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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-11-2006, 09:47 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Wah u all bery bad leh, everytime suan my goot brother

Everytime need to go one round to suan him hor~~~

Last time say he chee hong, now say he horny kekeke
Look who's talking now?

The pot calling the kettle black ???
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Old 14-11-2006, 10:05 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by alvin1783 View Post
Look who's talking now?

The pot calling the kettle black ???
Must pichar me a not??

Mai stir between me and op hor~~ I never say he chee hong and horny hor!!
The most i say he is a horny chee hong nia


人在新加坡, 心在常平

Old 14-11-2006, 11:01 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi
I never say he chee hong and horny hor!!
The most i say he is a horny chee hong nia
......... *shake head* ......... What a goot brother of OP .........

Cheers !!!
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 15-11-2006, 11:03 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Wah u all bery bad leh, everytime suan my goot brother
Everytime need to go one round to suan him hor~~~
Last time say he chee hong, now say he horny kekeke
Wah OP congrats you have such a bro in ahh boi!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Must pichar me a not??

Mai stir between me and op hor~~ I never say he chee hong and horny hor!!
The most i say he is a horny chee hong nia
Haizzz OP I feel sorry that you have such a good bro! "Ahh Boi".... Haizzzzzz

Life is Short. Play Hard!!!
Old 15-11-2006, 11:11 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....


no wonder kept sneezing... now I know.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 16-11-2006, 09:29 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

死 SF and Spunk9 u 2 when free? Long time bo meet liao when wanna go eat good food and desert again? Please sms or call me .... NNKC
Old 16-11-2006, 04:42 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SexFreak View Post
......... *shake head* ......... What a goot brother of OP .........
Originally Posted by spunk9 View Post
Wah OP congrats you have such a bro in ahh boi!!!!!!
Haizzz OP I feel sorry that you have such a good bro! "Ahh Boi".... Haizzzzzz
Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime View Post

no wonder kept sneezing... now I know.
Haizzz.... Im so proud to have a goot bro in OP!!

Just say he Ch** H**g nia, next moment immediately show me that he always never fail to disappoint me!!


人在新加坡, 心在常平


Last edited by Ahh_Boi; 16-11-2006 at 05:02 PM.
Old 16-11-2006, 04:52 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by ming_jiao View Post
死 SF and Spunk9 u 2 when free? Long time bo meet liao when wanna go eat good food and desert again?
You say leh I wait and wait and wait and wait ................ until now still no sound no picture

Cheers !!!
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 16-11-2006, 05:10 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Haizzz.... Im so proud to have a goot bro in OP!!

Just say he Ch** H**g nia, next moment immediately show me that he always never fail to disappoint me!!
can't wait to tell whole world ah !!!

Me now stick to eating my APPLE
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.

Last edited by Optimus_Prime; 16-11-2006 at 05:26 PM.
Old 16-11-2006, 05:23 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Sharing is caring. Here is one of my better FR's from the start of this year while you wait for your pictures and debate the merits of grapes and apples.


D white witch ruled Narnia.Will the ICE Queen return to reign in DOT. ICE from WIN

In the tavern, Laodi settle in his chair and called for an ale. The little samsters were playing by the fireside. The old samster took a swig of his ale and hawked a gob spit of onto the floor. The Tavern doors opened up and Samster CP walked in carrying an orange jumpsuit. He put the jump suit on the table by Laodi

"I will see you this weekend, You got a lot of rubbish to clean up spitting ain't free in DOT"
"ya ya over my dead body Cherry"

When Samster CP walked out Laodi hawked another Gob of spit onto the floor and then called out

"Samsters samster Come come I got a tale to tell you"

The bar quietened down and the junior samsters by the fireside came closer to the white bearded samster who was waving his mug around. He slammed his mug down on the orange jumpsuit.

"Its a fearsome tale, a tale of gods and men when the times were dark"
"Was that the economic recession grandpops?"
"yes calvins it was the economic recession but it was much more than that. Unseen forces stalked our fine land and the best of the samsters were emasculated by the pure evil that haunted us all. The spirit of Lust was rampant and all struggled mightily to overcome its power. And I managed to defeat this great evil how do you think I became wrinkled and white haired like this. Look at me! you ever seen such an old white man like Di123456789"
"Thats cos ur old Mr Lao"
"u shut ur yap young spytherman, Its cos I defeated the Ice Queen"

Upon saying the dreadful name, a cold wind rushed into tavern chilling the bones of all the samsters gathered there.

"Turn off the Air Conditioning Samster TV"
"Sorry sorry, I just got it installed last week.. great kang tao I couldn't pass it up
"And you watch out young man Before I take a cane to you and knock some senses into you"

Laodi ripped the orange jumpsuit off the table and waved it in anger his wispy white beard flying apopletically

"Quick quick pass the old codger another ale or he'll never settle down"

With new ale in hand Laodi calmed down.

"The Ice Queen, body of a goddess, head of a demoness, lulled men into her lair with seductive and sweet song then tore them to bits when they slept She kept their souls in her Icy hell and they suffered eternal numb penises. Many a samster felt her wrath . Win summoned me to tackle her and I marched forth with many of my brothers to defeat the ice queen.We got separated at the kopi tiam and it was every samster for himself. Some passed by the wayside like samster elaw and samster Ck888.

I struggled mightily through hordes of ah sohs and errant taxi drives before I managed to reach her castle. I pressed the buzzer and a woman with the face of a demoness and the body of a goddess greeted me. As I prepared to hack her head off, she beguiled me with the sweet siren song and the dark spirit of lust rose in me. She lulled me into her bouidour and whispered sweet notings into my ear as she cleaned me very thoroughly from head to toe. Samsters nothing is so foul as an a smelly samster locked in that hellish icebox for an eon. that Ice Queen must have had a sensitive nose

I nearly lost my soul there and then, but I had egg for breakfast that morning and it came to my rescue in the darkest hour by giving me life.. for I farted and her spell was broken. She screamed in digust and I tackled onto the bed. I struggled to stab her and the bed rolled to one side. she managed to get on top and tried to rip my face away and her super powerful muscles locked me down. With superhuman strength called from the bowels of my being I managed stand up with her still straddling me.. the bed's headboard was ripped away and I staggered across the room thrusting my weapon at her. We smashed into the mirror on the other side and I got one hand on her head. I turned her around and forced her body onto the table. Then I plunged my weapon into her. Her dying scream shatterred the windows then I fell back a spent man

I covered my modesty with the remains of my clothes and left her dreaded castle"

"Uncle but how did you really get white hair"

"Ahh Samster Axcess when I left the castle I walked under a ladder by accident and there was a painter who dropped a bucket of white paint on my head. That happened to me because I went to the castle to defeat the Ice Queen and that is how I got my white hair. Bro Onlylife also entered the shortly after I left and defeated the ice queen too. Some died in the struggled against her. We remember them for their bravery"

Laodi stood up and saluted then sat down again

"She dun die easily however I thought we had put her away for good. Lately the winds have brought ice in their wake. I hear her siren song one again and I fear we must take up our arms to defeat this might evil. I have decided I shall return and fight her once again, Let me be the standard bearer this time and draw first blood. For the new generation of samsters you are needed to help save the dot. Think of the trevails that will assault the DOT should the ICE Queen have her way once again, kopi going up in price an more parking fines is onli the beginning. U thought the white witch was bad, but that was only Narnia. This is DOT. My new bros skywalker, hansolo may the force be with you."

Laodi started trudging out very slowly. Bro calvins followed him easily

"Laodi you're so slow, 20 of us are gonna hack her to bits b4 u even get there"
"Well that maybe sonny.. but it beats doing cleanup duty this weekend"

Face 6
Body 8
English - Poor
Chemistry - Was very good for me
1.5 metres tall
33B 23 33
The stats dont tell the whole story. She is in the top 2 girls for me from win (BB was my other favourite). Probably the best body I have ever fucked - even if she is short. I didn't like her face that much as it was a bit unusual shaped - but you get used to it. Some other bros should like her face. She is fair skinned and worked in cosmetics so she has very nice skin.which is well maintained. She is also super hygienic - expect to be cleaned very very thoroughly.

This information is one years plus. I already booked my appointment and I thank him for giving me an awesome start to 2006. I am so happy!
You can contact Win or Jen for your bookings.
Old 22-11-2006, 06:37 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime View Post
Me now stick to eating my APPLE
Hmmmmmmmm ......... APPLE or APPLES ......... bwahahahahaha

Cheers !!!
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 22-11-2006, 08:14 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Our HQ thread been a bit dead recently.... think need to spice up a bit. Well to me the year is almost at the end. Only another month to go. And what that means it's time for...


drum roll pls...


OP's Top Ten Bonks !!!

Yup thos bros who still remember the list I compiled last year... well this is my top 10 bonks for this year. A bit of change as KC Gals are also considered as I am measuring bonking prowess of the gal. And my judging requirements are :

Looks - almost all gals mentioned are in the SYT range.. (but of cus)

Service - those who know me, will know what I look for in gal. Surprisingly not all the gals satisfy all my requirments but they still make the list for other reasons.

GF Feel - all these gals gave high GF Feel. Make me feel really special, not all of them I managed to RTF but given a 2nd chance I'll jump in bed with them anytime.

Connection- I really can't explain this but it's a special kinda "X-factor" or something that can make a SOP bonk to something special. Well that explains the few in-experienced gals that made into my top 10 list.

One gal (Pink Pink) I removed from my top ten list as she was my borderline KC gal that straddled the end of last year and the beginning of this year. She'll beat all of them and be No.1 if I included her... not really because of her bonking prowess but because of her willingness and high sex drive.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 23-11-2006, 10:58 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

OP's Top 10 Bonks

Special Mentions
As I was compiling my list of great bonks... That was actually more than 10 names. After painstakingly narrowing it down to 10, I felt I had to mention the few bonks that was memorable to me but was just nudged out by slightly better gals.

PS: The following names are in no particular order.

CANDY - Local FL
Hmmm... I've only bonked her once. Never got a chance to RTF as she left the scene after. Although she's back now, I do feel a bit weird bonking her now. Sooo....

My best impression of her was her tanned skin. It was really smooth and when we were both naked and fooling around. Her tanned sun-kissed body made me fantasie I was bonking some bikini babe I just met at a beach.

My memory of this bonk was our first and only liaison some months ago. All I remembered of the session was my legs were a bit wobbly and she gave one hell of a BBBJ. Then I knew I wanted to RTF immediately but it was not to be.. sighzz...

Before I met Candy, I was amoured with another local FL. She had the the kind of SYT looks that was just a KILLER for me. After seeing her photos, I guessed I had wet dreams of her almost everyday but it was a few weeks before I got to try her.

As can be expected with so much expectations, when I first met her I was quite nervous. But lucky she was very chatty. The first time with her was memorable. I remembered the endless kisses and deep frenching. I remembered licking that clean-shaven pussy till she was pressing my head aginst her. The session was quite memorable, especially when she used that "Teh Teh" voice to let her smoke in the room cause her next customer (our League Treasuer) dislike her smoking. Fortunately I did not RTF her too many times or else I could seriously have gotten hook on her.

From my one and only foray to NSH, I hooked up with this cute PRC. I remember her for being one of the best (and few) BREAST FUCKs that I had. You see this petite 1.6m young lass had a bosom that was D-cup size and impossibly PINK nipples !!

Aother good frencher but I just like the way she used her boobs to good use. I nearly cummed when her soft D-cup boobs just stroked and stroked themselves over my cock. Too bad I had her on her last day in S'pore or else she would have been worth another few RTFs.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 23-11-2006, 07:27 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Bro OP,

Been following this thread for awhile and found that this is super....even though that I do not understand some jargon used here.....Your FR are always so creative and powerful. Reading it can also make my nose bleed. Hope to be able to meet up with you and join you in your learn the rope man....And I know that being a newbie, this may not come true and u never know rite...So I just do what they teach, by asking...No harm bro.. Cheers bro.
Old 25-11-2006, 01:10 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs.... more updates or detailed FR??
Y.H.T of League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES...
1st League member to have a FR written on him!!
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