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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 26-10-2003, 03:59 PM
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Originally posted by Doctor
Nothing to do with the mispronounciation of Jua Geng.
Was laughing at Ian's humour and creativity of naming them as the Zoo Gang!
yalor... me also blur blur when he say jua gen and zoo gang.
Old 27-10-2003, 03:57 AM
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Thumbs down Agree with bro Kiu-Sai

If anyone's got the extra $, avoid this place at all cost.

$150 to Casanova is really out of a normal human's mind and it's not safe. Might kenna AV raid.

I would advise to try GL $150 instead of this lousy HC. U can get real pretty girls instead of old aunties (similar to those in the market selling fishes) in this HC.

Don't waste your hard-earn money on fake FR provided by con-man here.
Old 29-10-2003, 07:58 AM
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Re: Agree with bro Kiu-Sai

Originally posted by qwertyuiop
If anyone's got the extra $, avoid this place at all cost.

$150 to Casanova is really out of a normal human's mind and it's not safe. Might kenna AV raid.

I would advise to try GL $150 instead of this lousy HC. U can get real pretty girls instead of old aunties (similar to those in the market selling fishes) in this HC.

Don't waste your hard-earn money on fake FR provided by con-man here.
Old 29-10-2003, 10:11 PM
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zoo gang

Originally posted by ian_dragonboat
yalor... me also blur blur when he say jua gen and zoo gang.
Speaking of zoo gang, they have already existed since the previous Celestial then fighting almost alone in the battle..
Old 30-10-2003, 08:38 AM
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Re: zoo gang

Originally posted by bestbest
Speaking of zoo gang, they have already existed since the previous Celestial then fighting almost alone in the battle..
after reading tat thread.... i guess.... those NOKIA guy also same gang with the zoo gang.
Old 30-10-2003, 02:22 PM
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Re: zoo gang

Originally posted by bestbest
Speaking of zoo gang, they have already existed since the previous Celestial then fighting almost alone in the battle..
ah ha! so the whole puzzle has finally fit together! according to the thread, Kingkong followed vanessa from celestial spa to casanova and become their model for new gals to be train on. And this vaneesa is a trainer at casanova. this is getting exciting...."mar chiam" like playing detective trying to catch the gang tat escape from the zoooo......
Old 31-10-2003, 11:21 AM
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I really do hope that these fellows(KingKong etc.) tell the truth about the girls - especially their age! and dun blow trumpet which force brudders here to spend their money on HC gals that actually dun suit their taste. Times are bad! I fell for a few of KingKong's recommendations and they were quite far from the FR's in terms of looks (ie. unless he has a bad case of cataracts!) and their service quality was quite different from what he and his cronies have stated. I never complained until today as one friend of mine(poor fella does not earn much $$$) read a Casanova post and got suckered into trying Moon and he felt very cheated. Perhaps this chap who writes glowing FR's got some deal going but it is downright unethical.
Old 31-10-2003, 01:39 PM
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Originally posted by Wins88
I really do hope that these fellows(KingKong etc.) tell the truth about the girls - especially their age! and dun blow trumpet which force brudders here to spend their money on HC gals that actually dun suit their taste. Times are bad! I fell for a few of KingKong's recommendations and they were quite far from the FR's in terms of looks (ie. unless he has a bad case of cataracts!) and their service quality was quite different from what he and his cronies have stated. I never complained until today as one friend of mine(poor fella does not earn much $$$) read a Casanova post and got suckered into trying Moon and he felt very cheated. Perhaps this chap who writes glowing FR's got some deal going but it is downright unethical.
You are right. The girl are really far from the FR stated in term of look, service & ability. Can not be that far off ma even every bro is having different taste.

Do not talk about wasting $$ but also affecting the forum crediability information. Like mar chiam going for your luck base on the information avaliable.

Old 31-10-2003, 02:01 PM
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Old 31-10-2003, 09:00 PM
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Originally posted by ian_dragonboat
bro, what's with this thread? no kingkong and the zoo gang leh?...
Old 01-11-2003, 09:11 AM
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Originally posted by hearthrob2202
bro, what's with this thread? no kingkong and the zoo gang leh?...
yah, the zoo gang arent here... but, fellow samster r now aware of anti casanova thread.
Old 01-11-2003, 01:33 PM
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Originally posted by ian_dragonboat
yah, the zoo gang arent here... but, fellow samster r now aware of anti casanova thread.
I see, tat's great!
Old 28-07-2004, 12:34 PM
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Re: anti casanova

I'm a newbie... and after reading all this Cassanova thingy... tot of a real silly idea....
Does anyone know any AV ppl??? y not we all make arrangement to go up Cassanova.. pick the gals.. arrange a rough timing for specials.. then wait for raids lor..(pre arrange with the ppl lah)

like that then all the gals kana caught liao then cassanova sure close down due to no gals and also dun think new gals will dare come lor... haha

think in another way.. we are actually 'saving' those poor gals (oops, i mean women) lor... better stop all this service and live a proper life.. haha...

well, sorry if its a stupid idea.. like i say i'm a newbie.. but i dun mind sacrifice to be one of the 'lead actor' if we really gonna stage this raid thingy.

Old 28-07-2004, 09:04 PM
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Re: anti casanova

Originally Posted by jumanji_belle
I'm a newbie... and after reading all this Cassanova thingy... tot of a real silly idea....
Does anyone know any AV ppl??? y not we all make arrangement to go up Cassanova.. pick the gals.. arrange a rough timing for specials.. then wait for raids lor..(pre arrange with the ppl lah)

like that then all the gals kana caught liao then cassanova sure close down due to no gals and also dun think new gals will dare come lor... haha

think in another way.. we are actually 'saving' those poor gals (oops, i mean women) lor... better stop all this service and live a proper life.. haha...

well, sorry if its a stupid idea.. like i say i'm a newbie.. but i dun mind sacrifice to be one of the 'lead actor' if we really gonna stage this raid thingy.

casanova shld not close down.
all the gals shld be changed.
if some old timer there, then those new one will be force to follow the
high price.
Old 28-07-2004, 10:53 PM
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Re: anti casanova

Originally Posted by nokia6110
casanova shld not close down.
all the gals shld be changed.
if some old timer there, then those new one will be force to follow the
high price.
then still like i say lor.. if any1 knows any AV ppl, then we make arrangement to go up and get all those aunties caught lah.. save them. let them lead a proper life.. save all of us.. let us have some fresh blood..kekeke...

We go book all those mentioned as bad service and not chio aunties so that "yi wang da jing" them..haha

so bad of me..
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