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Old 30-10-2018, 11:18 AM
sabotage sabotage is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

This bro great forum below sums up all about insecurity.

Read this and stay focus.

Originally Posted by IwasApo View Post
Bro Warbird, what you say is very true.

It is very true that there are many insecure people around, and it is no doubt they inhibit the forum as well. This does not mean the secure man will not lose a girl or two once in a while, or fail to bed a girl because of a miscalculated move. but the reaction of the secure man and the insecure man is vastly different.

The secure man is mission oriented. This is like a soldier having to complete a mission. His mission is to go from point A to B. The people he meet along point A to B either give him water and food, or try to kill him. The prettiest girls we bed are like the people that give the water and food. The soldier's objective is not to kill the people that tries to kill him. It is to go to the next refill point where there are food and water for him. But doing so, he is mission oriented and focus. His mind is strong, he knows constantly what he should do and shouldn't do. He cannot be taunted, and is cool and calm even in the most adverse of situation. And all the people that give him water and food wants him to stay with them, but he cannot because his goal is to go from A to B. He is a master of all the resource he has, and will take the route with the least obstruction, to avoid obstacles if he knows there will be obstacles there. A man like this will never be poor, and wealth will chase after the man. Everything he touch will prosper, because in his mind and soul he already lack nothing.

The insecure man has no focus, and no mission in life. They are like the dry up grass floating about in the wind. They are constantly seeking approval from man, and values the opinion of man. Their objective is to find someone to quarrel with, and make it as drama as possible. This is reflected in everything they do. Every attempt they make is to hide the empty shell that they are. These people are easy to taunt, easy to manipulate. They go through life unsuccessful, building unsuccessful relationship, put up a show of false bravery but are cowards. Even if they hold money in their hands, wealth departs from them quickly. In order to continue to live and exist, they need to create an imaginery victories and boast about this imaginery victories.

Even the Pope did this (no offense to any catholic bros), telling the people of Europe that Ghenis Khan has fallen on his knees to God and will reclaim the holy land for him in the early crusades. History says that this is actually a lie, and Ghenis Khan refused to form any further alliance with the crusaders. Even such a powerful man can be insecure.

What is more interesting is that the secure man and the insecure man in this example are playing in the same field. The secure man is fully concern about going from point A to B, and largely ignores whatever the insecure man says, because what the insecure man says have no bearing on what needs to be done.

The insecure man can make alot of claims, "there will be blood, we will kill this barbarian today" truth is he is afraid of the secure man. The insecure man can call the secure man many names "barbarian", "ugly long hair mongol" but everyday he wakes up, he wish he can live the life of the secured man. Such is the irony and agony of the insecure empty shells.
Old 30-10-2018, 11:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Great forum below.

Agreed with you that we can choose to be happy all the time.

"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."

Never depends on future to be happy.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

Bro IwasApo described the differences between the secure man n the insecure man.

But very, very few human beings can be truly secure n confident. We lived through infancy n early childhood when we were totally dependent on our parents n others for our very survival...n then when our brains got more mature n developed, we became aware of the cycle of birth, ageing, sickness n death.

We need to live in the eternal present moment, like some ancient sages.

I recall reading a book entitled "The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts.

The author is a century ahead of his time.

I'll quote a few of his sayings here.

"For the animal to be happy it is enough that this moment be enjoyable." For man, we often miss this moment by trying to assure the next (eternal) moment will be as enjoyable.

Basically, we spend too much time planning and anticipating the future and too much time thinking about, lamenting and wishing to change the past. It's an exercise in futility n we miss the joy of living in the present entirely.

"But tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live. There is no other reality than present reality, so that, even if one were to live for endless ages, to live for the future would be to miss the point everlastingly."

"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."

Cheers n hv a great day!

Bro WB
Old 30-10-2018, 09:12 PM
MaiTrang MaiTrang is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Fully agreed too. Must invest wisely.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread.


Originally Posted by sabotage View Post
Bro WB

So bro KO really felt insecure.

Agreed that study the money and invest wisely. Gets lots of passive income and you can afford many babes.

Great email below.

Old 31-10-2018, 01:05 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Thanks for sharing.

Originally Posted by sabotage View Post
This bro great forum below sums up all about insecurity.

Read this and stay focus.
Old 31-10-2018, 11:18 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi Bro IwasApo,

Kudos to ur treatise on Alpha male.

.................................................. ..

Good morning!

I believe any man can get chio gals of his type n making them addicted to him. It's part art n part science, just like the study of medicine. No matter how good a man is, he can still improve greatly...especially at his subconscious level, until he is completely secure, joyous n fearless, even in life or death situations.

Have a great day!!

Bro WB
Guru WB had spoken.

Must listen to his advice.

Old 31-10-2018, 11:19 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

What an incredible post.

So many good writers in this thread.


Originally Posted by IwasApo View Post
Thanks warbird senior for your kind words. Yes, all man will be insecure from time to time. So part of being human, is about overcoming our insecurities. I like what you are doing with this thread, and do let me know if I stray from the discussions since I am also a student of how to make the prettiest ladies addicted to you, but they may not neccessary be ktv girls.

Whenever we approach the subject of secure vs insecure, we are bound to hit this topic of arrogance vs confidence. Confidence is attractive, and it put the hunter, into a position of power and the lady into a position of a follower. Yet alot of the problems we face is when ladies fail to recognize the difference between arrogance and quiet confidence.

A hunter is always calm and calculated in his approach. He does not seeks attention to himself. We see the great ancient sages share this common trait. When Mohamad, Buddha, Confucious and Jesus Christ saves someone, offer food and water to some, imparts a teaching to someone, they do it quietly. Its personal and its discreet. They do not aspire to be great, famous and well liked. They just go on and do what is right. They always tell the people they encounter, do not tell anyone what they have done for them, because there is no merit in the glory. This applied correctly is sexy and attractive to the lady. And because this is sexy and attractive, there are many empty shells who also recognize this fact, and copy it unsuccessfully.
When the music stops, he is happy even if he is alone. He is thankful for the companion he has by his side, and he is at peace even if he has no companion. The elements of the universe is one with him.

Then there are the arrogant empty shells, not realizing that they are continuing their insecure traits. These insecure shells take every opportunity to tell people who they help, and who they are going to help. A false benevolence without authority because they also fail to realize that there is power over life and death in the words of the confident man. Just as the Qin emperor was insecure, the arrogant empty shells need to do more and more things to try to feel that he has achieved something. But they forgot one important thing.

All of the ancient sages' power, come from their abilities to wage war, destroy their enemies completely, quickly and swiftly. With this in mind, they are able to forge lasting and permanent friendship and followers. Confucious was first a man of war, before he was a man of peace. The Qin Emperor adopted the system of meritocracy and the kingdom of Qin was transformed into a war machine. All the ancient prophets in middle east, were all man of war, strategist telling their kings how and what to do.

Over time, people forget why we respect Confucious, and why we follow his teachings. We are, afterall a meritocrite society. Now that we are ready for war, ready for the worst possible case scenario you can meet, we can be confident. You then inherit the power to forgive your enemies and make them your followers.

When we hunt for the prettiest girls around, we must be clear that we are truly confident, quietly confident. Quiet confidence is also known as quiet aggression. There is something magnetic and uniquely attractive about quiet aggression.

Ultimately the Alpha is comfortable within his own skin, this is one of the main alpha male characteristics, and if you can be comfortable in your own skin then everything else will follow. He doesn't care what people think, he is assertive enough to give his own opinion, and he is happy and confident in any situation.

The alpha male makes no apologies, he doesn't explain his behaviour. he is completely comfortable in his own skin so he doesn't need to. he don't boast about their success or try and prove anything again he don't need to; he assume you will like them simply because other people do, but he don't care if you don't, he won't chase after you for your validation, he don't care.

He acts in a rational and logical manner. Alpha males are typically rational and logical guys, who don't let their emotions get the better of them. He is always in control and do things with confidence, as if everything calculated and is going according to plan.

He talks slow, notice when you talk to someone you look up to you will talk faster. Talking fast is a way to qualify yourself to someone, essentially you are scared they will stop listening or find some more interesting stimulus, so you get your point out quick so they will listen, it actually has the opposite effect, and it shows your lower status.

He is in control of his ego. This is one of the most important factors in an alpha males characteristics. A true alpha male must make sure he doesn't develop over inflated ideas of one's own worth and even less project these on others. Instead, he should be cool, calm and collected and quietly confident.

He doesn't look around, he is the party and the focus of attention, he is unconcerned with what other people are doing.

He is centrally positioned in the group, everyone's body language faces him and is positive towards him, you can tell the alpha male of the group just by looking at them. Expect to be the focus and position yourself to be so, step up within your group and you will start to take on this dominant role.

He is able to see the bigger picture. This means that the alpha males aren't worried when things go wrong, as he is sure that it was meant to happen and will all work out. He isn't concerned with short term gains, but looks to succeed in the long term. This means that he will also be able to weigh up whether it's worth dealing with a negative in the short term for longer term success in the future.

He is a calculated risk taker. He doesn't have anything to prove, so will weigh up if he stands to gain from a situation. He doesn't fear losing face, as he is confident within himself, so will not take a risk where he knows he may lose, just to prove a point. This shows strength of character.

He is never impressed. He can be self centered and unimpressed with the achievements of others. He is an high achievers and strive for success so he have seen it all before it takes a lot, or a really high value to impress him he have high standards on every level.

He always aims high. The final and most important point I want to mention with relation to alpha males characteristics is that he always wants to achieve the best and strives to achieve success as much as he possibly can. He is never satisfied with second best and will always work that little bit harder to make sure he comes out on top.

He doesn't take himself to seriously. Also, he won't take jokes made against him as personal attacks, as he is confident and won't rise to others attempts to make a dig at him.

Sometimes he doesn't answer questions, he often give a non-sensical or a basic response to questions you ask them where you are trying for conversation, trying to find common ground, or trying for report by asking you to guess they are controlling the frame and leading the interaction and keeping their alpha male status.

Learns from his failures. An alpha male is not afraid of failing, as he learns from each experience and makes sure never to make the same mistake twice. He chalks this up as life experience that will only add to help him achieve greater success as a result.

He doesn't care about you, he is self focused, you are there to entertain them, but he is above you.

He can show a nicer side and get away with it. This goes back to not caring what people think. he can be nice, genuine, down to earth if he wants to and on the occasions that he is he gets even more credit for it, he isn't a geek trying to be nice for validation, he is a cool guy who has a down to earth side sometimes.

He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses. This isn't to say that he is afraid of his weaknesses though. Instead, he has developed means and strategies to use his weaknesses to his own advantage and not be phased by them. He knows the things that make him feel vulnerable and develops strategies to avoid them, or deal with them in the best possible way, so as to appear on top of things at all times.

He learns from his failures. An alpha male is not afraid of failing, as he learns from each experience and makes sure never to make the same mistake twice. He chalks this up as life experience that will only add to help him achieve greater success as a result
Old 31-10-2018, 11:23 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon!

I'm thrilled to see so many esteemed bros contributing to this thread. Thanks again!

Every virile n ambitious man aspires to be an Alpha male. But trying too hard to be one could actually be very Beta haha.

IMHO, it's far better to be an Enlightened man. It's a man w/ absolute self mastery, who lives in the eternal present moment n who is always relaxed, humble, joyous, n fearless, every minute n everyday, no matter what happens n even in life or death situations...of course it's easier said than done.

Let me digress.

I know I'm NOT enlightened yet as I still hv some attachment to my 1st BAO-ee XW n 18 yo EN.

EN is now back in Hubei n will return on student visa. She is attached to me, but not addicted. XW is still w/ me n she will turn 25 soon.

Cheers n hv a great day!

Bro WB
Guru WB

Always so modest humble person.

Already a guru status yet so humble. Always ready to land a hand in advising how to chase girls.

Will stay on this thread to pickup more tips.

Old 31-10-2018, 12:45 PM
chialatstory chialatstory is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by quak View Post
Guru WB had spoken.

Must listen to his advice.

Exactly what I wanted to say.

Have a nice day.
Old 31-10-2018, 03:40 PM
Ohaicomezaimas Ohaicomezaimas is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Not only incredible, magnificent too.

Amazing writing.

God bless.

Originally Posted by quak View Post
What an incredible post.

So many good writers in this thread.

Old 31-10-2018, 11:27 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by quak View Post
Guru WB

Always so modest humble person.

Already a guru status yet so humble. Always ready to land a hand in advising how to chase girls.

Will stay on this thread to pickup more tips.

Will stay here to learn to pick up tips too.

Thanks bro WB for sharing.

Old 04-11-2018, 10:29 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning to all samsters,

What an auspicious Sunday!

Originally Posted by shandong View Post
Good morning to sbf members.

Bro WB have a fantastic thread here.

Sean Stephenson -

Sean Clinch Stephenson is an American therapist, self-help author and motivational speaker. Because he was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, Stephenson stands three feet tall, has fragile bones, and uses a wheelchair.

Spouse -Mindie Kniss

Yes, never put woman on the pedestal because MAN is the PRIZE.

Well continue to read and comment.

Have a good Sunday guys.
Bro, tks.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Originally Posted by shandong View Post
Bro WB

Above very clearly you are loving every second and minute of yoru life with EN. Congratulations to you.

Now I also like to learn to be badass.

However not sure I can but who cares so long I practised along what you are preaching above.

Love this and quote
"7) Four things greater than all things are, – Women and Horses and Power and War. — Rudyard Kipling"

Really hope that after reading I can be a badass.

Bye for now.
Bro, become a badass gentleman.

Originally Posted by shandong View Post
WHat an excellent forum above.

Very detailed technique which can be used.

Cheers to bros sharing.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by toonside View Post
Good morning too.

This is indeed a fantastic thread.

Enjoy your Sunday guys.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by sabotage View Post
Bro WB

So bro KO really felt insecure.

Agreed that study the money and invest wisely. Gets lots of passive income and you can afford many babes.

Great email below.

Bro, tks.

A man's neediness and insecurity are repulsive to SYTs and women.

Originally Posted by sabotage View Post
This bro great forum below sums up all about insecurity.

Read this and stay focus.
Bro, thanks.

Originally Posted by sabotage View Post
Bro WB

Great forum below.

Agreed with you that we can choose to be happy all the time.

"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."

Never depends on future to be happy.


Read the book.

Originally Posted by MaiTrang View Post
Fully agreed too. Must invest wisely.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread.

Bro, tks.

Read How To Be Rich by J Paul Getty.

Originally Posted by quak View Post
Guru WB had spoken.

Must listen to his advice.

Bro, tks.

I'm still learning.

Originally Posted by quak View Post
What an incredible post.

So many good writers in this thread.

Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by quak View Post
Guru WB

Always so modest humble person.

Already a guru status yet so humble. Always ready to land a hand in advising how to chase girls.

Will stay on this thread to pickup more tips.

Bro, tks.

I always like to share and discuss my experiences, both positive and negative, w/ all samsters. That is how I can keep improving. I'm severely constrained by time, unfortunately.

Cheers to all samsters.

Bro WB

.................................................. ....

I like to share a brief article by my friend Charlie.

Attract Don't Pursue

What does this mean?

Put simply it means that instead of chasing women you become the kind of man that women chase.

Simply put but how do you get there?

Invest In Yourself
First and foremost you must invest in yourself. You must take care of yourself and believe in yourself. If you don’t treat yourself well then others are not going to. And no woman wants to be with a doormat, whether it’s her own personal doormat or a doormat for others.

By building yourself up through investing in yourself you will naturally become more attractive to women. By putting yourself first women will become more attracted to you. Because they will know that you are a man who is confident and has self-respect.

Getting women is a by-product of being an attractive man. Being an attractive man has little to do with outer traits. Such as looks and money and a hell of a lot more to do with inner traits. Such as confidence, masculinity, decisiveness, and so on and so forth.

This is something that takes time and is a constant ongoing process. There never comes a time when you should stop growing, stop getting better, or stop investing in yourself. However don’t think you need to become some sort of superman before women will chase you, nothing could be further from the truth

First and foremost don’t think women are any better than you. I don’t care if she is Miss America and your a drunken slob who lives with your parents. If you don’t think a woman is better than you than that will show in your interactions with her. Nothing repels women more than needy and desperate men. And one of the top things that conveys neediness is thinking that a woman is somehow “above” you. Don’t ever let yourself fall into this line of thinking. No woman is better than you, no matter what. This doesn’t mean you need to go around thinking you are better than all women are treating them like crap just don’t ever think they’re better than you.

Now about how you can produce this vibe even without building yourself up first. Although ultimately you should be doing both.

Focus On Yourself
Focus on yourself and on thing you can control. When you go out don’t desperately try to get the attention of all the women there. This is lame and will make women more turned off if anything. Do your own thing. Have your own fun. Focus on having a good time and creating a memorable experience for yourself. Don’t focus or worry about the women there.

When you are doing your own thing and having fun, women will naturally be drawn to this. You will be carefree and not be focusing on them. Because of this they will want to see what you are all about.

Be your own personal party. Whoever comes into your zone is going to have a good time because your focus is on creating a good time for yourself. Not for others, not for the women, but for yourself. When you are care free and having a good time women are naturally going to match your emotions.

Women often act like mirrors reflecting whatever you are projecting back at you. Meaning if you are fun loving and having a good time the women around you are going to have fun and have a good time. They going to naturally match the emotions of the man they are around or with. Granted that he is a man and not a wimp.

You’ve probably seen this before. The guy who is surrounded by women yet could give a damn about them. Sure he might take one (or two) home but his focus is on himself and having a good time himself. He has a carefree, fun, and relaxed attitude. He projects a “I don’t give a damn vibe”. There is no doubt in anyone’s, especially attractive women’s, mind that he loves himself. People are drawn to individuals who love themselves.

The key here is to be comfortable. To essentially be yourself, your true self. To express that without giving a damn what others think. You must feel good yourself and then that will naturally be expressed to others and rub off on them. Focus on the things you can control, such as having a good time and don’t worry about the things you can’t control like the other people wherever you are at. Have fun don’t worry about others, including hot women.

If you feel like you need the girl you will never get the girl. Have fun with every girl regardless of how they look. Don’t treat attractive women any different than you would their plain friend. This will make you even more intriguing as most attractive girls are used to being worshiped. Even though they often eventually resent their worshipers.

A Caveat
Do your own thing yet don’t forget at some point you may want to pull a girl.

So don’t completely ignore a girl if she is in to you and you are in to her. Use common sense. At some point if you want to take the interaction forward you must take actions to do so.

Focus on yourself, on having fun, and on having a good time. Don’t make focus on a woman/the women.

Include girls in your vibe and if they don’t wane or like it then move on. Easy as that.

Focus on yourself and the things you can control and let the rest go.

Old 04-11-2018, 05:08 PM
hokkaidosapporo hokkaidosapporo is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Below is a re-post of the great forum. So well written.

Originally Posted by SammyNewbie View Post
Finally, something worth replying to rather than most fake spam threads that I can only reply to with either some funny or semi serious comments.

I've read many seduction books before, and I know the theory of the Alpha very well. The truth about the alpha is, 'There can only be One'. Complex problems begin arising as people try to fight for this Alpha male position. Mainly souring the relations with your friends to the point of no return. "Bros before hoes" was stated for a reason.

The second point I wish to make, is that is subtly discredits insecure people and angry people. Some of these people are genuine people, that have had things happen to them in the past to cause them to become deeply hurt or to develop these traits. The author simply uses them to glorify himself and his social status and get himself the gals instead and teaches us also, to look down on these people and glorify ourselves. The same way, some of us would without hesitation, use these people to make ourselves look good.

Part of the reason why the Alpha complex actually works, is because of how the media actually chooses to package and sell these concepts in the form of Korean Dramas for example, with concepts that pack all the best attributes a girl likes in a man and put them on a guy, and after all, since it's just a drama, you can write what you like.

As a result, many guys adopt 'Alpha tricks'. Tricks to look like an alpha male, tricks to put down your peers so you look good, tricks to prod a woman's self esteem so she'll be with you.

I want to say at this point, that if a gal treats you bad because she's pretty and has many suitors, it's not necessarily because you don't have respect for yourself and because you are in the insecure batch. It's because she has bad character. Such a woman in frank, is not worth dating or pursuing in a relationship. So be a man and walk away. Also stay away from self-righteous bitches, unless you are a self-righteous prick .

It really depends on what you want. If you just want to bang attractive women for one night stands and not really be serious, go with what the bros say and just pick up the Alpha tricks. Think about whether a woman that you get from using these Alpha tricks is worth settling down with. You'd have these fights for control everyday, you'd have to put up that front day and night, how long can you keep up the alpha facade?

To really have balls to date a woman, you got to date her as yourself, without the alpha facade. So what if you're nervous when you're asking and you tell her? So what if you may not be able to make her laugh all the time? So what if you're not perfect and smooth?

This is the part of that's important. You must be able to accept yourself as you are. With your strengths and imperfections. There isn't an easy answer on this road. There are complex past issues that that will surface and you'll have to deal with. There are things that you might need to change that are bad habits, and those things won't disappear overnight.

You'll find that with this approach, you might not always attract KTV gals, but you will attract the right ones you can settle down with.

I've digressed a little bit from the whole topic of KTV pick-up, but at this point, I think some of the bros reading this need to know. I also thought all I wanted in these cases was merely something to feed my sex drive, but I was wrong. I think most of the bros like me, are confused about what they want.
Old 04-11-2018, 05:13 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi Bro SammyNewbie,

Ths for ur excellent post.

There is a big difference between a dominant male n a bully (who is actually a coward, an insecure little boy inside).

Bro WB
Bro WB

Your reply to above forum is right on the money.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Good afternoon!

I'm thrilled to see so many esteemed bros contributing to this thread. Thanks again!

Every virile n ambitious man aspires to be an Alpha male. But trying too hard to be one could actually be very Beta haha.

IMHO, it's far better to be an Enlightened man. It's a man w/ absolute self mastery, who lives in the eternal present moment n who is always relaxed, humble, joyous, n fearless, every minute n everyday, no matter what happens n even in life or death situations...of course it's easier said than done.

Let me digress.

I know I'm NOT enlightened yet as I still hv some attachment to my 1st BAO-ee XW n 18 yo EN.

EN is now back in Hubei n will return on student visa. She is attached to me, but not addicted. XW is still w/ me n she will turn 25 soon.

Cheers n hv a great day!

Bro WB
Bro WB

Well said and good reply.

Very important for man to possess self-mastery.

Old 04-11-2018, 05:14 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

This bro offers a different views.

Very good forum too.

Originally Posted by scentbug View Post
You don't have to be the ultimate Alpha male to date or bed hot and pretty girls. You just have to understand them and why they are who they are.

Real deal pretty chicks (not artificially enhanced) doesn't become pretty overnight. They are born this way. They are beautiful all their life. From young they're the apple of their Dad's eye. They're so adorable that everything they say seems so cute. Everything they want, they get and gotten their way all the way. In school, they're popular and hot. Every young hot blooded boys presented favors in hopes to get their attention. When they grow up, men were mesmerized by their presence and most often than not, they enjoyed head turning experience everywhere they go. Most men think that to get into their skirts they have to be the nicest pricks on earth and some even resort to bow down to their every qualms and requests. This is the kind of life feedback they get. This is the fact.

So what does that tells you? It's not their fault that they behaves the way they do. They were brought up thinking thats how the World works. That's how men in their entire life treats them. Just like how we perceive the system works the way the system responds to you. Indirectly it's all loser men they met in their life to blame for their behavior.

Can we change that or erase those life lessons from them? No. But we can approach them differently.

And if you woo a hot and pretty girl like the rest of the thousands of losers they met before, YOU simply just don't make an inch of a difference. You do not stand out and neither you appear remotely fresh or interesting. To get a hot girl, you must behave the opposite of what you think you should behave. Only then you will appear to be someone special, someone out of the ordinary and they wont find you boring like the rest of the losers in their beautiful pampered life.

It is just that. It's not bad character. It's also not their fault that they are born pretty and have many suitors.

Is that their world and our world is different. So think differently.

That's the way I do it.
Old 05-11-2018, 12:08 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by hokkaidosapporo View Post
Bro WB

Well said and good reply.

Very important for man to possess self-mastery.

Agreed, very important to possess self-mastery.

Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
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