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Old 30-05-2014, 12:22 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by icekewl View Post

Did u try the threesome with honey ?
Yes bro last night and shiok lah honey and angel went back to back and force to me to be feminize, she put make up wig etc and i feel weird at first but after wards they started to work on for me and make me feel like a slutty bottom coz angel insist of fucking me while honey is sucking me and change position both ways
End up with a blast of cum for three of us I go out of the hotel very happy and give the two ladies a tip, thumbs up for the two of them
Old 30-05-2014, 03:03 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by Hotwire View Post
Yes bro last night and shiok lah honey and angel went back to back and force to me to be feminize, she put make up wig etc and i feel weird at first but after wards they started to work on for me and make me feel like a slutty bottom coz angel insist of fucking me while honey is sucking me and change position both ways
End up with a blast of cum for three of us I go out of the hotel very happy and give the two ladies a tip, thumbs up for the two of them
Wow! Thanks for the steamy FR!

Angel tool seem big . Honey tool as well just that it seems that she may have difficulty staying hard. My best fuck ever was in Rowell by LB May. Megan was good but May was a notch higher.

Still looking for the greatest fucker in Craig list
Old 30-05-2014, 06:46 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by icekewl View Post

Met her after wanting to do so for a long long time.

Bros, from the bottom of my heart i can say she is truly amazing. Great body - very accomodating, intelligent. Met and started slow sensual kissing she really knows how to turn her man on. assists in undressing you and post showercontinues with a wonderful gfe. stays hard throughout and smells heavenly. take it slow and sensually with her- she enjoys it as much as she will turn u on. i topped her - although she is versatile - 69 etc and the works. she is a gem - and really should be tried. damage was 200 roses as i thoroghly enjoyed myself and will definitely rtf this beauty!
very tempting FR IceKewl bro !!.. Honey got any time limit for session? does she offer 2 shots or overnight?
thanks in advance for your reply..
Old 30-05-2014, 08:43 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Just had honey over to my home this afternoon. She is the most seductive ladyboy u have ever met. She is intelligent hot and has curves to die for. We had a good afternoon chatting drinking and eating before we got down to he nasty. She is damn sexy and loves it when you slowly lick her nips. I would recommend her to anyone.
Old 30-05-2014, 11:04 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by icekewl View Post
Just had honey over to my home this afternoon. She is the most seductive ladyboy u have ever met. She is intelligent hot and has curves to die for. We had a good afternoon chatting drinking and eating before we got down to he nasty. She is damn sexy and loves it when you slowly lick her nips. I would recommend her to anyone.
How big is her dick? Can she stay hard?
Old 31-05-2014, 02:53 AM
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Wink Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys


Just like to post some of my honest reviews.


TS Honey quite some time ago and I must say she looks abit different from her pictures. Much bigger size and face not as smooth. Agreed on price for her to top but when I was at her place, she cannot get hard and said she does not top.What the.... ( Poor service on that )
OVerall not a good experience but maybe bros here can try if you are a top? At your own risk.

TS Empress Lee

Very reluctant to share this FR but sharing is caring.. haha.. so here goes..

Agreed on price and met her at a nice hotel. Rang her door bell and oh myyyyyyy... she was standing behind the door in her gorgeous outfit and her 6 inches heels which I requested her to wear! I was so shocked that she looks so good, almost same or even better than her pics ( Maybe a few bros have mentioned it here before, but I still like to emphasize on that! ) And her voice was so feminine on top of that ! She has a nice pair of boobs and nice shaven cock ( not big but just nice IMO ) which I think that she is one of the hottest LB I've ever seen.

Requested for her to top me which she obliged and it feels so good for such a pretty face to fk you good and hard. she might do some foreplay first if you guys feel uncomfortable being a bottom . After riding her and changing other positions , she requested to fk her. How could I resist that ?! This is really what I called the best of both worlds DD

Overall, No rush and takes her time to make sure of your needs. Guess it would be harder and harder to book her but well, she's a rare gem not to be missed !

( Above are my honest reviews on the LBs whom I think should deserve to be engaged in their services and everyone are entitled to their own opinions and can have different experience )
Old 01-06-2014, 07:00 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Hi. Any LB bros can recommend for a wonderful first time?
Old 01-06-2014, 08:12 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Any review for her kind bros
Old 01-06-2014, 02:46 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys


Yesterday night I booked Nikki, very young, pretty,petite and a
sexy doll stays in a very nice hotel. After shower we went to bed and chatted little bit then slowly started the action.She licked my nipples, I licked all over her body as she maintained very clean,she has a nice boobs and also a cock which is around 5 and stay hard till the end. She ride me first then I doggie her then finally I did missionary and cum inside her ass. We both enjoyed a lot. Very good fucking after a long time because of her cooperation, I am fully satisfied her service. Never rushed and never get disappointed. After the session we chatted little bit and I returned home with very happy mood. RTF? Sure if I have enough money before she leaving.

Bro, book her and enjoy with her, below is her link,I don't have her VS link cos VS not opened in my system, thanks.
Old 01-06-2014, 02:48 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

In my experience two best TS are staying here same time, both are very young, charming, petite and good service, they are TS Arianna and TS Nikitha Glamazon, Don't miss both of them, thanks.
Old 01-06-2014, 05:13 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

I can't access says it's down. Anyone know if it's down for sure?
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Old 01-06-2014, 10:27 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Hi Buddies,

Just had a session with Nikita. You can find her contact details here.

She is fairer then in the craigslist photos and IMO prettier too. The hotel is very central and the room is very nice. You must try then you will understand. Anyways, when I arrived, she was dressed very sexily and in super high heels SUPER TURN ON !! Then no rush, sat down had a chat and a smoke before going for a shower. Then started the action. The action was great too. No rush at all and very gentle. She has a nice tool and functioning well. All in all I was a sex-tisfied man !! After the session had my shower and continued to chat with her for a bit before I left. I think she is going to be popular once our bros try her out. She was already receiving many many SMSes during our session (no she didn't interrupt our session to read them). All in all a good one. One of the best I have had in a long time. Treat her well. She is good.

She is having some problems with her craigslist posting so I hope it will still be up when you read this post. She said she will try to repost a new ad and I will help her update the link when I can.

Pls Upz me if you like this. Thanks.
Old 01-06-2014, 11:24 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Had my second session with Empress Lee yesterday. Not going to go into much details because of reasons I'd rather not explain.

Anyways, she was very sexy and very accommodating as usual. Very clean and shaved. We spent lots of time talking, teasing and just enjoying each others company. I think we have very good chemistry and the whole night was just very natural to both of us. I treat her like I would treat my girlfriend.

Will RTF if I can find the time before she leaves.
Old 03-06-2014, 12:59 AM
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Just spent an awesome time with Maria Bam!

You can't go wrong with her...lovely person.

Damage? Up to your negotiation skills but all I can say she is reasonable imho...
Old 03-06-2014, 08:17 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by lifelezz View Post
Hi Buddies,

Just had a session with Nikita. You can find her contact details here.

She is fairer then in the craigslist photos and IMO prettier too. The hotel is very central and the room is very nice. You must try then you will understand. Anyways, when I arrived, she was dressed very sexily and in super high heels SUPER TURN ON !! Then no rush, sat down had a chat and a smoke before going for a shower. Then started the action. The action was great too. No rush at all and very gentle. She has a nice tool and functioning well. All in all I was a sex-tisfied man !! After the session had my shower and continued to chat with her for a bit before I left. I think she is going to be popular once our bros try her out. She was already receiving many many SMSes during our session (no she didn't interrupt our session to read them). All in all a good one. One of the best I have had in a long time. Treat her well. She is good.

She is having some problems with her craigslist posting so I hope it will still be up when you read this post. She said she will try to repost a new ad and I will help her update the link when I can.

Pls Upz me if you like this. Thanks.
Based on your recommendation, I had Nikita over. I can confirm everything you said. She is a very nice looking petite gal, looks even better in person than in her pictures. Completely passable. We had a nice time, not rushed at all. The only negative for me is that she is a smoker.
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