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Keong Saik/Desker /X-Dresser central It's like Geylang on a budget!

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Old 13-01-2004, 07:59 AM
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re: local girls

Hi Sawadee,

Thanks for the information.

BTW, what is petian, how can I get there?

Sorry - I am new to the singapore scene.

Old 15-01-2004, 06:08 PM
witan788 witan788 is offline
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Finally! Managed to try Lily out last night. On the whole, her services are SOP, looks are average, personality's friendly.

Cat 30
Face : 6/10 (An average looking MILF!!!!)
Body : 6/10 (1.6m tall,good figure for someone her age. Heard fr her that she lost 7kg within a year by becoming a vegetarian)
Boobs : 6/10 (36 B-C)
BBBJ : 4/10 (She only licked the shaft of my dick)
FJ : 5/10 (The only plus point is her tight cunt which fitted my dick nicely, she is pretty impatient, keep asking when I'm gonna cum, and she doesn't me to touch or lick her nipples...was holding on to my hands so tightly till it feels like though I'm shagging a pair of handcuffs on...haha! )
RTF: Maybe....Bros who gian to try her out better do so before she return back to her home town on next monday.
Old 16-01-2004, 10:16 PM's Avatar is offline
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Originally posted by witan788
FJ : 5/10 (The only plus point is her tight cunt which fitted my dick nicely, she is pretty impatient, keep asking when I'm gonna cum, and she doesn't me to touch or lick her nipples...was holding on to my hands so tightly till it feels like though I'm shagging a pair of handcuffs on...haha! )
Old 27-01-2004, 03:48 AM
Sawadee Sawadee is offline
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nearest MRT bugis/Serangoon then take bus 147. or take a cab.
Old 03-02-2004, 12:15 PM
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Thanks sawasdee.

Old 05-02-2004, 02:28 PM
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Walk pass KS in the afternoon today, saw a newly open Tui Na shop there, with a few PDMM. Unfortunately no chance to try cos my colleagues were with me...
Old 05-02-2004, 09:37 PM
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Re: GrandmotherF**ker

Originally posted by witan788
After undressing both of us and having capped my didi, she proceeded to do the unthinkable, she removed her bloody dentures right before my eyes. Anyway, I proceeded to screw her as not to waste my $30 dollars and here's my FR...

FJ : 2/10 (My dick went limp halfway as her 'ums and hums'(sounds like throat clearing) turns me off big time and I ended up getting her to finish it up with a HJ)
I was ROTFL for more than 5 minutes after reading this. You are super man, for being able to still get it up and in the end getting it finished by HJ. I would truly have puked!

Reminds me of a trip more than 20 years ago when we were puppies and visiting Penang as fresh ROD national servicemen out on our freedom vacation.

In the city, fucking trishaw taxi approached us to see "ping pong show" and like fucking idiots, we negotiated and agreed to go (forget how much now). In an old Penang style colonial bungalow, we were brought to a dingy room and the lady came in. She was dressed like those amahs we used to have working as domestics in our households. She looked like 50 if I remember correcntly and proceeded to undress and do her thingy show.

I bolted out of the room myself leaving my friends there. It was too disgusting to be a witness to such a poor old thing doing the show! Truly spoilt my nice feelings about our household live in amahs to have to see such a sight!

I can feel for you man and still, you can get it up? You are really a "must get back money value man!"
Old 12-02-2004, 07:35 PM
witan788 witan788 is offline
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Haha! Thanks for your er....compliment Sassina. I must admit I've done a considerably great feat in getting it up, something that other mere mortal men would have falter. Actually at the point of time where I saw her ....I wanted to request for a change, but not being a newbie that clocked less than 20 screws, I've no idea how to do it and at the same time being the kind soul that I am...I did not want to break the poor lady's fragile ego by her down....haha!
Old 17-02-2004, 05:56 PM
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Cool KS is barely alive

I think KS is barely alive these days. Have not been there for a while and decided to go today. Went to H9 and asked for June, went back for a month. Same goes for Lily. Then asked what are the CAT30 avail. Quite a few but only heard of this Gao Yen b4 so decided to wait on her. More than 45 mins and never came. May go back and try her again, was told her service not bad. Noticed there are a few new cafe or restaurants opened around there. It won't be long for the the houses to disappear.
Old 14-03-2004, 02:03 AM
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Big boobs in KS

Calling all Big tits lovers. Let's start a list of big boobs WLs in KS. To start the ball rolling, here's some of my recommendation..

Cat 30
Ling Zi
Face : 6/10 (Looks like a typical past the prime, LSB lady)
Body : 6/10 (Chubby)
Boobs : 6/10 (38C with big, long and greyish nipples)
BBBJ : 6/10
FJ : 7.5/10 (Her special move is her convulsing vagina...a must try!)

Face : 6/10 (An average looking MILF)
Body : 6/10 (1.6m tall,good figure for someone her age. Heard fr her that she lost 7kg within a year by becoming a vegetarian)
Boobs : 6/10 (36 B-C)
BBBJ : 4/10 (She only licked the shaft of my dick)
FJ : 5/10 (The only plus point is her tight cunt which fitted my dick nicely, she is pretty impatient, keep asking when I'm gonna cum, and she doesn't me to touch or lick her nipples...was holding on to my hands so tightly till it feels like though I'm shagging a pair of handcuffs on...haha! )

Zhen Zhen
Face : 5/10 (Auntie with CFM look)
Body : 6/10
Boobs : 7/10 (36 D with lightly colored, long nipples )
BBBJ : 6/10 (Makes nice slurping sound just like those jap pornstar)
FJ : 6/10 (Even though she allows me to change several pistion, all she did when I shagged her was to wince....and hey who turn off the speakers? )
RTF: Maybe

Cat 30
Face : 4/10 (Auntie with short hair)
Body : 6/10 (Has got nice firm butt, good for doggie)
Boobs: 4/10 (36B)
BBBJ : 6/10 (So so BJ without cap)
FJ : 7/10(What she lack in looks department, she make up with great customer serviceHas got a considerably tight pussy, very accomodating, shagged her a several positions and half way thru she removed the condom and did raw with me)

Cat 50
Ma Li(Mary)
Face : 7.5/10 (One of the best looking auntie I ever shagged)
Body : 6/10 (Pretty well maintained)
Boobs : 7/10 (35C with dark nipples)
BBBJ : 5/10 (Weak suction but allows me to do 69)
FJ : 7/10 (Allows me to shag her a several position and has got a great attitude)
Old 15-03-2004, 11:50 AM
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Re: Big boobs in KS

Originally posted by witan788
Calling all Big tits lovers.
bro where can i find Mary, zhen zhen and beck? thank!
Old 16-03-2004, 02:08 AM
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You can just go to any of the brothels. The WLs in KS are not restricted to any houses. But I'll recommend House9 cos the rooms are newer and the OKT Ah Fen's really customer oriented.
Old 17-03-2004, 05:51 PM
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hmm where's house 9? is it along the keong saik main road? is it beside the temple?

aniwae tried lily today, oh no she looks like a pig! mouth look like a pig, face oso, have to close my eyes to when i pump her, i tot u brudders say she not bad ... u all meant her service is it?

so if i want lao chio who should i call instead? becky? i have fetish for those 30+ 40 with dye hair then slim then boobs not bad .. cat $30 who should i go for?

pls advise thanz!
Old 30-04-2004, 02:12 PM
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Re: KS still active ?

Mr. Pilot,

For your request, it is best if you go into any fuck shop in KS and tell the aunties in charge your need. She may be able to help you.

Please post your FR once you had your "Dream Ah Soh".
Geyland good, Geyland Best, Geyland Geyland give me Zest.
Lor 14 PRC, Lor 16 got Tommy.
Old 04-05-2004, 10:22 AM
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Re: KS still active ?


Can go house 28 and try connie. Service quite good.
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