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Old 01-02-2011, 12:27 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
you long time no find vb to bonk ha?
on fire liao ha?
I m on fire cos u no come here to help. U are our long term translator. I m the news broadcaster only If u no come here, then we will close down this thread
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Old 01-02-2011, 12:40 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by evoking88 View Post
agreed. i can't really say my previous post was accurate also. one word can indeed mean many things in different context and thats the trouble i am having with tieng viet.
This is esp for u :
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Old 01-02-2011, 01:02 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

thank you big bro jackbl. sorry if my post earlier have made have made u on fire in any way. i will refrain from making such erroneous posts in the future.

thanks again for helping
Old 01-02-2011, 01:58 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by evoking88 View Post
thank you big bro jackbl. sorry if my post earlier have made have made u on fire in any way. i will refrain from making such erroneous posts in the future.
Where got, where got. On fire only when one always wan ppl to spoon feed.

This thread is the 1st thread that I came across abt learning vietnamese.

Copy them into your current collection. Append new items inside. In 1mth's time it could be doubled/tripled and u could be helping others. Can I seek your help? Please go and find out phases/sentences about wishing Lunar New Year in vietnamese and share with bro here. If u can find a few(7) more than what Bro KT had listed, I will up u with my 7pts
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Old 01-02-2011, 05:41 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Copy them into your current collection. Append new items inside. In 1mth's time it could be doubled/tripled and u could be helping others. Can I seek your help?
will do. pls gimme some time on the collection.
Old 01-02-2011, 06:57 PM
evoking88 evoking88 is offline
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Some Tet Greetings to share in addition to big bro KT's earlire post at the request of big bro jackbl. Please correct me if my post contains any mistakes.

More basic ones. (from internet)

Sống lâu trăm tuổi (to wish elders to live up to a hundred years, good for wishing your in laws if they are old)
An khang thịnh vượng (to wish security, good health and prosperity)
Tiền vô như nước (to wish that money flows like the river; informal)

Slightly more complicated ones. To be used in para form. (I am having trouble with the translation of the greetings below, so will post a loose translation of the greetings instead.)

Ngàn lần như ý
Vạn lần như mơ
Triệu sự bất ngờ
Tỷ lần hạnh phúc.

The above should mean something along the lines of things going as you wish, many surprises, and to wish happiness.

Tống cựu nghênh tân
Vạn sự cát tường
Toàn gia an phúc

The above should mean that the old goes and new comes, to wish luck in all things and to wish happiness for the whole family.

Tết tới tấn tài
Xuân sang đắc lộc
Gia đình hạnh phúc
Vạn sự cát tường

The above should mean to wish financial growth, happiness for the family, and luck in all things.

Giao thừa sắp đến.
Chúc bạn đáng mến.
Sự nghiệp tiến lên.
Gặp nhiều điều hên!

The above should mean that New Year Eve is coming, to wish one luck and that his/her career advances.

Hôm nay có 3 người hỏi tôi về bạn và tôi đã giúp để họ tìm đến với bạn ngay. Tên của 3 người ấy là Hạnh phúc, Thịnh vượng và Tình yêu.

The above is kinda interesting, and is along the lines of saying that there are three people asking for the person receiving the greeting, and the person sending the greeting directed them to him/her. The three people asking for the person are Happiness, Prosperity and Love.

Cung chúc tân niên.
Vạn sự bình yên.
Hạnh phúc vô biên.
Vui vẻ triền miên.
Kiếm được nhiều tiền.
Sung sướng như tiên

The above should mean Happy New Year, peace in all things that you do, boundless happiness, constant liveliness, more money to be earned, and ..... for the person to be happy like a fairy.

Thay mặt Đảng, Quốc hội, Chính phủ, Mặt trận Tổ quốc kính chúc đồng chí và gia đình một năm mới hạnh phúc, an khang, thịnh vượng!

The above is kinda like a communist style greeting, wishing the person a Happy New Year, well-being, and prosperity in the name of the Party, National Assembly, Government and ...FATHERLAND.

Một cái xe đạp MỚI thì tốt hơn cái xe đạp CŨ.
Nhưng cái xe đạp CŨ lại gắn bó với ta hơn cái xe đạp MỚI.
Một ngôi nhà MỚI đẹp hơn ngôi nhà CŨ.
Nhưng ngôi nhà CŨ lại nhiều kỷ niệm với mình hơn.
Một phương trời MỚI thì lạ hơn phương trời CŨ.
Nhưng phương trời MỚI lại chẳng mang lại cho ta cảm giác bình yên.
Vậy thì đón chào năm MỚI, nhưng đừng quên năm CŨ.
Cung chúc tân xuân!

Another interesting one. It goes along the lines of a new bike is better than the old bike, but the old bike grips better. A new house is more beautiful than the old house, but the old house has many memories. Don't really understand the next part but its means something along the lines of a the sun is newer but does not give a sense of peace. So welcome the new year but not forget the old. And the last sentence is Happy New Year.

Tân Mão đã đến,
ăn nhậu lai rai,
vô như nước,
muốn gì cũng được,
thịnh vượng bình an,
chúc mừng năm mới!

The above should mean, The year of the cat is here, money flow like river, and to wish peace and prosperity in what ever you do. Last sentence is, as usual, to wish a Happy New Year.

Chúc bạn có một bầu trời sức khỏe,
một biển cả tình thương,
một đại dương tình bạn,
một điệp khúc tình yêu,
một người yêu chung thủy,
một sự nghiệp sáng ngời,
một gia đình thịnh vượng.

The above should mean to wish you a firm (???, will appreciate any help on this) health, a sea of love, an ocean of friendship, a song of love, a faithful lover, a bright career, and a prosperous family.

Tân Mão vừa sang, (Cat Year is here ?)
hạnh phúc mênh mang, (immense happiness)
ý chí vững vàng, (strong willpower)
niềm vui rộn ràng, (i am guessing busy having fun)
tiền bạc lai láng, (overflowing money)
sức khỏe cường tráng, (robust health)
cả nhà cười vang, (everyone laughing?)
chúc mừng năm mới, (Happy New Year)
Gâu gâu gâu! (WTF?!?!?! i am guessing is animal sounds)
Anh sống thật lâu, (you live a long time)
tiền vô như nước, (money flow like water)
gia đình đại phước, (fortunate family)
sức khỏe dồi dào, (abundant health)
hạnh phúc tuôn trào! (overflowing happiness)

This is complicated. Will need some bros help on this.

Năm nay năm Tân Mão,
chúc bao điều thuận lợi,
chúc mọi người sống lâu,
chúc cả nhà sang giàu,
chúc anh em mạnh khỏe

The above should mean, this year is the cat year, wish many things to be favorable, everyone to live long, everyone to be rich, and wish you good health.

Apologies in advance for poor translation.

Hope that bros find this helpful. Just a little bit of work to thank the bros whom have helped in my past requests for translations. Apologies again if I have made anyone spoon feed me in the past.
Old 01-02-2011, 08:33 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by evoking88 View Post
Some Tet Greetings to share in addition to big bro KT's earlire post at the request of big bro jackbl. Please correct me if my post contains any mistakes.
Wow .. Bro ... You sure u just start to learn TV .....

I also don't know all this
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Old 01-02-2011, 09:01 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by evoking88 View Post
Some Tet Greetings to share in addition to big bro KT's earlire post at the request of big bro jackbl. Please correct me if my post contains any mistakes.

More basic ones. (from internet)

Sống lâu trăm tuổi (to wish elders to live up to a hundred years, good for wishing your in laws if they are old)
An khang thịnh vượng (to wish security, good health and prosperity)
Tiền vô như nước (to wish that money flows like the river; informal)

Slightly more complicated ones. To be used in para form. (I am having trouble with the translation of the greetings below, so will post a loose translation of the greetings instead.)

Ngàn lần như ý
Vạn lần như mơ
Triệu sự bất ngờ
Tỷ lần hạnh phúc.

The above should mean something along the lines of things going as you wish, many surprises, and to wish happiness.

Tống cựu nghênh tân
Vạn sự cát tường
Toàn gia an phúc

The above should mean that the old goes and new comes, to wish luck in all things and to wish happiness for the whole family.

Tết tới tấn tài
Xuân sang đắc lộc
Gia đình hạnh phúc
Vạn sự cát tường

The above should mean to wish financial growth, happiness for the family, and luck in all things.

Giao thừa sắp đến.
Chúc bạn đáng mến.
Sự nghiệp tiến lên.
Gặp nhiều điều hên!

The above should mean that New Year Eve is coming, to wish one luck and that his/her career advances.

Hôm nay có 3 người hỏi tôi về bạn và tôi đã giúp để họ tìm đến với bạn ngay. Tên của 3 người ấy là Hạnh phúc, Thịnh vượng và Tình yêu.

The above is kinda interesting, and is along the lines of saying that there are three people asking for the person receiving the greeting, and the person sending the greeting directed them to him/her. The three people asking for the person are Happiness, Prosperity and Love.

Cung chúc tân niên.
Vạn sự bình yên.
Hạnh phúc vô biên.
Vui vẻ triền miên.
Kiếm được nhiều tiền.
Sung sướng như tiên

The above should mean Happy New Year, peace in all things that you do, boundless happiness, constant liveliness, more money to be earned, and ..... for the person to be happy like a fairy.

Thay mặt Đảng, Quốc hội, Chính phủ, Mặt trận Tổ quốc kính chúc đồng chí và gia đình một năm mới hạnh phúc, an khang, thịnh vượng!

The above is kinda like a communist style greeting, wishing the person a Happy New Year, well-being, and prosperity in the name of the Party, National Assembly, Government and ...FATHERLAND.

Một cái xe đạp MỚI thì tốt hơn cái xe đạp CŨ.
Nhưng cái xe đạp CŨ lại gắn bó với ta hơn cái xe đạp MỚI.
Một ngôi nhà MỚI đẹp hơn ngôi nhà CŨ.
Nhưng ngôi nhà CŨ lại nhiều kỷ niệm với mình hơn.
Một phương trời MỚI thì lạ hơn phương trời CŨ.
Nhưng phương trời MỚI lại chẳng mang lại cho ta cảm giác bình yên.
Vậy thì đón chào năm MỚI, nhưng đừng quên năm CŨ.
Cung chúc tân xuân!

Another interesting one. It goes along the lines of a new bike is better than the old bike, but the old bike grips better. A new house is more beautiful than the old house, but the old house has many memories. Don't really understand the next part but its means something along the lines of a the sun is newer but does not give a sense of peace. So welcome the new year but not forget the old. And the last sentence is Happy New Year.

Tân Mão đã đến,
ăn nhậu lai rai,
vô như nước,
muốn gì cũng được,
thịnh vượng bình an,
chúc mừng năm mới!

The above should mean, The year of the cat is here, money flow like river, and to wish peace and prosperity in what ever you do. Last sentence is, as usual, to wish a Happy New Year.

Chúc bạn có một bầu trời sức khỏe,
một biển cả tình thương,
một đại dương tình bạn,
một điệp khúc tình yêu,
một người yêu chung thủy,
một sự nghiệp sáng ngời,
một gia đình thịnh vượng.

The above should mean to wish you a firm (???, will appreciate any help on this) health, a sea of love, an ocean of friendship, a song of love, a faithful lover, a bright career, and a prosperous family.

Tân Mão vừa sang, (Cat Year is here ?)
hạnh phúc mênh mang, (immense happiness)
ý chí vững vàng, (strong willpower)
niềm vui rộn ràng, (i am guessing busy having fun)
tiền bạc lai láng, (overflowing money)
sức khỏe cường tráng, (robust health)
cả nhà cười vang, (everyone laughing?)
chúc mừng năm mới, (Happy New Year)
Gâu gâu gâu! (WTF?!?!?! i am guessing is animal sounds)
Anh sống thật lâu, (you live a long time)
tiền vô như nước, (money flow like water)
gia đình đại phước, (fortunate family)
sức khỏe dồi dào, (abundant health)
hạnh phúc tuôn trào! (overflowing happiness)

This is complicated. Will need some bros help on this.

Năm nay năm Tân Mão,
chúc bao điều thuận lợi,
chúc mọi người sống lâu,
chúc cả nhà sang giàu,
chúc anh em mạnh khỏe

The above should mean, this year is the cat year, wish many things to be favorable, everyone to live long, everyone to be rich, and wish you good health.

Apologies in advance for poor translation.

Hope that bros find this helpful. Just a little bit of work to thank the bros whom have helped in my past requests for translations. Apologies again if I have made anyone spoon feed me in the past.
Wow wow wow... great effort I salute you...
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Old 01-02-2011, 11:31 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

I will also up you for your efforts
Old 02-02-2011, 10:53 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

thanks very much to the big bros who upped me. hope to return the favor to you guys soon, and will continue to share with the bros here on my tieng viet learnings.

the collection will be up in a day or so....

to all bros....

chúc mừng năm mới,
Ngàn lần như ý,
tiền vô như nước,
cả nhà cười vang.
Old 02-02-2011, 10:56 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by shysaint View Post
Wow .. Bro ... You sure u just start to learn TV .....

I also don't know all this
its true i really just learnt. these are what i found not what i came up with haha.

in fact even now i can't really understand my bxa smses. will usually have to spend a few hours trying to understand, and had to go down to JC a few times to ask for help.

in fact i think today need to go down again haha. any bros up for a drink today?
Old 02-02-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by evoking88 View Post
its true i really just learnt. these are what i found not what i came up with haha.
As promised I have upped u. If u are hardworking, internet has many info for u to learn TV. Happy New Year to u too

Anyone can up him by 3 points so that he has POWER to reward ppl?
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Old 02-02-2011, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
As promised I have upped u. If u are hardworking, internet has many info for u to learn TV. Happy New Year to u too

Anyone can up him by 3 points so that he has POWER to reward ppl?
Thank you for your kind advice bro. Will continue to learn from books and the Internet.
Old 02-02-2011, 01:59 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by evoking88 View Post
Tân Mão vừa sang, (Cat Year is here ?)
hạnh phúc mênh mang, (immense happiness)
ý chí vững vàng, (strong willpower)
niềm vui rộn ràng, (i am guessing busy having fun)
tiền bạc lai láng, (overflowing money)
sức khỏe cường tráng, (robust health)
cả nhà cười vang, (everyone laughing?)
chúc mừng năm mới, (Happy New Year)
Gâu gâu gâu! (WTF?!?!?! i am guessing is animal sounds)
Anh sống thật lâu, (you live a long time)
tiền vô như nước, (money flow like water)
gia đình đại phước, (fortunate family)
sức khỏe dồi dào, (abundant health)
hạnh phúc tuôn trào! (overflowing happiness)

This is complicated. Will need some bros help on this.

Năm nay năm Tân Mão,
chúc bao điều thuận lợi,
chúc mọi người sống lâu,
chúc cả nhà sang giàu,
chúc anh em mạnh khỏe

The above should mean, this year is the cat year, wish many things to be favorable, everyone to live long, everyone to be rich, and wish you good health.
Have up u 8pts for your effort
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:14 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

I would like to wish everyone here :

Ja (Gia) dinh hanh phuc
An cu lac nghiep
Cung hi phat tai
Khang An thinh vuong
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