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Old 20-08-2015, 08:50 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by A1406 View Post
Bro to begin with. If she behave in this manner believe that she also know somehow it will lead to "eat outside". Ladies out here, agree with me or expect the husband to endure without it or DIY? And if the husband really did that is his fault???
Yes, of cos bro they certainly would know...but sad to say...many of them will prolly tell their unhappy hubbies..."try if u dare..see wat happens to you if you let me catch you" ...after tat it doesn't matter whose fault it is anymore...the "D" word would prolly be uttered by them..sigh
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Old 20-08-2015, 10:27 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by Rickey View Post
Yes, of cos bro they certainly would know...but sad to say...many of them will prolly tell their unhappy hubbies..."try if u dare..see wat happens to you if you let me catch you" ...after tat it doesn't matter whose fault it is anymore...the "D" word would prolly be uttered by them..sigh

Of course u dun do it and let them know but if she really know. For me is that I gave her a lot of chances and talk to her nicely but she get worse as time goes by instead of better. Settle by 'D' also the best solution. Just ask yourself this nonsense carry on your life time can you take it? First time gonna this kind of woman in my life! In a nutshell, I dun really care about how she feel if she even dun bother my feeling towards this issue!
Old 21-08-2015, 02:54 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Man keep pocket money for sex out side is a need,now a day island wide if full of FL or ML (website had nearly 2000 FL/ML online) they have the earning from us that we can not get at home.Everyday let said 1500 FL/ML each have 5 customer that mean 7500 man are having sex outside the house.
Old 21-08-2015, 02:12 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Completely opposite of my long term GF. Only wants to be on top and that's it. I love fucking FLs to bring excitement from other positions.

Originally Posted by Fishie View Post
This is probably strange but I've recently lost the drive for sex with my husband! And the worse thing is that we have just gotten married for a week. We are both relatively young (20s) but I am just so tired of sex with him!

I love sex. I think sex is THE most important pillar in a relationship. However, I've been the "one on top" for longer than I remember! At least 3.5 years to 4? We barely do any other position at all because he likes being lazy. Just like how sex occurs in this manner >> press me down to blow, rub him, either finish with him orally or I want it I will have to climb on top.

I barely remember the last time he actually played with me or sexually aroused me before all that. But we are still having sex at least twice a week. Just that I am getting significantly resistent to sex cause I barely derive anything out of it.

I've tried telling him that I like other positions or that I want more foreplay. Not happening. I've let him eat outside in hopes it'll spice things up and even a threesome. But sigh... We are back to square one.

How? What can I do?
Old 31-08-2015, 04:31 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by Fishie View Post
This is probably strange but I've recently lost the drive for sex with my husband! And the worse thing is that we have just gotten married for a week. We are both relatively young (20s) but I am just so tired of sex with him!

I love sex. I think sex is THE most important pillar in a relationship. However, I've been the "one on top" for longer than I remember! At least 3.5 years to 4? We barely do any other position at all because he likes being lazy. Just like how sex occurs in this manner >> press me down to blow, rub him, either finish with him orally or I want it I will have to climb on top.

I barely remember the last time he actually played with me or sexually aroused me before all that. But we are still having sex at least twice a week. Just that I am getting significantly resistent to sex cause I barely derive anything out of it.

I've tried telling him that I like other positions or that I want more foreplay. Not happening. I've let him eat outside in hopes it'll spice things up and even a threesome. But sigh... We are back to square one.

How? What can I do?
Hi SiS, Saw your previous posts asking how being a FL, I hope this is not 1 of the reason for such a thought? Take good care
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Old 02-09-2015, 03:13 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Well man and woman are different. More often than not, it's the woman who will dominate that they are different and play the victim card, demanding u have to do it their way aka " be understanding".
Man do not go telling everything to their friends for emo support. Woman has it easy and gossip with their friends. Society dictates man must able to look cool in all circumstances alone. It can be very lonely and no emotion fulfillment. That where sex comes in as emotion connection to their spouse and reassurance.
With so many man who feel moral obligation to stay with their spouse and result could be nasty. Having to beg for sex in bedroom and rejection. This is not something a man will talk about. It's a mental torture especially u stick to marriage vow and not eat outside. Pent up frustration, sadness, resentment. And lastly end up in Cold War and the rest is history. And wife will still said, it's your fault ....
And the kids will suffered and follow the same model from their parents.
Jeeze, I divorce lawyer as a more prospective $$$$..instead of been caught on this vicious cycle.
Please, it takes efforts from both parties. And farking bomb the TV station from screening night Korea soap opera! don't understand woman must pour so much emotion and care for farking actress marriage in con show and nothing for their life partner. Can file for divorce for adultery with tv show?
Old 04-09-2015, 03:40 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

From a wife's perspective, sometimes it's really tiring for us especially when we work, take care of the kids when hm, tuck em into bed. Prepare ingredients for next day breakfast and dinner, then finally time to turn in. After a long day, sometimes, the mojo really isn't there.

However, it's definitely not right to ignore the hubs need. If ignored, it's quite hard to fault em when they eat outside. For myself, I've 'caught' my hub visiting nightclubs couple of times. But, he dunno bout me knowing tho. I kept quiet bout it as i din want to create a big hooha.

Anyway, I recently met up with my ex, and one thing led to another... It's becoming quite a headache. The feeling for hub is no longer there. But, hanging on for the kids. Dunno when the bomb will explode... Sorry for the rant...just need to find an Ave to vent out.
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Old 04-09-2015, 06:05 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by nettybaby View Post
From a wife's perspective, sometimes it's really tiring for us especially when we work, take care of the kids when hm, tuck em into bed. Prepare ingredients for next day breakfast and dinner, then finally time to turn in. After a long day, sometimes, the mojo really isn't there.

However, it's definitely not right to ignore the hubs need. If ignored, it's quite hard to fault em when they eat outside. For myself, I've 'caught' my hub visiting nightclubs couple of times. But, he dunno bout me knowing tho. I kept quiet bout it as i din want to create a big hooha.

Anyway, I recently met up with my ex, and one thing led to another... It's becoming quite a headache. The feeling for hub is no longer there. But, hanging on for the kids. Dunno when the bomb will explode... Sorry for the rant...just need to find an Ave to vent out.
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Old 04-09-2015, 07:59 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by xiaosiami View Post
As I mentioned in another thread before. I cannot remember when was the last time we had sex. It's been so long that I forgot how her pussy looked like.

I wonder if I still can recognise it when I see it again, if I will ever see it again.
poor you. my bf and i fuck like rabbits. wonder whether this will change once we are married/
Old 04-09-2015, 11:30 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by luv2suck View Post
poor you. my bf and i fuck like rabbits. wonder whether this will change once we are married
Touch wood sis...but quite possible if both of you are not careful enough to continously love each other every day & not take each other for granted for a single moment, lovingly granting each other's wants & wishes...for the rest of yr married lives till ~~~...& NOT let a 3rd party intrude into yr marital relationship when sex with each other becomes boring & stale after some time & when problems crop up in the family like money & children's problems leading to quarrels, misunderstandings, violence & sometimes to extreme cases even murdering each other..etc, etc...

this problem of wife not wanting to hv sex wif their husbands after some time is not new & has been discussed many times in threads such as "Wife don't like sex", etc...hope the links provided below are helpful to bros/sis who are interested to know more about the problems of sex after marriage in detail...there are even a few cases of bros who said they fuck like rabbits b4 marriage but after married sex almost became zero ! those bros/sis NOT MARRIED YET..shd BEWARE & for their own benefit read the threads thoroughly thru all their pages b4 they get married & sign on the dotted line !!...Best wishes to all married couples & esp those couples intending to marry !!
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Last edited by Rickey; 05-09-2015 at 07:23 AM.
Old 05-09-2015, 03:19 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

We have all been told, or led to believe, that becoming a parent is a joyous thing. Well, maybe it was all a lie many parents are too ashamed to want to admit. It also would not surprise me that mostly women who have always wanted babies to later not want to admit/realize how much unhappiness, loss of self-esteem, personal freedom and career progression has happened due to having a baby.

Very recent research reveals that having a child can have a pretty strong negative impact on a person's happiness, according to a new study published in the journal Demography. In fact, on average, the effect of a new baby on a person's life in the first year is devastatingly bad — worse than divorce, worse than unemployment and worse even than the death of a partner.

Getting married, being intimate, and having plenty of sex (which is actually good for both men's and women's health, and can make us look several years younger - go Google it up) might be the happiest and healthiest part of marriage for many of us, but when all that sex causes conception, the little "monster" you created and brought into your lives, brings more unhappiness than divorce, loss of job, and death of a loved one.

If you wife is tired, stressed, and depressed since the arrival of baby, and does not want sex, this could be the best explanation.

The above article that researched into parenthood unhappiness is almost one-of-a-kind, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED reading, and probably good to spread around for others to read.

Last edited by maxman; 06-09-2015 at 03:23 AM.
Old 07-09-2015, 06:27 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by nettybaby View Post
Anyway, I recently met up with my ex, and one thing led to another... It's becoming quite a headache. The feeling for hub is no longer there. But, hanging on for the kids. Dunno when the bomb will explode... Sorry for the rant...just need to find an Ave to vent out.
Ouch, be careful there sis. Please keep a clear mind & divide Lust from Love.

We all stray but you need to set your priority right. I've got a few kids so know the pain of upbringing & most of the times, the mood for sex is simply extinguished. You guys need to take a break & go for 2D1N or longer holidays without the kids to re-ignite the fire.
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Old 07-09-2015, 06:45 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Thanks Bro porscheclub,

Feelings for the ex had rekindle and came back stronger than expected. He was my first love and also the man whom I gave my v to. It's very complicated. I had to leave him then as he was already engaged wo my knowledge initially, but, I continued in a moment of folly due to all SOP (cheating spouse should know) words and scenarios told to me. Eventually, the wife begged me to leave hence I left.

Now, him with 3 kids and still unhappy. I've encountered some incidences personally so am quite sure he's not faking it. Anyway, I'm not contemplating leaving my hub as I definitely dun want my kids to grow up in a broken family. Especially when I've a loving dad myself. I'm torn between love & list, obligations to my kids and family.

Originally Posted by porscheclub View Post
Ouch, be careful there sis. Please keep a clear mind & divide Lust from Love.

We all stray but you need to set your priority right. I've got a few kids so know the pain of upbringing & most of the times, the mood for sex is simply extinguished. You guys need to take a break & go for 2D1N or longer holidays without the kids to re-ignite the fire.
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:45 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

My current bf says that he just want a no string attached reln. i being a woman of course prefer marriage. and he say even after marriage, he prefer to keep the reln open meaning i am free to have sex with other men that i fancy and he can also have sex with other women. so what do you guys think about that. do you think that will work out?
Old 11-09-2015, 10:17 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by luv2suck View Post
he say even after marriage, he prefer to keep the reln open meaning i am free to have sex with other men that i fancy and he can also have sex with other women. so what do you guys think about that. do you think that will work out?
Do you have a choice? You make it sound like you have a choice. Other men willing to marry you meh?
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