB 1000 but I rejected.
Definitely will try again in my next visit!
Old 06-01-2007, 02:50 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge View Post
Bro nongho,
By the way, don't need to translate lah, next time when you are there, let me know. I bring this "manual", I said one style then the mm perform for you, like that easier to understand. Like that can boh? May be I can invite all other bros there when you perform, save time to explain.

Bro shengge,

Mai a ni know I very shy many people watching cannot stand liao still want to perform ah....

next time will ask the mm to explain every style she going to perform...haha

Upz my points if possible thanks
Old 06-01-2007, 04:41 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by TLCsession View Post
Damage is RMB670 full course and RMB550 before 5 pm.

Senior Bro, please up me if you like my posting.

Happy Bonking, Cheers!!
Dear Bro TLCsession,

Thanks for the FR and intro to another great place. ANy special discount or service if mention the name "Lao Jiu" like YPH and FD??..haha

The 550rmb before 5pm also applies for the weekend??

Sorry bro cannot up you as I up you previously already and was told to spread my points around before upping you again.

Keep it up
Upz my points if possible thanks
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