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Re: Tagged lady
is a scam bro |
Re: Tagged lady
oh , thanks
Re: Tagged lady
I hv a few ctc i quite tired already cz long time no new fish gv me catch liao hege
So any bro gt cn pm me wv brief details n we cn exchange Dont sian me hor i very honest wan ok haha [email protected] My ctc gt 2 working ol 3 milf 35 yo n sad oni one syt T T |
FOff all bro who sian me
Will list down their nick ltr if still no sound no pic after i provide my tagged fb ctc |
Re: Tagged lady
This gal is still around... she claim to be a australian and chinese mixed, but the english that she was typing blew her cover.... i was just wondering which country are they from... Btw their club website is this http://www.moswesint.com/index.html anyone really got their card before? Here's what happen: Asking you to swipe your credit card at about 6 to 7 porn and dating sites membership. Claiming that as long you don't log in the site, you will not be charged as they have backend people making sure that your entry is in to ensure you will get your MOSWE Swinger Club Card after everything. After finishing the last site, which took almost half hour, she claimed that there was some error, asking if you have another card to try on a few sites that has error. I played along but only for 1 more site which is the cheapest.. after realising it going to be the same routine again on your second card, I began to play my pattern.... I told her my second card limit bust cannot carry on and I am not comfortable.. i want to wait and see if the charges really did not go to my card first then we proceed. Before we end, she claim that if the card really got charged, she has a way to help me with it. Day 2: Noontime got a call from my CC company asking if I used my card last night on various sites... I of cos tell them.... NO. Lucky thing I lost my wallet some time back but this card was not in the wallet... i basically claim that I lost my wallet and manage to verify the last transaction was quite some time ago... The operator help me change a new card and advice me if I recieved the bill with all the charges.. just write in a letter to them to settle... This part not yet done as have not recieve my bills.. so finger cross if I can successfully pull it through.. if not will be spending close to 1k to expose this scam haha. Back to main story.... at night She msg me again. I told her my card got charged and she offered me her brilliant solution. She said there was an old member who could help me get my card as long i pay some cash to her.. when i added this OLD MEMBER to msn and spoke to her, she claim that she is helping to expand the club awareness in............... and want me to transfer via western union $250 to ...................... And that was when their broken english in msn all make sense. They are from Philippines. Having almost got the info i want.. I began playing with them... I begged Chezka to help me pay for the $$ since its only a little amount and since "I will be getting it back" I happen to tell her before that I am in quite a bad financial shape owing debt, and I really did not have money to transfer now. I even posted my bank account screenshot showing only $140 in the account to show her.... in the end she say still must transfer but she help me with $120... (i was like loling.. so desperate, $130 also want) but i refuse to give in and started playing EMO... I said she bluff me, say want to be my partner but yet so little $$ also dun want to help... call her liar.. she start to say she is not and all and keep saying she trying to help me... In the end, the "OLD MEMBER" who happen to be the "boss" of the club say because i did not complete the process, I need to pay $1500!! And they have my data. I turn back and scream scammer at Chezka and said she did not tell me about that in the first place.. conversation ended with me having the last say and deleting them off my msn... 2 days later which is a while ago... this was the msg i received from her..Message: chezka: 2 hours ago ur unfinished proccess are boss is asking to pay the site Me: 2 hours ago its already deduct into my credit card!! what are u all still talking about? Firstly say won't deduct, lie to me. then tell me need to transfer cash first to phillipine, if i transfer become deduct from credit card and transfer cash. What other $$ u want? scamer! chezka: 2 hours ago u need to pay it .. coz u delayed the process u obey the rules to become a moswes so u need to do that .. if not our protector will find u and 1 day u will be in advertise coz of salvage Scammer turns violent and into threat haha... I guess they are not happy their time is being wasted... reported her to Tagged and Block her in Tagged. That's the whole story.. hope its not too long winded... Anyway.. anyone thinks that these people will really go all out to get me after these episode? Or i can just ignore them safely? ![]() |
Re: Tagged lady
alot of scammer in tagged. a lady/guy msged me in tagged asking me to chat with her in tagged. told her i was in the army and only had weekend to chat with her. added her just now and she start her scam on me. her tagged profile:http://www.tagged.com/profile.html?uid=5458305729
Conversation: 8:53:44 PM Jason Lim dianne Hey....Dianne right?? 8:56:11 PM Jason Lim dianne i received the message u sent me in tagged for chat request. using my blackberry. however cant chat with u til now cause i am serving the Army... 8:56:41 PM dianne Jason Lim were you from? 8:57:23 PM Jason Lim dianne im from Malaysia. chinese. now staying in singapre and serving their mandatory national service. i was actually born in Singapore. 8:58:01 PM Jason Lim dianne i dont know the malay language for nuts haha 8:58:04 PM Jason Lim dianne how bout u./. 8:58:06 PM Jason Lim dianne ???* 8:58:36 PM dianne Jason Lim im fron phill.but im here now in sg 8:58:58 PM Jason Lim dianne thats cool haha..for study or working purpose? 8:59:48 PM dianne Jason Lim working 8:59:57 PM dianne Jason Lim how old are you? 9:00:12 PM Jason Lim dianne going 22 in few more months... 9:00:35 PM dianne Jason Lim ohh ic whats your name/ 9:00:48 PM dianne Jason Lim were are you in sg? 9:00:59 PM Jason Lim dianne chinese name is ______ is dianne your real name? 9:01:08 PM Jason Lim dianne i stay in ______ 9:01:15 PM Jason Lim dianne where do u stay? 9:01:17 PM dianne Jason Lim yea 9:01:25 PM dianne Jason Lim im here in bedok 9:01:32 PM Jason Lim dianne oh. bedok is a nice place 9:01:42 PM Jason Lim dianne nice food over there 9:01:47 PM dianne Jason Lim yea 9:01:54 PM Jason Lim dianne but dunno suit u or not haha 9:02:00 PM Jason Lim dianne i mean the food* 9:02:26 PM Jason Lim dianne u r 21?? 9:03:15 PM Jason Lim dianne u came here for hw many years alr?? 9:03:41 PM dianne Jason Lim 5monyhs only 9:03:53 PM Jason Lim dianne ohh thats abit of short haha 9:03:58 PM Jason Lim dianne what you working as?? 9:04:34 PM dianne Jason Lim sales lady 9:04:42 PM Jason Lim dianne cool.. 9:04:44 PM dianne Jason Lim and i do escort 9:04:48 PM Jason Lim dianne icic 9:05:05 PM Jason Lim dianne escort is good money 9:05:20 PM dianne Jason Lim maybe 9:05:27 PM Jason Lim dianne what kind of escort u do?? bringing tourist to tour singapore?? 9:05:43 PM dianne Jason Lim no 9:05:46 PM dianne Jason Lim have fun 9:06:08 PM Jason Lim dianne have fun is quite broad...hm... 9:06:09 PM Jason Lim dianne lol 9:06:38 PM dianne Jason Lim you wanna have fun? 9:06:44 PM Jason Lim dianne yea... 9:06:53 PM Jason Lim dianne everybody does i suppose 9:07:13 PM dianne Jason Lim but you nedd to get vip pass first 9:07:16 PM Jason Lim dianne stuck in camp for 5 days straight arent fun 9:07:24 PM Jason Lim dianne vip pass?? 9:07:27 PM dianne Jason Lim ohh 9:07:30 PM dianne Jason Lim yea 9:07:36 PM Jason Lim dianne how does it work 9:08:23 PM dianne Jason Lim vip pass means to get me out and to have fun also just for 1whole day 9:09:57 PM Jason Lim dianne how much u charge for one day of fun 9:10:33 PM dianne Jason Lim 100sgd 9:11:33 PM Jason Lim dianne ok that a very decent pricing 9:11:52 PM Jason Lim dianne but i need to know what u dont do in escort 9:12:01 PM Jason Lim dianne fun is very broad as u know 9:12:30 PM dianne Jason Lim what you mean? 9:12:52 PM Jason Lim dianne to some ppl...having fun maybe having sexual course with the person 9:12:58 PM Jason Lim dianne to some ppl ...having fun is clubbing 9:13:00 PM dianne Jason Lim if you pay my charge you can do what ever you want in me 9:13:35 PM Jason Lim dianne whatever?? including having sex with u ?? 9:13:42 PM dianne Jason Lim yes 9:13:43 PM Jason Lim dianne pardon me =. 9:14:03 PM Jason Lim dianne are you for sure?? 9:14:17 PM dianne Jason Lim yes 9:14:24 PM Jason Lim dianne i am keen 9:14:27 PM Jason Lim dianne =/ 9:14:45 PM dianne Jason Lim keen is your what? 9:14:59 PM Jason Lim dianne want to hire u for one day 9:15:14 PM Jason Lim dianne ur one day is 24hours or ?? 9:15:20 PM dianne Jason Lim so you need to pay myadmin 9:15:27 PM dianne Jason Lim yea 9:15:36 PM Jason Lim dianne i meet u then pay u ?? 9:15:48 PM Jason Lim dianne i dun trust anything that need to pay online beforehand 9:16:05 PM dianne Jason Lim no need to pay me you need to pay my admin for my vip pass 9:16:17 PM Jason Lim dianne ok we can do that in lan shop 9:16:22 PM Jason Lim dianne cyber cafe 9:16:25 PM Jason Lim dianne when we meet 9:16:34 PM Jason Lim dianne are u cool with that 9:17:10 PM dianne Jason Lim tomorrow morning you need to pay my admin cos w/o paying my admin i cant go out 9:17:38 PM Jason Lim dianne sorry once again....i dont trust your words as i heard from a forum about this scam 9:17:48 PM Jason Lim dianne and its basic common sense 9:18:07 PM Jason Lim dianne i will pay you only when i meet u 9:18:13 PM Jason Lim dianne we can meet at cyber cafe if u wan 9:18:55 PM dianne Jason Lim soory i cant go out w/o havibg vip pass 9:19:26 PM Jason Lim dianne whats the vip pass u talking bout 9:19:32 PM Jason Lim dianne give me the info and i shall consider 9:21:08 PM dianne Jason Lim VIP PASS--->>that is ur request from my company for i can take a leave here at my work and we can meet... 9:21:47 PM Jason Lim dianne ok. then where do i pay the vip pass 9:22:24 PM dianne Jason Lim you need to pay my admin by tranfering 9:23:05 PM Jason Lim dianne and where is ur admin 9:23:53 PM dianne Jason Lim now shes in the phillipines got meeting with her co admin 9:24:01 PM Jason Lim dianne ha.. 9:24:03 PM Jason Lim dianne ok.. 9:24:11 PM Jason Lim dianne then i will wait til she comes back to singapore 9:24:37 PM Jason Lim dianne miss...if you think men think with their small head you are so wrong 9:24:51 PM Jason Lim dianne we do have needs, but not desperate til that stage 9:25:00 PM dianne Jason Lim ok 9:25:19 PM dianne Jason Lim its up to youif dont understand 9:25:20 PM Jason Lim dianne dont worry ur tagged account and msn will be well known in a few days.... 9:25:49 PM Jason Lim dianne if you say u cant go out because i need to pay ur admin thats bullshit 9:25:59 PM Jason Lim dianne u gt hands and legs 9:26:04 PM Jason Lim dianne and she is in phillpines 9:26:13 PM Jason Lim dianne how can she control u 9:26:20 PM Jason Lim dianne when she is overseas 9:26:47 PM Jason Lim dianne if you can explain this then i will pay ur $100 9:26:49 PM Jason Lim dianne even more 9:27:20 PM dianne Jason Lim shes monitor us here cos of her staff here im our house 9:29:22 PM Jason Lim dianne ok. but i can go up to the house and pay if thats the case. 9:30:21 PM dianne Jason Lim you can go but you never see me here when you dont have pass in you hand 9:31:00 PM Jason Lim dianne lol. i pay the $100 through online and i have pass? so how do i get this pass when i pay $100 9:31:58 PM dianne Jason Lim if pay already you need to tell to myadmin the details how to ge the payment 9:32:26 PM dianne Jason Lim then she call you and tell the code for the pass 9:32:45 PM Jason Lim dianne thats a joke. 9:33:02 PM Jason Lim dianne so in the end i still have to go up ur house and pas the code 9:33:10 PM Jason Lim dianne doesnt make any sense miss/sir 9:33:26 PM Jason Lim dianne i request a webcam 9:33:39 PM Jason Lim dianne to assure u r the person on the profile pic 9:33:40 PM Jason Lim dianne u dare? 9:34:27 PM dianne Jason Lim lol 9:34:55 PM Jason Lim dianne ok u gotta say u gt no webcam 9:34:56 PM Jason Lim dianne ouch 9:35:07 PM dianne Jason Lim if you want i can go to your placeifmy admin tell about your pass 9:35:40 PM Jason Lim dianne OMG either u are a retard and dun understand or u simply just pushing ur luck 9:36:03 PM dianne Jason Lim ok nvm this havr togo 9:36:22 PM Jason Lim dianne i rather use the $100 and go batam and book one girl for one whole night and fuck the shit out of her pussy 9:36:39 PM Jason Lim dianne using $100 to fuck to ur profile pic 9:36:42 PM Jason Lim dianne sorry...too ep 9:36:44 PM Jason Lim dianne exp 9:37:25 PM Jason Lim dianne better wake up ur idea miss 9:40:17 PM Jason Lim dianne webcam? 9:40:18 PM Jason Lim dianne now? 9:40:22 PM Jason Lim dianne why avoiding it 9:40:41 PM dianne Jason Lim i dont have it was connected in my site 9:41:26 PM Jason Lim dianne then too bad 9:41:31 PM Jason Lim dianne sorry 9:41:53 PM Jason Lim dianne u go fly kite 9:42:03 PM dianne Jason Lim you first 9:42:09 PM Jason Lim dianne mother fucker 9:42:17 PM dianne Jason Lim you 9:42:20 PM Jason Lim dianne ha 9:42:21 PM Jason Lim dianne knew it 9:42:34 PM Jason Lim dianne some guy behind the screen 9:42:42 PM Jason Lim dianne acting 21 female 9:42:49 PM Jason Lim dianne go fuck urself la ccb BE WARNED OF HER.
Life is short ![]() |
Re: Tagged lady
Beware of this one also:- http://www.tagged.com/profile.html?uid=5458354861 Same scam for Swinger party and claimed to be organising in SG at Marriott Hotel somemore. bla bla bla........... Same like bro fastfurious, asked her to meet first and always act blurr and keep talking about registering at their site... |
Re: Tagged lady
Dude, this chick is Celestina Tiew leh.... not some LJ mixed chick.
My Belief: Ba Chai women are just born horny. I have known them, friend them, touch them, fuck them. ![]() |
Re: Tagged lady
Ahh.. indeed. So I can now report her for Stealing identity too huh?
lesson to be learnt by all tagged users... DO NOT SIMPLY ACCEPTING MEET ME MATCHES JUST TO FILL YOUR FREIND LIST!!!
Re: Tagged lady
a bit OT.
anyone with fat MILF fetish can try this: http://www.wholivesnearyou.com/viewp...username=Sheda ![]() not for me... i prefer slimmer gals.
Goodu going into semi retirement... |
Re: Tagged lady
Re: Tagged lady
u need to register on the site first to view profile.
Goodu going into semi retirement... |
Re: Tagged lady
Live life n enjoy life! |
Re: Tagged lady
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