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Old 02-03-2007, 11:04 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
Dear CPT Rooper,
As mentioned before here, The infamous Shanghai Hotel HC (Tang Tien HC),
2nd Level is located a mere 5 mins walk from the Hilton Hotel (right behind the Hilton Hotel) on Wu Lu Mu Qi Rd.

Have fun!
Hi Bro SGPshanghai69,

Thank you for the recommendation!

Will visit it on 5th evening.

Any Bro care to join me?

Old 02-03-2007, 08:01 PM
WhamBamTYM WhamBamTYM is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post
Ya, Bro WBT,

It has been a long time since we met in Shanghai. I miss the place a lot, but have to venture out to other cities after my task in Shanghai has completed. I still remember the many sessions that we had in the various joints. If you are going there, and I happen to be in China, let me know, I shall try my best to go over there to meet you.

Regards from an Old Man
Haha... Well, if they announce my numbers tonight, I will fly over to Shanghai.... It looks like we're going to meet in Singapore sooner rather than in Shanghai....
Old 02-03-2007, 11:55 PM
snow_stingray snow_stingray is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

hello bros,

will be flying up to shanghai in Apr. First time there and will be staying at zhao an hotel, think it is near hanzhong lu or something like that.

Went thru some previous postings and manage to get some info here and there. But it would be great if some kind bros can give recommendations on places to cheong (japanese bath style massage, nite club, barber clubs, pubs).

thanks alot!
Old 04-03-2007, 12:54 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
For all guys outing and biz entertainment as u mentioned herewith, u can try taking them all to the following KTV Club;

Golden Globe Pinochio KTV Business Club located on Yan An Xi rd, junction of Gu Bei Rd.
Gals all dress in gowns that are bared back, without bra, and they are all only allowed to G-string. Hands are all welcome to roam on them all. Tips for per gal to sit whole night is RMB 400 yuan nett( NO Butterfly style!!). Papasan or Mamasan is RMB 400 nett per pax too.
Waitress is that serve your room is RMB 200 - 300 yuan nett.
Papasan mobile : Mr. Kai Di 136 11600 741.

Have fun!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Must call inadvance to book room if u r going. Walk-in chances is slim! And must go as early as 7pm in order to get the better-looking gals.....
Next to take note is that the Papasan will schedule for min. 1 lap dance session per room for all guests. During the lap dance session, the gal that sit with each respective guest will strip till her G-string and lap dance on guest, rubbing her tits and pussy against the guest! Beware.......lethal lap dance!
Thx for the head's up bro, much appreciated!
will be there from 5th - 12th Mar 07! will book in advance!
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:13 PM
skydesperato skydesperato is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by BoyFriend View Post
Dear Bro skydesperato... Greeting... Jux wondering r u a regular of the YPH cause do u hav any ideal whether no.828 is stil wkin there... ...
sorry bro, did too many girls, cant remember who is who...

Bro SGPShanghai,

Would like to ask for your advice, went to Jin She Da Di, few times, seem not many customers around. Is it due to the not so hot economy? or it's just that the competition is too great out there?

Going to try Tianshangrenjian soon! Wait for your reply! Thanks!

Old 05-03-2007, 09:37 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by skydesperato View Post
sorry bro, did too many girls, cant remember who is who...

Bro SGPShanghai,

Would like to ask for your advice, went to Jin She Da Di, few times, seem not many customers around. Is it due to the not so hot economy? or it's just that the competition is too great out there?
Going to try Tianshangrenjian soon!
YO Bro Skydesperato,
Greetings from Shanghai.
I have not been to Jinsedadi for a long long while so I m not to sure why the low customers nightly there, also I m not too sure if it's the same for Tianshangrenjian as well....

The only likely reason is that CNY was around the corner during when u visited Jinsedadi.....or it could be the numerous new KTV joints that were sprucing up everywhere else... take for example Golden Globe Pinochio KTV I mentioned herewith. Lots of fun, with gals all so 'wild' and providing the 'lap-dance' stripped till their G-strings....isn't it more funto be at Golden Globe rather than sitting in a usual KTV, asking the gals if she drinks or if she sings...etc,? Yet all you end up paying at Golden Globe would be the same as any other norm KTV that don't provide any 'wild' lap dance?

Hope the info above helps you abit bro.....most of all, one man's meat is another man's you decide bro...have fun!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 05-03-2007, 04:21 PM
muutseeker muutseeker is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation! - SOAPY!!

Not sure if it's been mentioned in here before, I only found it recently myself but there's a decent soapy just near the Shanghai Hotel.

Official address is 5F, 209 North Wulumuqi Rd. It's right near the corner of Nanjing Lu and North Urumqi Lu. Get taxi to drop you off on that corner, walk down Urumqi a little and you'll see a building with K OK, some Karaoke place and the word SPA above the door. Go to the 5th floor, there are a couple of touts who will call the elevator for you so you will know you're in the right place. I think the other part of the building is Agriculture Bank or something like that.

Instead of the communal changeroom and shower scene you get your own room where you change into your shorts etc. Then they take you to a room with a one way mirror where you choose your girl. I was there at about 2p.m. and there were 5 girls all about 6 or 7 imho. I chose girl 27 - don't ask me why..just intuition.

She comes around the corner and takes you to your room..each room is a shower and wet-bed and then a glass divider on the other side of which is a normal bed.

She sits you on an interestingly designed chair which enables her to shower all your important bits..there is lots of rubbing and touching and soaping each other at this point. Then you move to the wet-bed where it starts all over again but with the added bonus of sliding...if you want you can have your first shot here I think..I'm not sure, I got a little cold so opted to dry off and move to the bed.

On the bed, cat bat, rimming, etc. etc. followed by great quality fire and ice, cap then the one stage during the sex I thought bro's in Pudong would have heard her, she is definitely a vocal girl.

After, lay back relax, have a smoke..she gives you nice soft massage then back to the shower to clean up, dress and leave. Then go back to your little foot massage room, dress in your street clothes and stop by the front desk to damage 700rmb.

For those bro's who like soapy (who doesn't!!) or who don't like getting undressed or showered in front of a bunch of local guys checking out the size of your manhood then this place is a great alternative.

Totally recommend it...oh..almost zero english spoken..but I don't speak mandarin and it was no problem.

Old 05-03-2007, 04:59 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation! - SOAPY!!

Thanks Bro Muutseeker. Gd soapy FR. Just up you

Originally Posted by muutseeker View Post
Not sure if it's been mentioned in here before, I only found it recently myself but there's a decent soapy just near the Shanghai Hotel.

Official address is 5F, 209 North Wulumuqi Rd. It's right near the corner of Nanjing Lu and North Urumqi Lu.
Old 05-03-2007, 05:50 PM
Shanghai_guy27 Shanghai_guy27 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation! - SOAPY!!

Originally Posted by muutseeker View Post
Not sure if it's been mentioned in here before, I only found it recently myself but there's a decent soapy just near the Shanghai Hotel.
Much appreciated, will check it out.
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Old 06-03-2007, 12:15 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!-Food Food Food!


the chicken stall have closed for good le
Old 07-03-2007, 10:40 AM
westsv westsv is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!


Fantasy Gardens as recommended by the old hands in shanghai is excellent! I follow the directions and recommendations as stated here in the forum and bingo! Everything when as smooth as silk.

Pricing is excellent at 600RMB per session and each of the session is for 80 mins. Most places i have been to are only 40 mins in lenght. Place is decent and clean but most important, some of the girls are pretty.

You are allowed to select the girls so i picked this 18 year old from hunan. Wow..... really young and cute. Think her number is 616. She is taught by her shifu which is 611. She recommended both of them if any of the bros here wanted to do a shuanfei.

Her BBBJ is super, i really enjoyed her sucking me all over. Was trying very hard not to explode. She kept going on and on...... i did not want this bit of heaven to end......

Hope you like the FR. Think this is my first FR on the forum. Please up me if you like the recommendation and confirmation of fantasy garden

Looks 8/10
Body 9/10
BBBJ 9/10
FJ 8/10
Overall 8.5/10
RTF - Definitely come back for her and her Shifu
Old 07-03-2007, 11:40 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!-Food Food Food!

Originally Posted by blackhorse007 View Post

the chicken stall have closed for good le
Aiyo...pity and sad news indeed! Have to look for another one then to satisfy the homeland cravings lah....sigh......
Thanks for the info bro!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 07-03-2007, 03:29 PM
Peace Finder Peace Finder is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

you are lucky, you are the 2nd Singaporean customer she had...... Proud to sad I was the 1st. she is also the youngest & cutest in fantasy and only works there for about 10 over days, even she was in Shanghai for almost a month.

tried dozen of the girls there are I should say I fully agrees your comments, and for RTF = YES as she is the ONLY 1 that I consider for RTF.

I should say you can forget 611, bing combined her with 16 is because 16 is new, if u wish to do shuangfei, which I always does, she should tell bing to match with another girl........... maybe they might not kick in BUUT you can control the show.

Trust me ! I even know you went yesterday LATE night, even that I was not there .... hee heee

Enjoy Bros

Originally Posted by westsv View Post

Fantasy Gardens as recommended by the old hands in shanghai is excellent! I follow the directions and recommendations as stated here in the forum and bingo! Everything when as smooth as silk.

Pricing is excellent at 600RMB per session and each of the session is for 80 mins. Most places i have been to are only 40 mins in lenght. Place is decent and clean but most important, some of the girls are pretty.

You are allowed to select the girls so i picked this 18 year old from hunan. Wow..... really young and cute. Think her number is 616. She is taught by her shifu which is 611. She recommended both of them if any of the bros here wanted to do a shuanfei.

Her BBBJ is super, i really enjoyed her sucking me all over. Was trying very hard not to explode. She kept going on and on...... i did not want this bit of heaven to end......

Hope you like the FR. Think this is my first FR on the forum. Please up me if you like the recommendation and confirmation of fantasy garden

Looks 8/10
Body 9/10
BBBJ 9/10
FJ 8/10
Overall 8.5/10
RTF - Definitely come back for her and her Shifu
Old 07-03-2007, 06:01 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Peace Finder View Post
Trust me ! I even know you went yesterday LATE night, even that I was not there .... hee heee
Wah know all the details of whats happening inside..machiam like stalking...haha...kidding..
Got spy inside sia...better be careful next time I pay a visit....HAHAHA!!

Upz my points if possible thanks
Old 07-03-2007, 07:00 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!


Wow. Your information is very good. Most impressive. I can tell the bros in shanghai are having quite a bit of fun. Damm...... very jealous. If anyone plans to visit Nanjing, let me know. Happy to return the favour.

Very tempted to set up my next venture in shanghai. Must be thinking with my little head here. Kekeke

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