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Old 26-01-2016, 10:59 AM
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

Any kind bros willing to do a para by para translation?

i.e. insert english ver in between each paragraph?

tks in advanced.
Old 26-01-2016, 03:05 PM
Kaboon Kaboon is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

Bro nulgath's story really send me drooling.
Old 27-01-2016, 03:21 PM
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我有一個表姐,也就是我二姨媽的大女兒。她叫黃月,人雖然長的不算那種很漂亮的,但是總給人一種很性感的感 覺,她24歲,身高大約166cm,胸部也不小,很挺,屁股也很圓。


由於她家住在內陸地區,沒有直飛美國的航線,所以要到上海來乘飛機,因為上海只有我家這一家親戚,所以就要 在我家住幾天。而那幾天可真算是我的歡樂時光啦!
那次我算是真正地第一次見我這個表姐,為什麼這麼說呢?因為以前看見她時是小時侯,不太記得了。所以3年前 上初中的我才算真正地見到了我這位大學剛畢業的表姐,而第一眼我就被她靚麗的外型所吸引,白色的立領短袖襯 衫,領口很低,藍色的牛仔短裙。
就是我心中的美女形象,不過當時處在青春期的我可不敢和她多親近,也許是怕控製不住,做出……嗬嗬嗬,不說 大家也明白喔。

因為她性格比較外向,所以到我家後一點也不拘謹,經常穿著睡衣到處走動,看的我都快流口水了,因為飛機是5 天後的,所以我媽叫她就幫忙這幾天幫我看看學習,那時正好放暑假,爸媽都去上班了,所以白天就 我和她在家。

早上我睡到9點鐘,起來刷牙洗臉後,我才發現表姐還沒起來,走到她臥室門口,發現門沒關上,大概是上廁所回 房間忘了關緊吧,我慢慢推開了一點,只看到表姐正在床上熟睡,胸部隨著呼吸一起一降,甚是誘人,還有白白的 大腿,好象捏上一把,可當時我還是有色無膽,於是把門拉上吃早餐去了。









哇 !她這一低頭,領口一翻,半個乳房被我眼楮的餘光沈戊,好深的乳溝啊,胸部肯定很軟很豐滿 呢。


就這樣我聞著她的體香,看著她的大腿,還有她的胸部有時不小心地踫到我的手臂,我完成了上午的Homewo rk。


出來後我正好肚子痛便沖進廁所,當時其實沒多想什麼,表姐也沒多想什麼,只是看著我抱著肚子的 樣子在笑。

進了廁所我才發現表姐的內衣都還沒來得及拿走呢,我拿起她的胸罩一看,原來是32C呢,然後自然是自慰一下 下咯,還好最後沒射在她的內衣上,否則可慘了。


我走過去一看,心裏總算安心了,原來她正在發e- mail,還好還好。可是她怎麼也發不出去,就問我,原來是沒聯網啊,昏到。



弄好後,我站在她的後面,看著她的背影,那圓圓的屁股,我幻想著如何用雙手從她背後抄過去,捏住她的乳房, 用我的雞巴狠插她的屁屁。


就這樣又過了兩天,我的計劃終於有了實行的機會,這天我起來,發現桌上有張條子,原來爸媽晚上要去郊區朋友 家,不回來了。

我怕表姐會有戒備心,便把條子收了起來,也沒告訴她,然後我到爸媽房間翻出了媽媽以前睡不著吃的安眠藥,本 來我想晚上用的,但是表姐迷人的身材,害的我不得不在中午就實行計劃。

中午時,表姐做好飯,我們一邊看電視一邊吃飯,這時我用手機在飯桌下撥我家電話,「叮鈴……」 電話響了。



吃完了飯,表姐洗好碗,我坐在沙發上看電視,我想藥力應該發作了吧,果然不出所料,她走過來說︰「阿傑,我 有點累好象,去睡會覺啦,等會去學習,別一直看電視喔。」

於是去開她房間的門,靠!竟然鎖住了,原來表姐的防備心理還是很強的啊,不過這是在我家,我可能沒鑰匙嗎? 我拿出備用鑰匙打開了門,小美人正躺在床上呢,HOHOHOHO……

我隔著睡衣把她全身都撫摩了一遍,然後將她的睡衣順著大腿推到胸部,開始用舌頭舔她的乳頭,還真的翹起來了 ,以前只從A片裏看過,如今就在眼前,感覺真的不一樣,然後我還去吻表姐的香唇呢,好爽哦。

玩弄了一番之後,我脫下她的內褲,用手指在那條縫中間來回滑動。(許多文章老是用一些「蜜穴」來形容,太俗 套了。所以本文不過多描寫)竟然也真的會流出所謂的淫水,我的理論知識終於得到了實踐。

我擔心等回會流血,便在表姐身下墊了毛巾,然後我就把我的雞雞插進去了,原來那裏真的很緊很暖 耶……

不過奇怪的是怎麼沒流血呢?難道……我記得小時侯在爸媽房間門口聽到他們說什麼姐姐的大女兒被幾個小流氓侮 辱了,當時還不懂什麼是侮辱。

現在才知道,原來表姐10年前就被破了處女膜了,想到這,我本應開始同情表姐,不過這時正欲火焚身,想的竟 是反正她不是處女了,也不用憐香惜玉啦,10年前她肯定是個小騷女才會被人家幹,媽的我也要幹 !

於是我狠狠的抽送著,玩了近8個小時喔,期間把各種姿勢都用上了,覺得最爽的還是把她翻過來從後面抓著她兩 個奶子幹。


由於我幹完後把她房間整理的乾乾淨淨,所以她第二天根本沒發現,只是一大早說她好累好餓,我便去獻殷情幫她 按摩又佔了幾下便宜,不過那可是我最後幾次便宜噢,因為第二天表姐就走了,踫巧我由於要去學校參加活動所以 沒能去送她。現在只有以這篇文章祝福她在美國一切順利,下次回來我們再……


Old 28-01-2016, 10:20 AM
aalphan43 aalphan43 is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

camping 4 more
Old 29-01-2016, 11:04 AM
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Nulgath Nulgath is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

Let me try this english version drug rape story which i found online :

This STORY is about what happens when a teenage
babysitter gets into some spiked cola, and incites the
lust of the couple she's babysitting for. Technically
this is non-consensual, because of the drugs, (but just
barely) so if that bothers you don't read on.


Amy felt a little fuzzy headed for some reason. She was
sort of sleepy, yet at the same time felt a strange
kind of heat and energy.

She was sitting, slumping really, on the Anderson's
couch watching MTV on their big screen TV, babysitting
their rotten kid, Josh, who'd thankfully gone to bed
without arguing tonight. It wasn't great work but it
was all the could get that allowed her to study at the
same time.

Unfortunately, by the time she'd gotten the kid to bed
and was ready to start studying, her eyes were too
tired to read. They kept closing every time she read
through a couple of sentences in her Economics book.

Economics often put her to sleep but not this early.

She turned lengthwise on the couch, resting her head
against one of the armrests and closing her eyes. She
sighed and wondered if she should make some coffee.

No, that was silly. She'd already had two glasses of
cola that evening and was into her third. Cola had
plenty of caffeine in it.

So why was she falling asleep?

She reached out for her glass, and brought it back to
herself, then lost her grip and dropped the nearly full
glass on her chest. She giggled for some reason. Her
head felt fuzzy and her eyes weren't focusing properly.

She sang a nursery rhyme, but forgot most of the words
so kept repeating the same line.

She felt herself shaking and wondered if she were sick,
then she realized that Mister and Mrs. Anderson were
home, bending over and looking at her, and that Mister
Anderson was shaking her arm. She giggled at how stupid
she was not to have known that.

"She's been into the joy juice," Susan Anderson said
with a snarl.

"Well, how was I to know?" Her husband Jack said.

"I told you to make sure it wasn't in the fridge, you
dumb bastard. Of course she'd have some. We told her to
take what she wanted and it looks like cola."

"How much do you think she had?"

"Too much, and it looks like she's spilled it all over
herself too."

"What do we do?"

"I'll take her upstairs and clean her up. You get rid
of that shit and clean up the goddamn couch."

Amy heard the conversation, though she didn't make out
many of the words. She blinked her eyes and sighed,
feeling good as she snuggled into the couch. But
something was pulling her up and she realized it was
Mrs. Anderson.

"Come on, honey, let's go upstairs," she said.

"Huhhmmmm?" Amy groaned.

"Help me up with her," Susan grunted, pulling the girl
into a sitting position. Jack gripped her other arm and
the two lifted her to her feet. Susan pulled her arm
across her shoulders and led her to the stairs as Amy
tried to sing the nursery rhyme again.

"Check on Josh," Susan called over her shoulder.


She half carried the girl up to the master bathroom and
inside, then sat her down on the closed toilet. Her
fingers nimbly unfastened the redhead's shirt and
pulled it over her shoulders. Her bra was soaked
through as well so Susan removed that.

"You would have to be wearing white," she muttered,
looking down at the stain on Amy's pants. she undid the
button, then lifted the girl to her feet and tugged the
sweatpants down her hips, taking her panties with them.
She let Amy sit back on the toilet as she took her
clothes down the hall and shoved them into Jack's arms.

"Josh is fine, he's sound asleep," Jack said.

"Here, wash these," she said, still scowling.

"I'm sorry. I forgot," he shrugged.

She went back into the bathroom to find Amy on her
feet. The dazed redhead was leaning forward over the
counter, staring at herself in the mirror. As Susan
watched her face got closer and closer until her nose
was almost pressed against the glass. The red headed
teenager's hands were on the counter to prop her up and
her legs had spread apart to balance herself better.

Susan caught her breath and groaned weakly. She'd had
the hots for Amy since she'd first set eyes on the
willowy young girl last year, attracted by her long,
coltish legs and her high round breasts, breasts that
seemed to have grown larger in the intervening months.

She had always been bisexual and she and her husband
had had many two on ones. They were swingers, and often
as not she fucked both man and woman when they traded

She'd fantasized about seducing Amy but hadn't done
anything to bring it about, partly because she didn't
want to risk scaring off a babysitter. Babysitters were
hard to find, especially good, reliable ones like Amy.

But Jesus! How much temptation was she expected to
bear? The girl's cunt was sticking out so open and
exposed. It was so beautiful too, a tiny slit in a soft
mound with a nice dusting of dark coppery hair. It
ached to be sucked. The girl's ass was gorgeous too,
all round and tight and firm looking.

She swallowed and moved up beside the girl, looking at
her in the mirror. She caught her breath at the
reflected sight of Amy's breasts. Even leaning over
they hardly changed position at all, sticking straight
out from her chest. Her little nipples were hard from
the cool of the air-conditioned room and it was all
Susan could do to keep herself from grabbing them and
starting to suck.

"Hello, Amy," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm naked,," Amy said, sounding confused but not very

"You spilled something on yourself. We put them in the


"How do you feel?"

"Okay... I guess." She blinked several times at herself
in the mirror. Susan's eyes shifted from the girl's
tits to her ass and pussy and she licked her lips
anxiously. Amy had thick, straight hair that fell mid-
way down her back. Right now it had fallen forward over
her shoulders and was partly covering her breasts.
Susan reached out a tentative hand and brushed back
some of it, pulling it behind the girl so her breasts
were exposed completely.

"Should I be naked?" Amy asked in confusion.

"Your clothes are in the washer," Susan reminded her.

"Oh yeah." She paused for a few seconds. "How come your
clothes aren't in the washer?"

Susan closed her eyes briefly, then opened them and
looked grimly at the naked teenager. She reached behind
her and unhooked her dress, then shrugged it forward,
letting it drop down to the floor. She stepped out of
it, then quickly removed her bra and panties. Naked,
she stood behind Amy, her hands going to the girl's
shoulders, kneading and massaging them.

"That feels nice," Amy sighed.

"You're a very pretty girl, Amy," Susan said, her voice

"I know," Amy sighed.

Susan pulled her back upright and turned her around.
The girl stared at her nakedness without reaction.
Susan swallowed, then slid her hands into the mass of
copper colored hair and gazed into the glassy eyes. She
pulled Amy's face forward and pressed her lips against

Amy didn't react at first, then began to kiss back,
perhaps instinctively. Susan dipped her tongue between
the teenager's lips and slid it around inside her
mouth. Her hands went around Amy's body and pulled her
in tightly as her kiss became more hungry. She groaned
as she felt the girl's firm breasts squash up against
her own small mammaries.

Her hands slid down onto Amy's buttocks and she
squeezed them, glorying in the softness and the
smoothness of the white flesh.

Amy was swaying a little and, as the force and passion
of Susan's kisses grew, began to pull back in alarm.
Susan wasn't willing to let her go, tightening her hold
on the slender teen and stabbing her tongue into her

Amy wriggled against her and Susan shifted her grip,
her left hand coming up and grabbing a chunk of blond
hair, her right sliding up and cupping the teenager's
left breast as she pushed her back against the counter.

"W-wait," Amy gasped. "S-stop!"
Old 29-01-2016, 11:04 AM
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Nulgath Nulgath is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

Susan couldn't, she was too hot. She kneaded the girl's
full young breast, her body pressing the redhead
backwards over the counter, her hand forcing the girl's
head up and back, holding it in place as her tongue
shot into her mouth again and again.

Amy's mind was a blurred mass of disarray. She was
disoriented, not sure what was going on or even where
she was. She reached behind her, trying to pry the
woman's hand from her hair, gasping for breath as she
pulled her mouth free.

Susan bent and slid her lips over Amy's left breast,
both her hands kneading and squeezing the soft young
mammaries as she sucked and licked on the nipple. Amy
shook her head and tried to clear her mind. She saw
Susan sucking on her nipple and knew she should push
her away, but the woman's hands and tongue felt good on
her boobs.

What was going on anyway, she wondered.

Susan slid a hand down to the girl's cunt and squeezed
it, sighing in happiness at the feel of it. She pressed
her fingers between the tight little pussy lips and
rubbed up and down against Amy's clitty.

Amy felt pleasure seeping into her body as she swayed
there in confusion. She was half sitting on the edge of
the counter, her legs spread as the older woman licked
on her nipples and rubbed her pussy. She didn't
understand why she was naked, or why Susan was naked,
or what Susan was doing. It felt nice, but somehow she
knew it was wrong.

Perhaps it was all the dates she'd had the last few
years where boys had put their hands on her breasts and
between her legs and she'd shoved them off. Sometimes
it had felt good too, but she'd still shoved them off.
Yet for some reason, she hesitated now, though she
didn't know why.

Mrs. Anderson was a girl, she thought in bewilderment.
What was she doing anyway?

Her pussy was feeling very hot and her nipples were...
sooo hard... so hard they ached, so hard they hurt. She
shoved at the older woman, her hands trying feebly to
push her away from her aching nipples.

Susan clung tightly to her, her tongue whipping across
the outraged tit knob, her teeth chewing and gnawing on
the flesh, her mouth sucking on it. She stroked her
fingers rapidly across the teenager's clitty, feeling a
wetness seeping out of the aroused cunt slit.

Amy's nipples stung they were so hard, and her cunt was
buzzing with an incredibly frustrating itch, all hot
and wet and uncomfortable. Her body was enveloped in a
warm haze and she felt herself losing control of her
muscles. She shoved again at Mrs. Anderson.

"Nooooo," she gasped. "Noooo. S-stop!"

She shoved hard and knocked the woman back against the
opposite wall. She staggered towards the door to escape
her but Susan jumped quickly back coming behind her.
She jammed her hand in under the stumbling red headed
girl's buttocks and grabbed her pussy, squeezing it

Amy cried out, her body hitting the door as she
staggered under the sudden blow of pleasure and pain.
She clawed at the door in mindless delirium, her body
thrumming with crackling electricity. She opened her
mouth to cry out again but could not gain the breath
for it.

Susan squeezed again, harder, squeezed over and over
again, mashing her fingers into the girls' soft, pulpy
cunt mound. Amy gave a low quivering moan and arched
her back, grinding her pussy back and down on Susan's
hand. She threw her head back so far her dark red hair
brushed against her ass cheeks, and jerked repeatedly
as she was hammered by bolts of powerful pleasure.

"That's it, little one," Susan purred. "Feel it. Feel
it. Feel the pleasure. I can do much more for you."

She pressed her body against Amy, her other hand
sliding around the trembling, shaking redhead and
sliding down between her legs. She ground her thumb
down on Amy's clitty as she kneaded her cunt flesh and
Amy wept in pleasure and ecstasy, her eyes unseeing as
she jerked her ass back against Susan.

Susan pulled the hapless redhead back from the door and
opened it, then led her, an arm around her waist, down
the hall to the master bedroom. She pushed her or
perhaps let her fall on the bed, then knelt between her
legs, gripping them and pulling them apart. She stared
into the moist little cunt opening and licked her lips
in anticipation, then bent and began to lick.

Amy's breathing evened out and soon she was looking
down at Susan with the same dazed bewilderment as

"Wha... what... what are... you doing?" she gulped.

"I'm sucking your hot little pussy," Susan said.

Amy stared at her in surprise, trying to match the
words with something in her memory. Susan continued to
lick at her snatch, sliding her tongue against her
clitty as she slowly wriggled a finger into the fuck

"Oh... oh... Oohhhhhh," the girl moaned.

"That's right baby," Susan whispered.

She pushed her finger deeper, amazed at how tight she
was. Surely she couldn't be... but she was.. a virgin.
Susan was amazed. She was sure the girl had been
fucking before. What was wrong with the boys in her
school anyway? Were they all idiots?

The door opened and Jack walked in.

"Well, well, well," he said, his eyes widening at the
sight. He closed the door and moved over to the bed,
his eyes running over the nubile red headed girl as she
wriggled on the bed.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" he asked.

Susan gave him a sour look, then locked thumb and
forefinger around Amy's clit and ground them together.
Amy's wriggling became writhing and her head thrashed
from side to side as she began to gasp for breath.

"That's not what I meant," he grinned.

"Watch her cum," Susan said, grinding again, stuffing
two fingers down the girls' slot and pumping rapidly.
Jack sat down on the edge of the bed and slid a hand
onto Amy's right breast, rolling the nipple as the
redhead grunted and moaned and ground her ass into the
Old 29-01-2016, 11:05 AM
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Nulgath Nulgath is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

"Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! Nungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!
UUuuuunnghhhh!" she groaned, arching her back as her
body was flooded with sexual ecstasy. Her body bounced
and shook and heaved as she blew through the orgasmic
storm, then she fell limp again, panting for breath.

"Very responsive, isn't she?"

"So far," Susan said. She looked up at him and locked
eyes. "She's a virgin."

He grinned and began undoing his pants. Susan bent over
the girl's pussy and began licking again.

Amy groaned, her legs shifting on the bed, bare toes
opening and closing. She raised an arm, then it fell
back to the bed. She tried to sit up, getting her head
and shoulders up, but then fell back.

Jack stripped naked as he watched his wife eating out
the pretty little redhead. He could hardly wait to get
at that cherry pie and his cock was hardening with
eager anticipation.

Amy turned her head and saw him, realizing with some
confusion, that he too was now naked. She saw his cock
then and giggled, because it looked so funny sticking
out like that all red and hard.

Anderson crawled into bed and his wife moved out of the
way as he got between Amy's legs. Amy looked down at
him and watched as he pressed his hard cockhead against
her wet fuck entrance. Some spark of realization hit
her and she tried to wriggle away.

"No! Don't!" she gasped, half turning onto her side and
trying to crawl away. Susan and Jack both grabbed her,
pushing her back onto her back. Jack grabbed her leg
and Susan gripped her flailing arms, pressing them
down. She pulled her hands up above her head and pushed
them back against the bed above her.

Amy whimpered in fright, jerking and shaking, writhing
in their grasp as she tried to pull away from the angry
looking red organ that was pointing at her sex.

"It's okay now, honey," Jack said soothingly.

"Don't worry, baby, it'll feel so good inside you,"
Susan cooed, stroking Amy's breasts.

"No.! No!" Amy cried, the words triggering more fright.
That big, ugly thing couldn't go into her. It would
kill her!

She thrashed desperately but the two adults held her in
place as Jack pressed his knob against her slit and
pushed it in. Her oiled pussy lips opened and accepted
the hard invader and he groaned at how tight she was

Amy whimpered in fear, soothed not at all by Susan's
cooing and whispering. Finally the woman locked her
lips over Amy's mouth and kissed her hard long and
deep. Amy's whining was muffled as Jack fed her more

He felt an obstruction inside her and cursed in
happiness, then increased the pressure. Amy's legs
thrashed on the bed and he grabbed them, lifting them
and pushing them back, shoving them wide so her knees
were pressed into the bed on either side of her.

Her ass was raised high and Jack thrust into her,
smashing through her cherry and burying his tool in her
tight, sucking fuck-hole.

Amy screamed into Susan's mouth, tears trickling down
the side of her face as she felt herself impaled on the
hard thick tool. She shuddered in fear and pain,
moaning to herself.

Susan pulled her mouth free and licked the tears off.

"All gone, honey," she said. "It won't hurt any more.
Your cherry is gone and now you can have fun fucking.
You'll see. It'll feel so good you won't want to stop."

Amy whimpered but didn't stop weeping until the pain
faded completely. Jack let her legs down, though he
kept a hold of them, kept them wide as he began to
slowly pump into the girl's fuck-tunnel. Susan rained
kisses on Amy's face, then slid her tongue down onto
her right breast and nipple, slurping and sucking on

She rubbed and squeezed both nipples, shifting her
mouth from one to the other as Jack fucked her with
steadily increasing speed and force. Soon Amy was
sighing in pleasure again, the pain totally forgotten
as her body responded to its first fuck.

She mewled in helpless pleasure, and Susan backed away,
letting Jack fall onto the girl, letting her feel a
man's body on her for the first time. He kissed her,
his tongue sliding through her lips as his hands
kneaded her breasts. He slid both hands down under her
to cup her ass, then fucked steadily, harder and

Amy grunted and moaned, gasping and whimpering in
pleasure. Jack's cock drove into her with hard thrusts,
making her gasp with each stroke. Her legs jerked and
flopped on the bed as she tentatively brought her arms
around him and started kissing him back.

She came, jerking and shaking and babbling
incoherently, her body heaving and wriggling as it was
torn by a deep shattering climax. Her cunt spasmed
around Jack's cock and almost made him cum, but by a
superhuman effort he held back.

Amy groaned and went limp again. Susan laughed and ran
her fingers through the soft red hair.

"Wasn't that nice?" she whispered.

She watched as her husband fucked the girl, then tapped
his shoulder, motioning him back. He pulled back up
onto his knees, his cock still sliding in and out of
the moaning girl. Susan threw her leg across Amy's head
and straddled her face, then lowered her snatch.

She felt the girl's face against her cunt, then Amy's
hands on her buttocks as the redhead tried to push her

"Suck me, Amy," she said. "Suck my pussy. Suck me just
like I sucked you. Remember how I licked you? Remember
how I pushed my tongue on your clitty? Lick me, Amy.
Lick me!"

Amy's mind could remember very little, but she did
remember how the woman had wriggled her tongue around
against her sex, and staring at the brown fringed slit
an inch from her face she tried to decide what to do.
Susan lowered her face onto Amy's mouth and the redhead
pushed her tongue out, sticking it through the tight

"Yessssssds! Lick it! Lick it!" Susan gasped.

Surprised, Amy began to lick on the slit, pushing it
inside as much as she could and running it up and down
between the cunt lips. She didn't have much technique,
but she made up for it with enthusiasm. She couldn't
see Susan's face but could hear her groaning in
happiness, urging her on, telling her she was doing
right. Amy liked to make people happy and licked

Remembering about how good it had felt when Susan had
licked her clitty, she searched for it then began to
concentrate her attention there. Susan groaned in
pleasure, her hands going down onto Amy's fat breasts
and squeezing them.

She and Jack both leaned forward and kissed
passionately. Jack bucked his hips forward faster,
turned on beyond all control by the sight of his wife
riding the red-headed teen's face. He threw his cock
into the redhead with wild abandon, twirling tongues
with Susan.

He blew his wad inside the tight pussy just as Amy
began to bounce up and down again. He continued to
pump, his finger going down and rubbing her clitty as
he rammed his cock into her guts. Amy made wild noises
down between Susan's lips but kept licking. Seconds
later Susan came as well, rocking back and forth on
Amy's face as her eyes rolled up and her back arched in

Hours passed. They changed positions rapidly, and
somehow the multiple orgasms sobered the girl up,
probably by sweating and draining the drug from her
system. Yet as she became more coherent, more rational,
she made no effort to escape the lustful couplings the
other two were performing with her.

She learned how to suck cocks, and even deep throat
them. She learned how to expertly suck pussy. Susan
fist fucked her to an orgasm so powerful she lost

When she woke, she was on her belly. Susan knelt beside
her holding her hand. She felt Jack's hands on the
small of her back and felt a strange fullness in her
ass, realizing after some puzzlement, that he had his
cock buried in her rectum.

She felt terribly embarrassed at that but her
embarrassment soon gave way to delight as Jack pounded
his cock up her ass with furious strokes that dragged
her into yet another orgasm.

It was not a night she ever would have wished upon
herself, or even her worst enemy, yet it was not a
night she would ever forget, or would ever want to.

Old 31-01-2016, 02:57 PM
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

Oh,wow! This is nice too.
Old 03-02-2016, 11:52 PM
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

anymore new story bro?

Old 10-02-2016, 10:01 AM
brassicbrassic brassicbrassic is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

Nice story,hope can see more
Old 10-02-2016, 02:17 PM
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

This is nice also.
Old 10-02-2016, 06:47 PM
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

This is nice too
Old 11-02-2016, 11:48 AM
secondsons secondsons is offline
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

How to do 迷奸 Drugged Rape? Any bros can share?
Old 11-02-2016, 11:51 AM
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Re: 迷奸 Drugged Rape

TS nice, more pls.
Old 11-02-2016, 01:13 PM
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多美妙的身材啊!後來小姨子,事後告訴我說,她的三圍尺寸:36 D。25。
















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