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Old 11-03-2010, 11:37 PM
nitetcrawler nitetcrawler is offline
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Sorry, who is Prue?

Originally Posted by velenma View Post

Prue moaned like a wolf (or howl…) and squeezed the sofa with her fingernails
After I fucked her faster and faster…

prue cummed not long after I grabbed her hips to control her position…

Prue slumped on the sofa in doggie position, exhausted…

While Prue was in the shower,in the shower…
Old 11-03-2010, 11:40 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

His SYT bah... oh btw just wondering, what does SYT means?
Old 12-03-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Originally Posted by bus72 View Post
His SYT bah... oh btw just wondering, what does SYT means?
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Old 12-03-2010, 04:39 AM
Eager2enter Eager2enter is offline
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

bro, u forgot to change ur SYT's name?
Old 12-03-2010, 08:45 AM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

hi guys...

Thanks "Eager2enter" for pointing this out.

LOL... i use the "replace" function in MS-Word to "replace all" with "PRUE" instead of "WENDY"...

This happened because i showed the story to another friend, so i changed the name.

My mistake:P Please forgive me... will change back now... mistake is regretted....

LOL... how can i be so careless:P

Anyway... names r changed to protect identity, though i doubt she will read here:P
Old 12-03-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Originally Posted by velenma View Post
hi guys...

Thanks "Eager2enter" for pointing this out.

LOL... i use the "replace" function in MS-Word to "replace all" with "PRUE" instead of "WENDY"...

This happened because i showed the story to another friend, so i changed the name.

My mistake:P Please forgive me... will change back now... mistake is regretted....

LOL... how can i be so careless:P

Anyway... names r changed to protect identity, though i doubt she will read here:P

lol, im sure bros here are alrite with this little blunder.
but u might hav triggered a wave "prue plucking" with the bros that hav prue ard them.

Old 12-03-2010, 09:23 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Originally Posted by bus72 View Post
Wah seh.. like that oso can.. UPz for you!
Thanks a lot bro!

really appreciate ur "up".

Keep reading & stay tuned!
Old 12-03-2010, 09:27 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Hehhe... thanks bro 4understanding...

here's the follow up:


I asked Wendy to turn off the shower and keep quiet. I closed the bathroom door and rushed to the main door.

When my wife opened it, I hugged her and my heart was beating like crazy!
Wife: Wow! U r so happy 2 c me?

Me: Yes I missed u! I tot u said u were gonna b late?

Wife: Ya, but the appointment was cancelled, so I came back early. Missed u too

I kissed her lips and quickly locked the door and pulled my wife to our master bedroom.

Wife: U just showered? Nice:P

Me: Yes, I wan u now!!!

I took off my wife’s clothes and kept groping her hungrily, AS IF (:P) I really missed her & desperate 4sex. Well, I was horny just now, so, what the heck… my wife aint bad too… quite pretty & nice, if not, y would I marry her, right? :P

Wife: Wait, wait… let me shower 1st…

Me: OK, I’ll wait for u..

Actually i was panicked & dunno wat to do.. so i just attacked my wife lor... hoping she wont loiter ard living room too long... PPPHHEEWW...

Wife went into the attached bathroom in the master bedroom to shower. Wendy was in the common bathroom outside.

When I confirmed that my wife has turned on the shower, I rushed outside and knocked lightly and called Wendy softly on Wendy’s bathroom door. She opened and was oredi dressed up.

I pulled her out and opened the main door to let her out of the house.
Me: go back now... Bye.

Wendy didn’t say anything and looked at me for a second, then left. I closed the door and went back to master bedroom. Wife still in shower. I took off my clothes and waited on the bed.

In my mind, I felt that I was BAD, using Wendy like this. But, it was FUN & SEXCITING!!!

My heart was still beating and thinking about how close it was from getting caught, my cock was hard again. While it was dangerous, I was thankful that wife didn’t know or caught me with my pants down:P

(Wendy’s slipper was in the shoe rack, so, wife didn’t see any foreign slipper in front of house) Pheww…

After wife came out, I fucked her as usual… she was happy knowing that her hubby so desperate 4sex, means I didn’t get any outside:P SAVE AGAIN... PHEEWW....

After the HK trip, I gave Wendy a small raise (in August 2009). She didn’t mention the incident, but it seemed she was somewhat unhappy. Quite serious now when facing me in office. I felt awkward.

I invited her for dinner, had a long talk.

The important point were: we assume it’s normal between 2 adults. No problem if I am married (though I made it a point that she’s responsible too… & share the blame:P) Work as usual for the company and things will work out fine.

Nothing much in August as I was busy with work and no flying due to A(H1N1).

Wife was at home, so I had to spend more time with her.

However, at nite, I still chat with Wendy on MSN and when we chat till late nite… we had cybersex:P

To make the cybersex “fulfilling”, we go 2office early the next day and had sex in my office manager room:P
Old 13-03-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

wah steady seh...

btw any though of ur wife caught you and wendy making out before? i mean wow didnt know guys are so lucky to hide from girls about their love outside heh
Old 13-03-2010, 03:47 AM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

camp here for more
Old 13-03-2010, 03:51 AM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Interesting story from a position of power, sidetrack - prue reminded me of that chick from charmed a few years back Keep it going mate!
Old 13-03-2010, 08:48 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

TS, upped u for ur contribution. good story!
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

33 151 22/3 guest68+20, 19/3 yw-89+15, 12/3 numbersix+12

2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7

25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi
Old 13-03-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Thanks for the "up" bro
Old 13-03-2010, 11:32 PM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Good. Keep it up.
Old 16-03-2010, 07:22 AM
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Re: Flirty SYT became Slutty

Here's the update


However, at nite, I still chat with Wendy on MSN and when we chat till late nite… we had cybersex:P

To make the cybersex “fulfilling”, we go 2office early the next day and had sex in my room:P

We would meet in office earlier than working time and nobody would be in so early. I fetched her from her house and went to office together around 6am (work starts at 9am & nobody comes early).

Wendy was wearing her pink knee-length skirt and a button-down white short-sleeve shirt. The white shirt is quite thin and her white bra was slightly visible

While in the car, she spread her legs apart so that I could fondle her pussy while driving. She just closed her eyes in the dark cool morning, enjoying my fingers b4 the real thing goes in. She bit her lower lips and moaned lightly. I stopped when she became slightly restless. Chinese say, let the fishing line go longer to catch a larger fish… sorry if I use the wrong idiom here… but it does made her hungrier 4sex…

However, she was disappointed because I stopped fingering her when she was enjoying it. She was annoyed and wanted make me “suffer” too…

The next time I wanted to slip into her skirt, she pushed my hand away and crossed her legs.

Wendy: Sorry … if u want it, I gotta make my legs spread by itself…

Walao… this SYT know how 2play games now…

Me: ok… no prob… after I doggied u, u r officially a “bitch” now anyway…. I dun like bitches

Wendy: (very angry) Wat? U JERK!!! Fuck u!!!

Me: If u wanna fuck me, spread ur legs then…

Wendy: (sensing I was joking) well, u gotta work hard 2 make it wet…

Me: As if it was a hard assignment… I’ll make u flood, baby…

We teased each other until we reached the office about 640am. Then, on the way to my room, I grabbed Wendy’s butt again & she hit me playfully.

Once in my room, I hugged wendy and wanted to kiss her… but she pushed me away…

Wendy: No… If u wanna kiss me… u gotta make me surrender myself… now I’m not in the mood…

Shit… she is really playing games now…

Me: Hey… pls dun waste precious time… we r in office now…

Wendy: So? Go on & work hard on it… Dun waste my precious time please…

I was quite annoyed & raised her skirt to grab her butt. Wendy struggled… I grabbed her wrists and pull it behind her back..

Wendy: Ouch u r hurting me… let me go…

Me: u asked 4it…

I went forward to kiss her but she turned her head away a few times to make it difficult for me to kiss her…

But after awhile of struggling (I dunno how 2describe here), I managed to finger her pussy over her panty and she slowly surrendered.

After I pulled down her panties while at the same time caress her long sexy smooth legs and kneel down to lick her pubic hair area (shaved), she moaned and her legs went limp… I made her sit on my table while I spread her legs apart and licked her & made her shudder with sexcitement…

Now that she is horny, I asked her to blow me….

She obediently unzipped my pants and pulled down my underwear to my ankle. Then, after stroking my hard cock, she slapped my cock and ran to the door.

Wendy was still wearing her shirt & skirt but no panties only. She opened the door while I was standing with my pants & underwear down at my ankle. I felt like an idiot.

Wendy: I’m gonna shout ‘Rape’….

HOLY SHIT… what is she trying to do?? While it’s still early & nobody in office yet.. this is CRAZY!!!

Wendy: Now u r caught with ur pants down…

She searched for her handbag and took out her handphone to take a photo of me in tat position. I was shocked and quickly pulled my pants up. I heard the camera sound “click”…

Then Wendy screamed: “Rape, Rape!!” quite loud. There were security guards downstairs but I’m not sure whether they can hear or not.

I quickly went to chase Wendy while she ran out of my room. She looked serious!!! Wat the fuck!!! I’ll be doomed!!!

Wendy: I have ur pic with ur pants down & I can tell ur wife that we had sex in ur house.

I think she must be bitter following the incident in my house & she wanted revenge. Yes, I was bad… as if I finished using her & chased her out of my house after my wife returned. But I had no choice! If my wife found out I’d be dead there & then!

Me: OK wendy, pls… I’m so sorry 4 wat had happened ok… pls dun do this to me.

I was almost shivering and my heartbeat was damned fast. I was very very scared. My career & marriage will be OVER!!!

Wendy was standing at her table not far from my room and I stopped at my door. I was afraid to get out too far from my room. At least I can run in if someone comes in (although thru my experience, no one comes this early – I was really scared & cant take anymore risks)

Wendy: No! U deserve this!

Me: pls… I’m willing to give u anything, anything u want… pls dun do this to me…

SHIT! I was willing to DIE to avoid this scandal from breaking out. My life was like hanging on a thin thread!

Wendy: Really? U must promise that I will get wat I want & make sure u fulfill ur promise

Me: Yes, please, please, I’m sorry 4 using u. Please forgive me. Please delete the picture. I’ll give u whatever u want….

Wendy: (giggling) So, how about increment & promotion?

Me: Yes, 10% and promote to senior exec.

Wendy: u sure u can do it? I’m a fresh grad & barely a yr with company…

Me: Yes… I promise

Wendy: I think I have ur wife’s number… wat if I MMS her the pic now?

Me: No No!!! I’ll give u wat u want effective this week!!

Wendy: I want more…

Me: pls… I cant give too much … I hv limitation…

Wendy: really? Limitation? I tot u can fuck for hours non stop… (giggling)

SHITTT!!! I was played!!!
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