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Old 22-04-2008, 07:15 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post

What is the agent fee like?
Hi bro,
The sex travel charges will depends on the activities you want to do.
I give you an example, when I was down there, I email them in advance what I want to do the first night, go to a brothel and have a good bonk with a good message, go watch a strip tease show and night club to hunt for girls.
Well the agent pick us up and took us in their company car with a driver.
We went to a message parlor where there were about 100+ girls to choose from, after that we had dinner with girls I do not know from where, then off the strip tease show; what a show!
After the show, we finish off the night at the disco with again tons of girls.
I went home with three girls in hand.
The price that I paid for the night was/still is much cheaper than if I have rented a car, paid for a message session and a bonk with a freelance plus the dinner with girls not forgetting the strip tease show and the disco.
Not forgetting that we are in good hand, people that know their way and seem to be well connected.
They could do all that because they are a travel agent, they buy in bulk; is cheaper.
My two cents
Old 24-04-2008, 07:50 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post

What is the agent fee like?
Hi Bro,
Just got back from Jakarta had a wonderful time cheonging, this time we played golf in the morning and went hunting at night. This trip the travel agent suggested that we should stay in a mountain resort for a night. The night life there was not as bright as J-town but there were a lot of GFE to choose from.
The two nights we were there we must have bonk at least 5-6 girls each. Once you break the ice with one of them it is so easy to get into their network of friends.
No need to go through their pimps any more. I really do not know how the travel agent makes their money, if they keep feeding us [their clients] these little secrets.
I am just happy finally there are people on our side who work hard to make us satisfied instead trying to screw us for every dime, just we have an itch to scratch.
My humble two cents.
Old 25-04-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by ownage_sex View Post

Hi Bro,
Just got back from Jakarta had a wonderful time cheonging, this time we played golf in the morning and went hunting at night. This trip the travel agent suggested that we should stay in a mountain resort for a night. The night life there was not as bright as J-town but there were a lot of GFE to choose from.
The two nights we were there we must have bonk at least 5-6 girls each. Once you break the ice with one of them it is so easy to get into their network of friends.
No need to go through their pimps any more. I really do not know how the travel agent makes their money, if they keep feeding us [their clients] these little secrets.
I am just happy finally there are people on our side who work hard to make us satisfied instead trying to screw us for every dime, just we have an itch to scratch.
My humble two cents.
Hi Bro,
Just want to file a FR on my trip to Jakarta, did not get to do much cheonging this trip; lots of work this time around.
The travel agent's ground handler pick me up at the airport, this time was a different person because the last guy was on duty with another client some where in Bandung, Lucky fellow Cheonging in Bandung while I had to work[hahaha].
They took me to the hotel to check in and as requested they took me to see a few office spaces in and around town. [I told them that I would like to have an office of my own for my meetings. I am so sick of meeting at the lobby of my hotel or even worse going to the supplier' office and be at their mercy.
I told that my ground handler on our last trip, they can back with the suggestions that maybe I could do better with having an office of my own.
But I told I would only be here for a period of 10-15 days.
To make it short, when I went to the office there all ready offices desk, phone lines, fax and internet and three staff plus an office boy, a running office.
My supplier was surprise to say the least, I am still impress and could not get over how much money I had saved; having most of my meeting at my own office with my own staff to type and arranges my schedules for me.
The best thing, I only pay for the days that I used.
And one more think I notice, the supplier was a bit more cautious when they talking price with me; maybe they think that if I have an office I might have friends in Jakarta; is good to have to home court advantage.
A fully running office for rent, what a great idea, I will be sure to use this services again.
Old 25-04-2008, 03:40 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Bro Aakumu,

I go to Jakarta about once a month. I am usually quite busy in the day for meetings, but I guess I can use your travel agent for hotel reservations, airport pickup, transport, then some night entertainment.

Just wondering how do we pay for the charges? Do they accept credit cards? Very hard for business travel if we have to pay all cash.

Can you please PM your agent contact?

Old 26-04-2008, 10:22 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Just wanna share my jakarta expirience 3 weeks ago. Since i'm not a good write i keep it short... plus pictures.

Club 1001:

Damage: 4 millions rupiah for 10 persons, all included except extra inside the toilet/room.

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Rating: 7/10 overall

WIR: Maybe but i wanna other KTV's before i decide... so many around in Jakarta.
Old 26-04-2008, 10:39 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info


One of the best post & photos on this board for a while!

Glad to see you are now going to J-Town!

Some of the girls that you guys had were great from what I can see. Which KTV was this?

Did you 4 juta Rps include the tips? I reckon not? Surprised that they were open to photos but, you guys must have put on the charm as I know you can.

Old 26-04-2008, 10:48 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

how much need to go? hee hee
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Old 26-04-2008, 10:59 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by sassina2 View Post

One of the best post & photos on this board for a while!

Glad to see you are now going to J-Town!

Some of the girls that you guys had were great from what I can see. Which KTV was this?

Did you 4 juta Rps include the tips? I reckon not? Surprised that they were open to photos but, you guys must have put on the charm as I know you can.

Thanks bro sassina, long time din see you... how are you?

This ktv name 1001 located in Kota area.

Abt the tip for girls... i gave them 100.000 rupiah each. After they are naked 2 or 3 girls will pull u inside the toilet/room. hehehe.. i got 7 girls and me alone inside the room, but i only gave 3 of them tip.. other 4 girls were left behind by my frens.

Here more pic of 1001 club/ktv, these older pics taken in jan 2008:

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I din joined my friends the january trip, i got these pics from them.
Old 26-04-2008, 11:08 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by odd_master View Post
any body havea any info on OKT in jakarta? or any call girls?
Hi, you sure you want to call the OKT when you probably do not know anyone in Jakarta ? A bit dangerous leh.

My advice to you is get the massage service in hotel (esp those 4-5 stars hotel). Although it's still more expensive than the streets but it's very cheap if you are used to sg price.

Girls are nice looking and at least you know you're safe as the guest in the hotel.

I stayed in Shangri-la on a business trip before... there are many SYTs there especially in the pub
Old 26-04-2008, 11:25 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Kota Indah Bars:

In this row u can see a few bars next to each others... each bar has at least 100 girls. U can have ST upstairs or LT take them back to ur hotel.

Girls quality: 7/10 overall, u sure can find a girl ur liking. Age of the girls are 17 to 20 years old.

Note: All bars open around 2pm, drink is damn cheap.

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Overall rating: 7.5/10

WIR: Yes, whenever i return to Jakarta.
Old 26-04-2008, 12:00 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Travel Hotel in Mangga Besar:

Nice place to have ST, girls selection around 100 girls available... good place for a afternoon hang out. Again, drinks is cheap...

Damage for ST: 285.000 rupiah that is include room.

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Overall rating: 7.5/10 Really a ideal place to have a drink and a quick bonk. hehehe..

WIR: Yes, whenever i return to Jakarta.
Old 26-04-2008, 12:31 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by teteku View Post
Back again to the mini bus that was waiting at a corner (what a good idea until you find something you are satisfied.) And they then took us to Jl Taman Sari where there went to meant to be lots of ceweks, for those of us have not got a girl yet.
I got this girl for overnight from Taman Sari, i paid 500.000k rupiah. Turn out she is 1 of my best bonk during my stay in Jakarta. Btw, she is 21 years old.. she is also the oldest girls i bonk this trip..

ImageShack - Hosting :: lt2yantigu8.jpg

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I will rate her overall 7.5/10.
Old 26-04-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by DeKuip View Post
I got this girl for overnight from Taman Sari, i paid 500.000k rupiah. Turn out she is 1 of my best bonk during my stay in Jakarta. Btw, she is 21 years old.. she is also the oldest girls i bonk this trip..

ImageShack - Hosting :: lt2yantigu8.jpg

ImageShack - Hosting :: lt1yantiio3.jpg

I will rate her overall 7.5/10.
Hi bro,
Love your FR, How long were there for?
Really good to have experience on your side, unlike some of us that are not so verse in Jakarta, would not as nimble as you lah....
Please share more of your wisdom so we could learn from the master.
Old 26-04-2008, 02:48 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi Bros,
Just want to report about the things I love about Jakarta.
You do not miss the thing till you lose it; Came back from BKK; work lah. The deal went well so decided to celebrate,
First of all, driving around Bangkok is a nightmare, not only because it can be so busy, but also because it is so easy to get lost - it's a big city. But I wouldn't bother driving in Bangkok, but to getting a personal driver is not cheap. Stuck using taxi, for a single trip is fine but if you want to travel to multi place it is going be a boom.

Went to the Bamboo Bar over the Beer Garden. There's live music, pool tables, and girls hanging out. They had the Coyote Dancing thing going on.
That was fun and the price of the girls are ok compare to Singapore.
The down side the girls are not very not GFE; they will move on if they do not like your price, they will go to bathroom and not come back; next thing you know they will be sitting on another table talking to another john with no shame. What a bunches of bitches, that is how the Thai girl behaviors.

Going with the escort service as a backup plan. Since we had enough time to explore. But we wasted a lot of time avoiding the traffic gridlock, but with limited success.
So off we are headed to BKK141 to pick out a few girls to bonk, not the best bonk or GFE; but at least something.
I have always kept an open mind to all these venues, as long as you end up with a girl you like and can afford the rates. Sometimes it's just the right situation too.

Please keep in mind, Indonesia is a lot easier than Bangkok, Vietnam, Cambodia and even the Philippines. Jakarta is so in your face that all you need to do is either go down to Kota or Block M, and you will find all of the action you will ever want. You can also get lookers for RP 1,500,000 all night.
And the best thing is the girls are very GF, they want to serve you and be there for you with out being a control freak.

In my opinion, that's just my humble opinion and you can take it with a grain of salt if you wish.
Just I miss about J-town, cheonging is fun anywhere you could find a pussy, but Jakarta is still the best for over all satisfaction.
Best regards.
Old 26-04-2008, 03:35 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by aduadu View Post
Hi Bros,
Just want to report about the things I love about Jakarta.
You do not miss the thing till you lose it; Came back from BKK; work lah. The deal went well so decided to celebrate,
First of all, driving around Bangkok is a nightmare, not only because it can be so busy, but also because it is so easy to get lost - it's a big city. But I wouldn't bother driving in Bangkok, but to getting a personal driver is not cheap. Stuck using taxi, for a single trip is fine but if you want to travel to multi place it is going be a boom.

Went to the Bamboo Bar over the Beer Garden. There's live music, pool tables, and girls hanging out. They had the Coyote Dancing thing going on.
That was fun and the price of the girls are ok compare to Singapore.
The down side the girls are not very not GFE; they will move on if they do not like your price, they will go to bathroom and not come back; next thing you know they will be sitting on another table talking to another john with no shame. What a bunches of bitches, that is how the Thai girl behaviors.

Going with the escort service as a backup plan. Since we had enough time to explore. But we wasted a lot of time avoiding the traffic gridlock, but with limited success.
So off we are headed to BKK141 to pick out a few girls to bonk, not the best bonk or GFE; but at least something.
I have always kept an open mind to all these venues, as long as you end up with a girl you like and can afford the rates. Sometimes it's just the right situation too.

Please keep in mind, Indonesia is a lot easier than Bangkok, Vietnam, Cambodia and even the Philippines. Jakarta is so in your face that all you need to do is either go down to Kota or Block M, and you will find all of the action you will ever want. You can also get lookers for RP 1,500,000 all night.
And the best thing is the girls are very GF, they want to serve you and be there for you with out being a control freak.

In my opinion, that's just my humble opinion and you can take it with a grain of salt if you wish.
Just I miss about J-town, cheonging is fun anywhere you could find a pussy, but Jakarta is still the best for over all satisfaction.
Best regards.
Hi bro aduadu,
Do you mean there an address to BKK141, I heard there was a lounge but it was only for private member, this is where high class clients get invited to view the new arrivals, is that what you mean?
I must say that you are about the situations in BKK compare to J-town.
Never saw it that way before, very interesting to get a different insight.
I knew that the BKK bar will treat like another john, because we treated these place like a meat market.
But you are right; we are treated better in Jakarta even though we are in a similar meat market situation.
I remember, on the last trip I wanted to have a threesome, did not even bother to ask if the girl that was with me, if she was ok with it.
The next morning, I told her that I was very sorry to be so rude not to ask her if she ok with it, because I was drunk.
All she said was, whatever makes you happy is fine by her. What a sweetheart, that girl. Will be a repeat for me; but next time I will cheong with her alone to respect her lah. I suspect she also like me a bit.
The Thai girls will not let you get away with that in BKK for sure.
My humble two cents.
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