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Old 30-01-2005, 11:02 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Bro, a lot has been said in your thread liao...
I did not keep track and don't know where to start...
Old 31-01-2005, 07:40 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Here's what I think of our situation in Singapore today.

The directors of the company - Man
The CEO - Man
The manager - Woman

This is the typical scenario in most of the companies in Singapore now. You will have a woman to manage the staff in most companies. She is in charge of all the "little people and nitty gritty sai kang" But none the less she is in charge of many... She finishes her work at 8.30! Get's home, (if she is married, only 20% are probably) after having been in charge all is suddenly going to the kitchen to cook for you?! Dream on!

The Singapore girl of this decade don't understand the meaning of the word cook, in their vocab it probably means something my mum used to do. Sew?! Ha take those needles away from her this very second!

Infact, when she gets home, she is still in charge! You better pamper her like she's cleopatra and have dinner prepared or at least you buy lah...
Don't even try to get her pregnant unless you are intending to take care of the kids 80% of the time... (fetch the kids daily and fun time is you)

They might be smarter nowadays to get those positions at work,
They might be more independent cos they don't depend on some one for their daily expenditure, which is way higher than a guys! (shoes, make up, facials, shoes, slimming treatments, shoes, spa shit, shoes...)
But in my view, they are becoming less feminine everyday...

Last edited by Klown; 31-01-2005 at 07:53 AM.
Old 01-02-2005, 09:25 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Klown
Here's what I think of our situation in Singapore today.
Don't even try to get her pregnant unless you are intending to take care of the kids 80% of the time... (fetch the kids daily and fun time is you)
They might be smarter nowadays to get those positions at work,
They might be more independent cos they don't depend on some one for their daily expenditure, which is way higher than a guys! (shoes, make up, facials, shoes, slimming treatments, shoes, spa shit, shoes...)
But in my view, they are becoming less feminine everyday...
I guess I am left with no choice but to echo your views. More often than not, I am left flabbergasted by the antics by the lesser gender. No doubt I had learnt to respect and accept their contribution but when it comes to living together, I am tired of their stipulation and they’re far from satisfactory contribution to the normal function of the household.
Old 01-02-2005, 09:45 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

this suddenly pop out in my mind.. just wonder what u brothers here think..

to me i think that..

females need the opposite sex more then the males..

what you take about this?

cuz i can see guys living without girls.. (can find sex tru paid sex) but girls normally cant live without guys.. they need someone to dote them and love them..
Old 02-02-2005, 06:32 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jackylee
cuz i can see guys living without girls.. (can find sex tru paid sex) but girls normally cant live without guys.. they need someone to dote them and love them..
That's not true,
Guys... no actually Man,
only the matured ones who do not treat women as sex objects,
will want emotional support too.
The thing I missed most about having a girlfriend,
is not the sex,
the way she feeds me, even in public!
Her sweet kisses,
it's her smell,
holding her when we go out,
spooning her when we sleep,
seeing her face in the morning and the smile she gave me,
sounds good???
She's not Singaporean... she's Thai
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet!!!
Old 02-02-2005, 11:52 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Klown
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet
me not really a thai fan, but tat was a nice "go" at the local ones.
Old 05-02-2005, 11:36 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Klown
That's not true,
Guys... no actually Man,
only the matured ones who do not treat women as sex objects,
will want emotional support too.
She's not Singaporean... she's Thai
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet!!!
He he, semms that you got brunt big time with SG gals.
Old 05-02-2005, 11:58 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
When a couple date for some time, did most of the things, the next thing they wanna do is to get married.
think of it marriage realli that important to seal 2 person's love ..its just a piece of people invented by the bureaucracy to promote monogamy...

wats important is the feelings and attachment .... i know of a couple whom have been 2gether 4 a long time and are only cohabiting 2gether ....they never plan to get married but are happy as it is ...
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Old 05-02-2005, 12:03 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Klown
The Singapore girl of this decade don't understand the meaning of the word cook, in their vocab it probably means something my mum used to do. Sew?! Ha take those needles away from her this very second!
agreed absolutely ..the best dish whipped up is instant noodles with eggs ....

me think i cook more often ex-sg gf than the other way round ....

Originally Posted by Klown
But in my view, they are becoming less feminine everyday...
in Sillypore, they are just "woman" in body only but they have the mind of a man
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Old 05-02-2005, 12:06 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Klown
The thing I missed most about having a girlfriend,
is not the sex, the way she feeds me, even in public!
agreed absolutely....

it is the way that they treat us and respect us and sayang us that really really matters ...

Originally Posted by Klown
She's not Singaporean... she's Thai
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet!!!
Bravo ... Bravo .....

I used to have a Thai gf 2 ...

Anyway, most of the gals i dated recently are Viets.... its the way that they place man in high esteem that matters ... Sillypore gals always think that they are better than their man in any sense of the word ...
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Old 07-02-2005, 11:50 AM
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From the papers ...

Feb 6, 2005 - Yes, I do... (have a secret bank account) Sunday Times
Research firm finds that one in five Singaporean wives hides her assets from her husband

MS KAREN Tay has been hiding money from the men in her life since she started dating in her teens. Now in her late 20s, the communications executive is still secretive.

Her husband does not know of her share trading account, which doubles as her savings fund.

'If he knew, he'd go out and splurge on his car or buy something stupid. This way, he saves for the both of us,' she said with a smile.

Ms Tay is among a group of financially independent women in Singapore who keep their assets under wraps to stave off any overspending by their spouse, to ensure they have enough if the man walks out and, in one case, because her husband stole from her.

But unlike their mothers or grandmothers, they do not squirrel away grocery money in secret Khong Guan Biscuit tins. Their assets take the form of bank accounts, insurance policies or investments in shares or property.

But this trait is not peculiar to women here.

A nine-country survey by London-based research firm Synovate found that one in five (20 per cent) Singaporean wives keeps her husband in the dark about her emergency fund. If it's any comfort, the tendency is more prevalent in Japan (38 per cent), Saudi Arabia (32 per cent) and China (21 per cent).

On the other hand, women in France (7.2 per cent), United States (7.6 per cent), Brazil (9 per cent), Romania (12 per cent) and Britain (16.8 per cent) are more open.

The survey interviewed 301 Singaporean women, of which three in five were married. It also found that 75 per cent of the married women earned less than their spouse, and that almost half do not routinely save for retirement.

However, the survey, released last month, did not indicate the age, race or occupation of the respondents.

It also did not define what 'secret' means. Which suggests that the number of quiet hoarders in Singapore could be higher because 13 of the 20 Singaporean women interviewed by The Sunday Times gave different takes on the word.

Some do not tell their husbands at all, some tell, but will not reveal the precise value or amount of the assets while others will 'act blur' when asked.

Aged between 25 and 35, they all have full-time jobs and can support themselves financially.

Administrative executive Hamizah, 31, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said she did not let her husband know how much year-end bonus she received so that she can pamper herself with treats without being nagged by him.

Are these secret savings an act of bad faith? Or are women merely pragmatic in protecting themselves?

Bank executive Angeline Lee, 26, who will marry her long-time boyfriend next year, was swift in her retort: 'Why not? My mother has always told me to keep money for myself for protection and not to let the man know.'

She added, betraying a fatalistic attitude often seen in Asia: 'You never know if your husband will walk out on you. Anyway, he probably has funds that he's not telling me about.'

Mr Aldrin Thomas, 30, a teacher, finds the attitude dreadful. 'Wives won't like it if their husbands do the same. At the very least, the hubby must know about it. He does not have to control it.'

A 34-year-old office manager said she had to keep her finances secret because her husband habitually stole from her. For obvious reasons, she asked not to be named.

However, wives like teacher Celine Tan, 26, believe in full disclosure. She said: 'The most important thing in a marriage is trust. There should be no secret between husband and wife.'

Legal secretary Yang Yuxin, 28, agrees. Her husband has access to her personal savings account.

Synovate's survey found that four in five Singapore women have their own savings accounts, two in three have insurance policies, half have jewellery while one in four have mutual funds, shares or bonds.

Counsellors warn against hiding money because when a spouse stumbles on a large stash, it could undermine the trust in the marriage.

Ms Teo Seok Bee, programme manager at Touch Community Services, which runs marriage courses, said couples are taught the different options of financial arrangements. 'We always encourage transparency and trust in all aspects of a couple's life, including finances,' she added.

But old habits die hard. Said a 29-year-old public relations executive, who wanted to be known only as Mei: 'It boils down to trust. For me, if my husband asks, I'll act blur. I'm just not comfortable discussing my money, even with him.' She has been married for eight months.
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Old 07-02-2005, 11:54 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

What woman really want

anyone watch the re-telecast over the weekends .......

they showcase this 30y.o gal searching for love ...... she is a bit on the meaty side with no eyebrows and so on exactly an on-looker but a damn plain jane .... she went match make with an Indian & came back to say that she has no chemisty with him & vice versa ......

entertaining program though ...
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Old 07-02-2005, 12:10 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Hoi, how are you? Long time no see, thought you stuck in TNs?
You like that say me good meh?
Anyway, any interesting TN to recommend...i had lost touch for quite a while... kekeke...
I was ocuppied with something lately...but now ready to break for the CNY.
Anyway wishing you a [B]Happy and Prosperous Rooster Year!!![/B]
I left as a fallen angel, will return as the devil.
Old 07-02-2005, 12:39 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
You like that say me good meh?
Anyway, any interesting TN to recommend...i had lost touch for quite a while... kekeke...
I was ocuppied with something lately...but now ready to break for the CNY.
Anyway wishing you a [B]Happy and Prosperous Rooster Year!!![/B]
ocean now wants clean good massage. me too. semi-retirement liao for singapore scene only.
曾经沧海难为水, 除却巫山不是云。取次花从懒回顾, 半缘修道半缘君。
Old 07-02-2005, 12:58 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by t123
ocean now wants clean good massage. me too. semi-retirement liao for singapore scene only.
You sure or not? Dont suka suka follow suit hor.
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