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Old 20-06-2006, 08:33 AM
cch2001 cch2001 is offline
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Re: beware of too much advertisements

yo beijingboy,

if u track my postings, u can tell that i'm not some pimp or pimp assistant.

I donno what this Xue lady does in her free time, but I met her at Regency. she make good recommendations for my clients and gave me discounts. I did not say too much in the previous post bcos I have posted FRs on Regency before. I'm sorry if that made u think that I'm posting advert. some bros on this thread had met me physically before and we went to chiong together.

but don take my word for it, other bros had posted FRs on this place.

Originally Posted by beijingboy
saw this posting, did a goodle on 13366183036, found a lot of local advertisements for this manager xue, seems to be some sort of pimp. Seems like she is able to persuade some bro to do some free advertisements for her. Initially, thinking of going down to regency, now really have some concerns about these sino-sgp collaborations.
Old 20-06-2006, 10:54 AM
Harley_Fatboy Harley_Fatboy is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Bro bjboi,

When you are back in BJ send a private mail and we can arrange to go out.
Old 20-06-2006, 12:09 PM
69er 69er is offline
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Re: beware of too much advertisements

Originally Posted by beijingboy
saw this posting, did a goodle on 13366183036, found a lot of local advertisements for this manager xue, seems to be some sort of pimp. Seems like she is able to persuade some bro to do some free advertisements for her. Initially, thinking of going down to regency, now really have some concerns about these sino-sgp collaborations.
There must be some kind of mistake (misunderstanding) here. In cch2001's original post (#767):

>next time u go, can call Manager Xue 13552706123.

The number wasn't 13366183036. This number was mentioned in this board many times before. It was NOT related to Regency but rather the number belongs to a lady called Lilly.

I been to Regency before so I am quite sure the posts about Regency are not ads.

Intersting idea. Next time I will try google the phone numbers! You learn something new from this board every day Cheers.
Old 21-06-2006, 04:22 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

bro harley fb,

okie, will do! see if we can get more ppl =)
Old 21-06-2006, 10:08 PM
beijingboy beijingboy is offline
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Re: beware of too much advertisements hard feelings. We always make more frens through misunderstandings, just happen to google some of the handphone numbers, find a lot of related advertisements. Right now my home in beijing keeps receiving all these advertisements, really piss me off.
What i discover in beijing, after living here for almost 4 years is that in the east side, there are many saloons or massage palour. If brothers are interested to find out about these, reply me, i will be able to provide info for the northern part, southern part and eastern part of Beijing.
Old 21-06-2006, 10:18 PM
beijingboy beijingboy is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by Harley_Fatboy
Bro bjboi,

When you are back in BJ send a private mail and we can arrange to go out.
Hello Fatboi,
i am stationed here in beijing, have not gone back for almost a year. I think i forgot how singapore looks like nowsaday...behaving more and more like TKL(Tiong Kok Lang), ride a bike to work everyday...blah everything via brute force nowsaday, wack my secretary everyday after the EMC thinggy, hoping i get famous one day as well...(if you know what i mean)
i also go to Tianjin every week, go to Nanjing every month...visit my Empress in Chengdu soon....
Old 22-06-2006, 12:15 AM
less less is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

originally posted by:69er


Lily charge around 500-600 per shot for her girl, no taxi fare or other fee. Of course you can tip the girl if she is good.

Tried another one from the same chinese website. she is on her own, name QiQi. She advertise for oil massage, so I tried her for a 1.5 hours oil massage and afterward ask for full service. She is young, 20, cute, C cup with some baby fat from Heilongjiang. She has Korean blood in her and she speaks Korean as well as mandarin. if you do not speak mandarin, i do not think she will response to your call. Her number is 13366683286. She charge RMB200 for the oil massage, and I give her altogether 800 for a 2.5 hours service. Probably can negotiate with her but I paid for what i think it worths.
Old 22-06-2006, 01:48 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Beijing Recommendations

originally posted by:69er


Lily charge around 600per shot for her girl, no taxi fare or other fee. Of course you can tip the girl if she is good.

Tried another one from the same chinese website. she is on her own, name QiQi. She advertise for oil massage, so I tried her for a 1.5 hours oil massage and afterward ask for full service. She is young, 20, cute, C cup with some baby fat from Heilongjiang. She has Korean blood in her and she speaks Korean as well as mandarin. if you do not speak mandarin, i do not think she will response to your call. Her number is 13366683286. She charge RMB200 for the oil massage, and I give her altogether 800 for a 2.0 hours service. Probably can negotiate with her but I paid for what i think it worths.
Old 22-06-2006, 09:05 AM
jks6long jks6long is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Went down to this place called Banana with a few frens after work. Place crawling with girls looking for a good time. Declined though. So what's te deal there. This is near the Citic hotel, i think.

Any advice appreciated! Thanks.
Old 22-06-2006, 01:07 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by jks6long
Went down to this place called Banana with a few frens after work. Place crawling with girls looking for a good time. Declined though. So what's te deal there. This is near the Citic hotel, i think.

Any advice appreciated! Thanks.

went there few things before. basically, the gals juz provide you with companionship for abt RMB 300 approx for the night. nothing special though but you can try to ask if they are willing to go home with you (which they may for a hefty price).

have anyone tried to KTV there????
Old 22-06-2006, 06:11 PM
beijingboy beijingboy is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by bjboi
went there few things before. basically, the gals juz provide you with companionship for abt RMB 300 approx for the night. nothing special though but you can try to ask if they are willing to go home with you (which they may for a hefty price).

have anyone tried to KTV there????
If you want them to go back, you should ask them beforehand. My friend tried, only 1 out of 10 success rate
Old 23-06-2006, 12:01 PM
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Question Re: Beijing Recommendations

Sial lah!!! does everyone pay so much?? expat earn more but doesn't mean we must pay expat prices woh.... bargain man! I bargain and usually gets about 25% discount or more sometimes. Most SGP friends I have here... don't really bargain. But the MYS friends and I... we bargain just like we do at xiushui jie! You don't need to have good looks to cut their price mah... just good bargaining power List me the locations that you visit or the nums you call. Let me see if I can get better deal, then will post the deals I get. Am sure that will help lots of bros to save some moolah here Text me at 13261683007.
Old 23-06-2006, 12:13 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Hi Brothers here,
Saw in the pevious thread recommended by Ultraman 888 about this FU Hus KTV

Bros, pay attention here: it is at zuo jia zhuang, forgotten it's name, but easy to find, just across the road of International Friendship Gardens (popular apartments with the expats). I dunno room rates, but should be about 800 for a room enough to house all of us plus the gals, 10 in all, with free flow or beers.

As quoted above is it still there can i have a more precise location pr address as I have not been to beijing for a long time already.

Old 23-06-2006, 01:47 PM
69er 69er is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by less
originally posted by:69er


Lily charge around 500-600 per shot for her girl, no taxi fare or other fee. Of course you can tip the girl if she is good.

Tried another one from the same chinese website. she is on her own, name QiQi. She advertise for oil massage, so I tried her for a 1.5 hours oil massage and afterward ask for full service. She is young, 20, cute, C cup with some baby fat from Heilongjiang. She has Korean blood in her and she speaks Korean as well as mandarin. if you do not speak mandarin, i do not think she will response to your call. Her number is 13366683286. She charge RMB200 for the oil massage, and I give her altogether 800 for a 2.5 hours service. Probably can negotiate with her but I paid for what i think it worths.
When did I ever make such a post?
Please bro Less, don't post an Ad under my name.
I have called this number before and had a so so experience with a girl called Xio Hong. I definately have never met Qiqi and do not think "I paid for what i think it worths."
Old 23-06-2006, 09:24 PM
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Talking Re: Beijing Recommendations

Here is a site dedicated to the "specials" HCs... if you don't already know it. Check it out :

The site was created for a Japanese audience, Google's Translate helps with some translation... but enuf to understand it.

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