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Old 18-05-2012, 03:45 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

wooot good stuff
Old 18-05-2012, 07:16 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Jason and I headed to East Point in his car. I decided not to drive and could always take a bus back later. Over lunch at KFC, I told him what had happened. His reaction was not unexpected.

J: So you finally got a piece of that ass.

Me: I didn't want to.

J: Doesn't matter. The fact is you did, and now the floodgates have opened. Plus what you're telling me about Shirley is rather interesting...

Me: She's changed alot. Like drastically. I really didn't expect this from her.

J: What's the big issue? You get to sleep with both of them, satisfy your own needs, and not have to worry about any emotional attachment! I think it's a win-win situation.

Me: Have you gone mad bro? When I left Shirley it was because of this. I couldn't stop sleeping with others. When I broke up with Diane and afterwards, I really wanted to change. I haven't even slept with your sister for quite some time!

J: I didn't need to know that. But this might actually work out for you. Rediscover your feelings for Shirley or something. If it doesn't work out, there's always Diane.

Me: You've got to be kidding.

J: I'm sure you can satisfy both of them. And I doubt they'll want it at the same time. At least make them happy?

Me: What about me?

J: What about you? You were never really an emotional person, especially after your first girlfriend. Then you met Tanya and Charmaine and Nicole and whoever else you've been sleeping with. I don't recall you being emotionally affected. Why now?

Me: I woke up? I can't be going around sleeping with girls and not looking the someone that I wanna be with for the rest of my life right?

J: I'm pretty certain you told me before that Shirley is that someone.

Me: The situation changed.

J: How so? Just because she's pregnant? Just because she's been used? Look around you. Tell me where you're gonna find a virgin these days. And so what if the kid isn't yours? You said Shirley said it didn't matter, just as long as you're together. This shows that she still has feelings for you. Very deep feelings.

Me: Even so.

J: Even if it doesn't work out eventually, look at it this way. You'd be having loads of sex with two hot girls without them wanting you to marry them. And didn't you tell me something about a six year pact with Jenny? There's your alternative.

Me: I told you about it? I don't remember.

J: Yes you did. And frankly it sounds really desperate on the part of Jenny. And even if this doesn't work out, you'll be only 34. Still loads of time to the right one. And guess what, even if you still can't find the right one, you can buy your own flat when you're 35 and be a swinging bachelor!

Me: Well, thanks for planning out my life for me.

J: Not a problem.

Me: I was being sarcastic.

J: So was I.

Me: Right.

J: Anyway, I'm sure you will be able to find someone eventually. You've been with so many girls before, maybe one of them actually had deeper feelings for you?

I thought about Tanya, who was now married, Charmaine, whom I have no idea where she was or what she was doing, Nicole, who I have not contacted for a damn long time and do not dare to. Then there were the brief flings with my ex-boss, who is now approaching 40, the student nurse when I was in hospital, and the various other girls in between which I have not written about due to memory loss from the accident.

Me: I think you're right.

J: That's the spirit! Now what are you going to do?

Me: That's a very good question.

J: You don't have to tell me. Just make sure you're happy doing it.

We finished our lunch and Jason went back to his fiancee's place, leaving me to my own devices.

I decided that since I was moving back to Shirley's place, I might as well make myself as comfortable as possible.

I headed to the third level and stood between Challenger and the game shop next to it. I was not really a console gamer so I entered Challenger to check out if there were any deals available. Almost immediately, I was accosted by a laptop promoter.

LP: Brother, looking for a laptop?

Me: Not really.

LP: Come I give you good deal. This one only $899, Lenovo, got discrete graphics card. Do you play games?

Me: Some games.

LP: This one good. Confirm can play Battlefield, Modern Warfare all that, but not on max settings.

Me: I'm more into RPGs.

LP: RPGs? Can also. This one can play Diablo 3. Coming out next week.

Me: It is?

LP: Ya la. I wait so long.

I stared at the guy, he appeared to be in his late teens, which would mean he was probably in lower Primary when Diablo 1 & 2 were launched.

Me: You played Diablo?

LP: No la. But everyone going to play D3, might as well join them.

I looked at the specs of the laptop. It did not appear very appealing.

Me: I'll think about it.

LP: Come on la brother. I throw in free ten-in-one accessories and antivirus.

Me: It's ok.

I left before he could say anything else. Besides, I could always get a desktop from Sim Lim Square. And I was seriously considering getting Diablo 3.

Before I left East Point, I dropped by the Watsons and bought an obscene amount of condoms, lubricant and even some vibrating cock rings.

I guess I had already decided that I was going to be a fucker. Literally.
Old 18-05-2012, 09:44 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

simply love ur story!!!! and btw if u really need a new laptop,pm mi i can give u even better prices... haha just for u the best thread tat i have read in 2012
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 18-05-2012, 09:59 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

im hooked!

armed with condoms, lubricants and sorts, i cant wait to see whats gonna happen next!
A Leo lady is the Queen of the Zodiac.
Always remember to be generous with your time, money, love & affection when dealing with her.
She is a dominating female who loves to see her man enjoying her blowjobs and pleading for more.
Old 18-05-2012, 10:14 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

quite colorful sex life
I never got to be raped by anyone
Not in this life anymore
maybe next life if there is such a thing as rebirth
Old 18-05-2012, 11:51 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by Tai_zi21 View Post
simply love ur story!!!! and btw if u really need a new laptop,pm mi i can give u even better prices... haha just for u the best thread tat i have read in 2012
Oops.. Sorry. I bought a DIY desktop from Sim Lim... But thanks for the offer...
Old 18-05-2012, 11:53 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by rubberduckygirl View Post
im hooked!

armed with condoms, lubricants and sorts, i cant wait to see whats gonna happen next!
Erm. It's just in case. This happened over the labour day holiday. Nothing unusual has happened since then... Not with them anyway...
Old 18-05-2012, 11:54 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by callmebad View Post
quite colorful sex life
I never got to be raped by anyone
Not in this life anymore
maybe next life if there is such a thing as rebirth
Trust me. You DO NOT want to get raped. Whether you're a guy or girl. There's something really psychologically damaging about it... I can't explain it though.
Old 19-05-2012, 12:22 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I headed home to dump the stuff I bought. Shirley and Diane were still chatting in the living room. I purposely placed the Watsons bag on the coffee table.

S: Have you had lunch? We ordered pizza.

The busybody Diane looked through the bag.

D: Oh my.

She emptied the contents onto the table.

S: Wow.

Diane held up the bottle of lube.

D: Do you seriously think we need this?

Me: Some holes aren't self-lubricating.

S: Erm.

D: You mean your own asshole?

Me: How about yours?

D: Hmm. I never said I was letting you in there.

Me: I never said I was going in there.

Shirley picked up the cock-rings.

S: I remember these...

Me: You do? Excellent.

D: So many packs of condoms? You think you're gonna do it a few times a day?

Me: Just being prepared. Besides who said I'm having sex with you?

I glanced at Shirley. She appeared to be turning a little red.

S: Me then?

Me: Nope. This is just in case anything happens. I'll not be your sex slave and I won't do it just for the sake of doing it. But if it happens, at least I'm prepared.

D: Damn. I thought I was going to be having some fun...

Me: I really don't want to be that kind of guy anymore. But I'll go with the flow. You moving in here permanently as well?

D: Nope. Just hanging around now and then. What kind of guy are you referring to?

Me: The kind that looks after my own needs first. The kind that will stick his dick into you whether you're wet or not. The kind that will sleep with both of you at the same time, multiple times.

D: Kinky.

Me: I just said I'm not gonna be that guy.

I turned to Shirley.

Me: And if we're going to be having sex, we better do it carefully and safely, I don't want to hurt you or the baby.

S: Ok.

Me: But that does not guarantee that we'll be having sex ok? If it happens then it happens, if it doesn't, be glad I didn't run away because of this fucked-up situation.

D: But you can have sex with me anytime you want, anyway you want.

Me: Bitch, don't think so highly of yourself. I'm still pissed about last night.

D: Fuck me back then. Use me the way I used you.

Me: Interesting offer. But no. We'll see how things go.

D: My vibrators are way more fun than you.

Me: Then use your damn vibrators. I'm here to be with Shirley, not you.

D: Fine.

S: Ok. I'm glad you're staying. Really.

Me: Just don't ask for too much.

S: Ok.

Me: Anyway I'm heading to Sim Lim to get a new computer. You need anything?

S: What's wrong with your current laptop?

Me: It's old. And there's a game coming out which I might wanna play. And I haven't really splurged on myself for awhile.

S: I can pay for the new computer if you want...

Me: No it's ok. You have your own expenses to worry about.

S: My dad still gives me money. Plus with what I saved while working, I really don't need to worry about money for quite awhile.

Me: Really it's ok.

D: He doesn't want to feel like a gigolo.

I wanted to retort but Diane was partly right.

Me: Whatever you say. Let me know if you need anything.

S: Will you be back for dinner?

Me: Maybe. Take it as no for now. I'm going back to camp to grab the rest of my stuff. Maybe meet a friend.

S: You working tomorrow?

Me: Yes.

S: Ok. I'll see you later then.

Me: Alright. Enjoy your pizza.

I turned to Diane.

Me: Bye bitch.

She flashed her middle finger at me.

Deep inside, I really wondered how this arrangement was going to work.

I headed back to camp to grab some of my stuff. Coincidentally, Alex was the guard commander on duty and he was chatting with the sentry at the barrier. I flashed my camp pass. Alex came up to the driver side window.

A: Oi dickhead. What're you doing here? Public holiday leh.

Me: Clearing my stuff la. I'm moving back with Shirley.

A: Who's Shirley? I thought you were with some tua neh bu?

Me: Long story.

A: I got until tomorrow.

Me: Fuck you la. I'll tell you another day.

I tried to signal to the sentry to raise the security barrier but Alex told him not to.

Me: KNN. Don't waste my time la.

A: Just tell me la. The tua neh bu available or not.

Me: Bro, you have a girlfriend.

A: Nevermind one la. Fuck only what.

Me: No. I won't let you do that.

A: Then I don't let you in lor.

Me: CCB. Don't be so childish.

A: Sharing is caring la.

Sentry: Sergeant! What's going on? Do I let him in or not?

A: No! Wait until I tell you to.

Me: You fucker.

Sentry: Sergeant! He officer how? I don't want kena extra.

A: He lower rank than me la.

Me: Shithead.

A: Really what.

Me: Fuck you. Let me in. I still got other places to go.

A: Don't want.

Me: KNNBCCB! You want me to come out and beat you up?

A: I got a rifle with live rounds. I'm authorized to use deadly force to neutralize any threats.

Me: Fuck you la. Go read the the ROE again.

A: Share leh...

I was seriously about to get of the car when I saw a familiar car pulling up behind me. It was my CO.

Me: Haha. Now you have to let me in.

A: Fuck.

Alex signalled to the sentry and the barrier was raised. I drove through and saw him acknowledging our CO.

Laughing to myself, I drove to my company line and parked by the side. The COS on duty was smoking just outside the company office. He almost dropped his cigarette.

Me: Oi! Go smoking point la. CO just came back also!

COS: Sorry sergeant!

He extinguished his stick and tossed it into the drain. I shook my head and ran up to my bunk to pack my things.

Half an hour later, I dragged my Ali Baba bag with my civilian items to my car. The COS was outside smoking again, but this time he was at the smoking point.

COS: Bye sergeant!

I waved to him and got into the car.

As I approached the gate, I cursed my luck as Alex was there again.

As expected, he refused to let me out.

Me: Motherfucker!

A: Step out of the vehicle. I'm doing a 100% check.

Me: Since when is this the guard commanders job?

A: I like to do mah. Not happy ah? Complain lor.

Me: You fucking childish piece of shit.

A: Gimme her number la...

Me: No.

A: Selfish.

Me: If you really want to know her, go clubbing and try your luck lor.

A: On.

Me: Try Powerhouse, Zouk, Butter Factory.

A: Eh. Zhun bo? You just named a few random popular clubs.

Me: You try lor. I already told you. Now let me out.

A: Ok lor.

He signalled to the sentry and soon I was out and on my way to Sim Lim Square.
Old 19-05-2012, 01:03 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Arriving at Sim Lim Square, I was reminded why I should never drive there on a public holiday. I waited almost 20 minutes to enter the car park, and another 20 to get a parking lot. I could have parked elsewhere, but the prospect of lugging around a desktop if I decided to purchase one was not very appealing.

I gathered pricelists as usual and headed to the food court for a smoke and to analyze the pricelists. I decided to be lazy and let the shop assemble the computer for me. All in all, I spent almost $2k, inclusive of a 24" monitor. I then hung around for another hour or so while they assembled and tested the PC.

While I was walking aimlessly around. I thought I saw someone familiar. I moved closer for a look.

Natalie was at Sim Lim Square too. I remembered how she glared at me the last time I saw her so I pretended to walk past uninterestedly. It did not work.

Nat: Oi!

She grabbed my arm. I turned around.

Me: Oh hello.

Nat: So dao. Dunno how to say hi?

Me: I just did.

Nat: Lame.

Me: Didn't recognize you.

Nat: Yeah right. Fuck all my holes still can say don't recognize.

Me: It's been what, ten years?

Nat: Ya lor. You never called since then. Thought you died.

Me: Right. How's your sister?

Nat: Nic ah? She was very sad. Because of you.

Me: Oh.

Nat: Take her virginity then run away. Coward.

Me: Erm.

Nat: Kidding la.

Me: Huh?

Nat: Ok la. She was sad. She wondered how come you left so suddenly. Think she did like you.

Me: Hmmm.

Nat: Why you never contact her ah?

Me: Scared. And regretted that night.

Nat: Regret what? I had so much fun!

Me: What about her?

Nat: You almost converted her. She had one boyfriend after that.

I suddenly realised that we were chatting in the middle of nowhere.

Me: You wanna to somewhere else to talk?

Nat: Go where?

Me: Food court?

Nat: Ok lor.

We headed to the food court and I got another coffee and a soft drink for Natalie.

Nat: Wah. So fast buying me drinks liao ah?

Me: I thought you might be thirsty since you talk so much.

Nat: Thanks hor.

Me: So you were saying Nicole had a boyfriend?

Nat: Ya. Some guy from school la. Look like chao ah beng. Lasted two months.

Me: Then?

Nat: Then what? Break lor. Get married ah?

Me: No la. Why did you say I almost converted her?

Nat: After that no more boyfriends. Two girlfriends.

Me: I see. So what's she doing now?

Nat: She's a teacher. HOD soon I think.

Me: Wow.

Nat: You leh? Look so fit. Must be army or police.

Me: Army.

Nat: Wah. Sign on. I like...

Me: So what are you doing?

Nat: Believe it or not. I'm a teacher too.

Me: You still speak like an ah lian.

Nat: Cannot meh? I'm not an English teacher. And I teach in primary school.

Me: Unbelievable.

Nat: Fine. I shall speak the queens English then.

Me: There's no need to. I understand you perfectly fine.

Nat: Is that so my good man?

Me: Yes.

Nat: Ok lor. So you're buying a computer?

Me: Yeah. Bought it already. Waiting for it to be assembled.

Nat: I see. Wanna help me look for one too?

Me: You're buying a computer too?

Nat: Feel like. My laptop's like shit. Provided by the school. Super laggy.

Me: Budget? Usage?

Nat: $500?

Me: Er. That's possible. But you might not be able to do much. Maybe word processing, watching online videos.

Nat: That's good enough.

I whipped out the pricelists and configured one for her.

Me: Monitor?

Nat: No need. Got a TV in my room.

Me: Ok, so you need HDMI output.

Nat: Yep.

Me: You wanna pay cash or by card? If cash I'll try to ask for discount, since I just bought a PC from them.

Nat: Cash then. And can you send me home after that? You drove right?

Me: How did you know I drive?

Nat: Regular sure got car la.

Me: Right.

Nat: I've got a car too. But it's crazy to drive here.

Me: Tell me about it.

Nat: So can or not?

Me: Ok I'll send you home.

Nat: Then maybe you can catch up with Nic too. I bet she misses you.

Me: I'll be lucky if she doesn't castrate me.

Nat: She won't la. I think some of her ex girlfriends hurt her more than you.

Me: She's still les?

Nat: I really don't know. She's been single for the past 5 years. Concentrating on her career.

Me: What about you? Concentrating on your career too?

Nat: Are you asking if I'm still single?

Me: No. I'm assuming you're still single. No ring on your finger. Still trying to act cute maybe because you want to attract guys. And if you were attached, your boyfriend would be the one helping you buy the computer.

Nat: Ok. You're quite smart and observant. For an army boy.

Me: Are you saying army regulars are dumb fucks?

Nat: Well yes. The ones I meet while clubbing anyway. You an officer?

Me: Nope. Specialist.

Nat: Oh? What do you specialize in?

I looked at her incredulously.

Me: It's a term used to describe sergeants and above.

Nat: I know that. I'm just acting cute.

Me: Acting cute is not gonna get you any guys. Guys that would be good for you anyway...

Nat: Haha. Ok. I'll keep that in mind.

I finished my coffee.

Me: Let's to get your computer.
Old 19-05-2012, 01:13 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Wow your life is really damned interesting with many twists and turns.
Old 19-05-2012, 10:20 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans -john lennon

intriguing, definitely can't complain that your life is mundane
Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won't either.
Old 19-05-2012, 10:31 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

camping for more!
See this pinoy MILF HERE !
Old 19-05-2012, 09:50 PM
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Love your story ts....this is the best man bro
Old 21-05-2012, 10:53 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

awesome story bro! waiting for ur next installment!
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