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Old 14-11-2013, 05:37 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

3some.... Omg... My fav
Old 15-11-2013, 01:29 AM
battle66 battle66 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by robinsee View Post
My thought too, given the fact that Claire is brushing off his question. She must have done something erotic in bangkok....
Can't wait for next installment....l.
Old 15-11-2013, 12:47 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

New invitation required.......

I hereby invite our Hardaway 1818 back for more.........
BigBoy 2
Old 17-11-2013, 02:30 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Nice. Have been reading this for 3 days and now am camping here for more.
Old 18-11-2013, 06:15 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Saturday afternoon
Venue: Cafetaria meeting Mark

“Hey Buddy, sorry I am late.”

“No worries Mark. You seem busy recently. What have you been busy with? So hard to reach you.”

“Is it? Nothing lah. Just the same old stuff. What’s up?”

“I have an interesting situation on hand right now. Think you are the best person to help.”

“Got more business for me? I thought you have taken care of that creep George? Still got good lobang for me? Would love more assignments like the previous one, where I had such a good time with Jenny. Wah just thinking about it made me steamed.”

“Haha you bastard. Always thinking about girls.”

“Hey buddy, I don’t have a pretty wife like you. I need to take care of a normal guy’s needs too haha.”

“Get yourself a wife then?”

“Aiya where to find a pretty wife like yours? All the good ones are already other people’s wives. Just look at all the pretty wives like Jenny, Elaine. And of course your wife Claire, and not forgetting that pretty sister-in-law Phoebe of yours. Made me so envious haha.”

“Haha enough crap. It’s you who refuses to be tied down. Anyway, I ask you out today to check on this.”

I take out the blue envelope and show it to Mark.

“Hmmmm interesting. The same trick of yours. You did this?”

“Of course not. If it’s me, why would I be bothered by it?”

“So there is another guy who knows this and is trying to get Claire?”

“Seems like.”

“Hmmmmm who can it be? George? Raymond? Or that Ang Mo boss of yours? Anyone else knows this trick?”

“Not that I can think of other than those you mentioned. But I don’t think it’s any one of them. The weirdest thing is that this is sent to Claire’s sister, Carol’s house. How would they know that Claire is staying at Carol’s place?”

“Ok. Let me check this out and let you know.”

“Thanks Mark. I shall leave this with you. Call me once you got any news.”
Old 18-11-2013, 06:20 PM
Icebreg79 Icebreg79 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Glad to see u back TS!! 😄😄😄
Old 18-11-2013, 07:04 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday evening
Venue: Hotel Ball

Almost a month has passed since Claire moves back home. Everything has more or less gone back to normal. I am finally enjoying my family life with my lovely wife again.

At work, Michelle has indeed gotten the promotion ahead of James. Obviously James is very disappointed but he has accepted it graciously. Michelle is of course elated with the promotion. She has taken over George’s position and our two teams are working more cordially with each other than before. Michelle has not forgotten her roots and is always very respectful towards me.

With Claire back to my side, I am already very contented and have brushed aside all the illicit thoughts about the other women who have almost come into my lives.

I have tried my best to forget how Michelle has gotten her promotion, her one night rendezvous in office with Stuart.

At my father’s place, whenever we go back for dinner with my brother, Phoebe does not act any differently in front of us. It seems like she never knew about what happened at Elaine’s house that night. I have also acted as if nothing has ever happened. Well, of course, after each time I met Phoebe, I have to go home to masturbate to the images of that sexiest night in my life. Other than that, nothing else out of the norm.

I have no idea what happened to Jenny. And I have not stayed in contact with Elaine.

Everything seems to be well again and back to normal.

The only question mark lingering over our heads right now is the Invitation by The Exclusive Club. Mark has yet to achieve any progress on that matter.

Putting that matter aside, everything is going well for me. In fact, tonight is an important night for me. I have been nominated as the Top Private Banker of the Year and I and Claire are going to an awards ceremony tonight to receive the award.

The awards ceremony is an industry event where the luminaries from the Finance and Banking Industry will be here.

We enter the ballroom. The gala ball has already started. The men are all in tuxedo and the ladies in their evening gowns. Everyone is well dressed up for this very prestigious night. People are mingling and networking in small crowds, with the waiters doing their rounds with finger food and drinks on trays.

I introduce Claire to my co-workers and some of my associates in the industry. I am just thinking in my head that it’s a good thing that Raymond is not senior enough to represent our bank for this event. It would be awkward for Claire to see him.

“Hi Stuart, this is my wife Claire.”

“Oh nice to meet you Claire. I am Stuart. Wow Wilson, you have a very pretty wife.”

After the quick introduction, I move Claire to elsewhere, away from my lecher boss Stuart. I would not want that guy near my pretty wife.

“Hey Wilson, Claire! I didn’t know you are here as well.” Someone is calling us from our back.

We turn back and see Carol and Zac, my sister-in-law and her husband.

“Hi Zac, you guys are here as well.”
Old 18-11-2013, 08:37 PM
reflexk reflexk is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Wow bro Hardaway, thanks for the update! You never fail to make me Hard even without any sexual content

Keep it cumming!
I have a PhD - Perpetually hard Dick.
Old 18-11-2013, 10:11 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Hey bro TS, appreciate the double post in a day. Keep up or better still increase the posting frequency. Trust most of your regular have been patiently awaiting your creation. I am still awiting your story to turn very good to fantastic before I forgot the front part from the long wait.

Keep up the good work.
Old 18-11-2013, 10:12 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by reflexk View Post
Wow bro Hardaway, thanks for the update! You never fail to make me Hard even without any sexual content

Keep it cumming!
Bro reflexk, I concur with you.

Bro hardaway stories are always capable of mind-fucking us. That's the hallmark of the best writers!

Something exciting is brewing. Double-track with the Invitation and the thing with Carol and husband
Old 19-11-2013, 10:27 AM
tuikboo tuikboo is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Bro, new day ,new post ?
Old 19-11-2013, 02:49 PM
82Million 82Million is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Keep it cumming bro... awesome write up as always!
Old 19-11-2013, 03:31 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Camping here great job on the story
Pls do up me if u think i deserve it



My all time fav sex story (Read it i'm sure u won't regret it)

Old 19-11-2013, 03:41 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
Time: Saturday morning
Venue: Elaine’s house

5.20 am

I have just had the biggest orgasm in my life, unloading my hot cum into my sister-in-law, Phoebe’s raw pussy. Best of all, she is dead drunk and totally clueless about it.

I pull my satisfied cock out of her drenched pussy. I can feel the sticky cum and her love juices on my dick. Need something to clean my cock but I can’t see a thing in the pitch dark room.

I move stealthily to the door and leave it ajar to let a bit of the outside light in. At least the faint light allows me to see vaguely in the darkness.

There is a box of tissue on the side table beside the bed. Great, that’s what I need to clean my wet and sticky dick, coated with my cum and Phoebe’s juices.

Just when I am about to reach the tissue box, something else catches my attention. It is Phoebe in naked view.

Although I have already fucked and unloaded my cum into her, I have done that unknowingly in pitch darkness. This is the first time I am seeing a naked Phoebe.

She is stunning. Her small breasts and tiny bush are bare to view. They are too irresistible. I kneel by the side of the bed and lean over her petite body and take a little suck on her breasts. I almost want to faint when my mouth engulf her nipple.

The feeling is so heavenly. I am sucking on Phoebe’s breast and I can see her face clearly now. She is so beautiful.

Looking at my sister-in-law’s pretty face, a new idea suddenly springs to mind.

Standing up by the edge of the bed, I try to shift Phoebe’s body closer to the edge of the bed. Seems to be just the right position and distance.

I press my cock to her lips ever so lightly, rubbing it lightly along her lips. Seeing those small pouty lips touching my cock is making my cock regaining its vitality. It is now totally aroused and hardened again. I am feeling the overwhelming urge to shove my cock into her mouth.

I use my thumb and index finger to press on her cheeks to open her mouth slightly. Her lips part a little and I push my cock slowly in. Her mouth is pushed open by my advancing cock and slowly, my whole cock is in her little mouth.

Phoebe looks so sexy in this position, her little mouth stuffed by my huge cock. In her sleep, I can feel her mouth trying to close on its own and opening again to take in more breath, forming a little suction motion on my cock.

This feels too good. My brother’s pretty wife is sucking on my cock in her sleep right now.

I don’t think I can ever look at Phoebe again without being reminded of this scene, of my cock fully inserted into her mouth. I would always imagine my cock in her mouth when she talks to me in future.

I start to move my hip forward and backward, shoving my cock in and out of her mouth. Although I have already released once, I am getting very aroused again.

As I am worried that I might wake Phoebe up if my movement is too huge, I hold my cock in my right hand and start jacking off while it is still inserted in her mouth. My left hand move to caress her creamy white breast.

My cock is nearing its climax as I tug at it relentlessly. The urge is getting stronger and I move my hand faster. I push my cock fully into her throat and I let loose with a load of hot cum, forcing it down her throat.

I have used Phoebe for the second time tonight.

First time might be unknowingly. Second time is definitely intentional. Worse thing is, I feel I am addicted to the sexy body of my pretty sister-in-law.

I would definitely want to have this body again.

It’s 5.45 am. I better get going before morning.

I clean up the mess, dress up Phoebe and leave her sleeping there.

Before I leave, I check on Elaine. She is still sound asleep on her bed in the other room. A pity I didn't manage to have this beauty tonight. But I have an even bigger gain by upping Phoebe. I have had the most unbelievable orgasm in my life.

5.55 am

I am out of the house. I hope I have cleaned up all evidence.

I wonder if Phoebe will ever know anything about what had happened.

To tell the truth, on one hand, I hope I will never be found out. On the other hand, a part of me is hoping that Phoebe actually knows what had happened.

One thing is for sure, I will never look at my sister-in-law the same again.
I saw this video and IMMEDIATELY recalled this scene!
shoving cock in mouth while sleeping
Thanks for the ups guys!
Old 22-11-2013, 06:45 PM
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